27 research outputs found

    Uji Sitotoksisitas Ekstrak Ethanol 70 % Herba Ceplukan (Physalis Angulata Linn.) Terhadap Sel WiDr Secara in Vitro

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    Herba ceplukan (Physalis angulata Linn) merupakan salah satu bahan alam yang digunakanmasyarakat untuk pengobatan tradisional sebagai antikanker. Pada penelitian sebelumnya hasilpengujian ekstrak ethanol 70% herba ceplukan (Physalis angulata Linn.) terhadap Artemia salinaLeach (larva udang) dengan metode Brine Shirmp Lethality Test (BSLT) diketahui memiliki sifattoksik dengan nilai LC50 sebesar 39,63 μg/ml. Untuk itu dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuanmengetahui efek sitotoksisitas ekstrak ethanol 70% herba ceplukan dengan menentukan kadaryang menyebabkan 50% sel mati (LC50) terhadap sel kanker usus WiDr secara in vitro. Herbaceplukan (Physalis angulata Linn) diekstraksi dengan cara maserasi dengan penyari ethanol 70%.Sel kanker usus WiDr diperlakukan dengan ekstrak ethanol 70% herba ceplukan dengan seri kadaryaitu 1000, 500, 250, 125, 62.5, 31.25, 15.125 dan 7.81 μg/ml selama 24 jam. Sebagai kontrolpositif digunakan doksorubisin dengan seri kadar sebagai berikut: 2; 1; 0.5; 0.25; 0.12; 0.06; 0.03dan 0 .01 μg/ml. Uji sitotoksisitas dilakukan dengan menginkubasi sel kanker usus WiDr dengankepadatan akhir sel 2.104 sel / ml persumuran plat kultur. Uji sitotosisitas ini menggunakanmetode perhitungan langsung dengan bantuan alat haemocytometer. Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa ekstrak ethanol 70% herba ceplukan (Physalis angulata Linn.) mempunyai sitotoksisitassebesar 86,84 ìg/ml terhadap sel kanker usus WiDr yang di atas nilai indikator positif sebagaibahan bersifat sitotoksik yaitu sebesar > 30 ìg/ml. Nilai tersebut juga sangat lebih tinggi biladibandingkan dengan nilai LC50 doksorubisin sebagai pembanding sebesar 0,113 μg/ml

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Air Bunga Kecombrang terhadap Bakteri E. Coli dan S. Aureus sebagai Bahan Pangan Fungsional

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    The testing has been conducted research on the antibacterial activity of aqueous extracts of flowers kecombrang against E. coli and S. Aureus. This study was aims to provided scientific evidence of excellence kecombrang plants as functional food ingredients. Antibacterial activity assays performed using dispersive method. From the results of antibacterial testing kecombrang flower water extract against E. coli concentration of 20% = 0 mm, 40% = 0 mm, 60% = 4.8 mm, 80% = 5.2 mm, 100% = 7.3 mm and the test bacteria S. aureus concentration of 20% = 8.67 mm, 40% = 9.11 mm, 60% = 12:33 mm, 80% = 12:44 mm, 100% = 13.89 mm

    Profil Protein Klebsiella pneumoniae K3 Pasca Inaktivasi Sinar Gamma dan Pemanasan Suhu 65 C

