230 research outputs found

    Considerable enhancement of the critical current in a superconducting film by magnetized magnetic strip

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    We show that a magnetic strip on top of a superconducting strip magnetized in a specified direction may considerably enhance the critical current in the sample. At fixed magnetization of the magnet we observed diode effect - the value of the critical current depends on the direction of the transport current. We explain these effects by a influence of the nonuniform magnetic field induced by the magnet on the current distribution in the superconducting strip. The experiment on a hybrid Nb/Co structure confirmed the predicted variation of the critical current with a changing value of magnetization and direction of the transport current.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figure

    GCP inspection by Roszdravnadzor

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    State institutions determine the rules for conducting clinical trials of drugs; therefore, they must directly monitor their conduct. The main form of control over clinical trials of drugs by the state is the inspection. This is article describes the types of inspections, the main identified violations, proposed further actions and consequences

    Investigation of interaction femtosecond laser pulses with skin and eyes mathematical model

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    We present a mathematical model of linear and nonlinear processes that takes place under the action of femtosecond laser radiation on the cutaneous covering. The study is carried out and the analytical solution of the set of equations describing the dynamics of the electron and atomic subsystems and investigated the processes of linear and nonlinear interaction of femtosecond laser pulses in the vitreous of the human eye, revealed the dependence of the pulse duration on the retina of the duration of the input pulse and found the value of the radiation power density, in which there is a self-focusing is obtained. The results of the work can be used to determine the maximum acceptable energy, generated by femtosecond laser systems, and to develop Russian laser safety standards for femtosecond laser systems


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    Purpose: To evaluate the catamnesis of 120 patients with spastic form of cerebral palsy.Materials and methods: It was studied obstetric-gynecological anamnesis and rehabilitation of 120 patients with spastic form of cerebral  palsy of the closed administrative territorial entity Seversk.Results: The risk factors of patients with cerebral palsy in Seversk did not differ in comparison with the average data for the Russian Federation.Summary: The main cause of disability among the examined patients with cerebral palsy of Seversk city was an extremly low and very low body weight, combined with the evaluation on  Apgar scale 4-5 points and below


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    Fauna of helminthes of wild carnivorous in Voronezh region is presented by 33 species, including 6 species - Trematoda, 9 - Cestoda, 17 - Nematoda. The highest rates of specific variety of helminths are noted at fox - 24 species. Two species of cestodes - Echinococcus multilocularis and Taenia krabbei and five species of nematodes - Dirofilaria immitis, D. repens, Ascaris columnaris, Stron- gyloides martis and Eucoleus paranalis are registered in Voronezh region for the first timeСовременная гельминтофауна диких плотоядных на территории Воронежской области представлена 33 видами паразитических червей, в т. ч. 6 видов - трематоды, 9 - цестоды, 17 - нематоды. Наиболее вы- сокие показатели видового разнообразия гельминтов отмечены у лисицы - 24 вида. Впервые на исследуемой территории зарегистрированы два вида цестод - Echinococcusmultilocularis и Taenia krabbei и пять ви- дов нематод - Dirofilariaimmitis, D. repens, Ascariscolumnaris, Strongyloides martis и Eucoleus paranali

    Текстура и структура подземных льдов позднего голоцена севера Западной Сибири

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    The Late Holocene ground ices are occurred due to freeze cracking, slope, thermocast, thermoerosion pro‑ cesses. New formation ice within may intervene to the Pleistocene, lower Holocene ground ice and perma‑ frost and can really complicate their structure. Relationship between seasonal and perennial new formation of ice with massive ice and permafrost was studied in cross section of the North Western Siberia. The features of texture and structure of ice formed in the thawing cavities, some cracks were determined. The differences in structure of the late Holocene ground ices and ground ices of the early Holocene and late Pleistocene were defined. The differences in ground ice texture and structure depend to the cavity configuration of the freezing and cracks and freezing temperature conditions. The quantitative parameters of the crystal structure can be used to identify closed‑cavity ice and crack ice in the composition of massive ice and determine mechanisms and conditions of formation before the Holocene ice wedges.В разрезах севера Западной Сибири изучено соотношение новообразований льда с залежеобразую щими льдами и мёрзлыми отложениями. Определены особенности текстуры и структуры льдов, сформированных в полостях протаивания, трещинах отседания и трещинах в тыловой части оползневых блоков мёрзлых пород. Установлены отличия структуры подземных льдов позднего голоцена от подземных льдов раннего голоцена и позднего плейстоцена

    Technical Design Report for the PANDA Solenoid and Dipole Spectrometer Magnets

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    This document is the Technical Design Report covering the two large spectrometer magnets of the PANDA detector set-up. It shows the conceptual design of the magnets and their anticipated performance. It precedes the tender and procurement of the magnets and, hence, is subject to possible modifications arising during this process.Comment: 10 pages, 14MB, accepted by FAIR STI in May 2009, editors: Inti Lehmann (chair), Andrea Bersani, Yuri Lobanov, Jost Luehning, Jerzy Smyrski, Technical Coordiantor: Lars Schmitt, Bernd Lewandowski (deputy), Spokespersons: Ulrich Wiedner, Paola Gianotti (deputy

    Обоснование применения методических приемов в повышении двигательной активности инвалидов

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    The article presents an analysis of the results on disabled athleticsВ статье представлен анализ результатов выступления инвалидов на соревнованиях по легкой атлетик