14 research outputs found

    Approaches of Russian oil companies to optimal capital structure

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    Oil companies play a vital role in Russian economy. Demand for hydrocarbon products will be increasing for the nearest decades simultaneously with the population growth and social needs. Change of raw-material orientation of Russian economy and the transition to the innovative way of the development do not exclude the development of oil industry in future. Moreover, society believes that this sector must bring the Russian economy on to the road of innovative development due to neo-industrialization. To achieve this, the government power as well as capital management of companies are required. To make their optimal capital structure, it is necessary to minimize the capital cost, decrease definite risks under existing limits, and maximize profitability. The capital structure analysis of Russian and foreign oil companies shows different approaches, reasons, as well as conditions and, consequently, equity capital and debt capital relationship and their cost, which demands the effective capital management strategy

    Precariat As an Anomic Vector ofthe Shadow Economy: Challenges and Threats to the Sustainable Development of Society

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    This article delves into the theoretical understanding of the precariat as an emerging social class, which challenges the established norms of economic life. As modern society undergoes constant changes in its social structure, the concept of precariat hasgained prominence in scientific discourse. However, despite its significance, the precariat remains inadequately defined, with various interpretations and debates surrounding its characterization.The primary objective of this research is to define the precariat, outline its distinctive attributes, and explore its role in contemporary society. Through a comprehensive analysis of relevant scientific literature, the authors aim to highlight the risks and challenges posed by the precariat to the sustainable development of society, with a particular focus on its impact on the economic realm. This article sheds light on the precariat’s origins, its position in the social structure, and its defining characteristics. It becomes evident that the precariat’s definition remains controversial, with different countries offering distinct interpretations of the concept.One significant factor contributing to the emergence of the precariat is the transition towards a new societal paradigm with novel social configurations. This class is characterized by its lack of stability, precarious employment conditions, absence of social benefits, insecure rights, and a sense of alienation not only from labor but also from society as a whole. Furthermore, the precariat predominantly occupies the lowest income positions within the social hierarchy.The precarious and vulnerable position of the precariat renders it susceptible to manipulation by other social actors for their own interests. Additionally, precariat groups may rise against their own circumstances. Failure to address the challenges faced by the precariat could lead to the evolution of a “dangerous class” within society, potentially instigating radical transformations in social life.In conclusion, this article provides an in-depth exploration of the precariat as a novel social class, shedding light on its defining features and its implications for modern society. Understanding the precariat’s role is essential for devising strategies to mitigate its risks and challenges, ensuring a more sustainable and equitable economic space for all.By addressing the vulnerabilities and uncertainties faced by the precariat, societies can strive for a future where opportunities are equitably distributed, contributing to the overall developmentand progress of humanity as a whole. The findings of this research contribute to a better understanding of the precariat's role as an anomic vector of the shadow economy and its potential challenges and threats to sustainable development in contemporary societies

    Money phenomenon as a value-based self-identification: speech semantics, communicative culture, philosophical meanings

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    The article deals with the value-based vector of psycho-philosophical understanding of the money phenomenon and its role in modern society. Developing Georg Simmel‟s ideas, money is considered not only as a solely economic phenomenon but also as a social one. Money originates from the world‟s cultural development with the gradual formation of money culture as a space of economic and social interaction. The nature of the individual‟s economic activity, values, and life orientations are formed under the influence of the money culture of a particular historical period. Modern money culture is usually called a financial civilisation. The article examines the features of modern money culture and identifies its main features and problems. The article analyses the issue of the constructive and destructive attitude of the individual to money via a description of the personality typology based on clinical observations and interpreted through the prism of psychoanalytic theory. The study highlights the concept of money from the point of view of a socio-psychological approach. It also discusses the theoretical foundations of the influence money has on the decision-making process and human behaviour


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    В навчальному посібнику висвітлено систематизовані основи теорії фінансів, а саме: предмет та значення фінансів, генезу фінансової науки, фінансове право та фінансову політику. Дано характеристику сферам та ланкам фінансової системи. Розкрито особливості функціонування фінансових систем в зарубіжних країнах. Після кожної" теми наведені запитання для перевірні знань, базові терміни і поняття, рекомендовану літературу. Короткий термінологічний словник подано в кінці посібника. Рекомендовано для студентів спеціальності «Фінанси» та економічних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів освіт

    Фінансова архітектоніка

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    Навчальний посібник спрямований на обґрунтування теоретичних і прикладних засад фінансових процесів та явищ. Зокрема, розглядаються питання теорії розвитку фінансів, нормативного забезпечення розвитку та становлення фінансів, особливості становлення фінансової архітектоніки та функціонування фінансових систем, державних фінансів, місцевих фінансів, податків і податкової системи, фінансового ринку, міжнародних фінансів, фінансового менеджменту, фінансового аналізу, інформаційних систем і технологій у фінансах, статистичних способів та прийомів у фінансах, фінансів підприємств та фінансів домогосподарств. Видання передбачене для студентів вищих навчальних закладів, керівників та спеціалістів управлінських структур, науковців, фінансових організацій, аспірантів

