258 research outputs found

    Invertebrates and their dormant eggs transported in ballast sediments of ships arriving to the Canadian coasts and the Laurentian Great Lakes

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    The most effective strategy for managing nonindigenous species (NIS) is through prevention of their transport via regulation of introduction vectors. We sampled 135 ships arriving to three different regions of Canada to assess abundance and species richness of invertebrates and their dormant eggs transported in ballast sediments. By sampling ships that followed particular pathways, we were able to compare vector strength to different regions, the invasion risk of transoceanic vs. coastal vessels, and the effect of midocean exchange, length of voyage, and amount of sediment on the richness and abundance of species inside ballast tanks. Although standardized ballast management regulations have been implemented across Canada, the resulting invasion risk is not uniform across regions. Ships arriving to the Atlantic region carried a greater sediment load with correspondingly higher abundance and species richness than those arriving to the Pacific and Great Lakes regions. Abundance and species richness of invertebrates and their dormant eggs associated with transoceanic ships did not differ from that of ships operating along coastal areas of North America. Similarly, midocean exchange did not reduce either abundance or species richness of invertebrate dormant eggs in ships. Finally, the length of voyage did not influence taxonomic composition or abundance of invertebrate dormant eggs but was directly related to survival of active macroinvertebrates. Ballast sediments could introduce new NIS to some regions of Canada despite requirements to manage ships' ballast by midocean exchange. Minimizing sediment accumulation may be the only effective management option for this vector

    Minimizing invasion risk by reducing propagule pressure: a model for ballast-water exchange

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    Biological invasions are a major and increasing agent of global biodiversity change. Theory and practice indicate that invasion risk can be diminished by reducing propagule pressure, or the quantity, quality, and frequency of introduced individuals. For aquatic invasions, the primary global invasion pathway is ballast-water transport, and the primary risk reduction strategy is currently open-ocean exchange. Exchange was developed with shipping between freshwater ports in mind, but the majority of shipping connects brackish and marine ports. A worldwide convention, adopted in 2004 by the International Maritime Organization, now mandates ballast-water exchange (or equivalent management) for its 164 member states. Will exchange be as effective in reducing invasion risk for euryhaline species (those capable of tolerating a wide range of salinity levels) in salt-water ports? Here we develop a simple mathematical framework for optimizing ballast-water exchange in terms of exchange level, timing, and species salinity tolerance. Our model shows that when species survival is worse in the post-exchange than in the pre-exchange water, exchange is always effective. However, when survival is equal or better following exchange, a critical level and timing are required for effective exchange. We illustrate the model\u27s applications with a variety of introduced marine and estuarine organisms

    Influence of Artifact Removal on Rare Species Recovery in Natural Complex Communities Using High-Throughput Sequencing

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    Large-scale high-throughput sequencing techniques are rapidly becoming popular methods to profile complex communities and have generated deep insights into community biodiversity. However, several technical problems, especially sequencing artifacts such as nucleotide calling errors, could artificially inflate biodiversity estimates. Sequence filtering for artifact removal is a conventional method for deleting error-prone sequences from high-throughput sequencing data. As rare species represented by low-abundance sequences in datasets may be sensitive to artifact removal process, the influence of artifact removal on rare species recovery has not been well evaluated in natural complex communities. Here we employed both internal (reliable operational taxonomic units selected from communities themselves) and external (indicator species spiked into communities) references to evaluate the influence of artifact removal on rare species recovery using 454 pyrosequencing of complex plankton communities collected from both freshwater and marine habitats. Multiple analyses revealed three clear patterns: 1) rare species were eliminated during sequence filtering process at all tested filtering stringencies, 2) more rare taxa were eliminated as filtering stringencies increased, and 3) elimination of rare species intensified as biomass of a species in a community was reduced. Our results suggest that cautions be applied when processing high-throughput sequencing data, especially for rare taxa detection for conservation of species at risk and for rapid response programs targeting non-indigenous species. Establishment of both internal and external references proposed here provides a practical strategy to evaluate artifact removal process

    Influence of Feeding Habits on Organochlorine Contaminant Accumulation in Waterfowl on the Great Lakes

