96 research outputs found

    Time Management Strategies for Improving Librarians’ Productivity

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    The global financial crisis has aff ected all aspects of human endeavor; the library is no exemption. Consequently libraries of all types are experiencing budget and staff cuts. Fewer librarians are required to carry out more tasks. Librarians therefore, need to develop survival strategies that will enable them meet their organizational objectives. This paper focuses on time management strategies to improving librarians’ productivity, in a bid to beat budget and staff cuts. It examines the eff ects of budget and staff cuts on libraries, highlights the relationship between time management and productivity and importance of time management to librarians. It also discusses the concept of multitasking. The paper posits that good time management practice among librarians is a sure survival strategy in coping with staff and budget cuts

    Budgeting for Knowledge Management in Organizations

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    Knowledge management is an emerging phenomenon in service and profit-oriented organizations. The survival of organizations in the 21st century’s competitive business environment has been hinged on effective and efficient knowledge management practices. One critical success factor in knowledge management is budgeting. This paper discusses the processes involved in budgeting for knowledge management in organizations. It also highlights the important role of proper budgeting and identifies the sources and constraints of budget funding in organization

    Information Explosion and University Libraries: Current Trends and Strategies for Intervention

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    This study examines the causes and effects of information explosion as well as strategies for intervention in university libraries. It identifies the following as causes of information explosion: the invention of printing in the mid-15th century, the growth of literacy among the middle classes in the 17th and 18th centuries, the increasing relationship between information and the competitive economic advantages of nations, and the advent of information and communication technology (ICT). It also examines the effects of information explosion on library users, such as damaged health, bad judgments, and information anxiety. Information explosion also poses challenges to acquisition, cataloguing and classification, and reference services in university libraries. It recognizes that information explosion provides users with an opportunity to select from a wide range of resources. The paper suggests subject specialization among librarians, library cooperation, outsourcing, and use of ICT as strategies for interventio

    Adoption of Digital Preservation Methods for Theses in Nigerian Academic Libraries: Applications and Implications

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    Graduating students of higher institutions in Nigeria usually write and submit theses, as a requirement for the award of diplomas, undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. This paper examines the importance of students' theses to research, industrial and economic development of the nation and therefore advocates the need to preserve them. It discusses the intricate dimensions of the preservation of theses in academic libraries and notes the urgent need to address the worsening deteriorating state of students' theses in academic libraries in Nigeria. The paper also discusses the current traditional preservationmethods practicedamong academic libraries and observed that these methods are not adequate. It recommends that academic libraries in Nigeria should digitize theses and adopt the cloud computing preservation model through the operations of institutional repositories. The paper further identified digital divide and poor technological infrastructure, inadequate funding, data security breaches and issues revolving around copyright as challenges of digitization and cloud computing, and made recommendation

    Assessing Faculty Use of University Library Collection and Services in Nigeria: A Case of Covenant University, Ota

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    The well administered university library directs its activities towards the fulfillment of these objectives. One of such activities is the acquisition and organization of information resources. The university library exists in an academic context and its role is subsumed in developing a highly visible collection that is well organized and serves as academic support for teaching, learning and research by faculty and students. Considering the role library plays in the university therefore, its collections have to be broad in terms of quantity and quality for faculty to appreciate its essence and use especially in teaching and research (Weber and Flatley, 2008).These resources include both book and non book materials..The importance of the library is further underscored by the need for faculty to be abreast with current trend in their areas of research. In view of the above, this paper evaluates the use of the library’s collection and services by the faculty of Covenant University

    Sustainable consortium building among university libraries in Nigeria: Adoption of new strategies

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    This paper makes a case for sustainable consortium building among University libraries in Nigeria. It examines critical issues involved in consortium building, identifies inherent problems and charts the way forward in dealing with identified problems. It further posits that if carefully planned and executed, consortium building could help Nigerian University libraries improve and sustain services to user

    Emergence of Predatory Publishing in Library and Information Science: Issues and Implications for Scholarship among Academic Librarians in Nigeria

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    Predatory publishing is an emerging but worrisome trend among academics including librarians in Nigeria. This paper examines crucial issues and implications of predatory publishing among Nigerian academic librarians. It outlines the characteristics of predatory publishers and journals and their subtle means of enticing unsuspecting authors. The paper discusses the intricate dimensions of predatory publishing and its effects on research and scholarship among librarians. It notes that predatory publishing has devastating effects on the future of research and scholarship. The paper concludes with strategies for intervention and a call on relevant authorities in Nigeria to take proactive steps to curb predatory publishing among faculties especially academic librarians

    Assessing Faculty Use of University Library Collection and Services in Nigeria: A Case of Covenant University, Ota

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    The well administered university library directs its activities towards the fulfillment of these objectives. One of such activities is the acquisition and organization of information resources. The university library exists in an academic context and its role is subsumed in developing a highly visible collection that is well organized and serves as academic support for teaching, learning and research by faculty and students. Considering the role library plays in the university therefore, its collections have to be broad in terms of quantity and quality for faculty to appreciate its essence and use especially in teaching and research (Weber and Flatley, 2008).These resources include both book and non book materials..The importance of the library is further underscored by the need for faculty to be abreast with current trend in their areas of research. In view of the above, this paper evaluates the use of the library’s collection and services by the faculty of Covenant University

    Occupational Health Hazards: Assessing Occurrence and Policies in Nigerian Academic Libraries

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    This study examines the policies and occurrences of occupational health hazards among library personnel in private universities in the Southwest, Nigeria. A total population of 177 respondents from 15 privately owned universities were used for the study. The research instrument used in the collection of data was a questionnaire. The result of the study shows that most respondents have experienced occupational health hazards. The study also revealed that muscle strain, back aches, eye problems, and respiratory diseases are the most prevalent occupational health hazards experienced by library personnel. The study identified manual handling of library materials, constant exposure of the eyes to computer screens, inhaling of chemicals and dust, as well as long sitting position as the main causes of occupational health hazards among staff. Most respondents indicated that their organizations are not implementing policies on occupational health hazards. Recommendations were made on how to address the various issues raised

    Leadership Style and Job Commitment of Library Personnel in Universities: A Study of Private University Libraries in Southwest Nigeria

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    The main purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between leadership style and job commitment of library personnel in private universities in the Southwest, Nigeria. The research instrument used in the collection of data was questionnaire. In measuring the research questions and testing hypotheses, mean and standard deviation, analysis of variance (one way), correlation and multiple regression analysis and multiple pair wise comparison were used. The result of the study shows that Leadership Style had a significant relationship with the job commitment of respondents (β=.102, P>.05). Moreover, the study found out that there was significant difference in the comparative Job Commitment of Library Personnel of University (F (14,155, P <.05). Based on the findings, it was concluded that library managers should evolve leadership styles that will motivate the job commitment of their subordinates. It was also concluded that the respondents are committed to their job but the degree of commitment varies from one university to the other. The study recommends that the management can improve working conditions of the library personnel, especially the availability of material, human and financial resources so as to enhance their job commitmen
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