206 research outputs found

    Physicochemical Analysis of the Aqueous Extracts of Six Nigerian Medicinal Plants

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    Purpose: Extracts of Picralima nitida seeds, Detarium microcarpum stem bark, Aframomum melagueta seeds, Terminalia catappa leaves, Acacia nilotica pods, and Morinda lucida stem bark, are under consideration for development into suitable dosage forms for treating diabetes mellitus, sickle cell anemia and malaria. This study aimed at evaluating the extracts for features that would influence decisions on them in the course of the project.Methods: Physicochemical determinations, including proximate analysis, were done by sensory examination, and gravimetric and electrochemical techniques. Thin layer chromatography was carried out with normal silica plates using various solvent systems. Metallic content analyses were carried out by atomic absorption spectroscopy.Results: The extracts were dry but hygroscopic, with a loss on drying range of 0.26 – 12.00 %w/w. The pH of the 5 - 10 % solutions ranged 5 - 7. No harsh sensory effects, such as lacrimation, were detected in any of the extracts. Total ash ranged from 3.79 – 20.68 %w/w, while acid insoluble ash values were below detection. The extracts yielded reproducible chromatograms on normal silica plates developed with various solvent systems. Copper, present at 0.16 - 0.58 mg/100g, was the lowest occurring microelement while calcium content was highest, at 41 - 216 mg/100g. The level of lead, a heavy metal, was 0.05 - 0.22 mg/100g.Conclusion: The results confirm that the extracts require no special handling, possess characteristics that would allow their possible development into solid dosage forms, and that their lead contentscomplied with official limits.Keywords: Aqueous extract, Picralima nitida, Detarium microcarpum, Aframomum melagueta, Terminalia catappa, Acacia nilotica, Morinda lucida

    Cosmic Ray Spectra in Nambu-Goldstone Dark Matter Models

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    We discuss the cosmic ray spectra in annihilating/decaying Nambu-Goldstone dark matter models. The recent observed positron/electron excesses at PAMELA and Fermi experiments are well fitted by the dark matter with a mass of 3TeV for the annihilating model, while with a mass of 6 TeV for the decaying model. We also show that the Nambu-Goldstone dark matter models predict a distinctive gamma-ray spectrum in a certain parameter space.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Realization of Minimal Supergravity

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    Minimal supergravity mediation of supersymmetry breaking has attracted much attention due to its simplicity, which leads to its predictive power. We consider how Nature possibly realizes minimal supergravity through inflationary selection of the theory. Minimality is impressively consistent with the present observational bounds and it might be tested with the aid of low-energy soft parameters obtained in future experiments.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Viable Supersymmetry and Leptogenesis with Anomaly Mediation

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    The seesaw mechanism that explains the small neutrino masses comes naturally with supersymmetric (SUSY) grand unification and leptogenesis. However, the framework suffers from the SUSY flavor and CP problems, and has a severe cosmological gravitino problem. We propose anomaly mediation as a simple solution to all these problems, which is viable once supplemented by the D-terms for U(1)_Y and U(1)_{B-L}. Even though the right-handed neutrino mass explicitly breaks U(1)_{B-L} and hence reintroduces the flavor problem, we show that it lacks the logarithmic enhancement and poses no threat to the framework. The thermal leptogenesis is then made easily consistent with the gravitino constraint.Comment: 5 pages, one figure, uses Revtex4; Discussion on the upper bound on the LSP mass added. The version published in PR

    Perceptions of Nigerian medical students regarding their preparedness for precision medicine: a cross-sectional survey in Lagos, Nigeria

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    Background Advances in precision medicine in Nigeria suggest improving genomics education and competency among healthcare practitioners to facilitate clinical translation. Due to the scarcity of research in this area, this study aimed to assess Nigerian medical students’ perceptions about their preparedness to integrate precision medicine into their future clinical practice. Methods This was an institution-based cross-sectional study of medicine and surgery students in their clinical years attending the two fully accredited colleges of medicine in Lagos, Nigeria, between April and October 2022 using an adapted tool administered via Google Forms. The survey assessed their awareness, perceptions about knowledge, ability, and attitudes toward precision medicine, ethical concerns, and perceptions about their education in precision medicine. Multivariate linear regression models were used to assess factors associated with students’ perceptions of their knowledge, ability, and attitudes. Results A total of 300 students completed the questionnaires with a response rate of 40%. Awareness of genomic medicine terminology was high (92.0%). Responses to knowledge and ability questions revealed notable gaps, however, respondents had positive attitude scores overall. Higher medical school year was independently associated with lower knowledge (ptrend = 0.003) and ability (ptrend = 0.005) scores, and knowledge score was independently associated with a higher ability score (β: 0.76 95%CI: 0.67, 0.84; p Conclusion Despite high awareness of precision medicine terminology and overall positive attitudes, our findings highlight gaps in knowledge and ability to integrate genomics into the care of patients and a need to improve precision medicine education among Nigerian medical students

