368 research outputs found

    Measurement of Source Star Colors with the K2C9-CFHT Multi-color Microlensing Survey

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    K2 Campaign 9 (K2C9) was the first space-based microlensing parallax survey capable of measuring microlensing parallaxes of free-floating planet candidate microlensing events. Simultaneous to K2C9 observations we conducted the K2C9 Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Multi-Color Microlensing Survey (K2C9-CFHT MCMS) in order to measure the colors of microlensing source stars to improve the accuracy of K2C9's parallax measurements. We describe the difference imaging photometry analysis of the K2C9-CFHT MCMS observations, and present the project's first data release. This includes instrumental difference flux lightcurves of 217 microlensing events identified by other microlensing surveys, reference image photometry calibrated to PanSTARRS data release 1 photometry, and tools to convert between instrumental and calibrated flux scales. We derive accurate analytic transformations between the PanSTARRS bandpasses and the Kepler bandpass, as well as angular diameter-color relations in the PanSTARRS bandpasses. To demonstrate the use of our data set, we analyze ground-based and K2 data of a short timescale microlensing event, OGLE-2016-BLG-0795. We find the event has a timescale tE=4.5±0.1t_{\rm E}=4.5 \pm 0.1~days and microlens parallax πE=0.12±0.03\pi_{\rm E}=0.12 \pm 0.03 or 0.97±0.040.97 \pm 0.04, subject to the standard satellite parallax degeneracy. We argue that the smaller value of the parallax is more likely, which implies that the lens is likely a stellar-mass object in the Galactic bulge as opposed to a super-Jupiter mass object in the Galactic disk.Comment: Submitted to PAS

    Subacute Neurological Deterioration with Selective Axonal Injury in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke following Reperfusion of Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion

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    To date, the long-term effects of reperfusion on the salvaged brain tissues have not been addressed in the literature. We report 4 cases presenting subacute neurological deteriorations with selective axonal injury following reperfusion therapies for acute ischemic stroke. Our case series based on 4 patients showed common features distinct from those of early reperfusion injury in that (1) the neurological symptoms developed after 1-2 months of reperfusion therapies, (2) these symptoms were accompanied by the subcortical white matter changes on brain MRI, and (3) these findings were mostly reversible with time. This suggests that axons in the reperfused brain may be vulnerable to further neurological injury

    Vestibular Neuritis With Minimal Canal Paresis: Characteristics and Clinical Implication

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    Objectives To analyze the clinical characteristics of vestibular neuritis patients with minimal canal paresis (canal paresis <25%). Methods Patients clinically diagnosed with vestibular neuritis and treated at our institute (n=201) underwent otoneurological examination and vestibular function tests. Patients were categorized in terms of the results of caloric testing (canal paresis<25%, n=58; canal paresis≄25%, n=143). Clinical characteristics and laboratory outcomes were compared between two groups. Results Existence of underlying diseases, preceding symptoms, and direction of spontaneous nystagmus were not different between the groups. The mean duration of spontaneous nystagmus was shortest in the minimal canal paresis group (P<0.001) and the direction of spontaneous nystagmus changed more frequently in this group (P<0.001) during recovery. Among the subgroup with minimal canal paresis, only 29.5% had an abnormal finding on the rotatory chair test, as compared to 81.5% of the canal paresis group. The minimal canal paresis group showed higher sensory organization test scores in computerized dynamic posturography. Conclusion Patients with minimal canal paresis (canal paresis <25%) show similar clinical manifestations as conventional vestibular neuritis patients, but have faster recovery of symptoms and a higher incidence of recovery nystagmus. This finding support that the minimal canal paresis could be considered as a milder type of vestibular neuritis

    Limits of Binaries That Can Be Characterized by Gravitational Microlensing

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    Due to the high efficiency of planet detections, current microlensing planet searches focus on high-magnification events. High-magnification events are sensitive to remote binary companions as well and thus a sample of wide-separation binaries are expected to be collected as a byproduct. In this paper, we show that characterizing binaries for a portion of this sample will be difficult due to the degeneracy of the binary-lensing parameters. This degeneracy arises because the perturbation induced by the binary companion is well approximated by the Chang-Refsdal lensing for binaries with separations greater than a certain limit. For binaries composed of equal mass lenses, we find that the lens binarity can be noticed up to the separations of ∌60\sim 60 times of the Einstein radius corresponding to the mass of each lens. Among these binaries, however, we find that the lensing parameters can be determined only for a portion of binaries with separations less than ∌20\sim 20 times of the Einstein radius.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    A Planetary lensing feature in caustic-crossing high-magnification microlensing events

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    Current microlensing follow-up observations focus on high-magnification events because of the high efficiency of planet detection. However, central perturbations of high-magnification events caused by a planet can also be produced by a very close or a very wide binary companion, and the two kinds of central perturbations are not generally distinguished without time consuming detailed modeling (a planet-binary degeneracy). Hence, it is important to resolve the planet-binary degeneracy that occurs in high-magnification events. In this paper, we investigate caustic-crossing high-magnification events caused by a planet and a wide binary companion. From this study, we find that because of the different magnification excess patterns inside the central caustics induced by the planet and the binary companion, the light curves of the caustic-crossing planetary-lensing events exhibit a feature that is discriminated from those of the caustic-crossing binary-lensing events, and the feature can be used to immediately distinguish between the planetary and binary companions. The planetary-lensing feature appears in the interpeak region between the two peaks of the caustic-crossings. The structure of the interpeak region for the planetary-lensing events is smooth and convex or boxy, whereas the structure for the binary-lensing events is smooth and concave. We also investigate the effect of a finite background source star on the planetary-lensing feature in the caustic-crossing high-magnification events. From this, we find that the convex-shaped interpeak structure appears in a certain range that changes with the mass ratio of the planet to the planet-hosting star.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma (mycosis fungoides) in a dog

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    A seven-year-old castrated male Yorkshire terrier dog was presented for a recurrent skin disease. Erythematous skin during the first visit progressed from multiple plaques to patch lesions and exudative erosion in the oral mucosa membrane. Biopsy samples were taken from erythematous skin and were diagnosed with epitheliotropic T cell cutaneous lymphoma by histopathology and immunochemical stain. In serum chemistry, the dog had a hypercalcemia (15.7 mg/dl) and mild increased alkaline phosphatase (417 U/l). Immunohistochemistry was performed to detect parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTH-rP) in epitheliotropic cutaneous lymphoma tissues but the neoplastic cells were not labeled with anti-PTH-rP antibodies. The patient was treated with prednisolone and isotretinoin. However, the dog died unexpectedly