    The development of information competences for environmental monitoring in students of Ukrainian universities

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    In the article the organizational and pedagogical conditions of information competences for-mation for future specialists in ecology while studying the course “Environmental Monitoring” is substantiated. The scheme of students information competence formation is developed. The im-portance of tutor preparation to competences approach and attraction of students to creation of environmental monitoring databases is showed

    The Methodology of Professional Competencies Formation for The Specialists in Environmental Monitoring on the Basis of Synergistic Pedagogics

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    The issues of professional training for future environmental engineers training are considered in the article. The methodical bases of teaching environmental monitoring have been developed and substantiated for the application in the learning process through the implementation of inter-disciplinary approach. The basic components of training future environmental engineers have been defined and analysis of the formation of professional system-modeling competencies in environ-mental monitoring have been conducted

    Convergence of food consumption across Ukrainian regions: approach using spatial panel data models

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    Purpose. The article studies the convergence between the regions of Ukraine in terms of the basic foodstuff consumption per capita during 2000–2019, taking into account the effects of spatial interaction across regions. Methodology / approach. The convergence analysis between regions of Ukraine is based on the concept of β-convergence which can be tested using spatial econometric models namely spatial autoregressive models and spatial error models. The need for considering spatial interaction can be explained by the fact that regions are characterized by constant interaction with each other. Therefore, region should not be considered as isolated objects in space in empirical research with usage of panel data. Ignoring the spatial interaction between regions and using standard evaluation procedures can reduce the reliability and validity of the obtained results to some extent. Results. The results of our calculation confirm the process of β-convergence of average per capita consumption of all food groups, which means that food consumption in regions with an initial low level of consumption is growing faster than in regions with high initial levels of consumption. Also, as part of the use of spatial econometric models the convergence process was determined to be influenced by spatial interaction between regions while the influence of neighbouring regions has a positive effect on food consumption in particular region. Originality / scientific novelty. The article further develops the main ideas of modeling interregional differentiation based on convergence theory and for the first time, spatial econometric models were used to estimate β-convergence of Ukrainian regions by the levels of consumption of basic foodstuffs. Practical value / implications. The approach proposed by the authors and the obtained results can be used both by state authorities on agrarian policy and food issues, and by enterprises of the agricultural sector in the analysis and forecasting of trends in the consumption of basic foodstuffs at the regional level; when planning the production, processing and delivery of agricultural products, when planning state or regional trade policy in the field of food. At the same time, the inclusion of spatial effects in the model of evaluating convergence will allow policymakers to take into account the geographical features of the convergence process and, accordingly, make more informed decisions to reduce the differentiation of regions of Ukraine by the levels of consumption of basic foodstuffs

    Ecological Aspects of the Comparative Study of Cornus mas L. Genotypes According to Morphological Characteristics of the Fruits, the Content of Functional Groups of Biochemical Substances and Suitability for Healthy Food Production

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    The relevance of the research lies in constant desire to increase the possibilities of using dogwood, in the system of fruit horticulture. The methodological basis for conducting research include the method of carruing out an examination of suitability of fruit and berry group varieties for spreading in Ukraine, the method of assessing the quality of fruit and berry products and the state standards of Ukraine for determining the quality of fruits. The original data on the morphology plants and biochemical properties of the fruits of different dogwood varieties selected by Ukrainian scientists have been presented. Attention has been focussed on the content of dry soluble substances, sugars, pectin substances, organic acids, polyphenolic substances as a source of antioxidants. It has been found that the content of dry soluble substances in the fruits of the Stoyan form is at the level of the Olena and Radist varieties, about 18.5%. The Hrafskyi dogwood fruits are characterized by a low content of titrated acids, which results in a balanced taste considering the sugar-acid index (SAI, 5.5). The Hrafskyi form is distinguished by the increased content of pectin substances in the fruits. It has been studied that the form of Stoyan (F-32-5-18) contains the highest amount of polyphenolic substances (944 mg/100 g), while Vydubytskyi contains 274, Vyshgorodskyi – 327, Radist – 375 mg/100 g. The content of polyphenolic substances in the fruits of the Hrafskyi form is 483 mg/100 g, which is almost on a par with the Volodymyrskyi and Lukyanivskyi varieties. The Stoyan and Hrafskyi forms have the highest content of flavonoids - 107.5±4.4 and 102.5±2.0 mg/100 g. It has been found that the fruits of the Hrafskyi form have an above average content of anthocyanins (52.83±1.92 mg/100 g), compared to other varieties. The originality of the study lies in the fact that the knowledge about the morphological characteristics of plants and the biochemical characteristics of the common dogwood fruits, developed by Ukrainian scientists, was expanded. Based on the research results, the best varieties were selected, the fruits of which are suitable for developing technologies for the production of blended syrups for a healthy diet