    F-theory, GUTs, and the Weak Scale

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    In this paper we study a deformation of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking in a class of local F-theory GUT models where the scale of supersymmetry breaking determines the value of the mu term. Geometrically correlating these two scales constrains the soft SUSY breaking parameters of the MSSM. In this scenario, the hidden SUSY breaking sector involves an anomalous U(1) Peccei-Quinn symmetry which forbids bare mu and B mu terms. This sector typically breaks supersymmetry at the desired range of energy scales through a simple stringy hybrid of a Fayet and Polonyi model. A variant of the Giudice-Masiero mechanism generates the value mu ~ 10^2 - 10^3 GeV when the hidden sector scale of supersymmetry breaking is F^(1/2) ~ 10^(8.5) GeV. Further, the B mu problem is solved due to the mild hierarchy between the GUT scale and Planck scale. These models relate SUSY breaking with the QCD axion, and solve the strong CP problem through an axion with decay constant f_a ~ M_(GUT) * mu / L, where L ~ 10^5 GeV is the characteristic scale of gaugino mass unification in gauge mediated models, and the ratio \mu / L ~ M_(GUT)/M_(pl) ~ 10^(-3). We find f_a ~ 10^12 GeV, which is near the high end of the phenomenologically viable window. Here, the axino is the goldstino mode which is eaten by the gravitino. The gravitino is the LSP with a mass of about 10^1 - 10^2 MeV, and a bino-like neutralino is (typically) the NLSP with mass of about 10^2 - 10^3 GeV. Compatibility with electroweak symmetry breaking also determines the value of tan(beta) ~ 30 +/- 7.Comment: v3: 94 pages, 9 figures, clarification of Fayet-Polonyi model and instanton corrections to axion potentia

    Soft Spectrum in Yukawa-Gauge Mediation

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    We introduce a model independent parametrization for a subclass of gauge mediated theories, which we refer to as Yukawa-gauge mediation. Within this formalism we study the resulting soft masses in the visible spectrum. We find general expressions for the gaugino and scalar masses. Under generic conditions, the gaugino mass is screened, vanishing at first order in the SUSY breaking scale.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor corrections, published versio

    Abelian Hidden Sectors at a GeV

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    We discuss mechanisms for naturally generating GeV-scale hidden sectors in the context of weak-scale supersymmetry. Such low mass scales can arise when hidden sectors are more weakly coupled to supersymmetry breaking than the visible sector, as happens when supersymmetry breaking is communicated to the visible sector by gauge interactions under which the hidden sector is uncharged, or if the hidden sector is sequestered from gravity-mediated supersymmetry breaking. We study these mechanisms in detail in the context of gauge and gaugino mediation, and present specific models of Abelian GeV-scale hidden sectors. In particular, we discuss kinetic mixing of a U(1)_x gauge force with hypercharge, singlets or bi-fundamentals which couple to both sectors, and additional loop effects. Finally, we investigate the possible relevance of such sectors for dark matter phenomenology, as well as for low- and high-energy collider searches.Comment: 43 pages, no figures; v2: to match JHEP versio

    Higgs Boson Mass in Low Scale Gauge Mediation Models

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    We consider low scale gauge mediation models with a very light gravitino m_{3/2}~16 eV, in the light of recent experimental hints on the Higgs boson mass. The light gravitino is very interesting since there is no gravitino over-production problem, but it seems difficult to explain the Higgs boson mass of ~125 GeV. This is because of the conflict between the light gravitino mass and heavy SUSY particle masses needed for producing the relatively heavy Higgs boson mass. We consider two possible extensions in this paper: a singlet extension of the Higgs sector, and strongly coupled gauge mediation. We show that there is a large parameter space, in both scenarios, where the Higgs boson mass of ~125 GeV is explained without any conflict with such a very light gravitino.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure