38 research outputs found

    Frataxin participates to the hypoxia-induced response in tumors

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    Defective expression of frataxin is responsible for the degenerative disease Friedreich's ataxia. Frataxin is a protein required for cell survival since complete knockout is lethal. Frataxin protects tumor cells against oxidative stress and apoptosis but also acts as a tumor suppressor. The molecular bases of this apparent paradox are missing. We therefore sought to investigate the pathways through which frataxin enhances stress resistance in tumor cells. We found that frataxin expression is upregulated in several tumor cell lines in response to hypoxic stress, a condition often associated with tumor progression. Moreover, frataxin upregulation in response to hypoxia is dependent on hypoxia-inducible factors expression and modulates the activation of the tumor-suppressor p53. Importantly, we show for the first time that frataxin is in fact increased in human tumors in vivo. These results show that frataxin participates to the hypoxia-induced stress response in tumors, thus implying that modulation of its expression could have a critical role in tumor cell survival and/or progression

    Autophagy induction extends lifespan and reduces lipid content in response to frataxin silencing in C. elegans

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    Severe mitochondria deficiency leads to a number of devastating degenerative disorders, yet, mild mitochondrial dysfunction in different species, including the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, can have pro-longevity effects. This apparent paradox indicates that cellular adaptation to partial mitochondrial stress can induce beneficial responses, but how this is achieved is largely unknown. Complete absence of frataxin, the mitochondrial protein defective in patients with Friedreich's ataxia, is lethal in C. elegans, while its partial deficiency extends animal lifespan in a p53 dependent manner. In this paper we provide further insight into frataxin control of C. elegans longevity by showing that a substantial reduction of frataxin protein expression is required to extend lifespan, affect sensory neurons functionality, remodel lipid metabolism and trigger autophagy. We find that Beclin and p53 genes are required to induce autophagy and concurrently reduce lipid storages and extend animal lifespan in response to frataxin suppression. Reciprocally, frataxin expression modulates autophagy in the absence of p53. Human Friedreich ataxia-derived lymphoblasts also display increased autophagy, indicating an evolutionarily conserved response to reduced frataxin expression. In sum, we demonstrate a causal connection between induction of autophagy and lifespan extension following reduced frataxin expression, thus providing the rationale for investigating autophagy in the pathogenesis and treatment of Friedreich's ataxia and possibly other human mitochondria-associated disorders

    Intracellular mediators of programmed cell death initiated at the cell surface receptor Fas

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    Apoptosis is a programmed cell death process, which plays a pivotal role in development, in tissue homeostasis and in several human diseases. Fas (CD95/Apo-1) is a member of the "death receptors" family, a group of cell surface proteins that trigger apoptosis upon binding with their natural ligands. In the immune system, intracellular signal transduction triggered from Fas splits into two different pathways. The proteolytic pathway is mediated by a family of cysteine proteases, the caspases, responsible for the morphological changes occurring in the apoptotic process. To complete this death program, another series of events, involving a lipid pathway, is necessary. Upon Fas stimulation, a sequential activation of specific enzymes results in the accumulation of ceramides and GD3 ganglioside. GD3 directly induces mitochondrial damage and triggers the release of apoptogenic factors, allowing efficient execution of Fas-mediated apoptosis

    A novel aminopeptidase associated with the 60 kDa chaperonin in the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus

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    The chaperonins are high-molecular-weight protein complexes having a characteristic double-ring toroidal shape; they are thought to aid the folding of denatured or newly synthesized polypeptides. These proteins exist as two functionally similar but distantly related families, one including the bacterial and organellar chaperonins and the other (termed the CCT-TRiC family) including the chaperonins of the Archaea and the eukaryotes. The CCT-TRiC chaperonins, particularly their archeal members, are less well known than their bacterial counterparts, and their main cellular function is still doubtful. In this work, we report that the chaperonin of the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus interacts with several polypeptides other than the two subunits that constitute the 18-mer double-ring structure. We have cloned and sequenced the gene encoding one 90 kDa chaperonin-associated protein and have shown, using biochemical assays, that the product is an enzyme belonging to the family of zinc-dependent aminopeptidases. The Sulfolobus protein shows maximal homology to eukaryotic (yeast and mouse) aminopeptidases. It contains a leucine zipper motif and can be phosphorylated by an unidentified kinase present in the cell extracts. The possible significance of an association between an aminopeptidase and a chaperonin is discussed

    Cis-acting signals controlling translational initiation in the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus

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    In this work, we have studied the in vitro translational features of a bicistronic mRNA of the extremely thermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, with the aim of determining the nature of the cis-acting signals controlling the recognition of the translation initiation sites in the Archaea. We found that the most important feature for efficient initiation was the presence of a Shine-Dalgarno (SD)-like ribosome-binding motif, whose disruption entirely abolished the translation of the corresponding cistron. The influence of other features, such as the type of initiation codon, was variable and depended upon the gene and its position in the mRNA. However, the translational block caused by the disruption of the SD sequences could be removed by deleting the 5' untranslated region altogether, thereby creating a 'leaderless' mRNA. This suggests that 'leaderless' initiation operates by a default mechanism that does not require a specific mRNA-rRNA interaction and may be common to all three primary domains of life

