3,442 research outputs found

    How red is a quantum black hole?

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    Radiating black holes pose a number of puzzles for semiclassical and quantum gravity. These include the transplanckian problem -- the nearly infinite energies of Hawking particles created near the horizon, and the final state of evaporation. A definitive resolution of these questions likely requires robust inputs from quantum gravity. We argue that one such input is a quantum bound on curvature. We show how this leads to an upper limit on the redshift of a Hawking emitted particle, to a maximum temperature for a black hole, and to the prediction of a Planck scale remnant.Comment: 3 pages, essay for the Gravity Research Foundatio

    On the area operators of the Husain-Kuchar-Rovelli model and Canonical/Loop Quantum Gravity

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    I investigate the relation between an operative definition of the area of a surface specified by matter fields and the area operators recently introduced in the canonical/loop approach to Quantum Gravity and in Rovelli's variant of the Husain-Kuchar Quantum-Gravity toy model. The results suggest that the discreteness of the spectra of the area operators might not be observable.Comment: LaTex, 8 page

    Use of Digital Assessments how to Utilize Digital Bloom to Accommodate Online Learning and Assessments?

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    As there has always been a concern regarding creation of reliable online assessments by educators, this academic article provides an idea for creating of online assignments for the inexperienced assessment literate teachers. This proposed model will show how to utilize Bloom’s model to create digital online assignments using ICT tools. The inspiration of this proposed model is taken from a combination of Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy and Andrew Churches Digital Bloom’s Taxonomy, as both focuses on the teaching and learning environment. Due to the pandemic 2020 approximate estimation of 87% of world’s student’s population (McGee, 2013; UNESCO, 2020) faced the issue of school closure, which gave a rise to online teaching, learning. Therefore, this paper examines the need of creation of reliable assessments which caters to the different students’ abilities. By this proposed model and with the Integration of Information and Communication Technology with Benjamin Bloom’s Cognitive Domain, this article will add a new dimension towards the online assessment. The main objective of this article is to utilize the common language and the terminology from the Blooms taxonomy for assessing the students depending on their needs and abilities to achieve the targeted learning outcomes

    Peranan Pengawas Pendidikan dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Guru di Kota Kendari

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    Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah bagaimanakah peran pengawas pendidikan dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran yang di Kota Kendari, bagaimanakah kualitas pembelajaran Guru yang telah mendapat pembinaan dari pengawas pendidikan di Kota Kendari, serta bagaimanakah pelaksanaan penilaian pembelajaran yang dilakukan guru-guru di Kota Kendari. Guru-guru yang diteliti sebanyak 21 orang yang bertugas pada 14 SMP Negeri di Kota Kendari. Variabel penelitian adalah: 1. Supervisi akademik (pembelajaran), dengan sub variabel penyusunan silabus dan penyusunan rencana pembelajaran. 2. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas 3. Pelaksanaan penilaian pembelajaran yang dilakukan pengawas pendidikan di Kota Kendari. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pengajaran yang dilakukan guru-guru SMPN di Kota Kendari, kurang berkualitas, hal ini dibuktikan bahwa bimbingan yang dilakukan dalam pembuatan GBPP, dan SAP, bimbingan pelaksanaan pembelajaran di kelas, dan teknik-teknik penilaian tidak maksimal dilakukan oleh pengawas pendidikan. Selain hal tersebut juga kunjungan sekolah atau kelas dalam satu semester menunjukkan bahwa 90 % pengawas masuk kelas rata-rata satu kali dalam satu semester. Dan sebagian besar pengawas tidak melakukan tindak lanjut dari apa yang diamati dalam kelas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 31 % pengawas tidak mengajak kembali guru untuk berdiskusi. Rendahnya respon Balik yang diberikan guru kepada kegiatan supervisi pengawas, juga disebabkan frekuensi kehadiran pengawas di sekolah atau kelas yang sangat sedikit. Kesimpulan penelitian ini bahwa peranan pengawas pendidikan dalam meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran guru-guru SMPN di Kota Kendari, tidak menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan professional yang membutukan bantuan dan bimbingan langsung dari para pengawas, terutama supervisi pembelajaran (kunjungan kelas) mencakup; penguasaan silabus dan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, metode dan media pembelajaran, serta evaluasi hasil pembelajaran

