97 research outputs found

    Peran Agroindustri Dalam Pembangunan Pertanian

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    Agroindustri berasal dari dua kata agricultural dan industry yang berarti suatu industri yang menggunakan hasil pertanian sebagai bahan baku utamanya atau suatu industri yang menghasilkan suatu produk yang digunakan sebagai sarana atau input dalam usaha pertanian. Defi nisi agroindustri dapat dijabarkan sebagai kegiatan industri yang memanfaatkan hasil pertanian sebagai bahan baku, merancang, dan menyediakan peralatan serta jasa untuk kegiatan tersebut, dengan demikian agroindustri meliputi industri pengolahan hasil pertanian, industri yang memproduksi peralatan dan mesin pertanian, industri input pertanian (pupuk, pestisida, herbisida dan lain-lain) dan industri jasa sektor pertanian

    Model Development Industrial Cluster Coffee Arabica in The District Bangli, Province of Bali

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    Indonesian coffee commodity is non-oil export commodities the which contributes to the increase of in foreign exchange. The coffee agribusiness development Efforts have been undertaken by the government, but there are still many obstacles, especially in maintaining the quality of products that meet international market standards and continuity of production in accordance with market demand and to support a downstream industry of agricultural production. This research is the development of industrial clusters Earlier research arabica coffee. The results Showed that the human resources and knowledge about the importance of the coffee plant in Bangli society is still very low, this is evidenced by the many farmers replacing the coffee with citrus plants. Cluster models produced is the result of the development of the models on previous research. In the development of this models and the results of the field survey results show the need for forming FGD Control of Agro-Industry Forum Bangli. This forum Aimed to control and anticipate the development of information to replace the coffee plant with coffee other than agricultural industrial commodities like oranges. Many coffee farmers have replaced coffee with citrus plants. If this continues to Happen it is feared that coffee production has gained International recognition will Decrease. This controller Bangli Agro-Industry Forum in collaboration with Industrial Cluster Management Communication Forum Coffee Arabica and core industry of arabica coffe

    Marketing Risk Management of Palm Oil Based Biodiesel Agroindustry

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    Biodiesel is fuel generates from vegetable oils that have properties similar to diesel oil. The advantages of biodiesel compared to diesel is an environmentally friendly fuel because it produces much lower emissions (sulfur free, low smoke number) in accordance with global issues, higher cetane number (> 57) so that the combustion efficiency is better than diesel, lubrication properties of the piston engine; biodegradable, a renewable energy because it is made from natural materials, and improve the independence of fuel supply because it can be produced locally. The purpose of this research is to design the risk management decision support system for agro-industry development biodiesel of oil palm-based. Determination of objectives and risk management strategies using the used to obtain an alternative value in the aspect of marketing. This research resulted in a decision support system that is useful to help decision makers in addressing the risk of agro-bio-diesel. Risk management model is designed in a decision support system  (DSS), can be used by industrial users and investors in the field of biodiesel. DSS software development using Microsoft Visual Basic Version 6.0 consists of three main components namely database management system, knowledge base management system and model base management system. Model base management system consists of risk marketing analysis


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    Marketing strategies arabica coffee with information technology in Kintamani District Bangli

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    Indonesian coffee commodity is a non-oil export commodity contributing to the increase in foreign exchange. The coffee agribusiness development efforts have been made by the government, but there are still many obstacles, especially in terms of marketing. Marketing use of information technology will provide great benefits for the market chain will be shortened.  Information technology can change the way a variety of competing businesses. The main role of information systems in business applications is to provide effective support for the strategy of the company to gain a competitive advantage. The role of information systems strategy involves the use of information technology to develop a range of products, services, and capabilities that give the company a big advantage over the competitive pressures in the global market. This research is the development of the results of previous studies in which information technology is a very potential market strategy to penetrate international markets. The results showed that the Arabica coffee marketing in the district of Kintamani, Bangli regency through information technology has the potential to be developed

    [Turnitin] Design of the Expert System for Edamame Grading Using Forward Chaining Method

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    Peer Review_Marketing Risk Management of Palm Oil Based Biodiesel Agroindustry

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