56 research outputs found

    Numerical Method Approaches in Optical Waveguide Modeling

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    Optical waveguides have been known as basic structure in integrated optics. The result of waveguide analysis is very useful to apply before fabrication process begins. In this paper, optical propagation characteristic of straight waveguide on light intensity distribution within the structures have been investigated at 1.55 micrometer waveguide. The normalized propagation constant b and effective refractive index neff conditions have been considered for the straight waveguide for single mode propagation. Both the propagation characteristic can be calculated efficiently on the personal computer by using MATLAB programming. The analysis has been analyzed using a numerical method based on finite difference method approach. The result of optimization analysis of waveguide according to the parameter study can help in practical work in designing an optical waveguide easily

    Feature Extraction on Medical Image using 2D Gabor Filter

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    Mammography is a specific type of imaging that produces an X-ray picture of the human breast. Detection of tumors at an early stage is important step in diagnosis of the abnormalities in mammograms. In many of the cases, preprocessing process of the raw image involving of enhancement, filtering and determination of textural features have been necessary for successful implementation of this study. Raw image is applied histogram equalization method in order to enhance the image intensity. Thus, the noise of that image is eliminated using Gaussian filtering method. Gabor wavelet based algorithm such Gabor filter is used to extract the feature of that images

    Wireless Network Visualization in 3D Virtual Environment Framework

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    Simulating a signal propagation of wireless cognitive network has been widely accepted by researchers in order to come out with three-dimensional (3D) representation data display. Instead of using primitive way to understand the behavior of signal propagation, 3D visualization of wireless networking could also help researchers to study the limitation and exploration of wireless cognitive network deeply. In this paper, we would like to address the requirement and the potential of using 3D representation to visualize properly the wireless cognitive network. We also performed preliminary test of our 3D visualization system using OpenGL graphic library to visualize the propagation of signal travelling in specific room with several medium. The test has been conducted in order to understand the requirement of wireless cognitive network in 3D visualization before the actual system is built


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    This paper presents the function of Application Radio Frequency In Keeping Track Shopping Trolley Using GSM. The objective of develop this project is to create a solution that can help the shopping management that provide trolleys services for the costumers or users to reduce cost to their company arising from the missing trolleys and frequently considered stolen This system consists of receiver and transmitter, and technically this device uses radio frequency wave concept to operate. If one of the trolleys is out of range, turn on a buzzer and a red light at the same time at control room than using GSM will sent Short Message Service (SMS) to guard. This capability provides ease and safety to safety guard, to monitor the trolleys frequently used by costumers or users. The operating frequency used by the transmitter is about 100MHz to 2.45GHz which the receiver can detect accurately within 10 to 100 meters; even through a protective casing is covering the transmitters. This covering is also use to avoid the users damaging the transmitters and to provide protection to the assembly. This is to ensure the trolley always in range

    Upgrading for overhead crane anti-sway method using variable frequency drive

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    The paper discusses about upgrading the overhead crane anti-sway method base on the induction motor torque control from rotor resistance starter to variable frequency drives (VFDs). The upgrading included two phases. The phase 1 is to identify the performance of the overhead crane operation on anti-sway method base on the induction motor torque control using rotor resistance starter (old existing motor starter). The phase 2 is to identify the performance of the overhead crane operation on anti-sway method base on the induction motor torque control that use a variable of frequency drive (new upgrading motor starter). The primary equations connecting tractive force and load sway angle, which the motor torque control law is based on is designed for 0% load wobble at the end of the journey. The words accelerating and braking have been written. Outcomes of modelling the behaviour of a trolley-load of two masses for the normal overhead crane load ratios, a system is described weight to the length of the rope, which supports the hypothesis concerning the feasibility of direct load anti-sway control ON and OFF for regulation of motor for overhead cranes

    Impact of Al on ZnO Electron Transport Layer in Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Perovskite solar cells have shown remarkable performance and improvements in terms of solar cell efficiency. The ETL material is one of the important components in perovskite solar cells in conducting electrons to produce current. Here, ZnO was used as ETL material in a perovskite solar cell using the SCAPS 1D simulation software. The ZnO ETL showed poor cell efficiency due to its reaction with the perovskite material. A small amount of Al doped into ZnO was introduced to enhance the physiochemical properties of the ZnO against perovskite materials. Al concentrations were varied between 1 and 4 mol% to observe the effect on cell efficiency. Compared with a conventional ZnO ETL solar cell with 0 mol% Al perovskite, the Al-doped based solar cell showed better performance. Meanwhile, perovskite solar cells with 1 mol% Al-doping and appropriate layer thickness showed the best cell performance in improving the charge transport mechanism, resulting in increased cell efficiency. Thus, the parameters studied can be a guide in the fabrication process

    An Investigation of Electromagnetic Field Effect On a Human Skin Cell Using Numerical Method Approaches

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    Abstract—the investigation between electromagnetic waves (conduction current) and human cell as lossless material has received renewed attention recently. This propagation can come from many sources such as cellular phone. The structure of a human cell were studied from many school of thinking such as biochemical in cell, cytoplasm, nucleus and membrane and the understanding obtained have been used as the basis in the developing of mathematical model. The main objective of this project is to analyze the behavior and determine the parameters of the interaction and propagation in a single cell when expose to electromagnetic wave from lossy material to lossless material such as the attenuation coefficient, electric field and skin depth. The Maxwell equations were used as the basis of the modeling in this project with aid of numerical method approaches specifically Finite-Difference Time Domain (FDTD) techniques and applications. To develop the model MATLAB tool and Graphical Users Interface (GUI) were used. Results obtained from the developed model ware verified with known result obtained from others researchers and with experimentally

    Impact of Al on ZnO Electron Transport Layer in Perovskite Solar Cells

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    Perovskite solar cells have shown remarkable performance and improvements in terms of solar cell efficiency. The ETL material is one of the important components in perovskite solar cells in conducting electrons to produce current. Here, ZnO was used as ETL material in a perovskite solar cell using the SCAPS 1D simulation software. The ZnO ETL showed poor cell efficiency due to its reaction with the perovskite material. A small amount of Al doped into ZnO was introduced to enhance the physiochemical properties of the ZnO against perovskite materials. Al concentrations were varied between 1 and 4 mol% to observe the effect on cell efficiency. Compared with a conventional ZnO ETL solar cell with 0 mol% Al perovskite, the Al-doped based solar cell showed better performance. Meanwhile, perovskite solar cells with 1 mol% Al-doping and appropriate layer thickness showed the best cell performance in improving the charge transport mechanism, resulting in increased cell efficiency. Thus, the parameters studied can be a guide in the fabrication process

    The effect of thickness of a conductive nanocomposite ink printed on textile co-planar waveguide antenna

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    In the area of wearable technology an enhancement of basic microstrip antenna is evolution of wearable textile antenna. A new development of wearable antenna is the incorporated of conductive plane using nanocomposite ink that embedded onto the fabric. In this paper, the performance of variety thickness of conductive Graphene-Ag-Cu ink on a drill fabric is presented. The performances include its resistivity and conductivity measurement. By performing a measurement using scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and four-point probe, it can obtain and measure the composition and thickness of nanocomposite layered on a fabric and resistivity respectively. Hence, it can provide detailed information about the surface morphology, roughness, and thickness of the nanocomposite coating on the fabric as well as the electrical conductivity. Finally, the electrical conductivity increased to the fifth layered from 0.1473×104 S/cm up to 0.5393×104 S/cm
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