15 research outputs found

    Malay Women's Roles In The Family And Their Responses To a Changing World-A Feminist Postcolonial Reading Of Ellina Binti Abdul Majid's Perhaps In Paradise

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    Untuk memastikan sesuatu keluarga itu aman dan harmoni, wanita memainkan peranan yang pelbagai. Berada di dalam institusi kekeluargaan tidak bermaksud bahawa wanita tidak dipengaruhi oleh perubahan yang berlaku di sekeliling mereka. Keputusan yang dibuat di dalam dunia politik acapkali memberi kesan kepada sosialisasi masyarakat.Wanita tidak dapat lari daripada dipengaruhi oleh keputusan-keputusan politik tersebut. Women in the family play multiple roles in order to ensure that the family lives a peaceful and harmonious life. Inhabiting the family setting does not mean that women are not affected by the changes that take place in their surroundings. More often than not, the political decisions made affect the socialisation of the people and as a result, women are also inevitably influenced

    Should it be an old wives' tale? sexist language awareness amongst UiTM students / Syazliyati Ibrahim … [et al.]

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    Sexism in language has proven to be a viable area for research particularly in the studies of English language because this language is shown to contain sexist elements by various research. Sexism in language becomes prominent as a body of scholarship since many research has also proven that the effects of sexism especially on the gender being marginalised due to the language can be detrimental in many aspects like self esteem and self respect. In Malaysia so far, studies on sexism have been on analysis of texts and textbooks to highlight the sexist elements. Studies which look at perceived sexism in language especially among the users of the language have not been carried out. Hence, the study seeks to fill the gap by investigating how sexism in language is perceived by the students by measuring their awareness. Three variables which encapsulate awareness which are beliefs about language, ability to identify sexist language and willingness to use sexist language have been chosen as the perimters in this study. UiTM Kedah students have been chosen as the respondents to this study; focusing on whether the boys or girls are more aware of sexism in language and whether different age groups show any difference in awareness of sexist elements in English language. Findings indicate that there is some awareness (even though not highly significant) of sexism in language, both according to gender and age groups

    Project-based learning as a means to promote learner autonomy in ESL Classroom / Sharina Saad...[et al.]

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    The increased of interest in learner autonomy is mainly due to the rapid growth of information technology and globalization. In addition, the idea of learner autonomy is entailed in the Malaysian Education Blueprint (MEB 2013-2025) which highlights the use of Autonomous Language Learning (ALL) to improve language proficiency among students. Outdated pedagogical and conventional educational methods are no longer relevant in preparing learners for thriving in the workplace, and a more self-directed and self-determined approach is needed. Educators today are tasked with developing lifelong learners who can survive and thrive in a global knowledge economy. Hence, project -based learning is seen as one of the ways an educator can use to promote learner autonomy in ESL classrooms. This study is to investigate how the process of projectbased learning activities affects students’ behaviours as well as develops learner autonomy. In this study, the researcher reports the impact of project- based learning in teaching English language proficiency skills course for semester one diploma students. Twenty-two semester one Diploma students, majoring in Accountancy course was involved in video project work for over one semester. A self-assessment questionnaire was administered at the end of the course to assess their learner autonomy and their perceived gained from the project work. The results showed that the students gained a higher degree of learner autonomy, increased intrinsic motivation and boost their confidence in speaking publicly, after participating in project- work. The gain was largely due to increased self -decisions on learning

    Promoting learners’ autonomy by using Facebook to enhance students’ writing skills / Syazliyati Ibrahim, Sharina Saad, Norlizawati Md Tahir and Phaveena Primsuwan

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    Language learning in the 21st century develops in tandem with technology. The growth of social media as the platform for communication is a positive element that can influence students’ learning especially in languages. One clear advantage of having such media is that students can be autonomous in their learning because they are already familiar with the platform and they use these sites in their daily lives. VELLP or Virtual English Language Learning Programme is one such agenda that has managed to take advantage of the popular usage of social media amongst students today. This programme is created to cater to thirty students of SMK Bakar Arang, Sungai Petani who have the potential to become better English language users. All thirty students are invited to join the online learning community in Facebook, moderated by four English language lecturers. Diverse topics and interesting issues were raised in the online forum, enabling the students to communicate with one another using correct language. A pretest and a posttest were given; and data from the tests were tabulated to show the effectiveness of the programme. All in all, VELLP has managed to prove that an online chatroom or an online community is able to facilitate second language learners to practice their writing skills in the target language in a fun and relaxed manner

