1,052 research outputs found

    The influence of nanoparticles on biological objects

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    The modem opportunities o f medical care are basing on usage of new methods of diagnostic and treatment, including nanotechnologies and nanoobjects in clinical medicine and pharmacology. The experiment was carried out on 58 rats. The nanoparticles of iron oxide were used intranasally and by application on skin in kind of suspension. The methods were used: light, transmission, electron, probe and scanning microscopy with microelement analysi

    Spectroscopic characterization of the oxo-transfer reaction from a bis(µ-oxo)dicopper(III) complex to triphenylphosphine

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    The oxygen-atom transfer reaction from the bis(µ-oxo)dicopper(III) complex [CuIII2(µ-O)2(L)2]2+1, where L =N,N,N,N -tetraethylethylenediamine, to PPh3 has been studied by UV-vis, EPR, 1H NMR and Cu K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy in parallel at low temperatures (193 K) and above. Under aerobic conditions (excess dioxygen), 1 reacted with PPh3, giving OPPh3 and a diamagnetic species that has been assigned to an oxo-bridged dicopper(II) complex on the basis of EPR and Cu K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopic data. Isotope-labeling experiments (18O2) established that the oxygen atom incorporated into the triphenylphosphine oxide came from both complex 1 and exogenous dioxygen. Detailed kinetic studies revealed that the process is a third-order reaction; the rate law is first order in both complex 1 and triphenylphosphine, as well as in dioxygen. At temperatures above 233 K, reaction of 1 with PPh3 was accompanied by ligand degradation, leading to oxidative N-dealkylation of one of the ethyl groups. By contrast, when the reaction was performed in the absence of excess dioxygen, negligible substrate (PPh3) oxidation was observed. Instead, highly symmetrical copper complexes with a characteristic isotropic EPR signal at g= 2.11 were formed. These results are discussed in terms of parallel reaction channels that are activated under various conditions of temperature and dioxygen

    Effect of six-month hypokinesia in dogs on mineral component, reconstruction and mechanical properties of bone tissue

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    Ca45 incorporation into the bones of the limbs, particularly in the area of the muscle attachment increased in dogs as a result of 6 month hypokinesia. There were no phenomena of osteoporosis in the cortical layer of the diaphyses; however, changes in the form of osteons, an increase in the number of anastomoses between the channels and the thinning of the subperiosteal layer pointed to disturbances of the bone tissue reconstruction. Mineral saturation of the bone microstructures of the experimental dogs had a tendency to rise. No changes in the mechanical properties of the long bones occurred as a result of hypokinesia in dogs

    Issues in the study of utero-placental blood flow in severe gestosis

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    The complications of pregnancy, gestosis particularly, are still important aspects on the modern stage of development of obstetrics, as it influences on development of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality. One hundred and twenty-five patients with severe gestosis were studied. The conditions of myometrium, endometrium, placenta, umbilical chord as well as erythrocytes of maternal blood were explored with help of atomic power microscopy, light microscopy as well as electron microscop

    Morphofunctional features of erythrocytes in oncourological patients

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    The malignant tumors are one of the most important problems of urology. The blood sampling was conducted before treatment for research of erythrocytes in patients with cancer of kidney (25 patients), bladder, prostate (25) and in healthy patients (10). The samples of tissue of damaged organs were taken during surgery. The samples were studied with help of raster and scanning electron microscopy with elemental analysis, atomic power microscopy and confocal microscop

    Innovative methods of atomic force microscopy in oncology diagnostics

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    The purpose of this work is to study the morphological forms of erythrocytes, and also pathomorphological changes in prostate gland and kidneys with the use of atomic force microscopy (AFM) during oncological processes. Results: The decrease of discocytes was observed, and the number of transitional, pre-hemolytic and degenerative forms of erythrocytes increased. During the study of the external level of erythrocytes using AFM, it was established that the depth of the discocyte cavity counted by the study of a cell profile changed significantl

    Судово-психологічна експертиза в системі судової психології

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    Статтю присвячено проблемі судово-психологічної експертизи. На основі теоретичного узагальнення висвітлено завдання, проблеми, методи судово-психологічної експертизи. Описано доцільність використання видів експертизи та їх призначення. Здійснено огляд індивідуально-психологічних характеристик особистості, що досліджуються

    Методи роботи практичного психолога у суді

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    Статтю присвячено проблемі методів, які використовує практичний психолог у своїй діяльності в суді. Здійснено детальний огляд та аналіз даних методів. Також, присутня характеристика кожного з методів, досліджено їх взаємозв’язок. Проаналізовано, як методи в роботі практичного психолога у суді допомагають слідству, проголошені вироку тощо

    Analysis of Professional Training of Educational Psychologists in Russia and Kazakhstan

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    Проблема подготовки профессионалов, востребованных современным обществом, всегда актуальна. Учебный процесс в вузах Казахстана и России излишне теоретизирован, что недостаточно формирует профессиональную компетентность и осложняет реализацию практической деятельности начинающих педагогов-психологов. Вследствие чего в образовательных организациях наблюдается «текучка» кадров, основной приток и отток которых составляют молодые специалисты. Состав студентов послевузовской подготовки аналогично отличается «молодостью» и отсутствием должного профессионального опыта, что также способствует академической направленности образования в вузах России и Казахстана. Выход из сложившейся ситуации автор видит в подборке и практикоориентированности программ учебных дисциплин с учетом современных требований, запросов и возможностей реализации профессиональной деятельности в образовательно-воспитательных учреждениях при подготовке педагогов-психологов.The problem of training professionals in demand by modern society is always relevant. The educational process in the universities of Kazakhstan and Russia is overly theorized, which does not sufficiently form professional competence and complicates the implementation of the practical activities of novice psychologists. As a result, there is a “turnover” of personnel in educational institutions, the main inflow and outflow of which are young specialists. The composition of postgraduate students is similarly characterized by "youth" and lack of proper professional experience, which also contributes to the academic orientation of education in universities in Russia and Kazakhstan. We see a way out of this situation in the selection and practice orientation of the programs of academic disciplines of universities, taking into account modern requirements, requests and opportunities for the implementation of professional activities in educational institutions in the preparation of educational psychologists