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    Klebsiella pneumoniae is one of coliform bacteria which causes human and mammalian diseases. The bacteria dominate in dairy cow milk which has been infected by mastitis and has resistent on antibiotic. Vaccination is one of aims to prevent the diseases. Nuclear technique could be used to have a vaccine candidate.This research was conducted to get inactivated K. pneumoniae by gamma irradiation and heat inactivated as vaccine candidate. The experiments were done by determination of inactivated doses, protein content, and protein profile. analysis. K. pneumoniae could be inactivated using gamma rays by doses higher than 600 Gy. Neither irradiation nor heat (65 oC) influenced the K. pneumoniae total protein content The intensity of protein profile in gamma ray inactivated was higher than heat inactivated. There were 35, 36, and 60 kDa protein which were diagnosed as antigen protein. It could be concluded that inactivated by gamma irradiation K. pneumoniae could be chosen as a vaccine candidate and as a model for other bacterial vaccine.Klebsiella pneumoniae merupakan salah satu bakteri koliform yang dapat menyebabkan penyakit pada manusia atau hewan. Bakteri ini mendominasi sampel susu sapi perah yang terinfeksi masititis dan memiliki tingkat resistensi terhadap antibiotik. Vaksinasi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mencegah timbulnya penyakit tersebut. Teknik nuklir dapat digunakan untuk memperoleh bahan vaksin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ,adalah untuk mendapatkan bahan vaksin K. pneumoniae hasil inaktivasi dengan iradiasi gamma. Sebagai pembanding dilakukan pula inaktivasi sel K. pneumoniae dengan pemanasan suhu 65 °C. Tahapan percobaan terdiri dari penentuan dosis inaktivasi, pengukuran kandungan protein, analisis profil protein, dan uji in viva dengan hewan percobaan mencit. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa dosis yang diperlukan untuk menginaktivasi sel bakteri K. pneumoniae dengan iradiasi gamma adalah â‰¥ 600 Gy dan dengan pemanasan suhu 65 °C adalah â‰¥ 30 menit. Iradiasi gamma dan pemanasan suhu 65 °C tidak mempengaruhi kadar protein total K. pneumoniae. Dari dua perlakuan tersebut, terdeteksi pula pita pada berat molekul sekitar 35, 36, dan 60 kDa yang diduga merupakan protein antigen. Tetapi, karena profil protein antigen iradiasi gamma memiliki intensitas yang lebih tinggi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode iradiasi gamma memiliki intensitas yang lebih tinggi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode iradiasi gamma lebih baik untuk pembuatan bahan vaksin dari bakteri

    Kondisi Optimum Fusi Protoplas Antara Jamur Tiram Putih {Peurotus Floridae) Dan Jamur Tiram Coklat {Pleurotus Cystidiosusy[optimizing Conditions for Protoplast Fusion Between White Oyster Mushroom {Pleurotus Floridae) and Brown Oyster Mushroom {Pleurotus Cystidiosus)]

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    Genetic crossing of white oyster mushroom to introduce longer storage life trait can only be done within individuals in this particular species. However, longer storage life trait is possessed by brown oyster mushroom (Pleurotus cystidiosus) which is other species within this genus. Thefeore, protoplast fusion between white oyster mushroom (Peurotus floridae) and brown oyster mushroom (Pleurotus cystidiosus) was conducted to hopefully obtain an oyster mushroom strain that has higher production and longer storage life. Protoplast fusion was done by isolating protoplast from 5-days old monokaryotic mycelia grown in PDB. As much as 3.15 x 10 protoplasts/ml were harvested using mixture of cellulase Onozuka R-10 (1%) and macerozyme R-10 (1%) from brown oyster mushroom with 80.61% viability. Similarly, 3.71 x 10 protoplasts/ml were harvested using lysing enzyme (2%)from brown oyster mushroom with 83.68% viability. Protoplast fusion were conducted using 0% (control), 30%, 40% and 50% of PEG6000. Fusion periods were done at 10, 20 and 30 minutes. The candidate fusants were then screened using MRM (minimum regeneration media) media. Based on this experiment, the optimum conditions for protoplast fusion is 10 minutes incubation using 40% PEG6000 that yielded 121 colonies grown on MRM media as candidate fusants

    The multiple alternative oxidase proteins of soybean

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    The identity of the multiple alternative oxidase bands detected in various soybean tissues was investigated to determine if any modification that can alter the mobility on SDS-PAGE of the alternative oxidase occurs after mitochondrial import other than removal of the presequence. Comparison of the mature, in vitro imported products of AOX1, AOX2 and AOX3 in soybean cotyledons and rat liver mitechondria indicated that they had an identical apparent molecular mass to their in vitro expressed mature forms. This suggests that no modification specific to plant alternative oxidase altering the mobility on SDS-PAGE, took place. Changing the -2 and/or -3 Arg residue resulted in the inhibition of the generation of this mature form, suggesting that processing was most likely by the general mitochondrial processing peptidase. Comparison of the in vitro expressed mature forms to that detected by immunoblots of soybean tissues, required the induction of AOX1. Treatment of soybean cultured cells with antimycin A resulted in the induction of an additional band cross-reacting to monoclonal antibodies against the alternative oxidase. Comparison of the in vitro expressed mature forms to the alternative oxidase detected by western blotting indicated that they were identical in apparent molecular mass. These results indicated that no modification other than presequence removal, which alters mobility on SDS-PAGE, was required to generate the mature functional alternative oxidase proteins