    Bonded beyond time and place – exploring Malay archetypal images in Hanna Alkaf’s The Weight of Our Sky (2019) and the Malay historical texts

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    Malaysian literary works in English produced by the current generation of writers have been gaining recognition both locally and internationally in recent times. Among such is Hanna Alkaf, whose debut novel The Weight of Our Sky (2019) was critically acclaimed in Malaysia and abroad. As part of the new generation of writers in the Malaysian Literature in English scene, Hanna Alkaf places Malay women as the main characters in this young adult novel. Henceforth, this paper endeavours to study this novel in the attempt to uncover the archetypes that represent the female characters. Other studies on archetypes in Malaysian Literature English have not explored the similarities of characters in the current fiction to other characters in the Malay historical texts, hence this analysis is significant to fill such a gap. To achieve the stated objective, this paper has utilised the theories on collective unconscious established by Carl Jung focusing on the archetypes, the reception theories posited by Wolfgang Iser with the emphasis on gaps and blanks and the theories postulated by Ruzy Suliza Hashim which bring into light the historical females in Malay court narratives. The findings have revealed that the main female characters have certain similar attributes to the historical females in the Malay court narratives written hundreds of years ago. Such similarities have managed to collapse the boundaries of time and place and concomitantly, create a link binding these characters together through the nexus of Malayness

    Malay Women’s Responses to a Changing World: A Feminist Postcolonial Reading of Ellina binti Abdul Majid’s Perhaps in Paradise

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    Malay women play multiple roles not only in the family but they are also very much connected to their surroundings. One of the dynamics in their surroundings includes political decisions which would inevitably leave marks on the Malay women themselves. Based on such a premise, this paper aims to investigate how the female characters in the novel Perhaps in Paradise respond to the socio-political changes occurring in their milieu. The novel is chosen since it represents the lives of privileged middle class Malay women beginning in the late 1960s who undergo various changes as a result of what happened in Malaysia at that time. This novel which is penned by Ellina binti Abdul Majid is studied by engaging the feminist postcolonial theory. The analysis uncovers that the female characters’ lives in the novel are governed by the hegemonic practices of tradition and religion. Despite the changes which usurp their lives particularly in terms of westernisation and consumerism, they cannot escapefrom the identity which labels them as Malay. At times the characters are subordinated when they succumb to such practices. On the other hand, in certain cases when they retaliate and choose to look to the west for liberation, they could actually be marginalised in their own society. At other times, the cultures of east and west can be negotiated to provide meaningful lives to the characters. Keywords: Feminist; Postcolonial theory; Changing world; Sexuality, Sexual rightsRésumé: Les femmes malaisiennes jouent de multiple rôles non seulement au sein de la famille, mais elles sont également très liées à leur environnement. L’une des dynamiques de leur environnement est la décision politique qui laisse inévitablement des marques sur elles-mêmes. Sur la base de cette prémisse, le présent article vise à étudier comment les personnages féminins dans le roman Peut-être au Paradis font face aux changements socio-politiques survenus dans leur milieu. Le roman a été choisi car il représente la vie des femmes malaisiennes de la classe moyenne privilégiée à la fin des années 1960, qui ont vu des changements divers à la suite de ce qui s’est passé en Malaisie à cette époque. Ce roman écrit par Ellina binti Abdul Majid a été étudié en introduisant la théorie du féminisme post-colonial. Cette analyse révèle que la vie des personnages féminins dans le roman est régie par les pratiques hégémoniques de la tradition et de la religion. En dépit de ces changements qui usurpent leur vie, notamment en terme de l’occidentalisation et du consumérisme, elles ne peuvent pas s’échapper à leur identité malaisienne. Parfois, les personnages sont subalternes quand elles succombent à de telles pratiques. D’autre part, dans certains cas, quand elles choisissent de riposter et de regarder l’ouest pour la libération, elles pourraient être marginalisées dans leur propre société. À d'autres moments, les cultures de l'est et de l'ouest peuvent être négociées pour donner une vie significative à ces personnages.Mots-Clés: féministe; post-colonial; monde en mutation; sexualité, droits sexuel