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    В статье приведены результаты исследований по изучению влияния ионов кадмия (остролетальные концентрации – 5-0,5 мг / дм3; хронические летальные – 5.10-2-5.10-3 мг / дм3; выдерживаемые – 5.10-4-5.10-5 мг / дм3; подпороговые концентрации – 5.10-6 мг / дм3 иниже) на этологические, морфологические и физиологические показатели прудовика озерного. На основе многолетних исследований изучено выживание особей в токсичной среде в зависимости от концентрации иона металла и продолжительности его воздействия. В результате изучения биологических особенностей по совокупности основных токсикологических показателей для L. stagnalis, подверженных действию ионов кадмия водной среды, установлено, что этот металл является сильнотоксичным. Исследование показало, что самое сильное токсическое воздействие на процессы обмена в теле прудовиков имеют растворы хронических летальных концентраций ионов кадмия.В статье приведены результаты исследований по изучению влияния ионов кадмия (остролетальные концентрации – 5-0,5 мг / дм3; хронические летальные – 5.10-2-5.10-3 мг / дм3; выдерживаемые – 5.10-4-5.10-5 мг / дм3; подпороговые концентрации – 5.10-6 мг / дм3 иниже) на этологические, морфологические и физиологические показатели прудовика озерного. На основе многолетних исследований изучено выживание особей в токсичной среде в зависимости от концентрации иона металла и продолжительности его воздействия. В результате изучения биологических особенностей по совокупности основных токсикологических показателей для L. stagnalis, подверженных действию ионов кадмия водной среды, установлено, что этот металл является сильнотоксичным. Исследование показало, что самое сильное токсическое воздействие на процессы обмена в теле прудовиков имеют растворы хронических летальных концентраций ионов кадмия.The article presents the results of research on the influence of cadmium ions (acute concentrations – 5-0,5 mg / dm3; chronically lethal – 5.10-2-5.10-3 mg / dm3; sustained – 5.10-4-5.10-5 mg / dm3; subliminal concentrations – 5.10-6 mg / dm3 and below) on the ethological, morphological and physiological parameters of lake pond. Based on many years of research, the survival of individuals in a toxic environment has been studied, depending on the concentration of the metal ion and the duration of its exposure. As a result of the study of biological peculiarities in the set of basic toxicological indices for L. stagnalis, exposed to cadmium ions of the aqueous medium, it was established that this metal is highly toxic. The study showed that the strongest toxic effects on the metabolic processes in the body of the pond have been the solutions of chronic lethal concentrations of cadmium ions.Heavy metals present in natural waters belong to a group of trace elements, which are characterized by high physiological activity in micro and ultramicrodoses. The specific biological significance of cadmium as a trace element has not been established. However, due to its chemical properties, this metal has a cumulative effect on aquatic organisms, which can replace zinc in many vital enzymatic reactions, leading to their breakage or inhibition. Cadmium is among the very poisonous substances, it can reduce reproduction and delay the development of embryos in animals. In populations, there are mechanisms that determine their density. These include, in particular, the size and age structure and survival of individuals. In the age-old specimens, the pond lobster, as well as mollusks from the same masonry, placed in the solution of heavy metal ions, usually exhibits significant variability in growth rates, size and body weight. It is known that growth processes are quite sensitive to the slightest changes in any ecological factor, therefore the size and weight characteristics of animals placed in a poisonous environment are among the parameters that characterize the organism's response to hydro-organisms to change the quality of water. Recently, the number of studies in which the effect on hydrobionts of nown lethal concentrations is studied is growing. In this case, the main attention of researchers is aimed at studying acute poisoninghydrobionts, and for him the main criterion is the level of survival. However, there are still very few works in which the toxic effects of small concentrations of heavy metals are evaluated for their prolonged action, that is, in conditions close to those existing in contaminated natural waters. Although, knowing the ability of heavy metals to cumulation, attention should be paid to the survival of animals for the long-term exposure of the toxin, because this parameter determines the effectiveness of the reproduction of molluscs. Given that in the scientific literature there is only a discrete data on the influence of various concentrations of cadmium ions on the body of molluscs, we evaluated the influence of this toxicant on theethological, morphological and some physiological parameters of lacustrine pond. The research is relevant in view of the fact that without this nformation one can not do without the prospect of biotesting of environmental monitoring of waters