5 research outputs found

    Pengawin Sebagai Sarana Upacara Agama Hindu Di Bali

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    Balinese Hindu community who routinely carry out religious activities can not beseparated with a work of art as one of the ingredients. The interdependence in theimplementation of art as a religious ceremony with the ingredients necessary tostandardize the feasibility terhap art objects are used as ingredients. The artwork isused as a Means of religious rituals in temples, merajan, and corrected, Is a set ofsuch sacred pengawin; tedung agung / robrob, Kober, and umbul-umbul. This studyaimed to discover the identity of species differences in standard shapes, sizes and colors Tedung agung / Robrob, Kober, and umbul-umbul used as a means of religiousrituals (sacred) with a fropan as decoration / ornament. Preservation of traditional art through the depiction of mythological Creatures In pengawin always be explored and developed to avoida clash with newcomers arts. In the tradition of functional art means art for religious ceremonies as well as ocalfunctions relating to the customary habits Balinese Hindu community. The approach or methodology rationality of knowledge (epestemologi) which provides sharpening the distinction between culture And mentality approach to map the value a sappreciation of life together on the basis of which is deemed good, beautiful and fundamentally correct can be a way to know what types of shapes, sizes and colors tedung agung/ robrob, kober, and umbul-umbul. Compilation or collection of data arranged regularly obtained from komporasi through surve the field, interviews, and literature study. The accuracy and validity of data obtained from sources by the same method from different sources and places. Keywords: Temple, Pengawin, Tedung Agung / Robrob, Kober, Umbul-umbul, and the Sacre

    Perkembangan Seni Kerajinan Kayu di Desa Petulu Gianyar Bali (Kajian Estetik dan Sosial Kultural)

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    Dalam perusahaan seni kerajinan yang sifatnya mass production, selain cost, kwalitas dan kwantitas produk adalah hal esensial yang menjadi perhatian konsumen, dan kadangkala menjadi kendala tatkala menyelesaikan pesanan (order) dalam kapasitas besar baik bagi pengusaha maupun perajin itu sendiri. Delima tersebut menimbulkan pertanyaan, bagaimanakah kiat para parajin dalam menjaga kwalitas dan kwantitas produksinya, sehingga mampu bertahan dalam ketatnya persaingan pasar global. Di lain sisi secara umum ketika perajin mengerjakan pesanan (order) dengan kapisitas besar kwalitas dan kwantitas produksi sering terabaikan. Berdasarkan sekilas paparan di atas, dapat digunakan sebagai format atau bingkai untuk mengamati lebih cermat sebuah kawasan atau wilayah sekelompok perajin yang bermukim di suatu lokasi tertentu, dengan jenis profesi yang sama dan memiliki karakteristik karya yang sejenis. Kiranya perlu dilakukan penelitian dan pengkajian untuk mengetahui lebih detail guna memahami secara mendalam perkembangan seni budaya tradisi masyarakat Bali, khususnya seni kerajinan kayu di Desa Petulu, Gianyar, Bali

    Dinamika Pertumbuhan Kerajinan Kayu Di Desa Singakerta Ubud Gianyar Bali

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    Abstract Penelitian ini mengungkapkan dinamika pertumbuhan kerajinan kayu di Desa Singakerta yang terkenal dengan motif binatang. Kerajinan kayu motif binatang yang dimaksud disini adalah kegiatan kerajinan kayu yang mengambil tema bentuk-bentuk binatang kaki empat dan binatang laut. Bentuk-bentuk binatang tersebut dibuat ke dalam bentuk tiga demensi (patung) dan relief dengan menggunakan bahan dasar kayu bentuk papan. Proses perwujudan kerajinan kayu motif binatang tersebut merupakan perpaduan antara kemampuan ketrampilan tangan dan alat-alat mesin. Untuk menganalisis dinamika pertumbuhan kerajinan kayu tersebut dilakukan berdasarkan indikator-indikator kajian meliputi : Identifikasi bentuk, jenis binatang yang diangkat sebagai tema atau motif dalam pembuatan kerajinan kayu, dinamika perubahan dan pertumbuhan bentuk, jenis kerajinan kayu dari tahun 1970-an sampai 2010, mengkaji proses kerja dan teknik para pengerajin dalam memproduksi patung dan relief binatang dengan bahan kayu yang berkembang saat ini. Aspek yang teliti dalam penelitian ini meliputi patung dan relief hasil produksi kerajinan kayu dengan tema bentuk-bentuk binatang kaki empat seperti bentuk binatang gajah, tokek atau cecak, dan binatang laut antara lain: bentuk ikan lomba-lumba (dolpin), penyu (kura-kura), ikan Pari, ikan Paus, dll. Subyek yang diteliti dalam penelitian ini : pengerajin patung dan relief kayu, distributor, Tokoh/pemuka Desa Singakerta. Wilayah penelitian mencakup Desa Singakerta yang terdiri dari 14 banjar/dusun. Oleh karena kerajinan kayu bentuk binatang tersebut tidak berkembang di semua dusun wilayah Singakerta, maka pengambilan data dengan teknik survey. Hasil yang dicapai dalam penelitian ini : kerajinan kayu yang dapat dijadikan sumber informasi keilmuan tentang bentuk, fungsi, teknik, serta proses pembuatannya. Kata Kunci : Dinamika dan Kerajina