    Geographic Information System : Sistem Informasi Embuatan Model Pengendalian Kepemilikan Ternak Sapi Di Wilayah Provinsi NTB

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    Dengan besarnya potensi yang dimiliki tersebut pemerintah pusat menetapkan Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) sebagai salah satu propinsi sumber sapi potong dan sapi bibit diantara 18 propinsi di tanah air, sehingga kiprah NTB diharapkan mampu mempercepat program nasional percepatan pencapaian swasembada daging sapi (P2SDS). Oleh karena itu strategi yang dilakukan dalam mengembangkan potensi peternakan sapi ini adalah dengan memelihara sapi melalui sistem kandang kolektif untuk Pulau Lombok dan pola padang penggembalaan atau lar/so di Pulau Sumbawa. Sampai dengan pertengahan tahun 2010, terdapat sekitar 880 unit kandang kolektif sapi di pulau lombok dari target 1.000 unit kandang kolektif pada tahun 2013. Adanya jumlah sapi yang tiap tahun mengalami peningkatan maka dibutuhkan penelitian pembuatan sistem informasi giografis (SIG) dan database identifikasi peternak sapi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menghasilkan produk SIG peternakan sapi dan database identitfikasi kepemilikan sapi di wilayah NTB. Metodologi penelitian digunakan adalah Model air terjun (waterfall) yaitu metode pengembangan sistem informasi dengan cara perencanaan, analisis, desain sistem, coding dan implementasi, sehingga produk dari SIG diperuntukan dapat menghasilkan pemetaan populasi sapi, database identifikasi kepemilikan sapi, jumlah kelompok tani, jumlah sapi yang dimiliki peternak, jumlah sapi yang terjual pasar tradisional, jumlah sapi yang disalurkan keluar daerah dan jumlah populasi yang ada di kabupaten di provinsi NTB

    An evaluation of subjective experiences, effects and overall satisfaction with clozapine treatment in a UK forensic service

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    Objectives: Patients prescribed clozapine were surveyed to assess (a) the effects, both positive and adverse, and overall satisfaction with clozapine in comparison to previously prescribed antipsychotics and (b) the relative significance of effects experienced, both positive and adverse, in terms of impact on subjective well-being. Methods: A total of 56 male patients prescribed clozapine at a forensic psychiatric hospital were surveyed using a 27-item questionnaire. All patients had been prescribed clozapine for a minimum of 3 months. Respondents were asked to rate effects and satisfaction with clozapine treatment in comparison with previously prescribed antipsychotic medication on a five-point scale. Respondents were also asked to rate effects experienced with clozapine treatment in terms of impact on subjective well-being on a five-point scale. Results: A total of 89% of respondents reported greater satisfaction with clozapine than with previously prescribed antipsychotic medication. A majority of patients reported positive effects in terms of an improvement in their quality of life (68%) and social abilities (52%) with clozapine in comparison with previously prescribed antipsychotics. Nocturnal hypersalivation (84%) and weight gain (57%) were the most common adverse effects. Hedonic responses were assessed for each effect in order to determine the associated subjective experiences. The most positive hedonic responses were for quality of life, mood and alertness. In terms of adverse impact on subjective well-being, nocturnal hypersalivation ranked highest. Conclusions: Patients in a UK forensic sample are largely satisfied with clozapine treatment. The subjective effects of clozapine treatment should be taken into account by clinicians when assessing response. This may provide an opportunity to highlight the positive changes and prioritize management of the most undesirable adverse effects, which is likely to promote compliance and improve longer term treatment outcomes

    Constants of motion for vacuum general relativity

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    The 3+1 Hamiltonian Einstein equations, reduced by imposing two commuting spacelike Killing vector fields, may be written as the equations of the SL(2,R)SL(2,R) principal chiral model with certain `source' terms. Using this formulation, we give a procedure for generating an infinite number of non-local constants of motion for this sector of the Einstein equations. The constants of motion arise as explicit functionals on the phase space of Einstein gravity, and are labelled by sl(2,R) indices.Comment: 10 pages, latex, version to appear in Phys. Rev. D
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