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    Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are an important component of benthic communities in the Great Lakes and are exploited by a host of predators, including waterfowl. In this study, we analyze diet content and stable isotope and organochlorine contaminant patterns in Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis), Greater Scaup (Aythya marila), Bufflehead (Bucephala albeola), Redhead (Aythya americana), Canvasback (Aythya valisineria), and Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) collected from three sites (Fighting Island, western Lake Erie, Big Creek) in the lower Great Lakes. Lesser and Greater Scaup from Fighting Island were classified as either zebra mussel ( ≥ 67% of diet) or macrophyte ( ≥ 85% of diet) consumers. Bufflehead, Canvasback, Mallard, and Redhead consumed mainly ( ≥ 89%) macrophyte at Fighting Island. Zebra mussel was the principal food of Lesser Scaup ( \u3e 99%), Greater Scaup (97%), and Bufflehead (72%) in western Lake Erie. Stable isotope analysis revealed enrichment of δ15N in Lesser Scaup ( ≥ 2.24‰), Greater Scaup ( ≥ 1.28‰), and Bufflehead ( ≥ 0.63‰) that exploited mussels relative to conspecifics with macrophyte diets and relative to mussel prey. Representative contaminants of low (hexachlorobenzene [HCB]), moderate (PCB [polychlorinated biphenyl] 153), and high (PCB 180) hydrophobicity were examined in waterfowl. Lipid-normalized concentrations of PCBs 153 and 180 were significantly higher in scaup and Bufflehead that consumed Dreissena than in individuals that ate mainly macrophytes. Among taxa that consumed primarily Dreissena concentrations of PCBs 153 and 180 were significantly higher in individuals from Lake Erie than in those Fighting Island. Principal components analysis revealed broad differences in contaminant patterns of waterfowl based principally on diet. Results from this study illustrate that Dreissena has become a primary food source of some waterfowl in the lower Great Lakes and serves as an effective conduit for transfer of persistent organic contaminants to higher trophic levels

    Seasonal and Vertical Distribution, Food Web Dynamics and Contaminant Biomagnification of Cercopagis pengoi in Lake Ontario

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    During the early growth season of 1999 to 2001, Cercopagis abundance in offshore waters of Lake Ontario remained low (less than 30 individuals/m3). From late July, its abundance increased rapidly until it peaked during August. After first appearing in 1998, maximum offshore abundance in Lake Ontario decreased each year since 1999 (1999:1759/m3; 2000: 679/m3; 2001: 355/m3). Cercopagis appears not to migrate below the thermocline and is restricted to the epilimnion. A comparison of pre- and post-invasion average abundance of Daphnia retrocurva, Bosmina longirostris and Diacyclops thomasi suggests that Cercopagis is having a major effect on zooplankton composition and abundance in Lake Ontario. Abundance of all three species has decreased significantly in the offshore waters since the invasion of Cercopagis. Preliminary results also suggest that insertion of Cercopagis pengoi into the Lake Ontario food web will not elevate levels of hydrophobic organic compounds in salmonids through biomagnification

    Invasion risk of active and diapausing invertebrates from residual ballast in ships entering Chesapeake Bay

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    ABSTRACT: We examined the invasion risk posed by active invertebrates and their diapausing stages (e.g. resting eggs, quiescent adults) carried in residual sediment and water of non-ballasted ships to Chesapeake Bay. Many taxa were recorded that are not native to Chesapeake Bay, supporting the contention that residual ballast represents an invasion vector of some risk to marine systems. Composition and propagule supply differed relative to that in ships entering the Laurentian Great Lakes (e.g. marine taxa dominated in Chesapeake Bay ships), indicating that risk varies geographically. Average abundances of active invertebrates in residual sediment (1002.1 ind. kg–1) and water (2.7 ind. l–1), and diapausing eggs in sediments (779.4 eggs kg–1), were typically low relative to those in ships entering the Great Lakes (1322.5 ind. kg–1, 10.9 ind. l–1 and 3650.0 eggs kg–1, respectively). However, due to high variability among ships, differences were not statistically significant. The major cause of composition and abundance differences is dissimilar trade routes between each system, with vessels entering Chesapeake Bay primarily originating from marine rather than freshwater ports, and because diapausing stages are less commonly found among marine invertebrates. Low propagule supplies, predominant intra-continental ship movements, and salinity disparity between the upper (20 to 28‰) and lower (3 to 8‰) regions of Chesapeake Bay (where ballast water is loaded and offloaded) may greatly reduce invasion risk and be a contributing factor to the bay’s low invasion rate: invasion risk from non-ballasted ships here may be low relative to hull fouling or ballast water discharge. Other marine coastal areas may be at greater risk from this vector

    Modeling sampling strategies for determination of zooplankton abundance in ballast water