    The academic english language needs of industrial design students in UiTM Kedah, Malaysia

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    The purpose of this study was to analyse the academic English language lacks and needs of Industrial Design students in Universiti Teknologi MARA Kedah (UiTM). It highlights the lacks and needs for English for Academic Purposes in helping the students to succeed in the program through the usage of English language. The research tools used were in the form of a questionnaire and interview which later being computed using SPSS into data analysis. Results indicated that the students have problems in acquiring the English language skills. This shows the weaknesses of English Language courses in helping the students to acquire the language skills needed by the faculty. The study concludes that relevant actions should be taken as to ensure the needs of the students are fulfilled and they can perform effectively in the program and future career

    Malay women's responses to a changing world: a feminist postcolonial reading of Ellina binti Abdul Majid's Perhaps in Paradise

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    Malay women play multiple roles not only in the family but they are also very much connected to their surroundings. One of the dynamics in their surroundings includes political decisions which would inevitably leave marks on the Malay women themselves. Based on such a premise, this paper aims to investigate how the female characters in the novel Perhaps in Paradise respond to the socio-political changes occurring in their milieu. The novel is chosen since it represents the lives of privileged middle class Malay women beginning in the late 1960s who undergo various changes as a result of what happened in Malaysia at that time. This novel which is penned by Ellina binti Abdul Majid is studied by engaging the feminist postcolonial theory. The analysis uncovers that the female characters’ lives in the novel are governed by the hegemonic practices of tradition and religion. Despite the changes which usurp their lives particularly in terms of westernisation and consumerism, they cannot escapefrom the identity which labels them as Malay. At times the characters are subordinated when they succumb to such practices. On the other hand, in certain cases when they retaliate and choose to look to the west for liberation, they could actually be marginalised in their own society. At other times, the cultures of east and west can be negotiated to provide meaningful lives to the characters

    Young voters: trends and preferences in the new political landscape / Nazni Noordin...[et al.]

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    The 12th General Election in March 2008 had changed Malaysia’s political landscape in significant ways. A series of unexpected events happened and for the first time in history, the ruling party, Barisan Nasional (BN) failed to obtain the two third majority votes. This ‘political tsunami’ had influenced people from various backgrounds especially those in the political parties to probe further into the reasons behind the changes. After a series of ‘post mortem’ and discussions, political leaders now began to realise about the importance of moving out from their ‘comfort zone’ and responding immediately to the signals from the public. By ignoring people’s voice particularly the young voters who made up more than forty percent of the total voters, political parties were digging their own graves. Thus, this paper was written in order to identify young voters’ trends and preferences in choosing their candidates to represent them in the new political landscape. The findings of this research showed that young voters preferred to choose candidates based on their profile, images and personal characteristics, visions and missions as well educational backgrounds. Most importantly, the candidates must also be ‘clean’ in all aspects. Hopefully, the findings will provide political parties better understanding of the young voters’ needs and wants in order to ensure their parties’ survival since this group of voters is the deciding factor of the future Malaysian political landscape

    Malaysian Young Voters’ Voices in the New Political Landscape

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    The 12th General Election in March 2008 had changed Malaysia’s political landscape in significant ways. A series of unexpected events happened and for the first time in history, the ruling party, Barisan Nasional (BN) failed to obtain the two third majority votes. This ‘political tsunami’ had influenced people from various backgrounds especially those in the political parties to probe further into the reasons behind the changes. After a series of ‘post mortem’ and discussions, political leaders now began to realise about the importance of moving out from their ‘comfort zone’ and responding immediately to the signals from the public. By ignoring people’s voice particularly the young voters who made up more than forty percent of the total voters, political parties were digging their own graves. Thus, this paper was written in order to identify young voters’ trends and preferences in choosing their candidates to represent them in the new political landscape. The findings of this research showed that young voters preferred to choose candidates based on their profile, images and personal characteristics, visions and missions as well educational backgrounds. Most importantly, the candidates must also be ‘clean’ in all aspects. Hopefully, the findings will provide political parties better understanding of the young voters’ needs and want in order to ensure their parties’ survival since this group of voters is the deciding factor of the future Malaysian political landscape.Keywords: by- election; young voters; candidate factor; Permatang Pasi