    A caspaselike activity is triggered by LPS and is required for survival of human dendritic cells

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    Bacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide [LPS]) is a potent inducer of human dendritic cell (DC) maturation and survival. Here we show that immature DCs exposed to LPS trigger an early and sustained caspase-like activity, which can be blocked by zVAD (z-Val-Ala-Asp), in the absence of detectable caspase 8 and caspase 10 activation, or poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)-cleaving activity. Preventing LPS-induced caspase-like activation in DC results in massive cell death. Importantly, triggering of the caspase-like activity is required for LPS-induced activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERKs) and for LPS-induced up-regulation of cFLIP (Fas-associating protein with death domain-like interleukin-1 beta-converting enzyme [FLICE]-like inhibitory protein). Therefore, a caspase-dependent pathway initiated by LPS controls survival of human DCs

    Molecular control of the cytosolic aconitase/IRP1 switch by extramitochondrial frataxin

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    The inability to produce normal levels of the mitochondrial protein frataxin causes the hereditary degenerative disorder Friedreich's Ataxia (FRDA), a syndrome characterized by progressive gait instability, cardiomyopathy and high incidence of diabetes. Frataxin is an iron-binding protein involved in the biogenesis of iron-sulfur clusters (ISC), prosthetic groups allowing essential cellular functions such as oxidative phosphorylation, enzyme catalysis and gene regulation. Although several evidence suggest that frataxin acts as an iron-chaperone within the mitochondrial compartment, we have recently demonstrated the existence of a functional extramitochondrial pool of mature frataxin in various human cell types. Here, we show that a similar proteolytic process generates both mature mitochondrial and extramitochondrial frataxin. To address the physiological function of human extramitochondrial frataxin, we searched for ISC-dependent interaction partners. We demonstrate that the extramitochondrial form of frataxin directly interacts with cytosolic aconitase/iron regulatory protein-1 (IRP1), a bifunctional protein alternating between an enzymatic and a RNA-binding function through the 'iron-sulfur switch' mechanism. Importantly, we found that the cytosolic aconitase defect and consequent IRP1 activation occurring in FRDA cells are reversed by the action of extramitochondrial frataxin. These results provide new insight into the control of cytosolic aconitase/IRP1 switch and expand current knowledge about the molecular pathogenesis of FRDA

    A pool of extramitochondrial frataxin that promotes cell survival

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    Frataxin is a mitochondrial protein involved in iron metabolism. Defective expression of frataxin causes Friedreich ataxia (FA), an inherited degenerative syndrome characterized by ataxia, cardiomyopathy, and high incidence of diabetes. Here we report that frataxin-deficient cells are more prone to undergo stress-induced mitochondrial damage and apoptosis, while the overexpression of frataxin confers protection to a variety of cell types. Moreover, we reveal the existence of an extramitochondrial pool of frataxin, which can efficiently prevent mitochondrial damage and apoptosis in different cellular systems. Remarkably, extramitochondrial frataxin can fully replace mitochondrial frataxin in promoting survival of FA cells

    Site-directed mutagenesis techniques in the study of Escherichia coli serine hydroxymethyltransferase

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    The 3340-bp fragment containing the Escherichia coli glyA gene coding for serine hydroxymethyltransferase was reduced in size by PCR, and the 1600-bp fragment obtained was cloned into the vector pBR322 in both orientations (5'-3', and 3'-5'). This DNA manipulation allowed us to perform site-directed mutagenesis by PCR on the glyA gene. To overcome the problem of the presence of wild-type protein in the various mutant enzyme preparations, the E. coli strain GS245 used to express recombinant serine hydroxymethyltransferase was made recA deficient through generalized transduction mediated by phage P1. The new strain was used for the production of a mutant form of the enzyme, in which the pyridoxal 5'-phosphate binding lysine was substituted by a glutamine. The preparation of this mutant form was completely devoid of wild-type enzyme contamination and measurements of its catalytic activity in the transamination reactions of L- and D-alanine confirmed the suggestion that the active site lysine is not the base that removes the alpha-proton from the substrate

    Cis-acting signals controlling translational initiation in the thermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus

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    In this work, we have studied the in vitro translational features of a bicistronic mRNA of the extremely thermophilic Archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus, with the aim of determining the nature of the cis-acting signals controlling the recognition of the translation initiation sites in the Archaea. We found that the most important feature for efficient initiation was the presence of a Shine-Dalgarno (SD)-like ribosome-binding motif, whose disruption entirely abolished the translation of the corresponding cistron. The influence of other features, such as the type of initiation codon, was variable and depended upon the gene and its position in the mRNA. However, the translational block caused by the disruption of the SD sequences could be removed by deleting the 5' untranslated region altogether, thereby creating a 'leaderless' mRNA. This suggests that 'leaderless' initiation operates by a default mechanism that does not require a specific mRNA-rRNA interaction and may be common to all three primary domains of life