312 research outputs found

    Eparchikon biblion V, 2: Is Thalassai the Same as Byssos?

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    The article examines a kind of fabric described as ‘θάλασσαι’ in The Book of the Prefect (Τὸ ἐπαρχικὸν βιβλίον). The meaning of this term by both editors and commentators of the document has not been satisfactorily explained so far. It appears highly probable, however, that ‘θάλασσαι’, because of the ‘marine’ origin of the word, can be associated with a textile from byssos – the socalled sea silk, made from fibres produced by a mollusc pinna nobilis. The presence of this fabric in numerous ancient sources is indicated, incl. works of Aristophanes, Cicero, Herodotus and Plutarch. Diocletian’s Edict on Maximum Prices, where the price of ‘marine wool’ is at the very high level is also investigated

    Nonexponential Relaxations in a Two-Dimensional Electron System in Silicon

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    The relaxations of conductivity have been studied in a strongly disordered two-dimensional (2D) electron system in Si after excitation far from equilibrium by a rapid change of carrier density n_s at low temperatures T. The dramatic and precise dependence of the relaxations on n_s and T strongly suggests (a) the transition to a glassy phase as T->0, and (b) the Coulomb interactions between 2D electrons play a dominant role in the observed out-of-equilibrium dynamics.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Prospects for the Determination of Star Orbits Near the Galactic Center

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    We simulate the observations of proper motion of stars very close to the Galactic Center. We show that the speckle interferometry done with the Keck II telescope is accurate enough to obtain orbital parameters for stars with the period P about 10 y during 10 seasons of astrometric observations made once a year. The determination of a single orbit will give central mass estimate with the typical uncertainty of the existing mass determinations based on velocity dispersion measurements. A much higher precision orbits will be measured in several years when Keck Interferometer becomes operational, and fainter stars are discovered even closer to Sgr A*. Astrometry alone will provide accurate determination of the ratio: M/D^3, where M is the black hole mass and D is the distance to the Galactic Center. If spectroscopic orbits of the stars are also measured then both: M and D will be precisely determined.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Ap

    Aging Effects Across the Metal-Insulator Transition in Two Dimensions

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    Aging effects in the relaxations of conductivity of a two-dimensional electron system in Si have been studied as a function of carrier density. They reveal an abrupt change in the nature of the glassy phase at the metal-insulator transition (MIT): (a) while full aging is observed in the insulating regime, there are significant departures from full aging on the metallic side of the MIT, before the glassy phase disappears completely at a higher density ngn_g; (b) the amplitude of the relaxations peaks just below the MIT, and it is strongly suppressed in the insulating phase. Other aspects of aging, including large non-Gaussian noise and similarities to spin glasses, also have been discussed.Comment: 4+ pages, 5 figures; minor changes, accepted for publication in PR

    Electrical glassy behavior in granular aluminium thin films

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    We present new results obtained by field effect measurements on insulating granular Al thin films. First, reproducible and stable conductance fluctuations are seen in micron size samples as a function of gate voltage. The anomalous field effect and its slow relaxation already known to exist in macroscopic samples are shown to still exist in small samples and to have no influence on the fluctuations pattern. Secondly, "true" aging is demonstrated, i.e. the anomalous field effect relaxation depends on the time elapsed since the cooling, the longer this time the longer it takes for the system to react to a gate voltage change. Interpretations and implications of these findings are discussed.Comment: 5th International Conference on Electronic Crystals (ECRYS), Carg\`ese : France (2008

    Aspekty prawne pozarejestracyjnego leczenia „medyczną marihuaną” pacjentów chorych terminalnie – eksperyment medyczny czy realizacja prawa pacjenta do pobierania świadczeń zgodnych z aktualną wiedzą medyczną?