    Macam Dan Jenis Seni Kerajinan Di Kabupaten Klungkung Bali

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    This study intended to reaveal and map various art crafts products owned by Second Level Regency of Klungkung, which spread in districts area. Therefore it would need an approachment called approachment survey, includes qualitative research in the organization. The data is collected through a literature studies, observations, interviews to collect verbal and secondary data. Related with visual data collected by shooting it. The data is then codified, categorized, reduced, then analyzed it with descriptive analytic techniques. The results of this study showed, that the various productivity and activities of crafts that spread in remote rural areas, in each district of Klungkung Regency. Various kinds of handicraft products such as, crafts klongsong bullets, pis bolong (kepeng money), silver, souvenirs in the village of Kamasan. Earthenware at tojan village, songket Gelgel village, brass craft / dream ball at Budaga village, bananas stem in the village of Satra, and natural color of woven crafts at Tegak village Klungkung District. Handicraft products such as tedung (umbrella), prada cloth, shell there in Satriya village, and keris crafts in the village of Kusamba, Dawan District. While in Tihingan village there is a gong craft, coconut shell in Banjarangkan village, subdistrict Banjarangkan. Those handicraft products above is not only for tourist consumption, but more on local consumption associated with religious interests, so further it would make the crafts activities in Klungkung regency still exist. The production of goods / handicraft process in generally the craftsmen was applying a conventional techniques and equipment, only a small part assisted by the maximum equipment process. Thus, the handycraft results of the product is more conspicuous, which appears more artistic with a massive and aesthetic value. Various kinds of handicraft products in each subdistrict of Klungkung regency, proven to be a product that dominates its own identity as well as leading assets, such as in the District of Klungkung handicraft products dominated here are the puppet Kamasan, songket, klonsong bullets, and the ball dreams, in Dawan district there are Keris, prada fabrics and tedung (umbrella) crafts, while gong crafting dominate at Banjarangkan districts. Key words: arts crafts, Klungkung

    Dinamika Perkembangan Seni Kerajinan Kayu di Desa Singakerta Gianyar Bali

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    The study reveals the dynamics of growth of wood crafts in the Village which is famous Singakerta animal motifs. Woodcraft animal motif is meant here is the wooden craft activities with a theme other forms of animal and marine animals four legs. Animal forms are made into the form of three-dimensional (sculpture) and relief by using basic materials of wood form boards. The process of embodiment woodcraft animal motif is ablend of abilities and skills of hand machine tools. To analyze the dynamics of growth of the wood crafts is done based on assessment indicators include: Identification of shape, type of animal which was adopted as a theme or motif in the manufacture of wooden craft, the dynamics of change and growth form, type of wood craft from the 1970s until 2010, the review process work and technique of the craftsmen in producing statues and reliefs of animals with wood materials developed at this time. Careful aspect in this study include sculptures and reliefs produced woodcraft by theme animal forms such as forms of animal foot four elephants, geckos or lizards, and marine animals, among others: the shape of fish and dolphins race (Dolph), turtle (turtle turtles), fish Pari, fish Pope, etc.. The subjects examined in this study: the craftsmen of wood sculptures and reliefs, distributors, leaders/elders Singakerta Village. Areas of research include Singakerta Village consisting of 14 banjo/hamlet. Therefore, wood craft shape the animals were not developed in all hamlets Singakerta region, the survey data retrieval techniques. The results achieved in this study: wood craft that can be used as a source of scientific information about form, function, technique, and the manufacturing process. Keywords: Dynamics and Craft