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    Ballast water has been a major source of non-indigenous species introductions. The International Maritime Organization has proposed performance standard that will establish an upper limit for viable organisms in discharged ballast. Here we test different sampling efforts for zooplankton in ballast water on a commercial vessel. We fit different probability density functions to find the most representative and evaluated sampling efforts necessary to achieve error rates (α, β) of \u3c 0.05. Our tests encompassed four seasonal trials and five sample volumes. To estimate error rates, we performed simulations which drew from 1 to 30 replicates of each volume (0.10–3.00m3) for mean densities ranging between 1 and 20 organisms m− 3. Fieldwork and simulations suggested that \u3e 0.5 m3samples had the best accuracy and precision, and that the Poisson distribution fit these communities best. This study provides the first field test of a sampling strategy to assess compliance with the future IMO standard for large vessels. © 2016 Elsevier Lt

    Assemblage structure: an overlooked component of human-mediated species movements among freshwater ecosystems

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    The spread and impact of alien species among freshwater ecosystems has increased with global trade and human movement; therefore, quantifying the role of anthropogenic and ecological factors that increase the risk of invasion is an important conservation goal. Two factors considered as null models when assessing the potential for invasion are colonization pressure (i.e., the number of species introduced) and propagule pressure [i.e., the number (propagule size), and frequency (propagule number), of individuals of each species introduced]. We translate the terminology of species abundance distributions to the invasion terminology of propagule size and colonization size (PS and CS, respectively). We conduct hypothesis testing to determine the underlying statistical species abundance distribution for zooplankton assemblages transported between freshwater ecosystems; and, on the basis of a lognormal distribution, construct four hypothetical assemblages spanning assemblage structure, rank-abundance gradient (e.g., even vs uneven), total abundance (of all species combined), and relative contribution of PS vs CS. For a given CS, many combinations of PS and total abundance can occur when transported assemblages conform to a lognormal species abundance distribution; therefore, for a given transportation event, many combinations of CS and PS are possible with potentially different ecological outcomes. An assemblage exhibiting high PS but low CS (species poor, but highly abundant) may overcome demographic barriers to establishment, but with lower certainty of amenable environmental conditions in the recipient region; whereas, the opposite extreme, high CS and low PS (species rich, but low abundance per species) may provide multiple opportunities for one of n arriving species to circumvent environmental barriers, albeit with lower potential to overcome demographic constraints. Species abundance distributions and the corresponding influence of CS and PS are some of many influential factors (e.g., demographic and genetic stochasticity, environmental variability, composition of recipient ecosystems) that will help refine an understanding of establishment risk following the human-mediated movement of species

    Predicting Invasion Risk Using Measures of Introduction Effort and Environmental Niche Models

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    The Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) is native to east Asia, is established throughout Europe, and is introduced but geographically restricted in North America. We developed and compared two separate environmental niche models using genetic algorithm for rule set prediction (GARP) and mitten crab occurrences in Asia and Europe to predict the species\u27 potential distribution in North America. Since mitten crabs must reproduce in water with ≥15‰ salinity, we limited the potential North American range to freshwater habitats within the highest documented dispersal distance (1260 km) and a more restricted dispersal limit (354 km) from the sea. Applying the higher dispersal distance, both models predicted the lower Great Lakes, most of the eastern seaboard, the Gulf of Mexico and southern extent of the Mississippi River watershed, and the Pacific northwest as suitable environment for mitten crabs, but environmental match for southern states (below 35° N) was much lower for the European model. Use of the lower range with both models reduced the expected range, especially in the Great Lakes, Mississippi drainage, and inland areas of the Pacific Northwest. To estimate the risk of introduction of mitten crabs, the amount of reported ballast water discharge into major United States ports from regions in Asia and Europe with established mitten crab populations was used as an index of introduction effort. Relative risk of invasion was estimated based on a combination of environmental match and volume of unexchanged ballast water received (July 1999–December 2003) for major ports. The ports of Norfolk and Baltimore were most vulnerable to invasion and establishment, making Chesapeake Bay the most likely location to be invaded by mitten crabs in the United States. The next highest risk was predicted for Portland, Oregon. Interestingly, the port of Los Angeles/Long Beach, which has a large shipping volume, had a low risk of invasion. Ports such as Jacksonville, Florida, had a medium risk owing to small shipping volume but high environmental match. This study illustrates that the combination of environmental niche- and vector-based models can provide managers with more precise estimates of invasion risk than can either of these approaches alone
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