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    The subject of the use of medicinal products containing “medical marijuana” during the therapy of terminal patients has been the subject of extensive discussion until recently. Currently, such action is legal, but questions still arise not so much about the possibility of using medical marijuana in the treatment of terminally ill patients, but about the implementation of off-label use treatment. The analysis of the applicable legal provisions, views of scholars in the field, and the case law allow us to conclude that treatment involving medical marijuana inconsistently with the SmPC (Summary of Product Characteristics) is an acceptable action that should not be equated with a therapeutic experiment in the strict sense. The above is confirmed by the admissibility of using marijuana raw materials as the basis for the preparation of a pharmacy-compounded (prescription) medicine. The production of pharmacy-compounded drugs requires the use of pharmaceutical raw materials, the amount and composition of which depend on an independent decision of the person prescribing the medicine. The admissibility of any composition of the contents of a pharmacy-compounded drug containing medical marijuana speaks for the admissibility of its use in any way. The above leads to adoption of similar requirements in relation to pre-made drugs containing marijuana. Regardless of the admissibility of using medical marijuana outside the SmPC or in the form of a compounded drug, medical marijuana treatment is the implementation of the patient’s right to treat pain and receive health services in accordance with the current state of medical knowledge.Tematyka stosowania produktów leczniczych zawierających „marihuanę medyczną” w terapii pacjentów terminalnych była do niedawna przedmiotem szerokiej dyskusji. Obecnie takie działanie jest legalne, ale wciąż pojawiają się pytania, związane nie tyle z możliwością stosowania medycznej marihuany w leczeniu pacjentów nieuleczalnie chorych, ile z wdrożeniem leczenia poza wskazaniami rejestracyjnymi. Analiza obowiązujących przepisów prawa, stanowiska doktryny i linii orzeczniczej pozwala stwierdzić, że leczenie marihuaną medyczną poza ChPL (Charakterystyka Produktu Leczniczego) jest działaniem dopuszczalnym, którego nie należy utożsamiać z eksperymentem leczniczym sensu stricto. Potwierdzeniem powyższego jest dopuszczalność wykorzystania surowców marihuany jako podstawy do przygotowania leku aptecznego (recepturowego). Produkcja leków farmaceutycznych wymaga użycia surowców farmaceutycznych, których ilość i skład zależy od samodzielnej decyzji osoby przepisującej lek. Dopuszczalność dowolnej kompozycji zawartości leku aptecznego zawierającego medyczną marihuanę przemawia za dopuszczalnością jej użycia w jakikolwiek sposób. Powyższe prowadzi do przyjęcia podobnych rygorów w stosunku do gotowych leków zawierających marihuanę. Niezależnie od dopuszczalności stosowania marihuany medycznej poza ChPL lub w postaci leku aptecznego, leczenie marihuaną medyczną jest realizacją prawa pacjenta do leczenia bólu i korzystania ze świadczeń zdrowotnych zgodnie z aktualnym stanem wiedzy medycznej

    On the stability and evolution of relativistic radiation tori: equations and speculations

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    Equations describing the general relativistic evolution of hypothetical radiation-supported tori in active galactic nuclei are presented and discussed. Equations describing global, non-axisymmetric perturbations of radiation tori are also given. The role of instabilities in transporting angular momentum and heat is examined and some simple prescriptions for use in numerical calculation of the secular evolution of these structures are suggested. In particular, if a sufficiently optically thick torus evolves to become dynamically unstable then a gyrotropic, marginally stable convection zone with angular momentum constant on isentropes may be established. Goldreich–Schubert–Fricke instability should be adequate to maintain a radiative zone in a barotropic state

    Nonequilibrium Relaxations and Aging Effects in a Two-Dimensional Coulomb Glass

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    The relaxations of conductivity have been studied in the glassy regime of a strongly disordered two-dimensional electron system in Si after a temporary change of carrier density during the waiting time t_w. Two types of response have been observed: a) monotonic, where relaxations exhibit aging, i.e. dependence on history, determined by t_w and temperature; b) nonmonotonic, where a memory of the sample history is lost. The conditions that separate the two regimes have been also determined.Comment: 4 pages; published versioi

    Force-feeding Black Holes

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    We propose that the growth of supermassive black holes is associated mainly with brief episodes of highly super-Eddington infall of gas ("hyperaccretion"). This gas is not swallowed in real time, but forms an envelope of matter around the black hole that can be swallowed gradually, over a much longer timescale. However, only a small fraction of the black hole mass can be stored in the envelope at any one time. We argue that any infalling matter above a few per cent of the hole's mass is ejected as a result of the plunge in opacity at temperatures below a few thousand degrees K, corresponding to the Hayashi track. The speed of ejection of this matter, compared to the velocity dispersion (sigma) of the host galaxy's core, determines whether the ejected matter is lost forever or returns eventually to rejoin the envelope, from which it can be ultimately accreted. The threshold between matter recycling and permanent loss defines a relationship between the maximum black hole mass and sigma that resembles the empirical M_BH-sigma relation.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Glass Transition in a Two-Dimensional Electron System in Silicon

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    Large fluctuations of conductivity with time are observed in a low-mobility two-dimensional electron system in silicon at low electron densities nsn_s and temperatures. A dramatic increase of the noise power (1/fα\propto 1/f^{\alpha}) as nsn_s is reduced below a certain density ngn_g, and a sharp jump of α\alpha at nsngn_s\approx n_g, are attributed to the freezing of the electron glass at ns=ngn_s = n_g. The data strongly suggest that glassy dynamics persists in the metallic phase.Comment: EP2DS-14 conferenc