708 research outputs found

    A Novel Edge Detection Algorithm for Mobile Robot Path Planning

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    A novel detection algorithm for vision systems has been proposed based on combined fuzzy image processing and bacterial algorithm. This combination aims to increase the detection efficiency and reduce the computational time. In addition, the proposed algorithm has been tested through real-time robot navigation system, where it has been applied to detect the robot and obstacles in unstructured environment and generate 2D maps. These maps contain the starting and destination points in addition to current positions of the robot and obstacles. Moreover, the genetic algorithm (GA) has been modified and applied to produce time-based trajectory for the optimal path. It is based on proposing and enhancing the searching ability of the robot to move towards the optimal path solution. Many scenarios have been adopted in indoor environment to verify the capability of the new algorithm in terms of detection efficiency and computational time

    Analysis of Barriers to the Development of Industrial Internet of Things Technology and Ways to Overcome Them

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    The development of the digital economy requires the compilation of a roadmap for the development of all the end-to-end technologies included in the cluster of technologies that need to be developed to a new level. At the first stage, anticipating decisions on state financing of this cluster, a list of critical end-to-end technologies is compiled. The second step is the preparation of roadmaps for each of the selected critical technologies. As a rule, many experts are involved in drawing up roadmaps, including foreign experts. As a rule, the team of such experts is headed by an organization that has received instructions to develop a roadmap on a competitive basis. Of course, not all the wishes of all experts are taken into account by such an organization; therefore, there may be alternative opinions and alternative roadmaps, or additions to the developed roadmaps. If the roadmap developed by the governing organization is approved, alternative documents are only of perhaps scientific interest. If the roadmap developed by the core team of experts is not approved due to its insufficient completeness, the decision seems to be postponed, and the specified roadmap should be corrected by adding information from alternative documents, which, of course, should be done taking into account the opinion of all experts in the field. Since the approved roadmap for the "Industrial Internet of Things" direction does not yet exist, the authors consider it useful to present their position on this issue

    AccĂšs Ă  l’information dans les rĂ©seaux sociaux : quelles formes de collaboration ?

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    National audienceThis paper presents an exploratory analysis attempting to highlight patterns of col- laboration in social medias. Particularly, we focus on crisis management through the Twitter social platform. We rely on two types of crisis: a natural disaster (Sandy hurricane) and a san- itary crisis (Ebola). We proceed in a three step-methodology consisting in 1) analysing the collaboration structure, 2) then identifying topics of collaboration and 3) finally presenting an overview of the latent collaboration network. Results highlight that collaboration is generally performed in a small network while characterized by diversified topics.Nous prĂ©sentons dans cet article une analyse exploratoire dans l’objectif d’identifier les patrons de collaboration au sein des rĂ©seaux sociaux pour l’accĂšs Ă  l’information. Nous nous focalisons sur le cas de la gestion de crise au travers de la plateforme sociale Twitter. Nous nous appuyons ainsi sur deux types de crises : une catastrophe naturelle (l’ouragan Sandy) et une crise sanitaire (Ebola). Nous proposons une mĂ©thodologie en trois Ă©tapes qui permet 1) d’analyser les structures de collaboration, 2) d’identifier les thĂ©matiques de collaboration et 3) de prĂ©senter les rĂ©seaux latents de collaboration sur l’ensemble du rĂ©seau. Les rĂ©sultats montrent paradoxalement que le pĂ©rimĂštre de la collaboration est rĂ©duit, que les sujets sous- jacents sont diversifiĂ©s et impliquent des utilisateurs qui peuvent ĂȘtre Ă  l’interface de diffĂ©rents sujets

    Low parathyroid hormone status induced by high dialysate calcium is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular death in hemodialysis patients

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    Here we studied a possible association between low parathyroid hormone (PTH) status and mortality in incident patients undergoing hemodialysis . A total of 1983 patients were included at baseline and prospectively followed for 24 months. Patients were classified according to their Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes PTH status at baseline and at 12 months, and mortality evaluated at 12 to 24 months using adjusted Cox analysis. Factors potentially involved in PTH status variability between baseline and 12 months were analyzed. A decrease in serum PTH from normal or high to low values between baseline and 12 months was associated with significantly increased cardiovascular mortality at 12 to 24 months (hazard ratio, 2.03; 95% confidence interval, 1.22–3.36). For patients with high or normal baseline PTH levels, the main independent factor at 6 months for a decrease to low PTH levels at 12 months was high dialysate calcium (1.75 mmol/L), whereas prescription of non–calcium-based phosphate binders was associated with a lower risk of PTH decrease. In the high cardiovascular (CV) mortality risk subgroup of patients who acquired a low PTH status at 12 months, the main independent factor at 12 months associated with significant 12- to 24-month CV mortality was high dialysate calcium (odds ratio, 5.44; 95% CI, 2.52–11.75). Thus, patients with a serum PTH decrease to low values after 1 year of hemodialysis treatment are at high risk of short-term CV death. High dialysate calcium was an important contributor to PTH oversuppression, and continued use was associated with increased CV mortality

    Intelligent Hybrid Approach for Multi Robots- Multi Objectives Motion Planning Optimization

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    Abstract: This paper proposes enhanced approach to find multi objective optimization and obstacle avoidance of motion planning problem for multi mobile robots that have to move smoothly, safely with a shorter time and minimum distance along curvature-constrained motion planning in completely known dynamic environments. The research includes two stages: the first stage is to find an multi objective optimal path and trajectory planning for each robot individually using the Enhanced GA with modified A*. The second stage consists of designing a fuzzy logic to control the movement of the robots with collision free. The global optimal trajectory is fed to fuzzy motion controller which has ability to regenerate the local trajectory of the robot based on the probability of having another dynamic robot in the area. A simulation of the strategy has been presented and the results show that the proposed approach is able to achieve multi objective optimization of motion planning for multi mobile robot in dynamic environment efficiently. Also, it has the ability to find a solution when the environment is complex and the number of obstacles is increasing. The performance of the above mentioned approach has been found to be satisfactory of dynamic obstacle avoidance

    On the Expediency and Possibilities of Approximating a Pure Delay Link

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    When solving problems of controlling an object with delay, it is often necessary to approximate a pure delay link with a minimum phase link in order to ensure the possibility of using analytical methods for regulator design. There are many approximation methods based on the Taylor series expansion, as well as modified methods. The most famous one is the Padé approximation method. The known approximation methods have significant drawbacks, which this paper reveals. However, there are other methods of forming other types of filters that can serve as a better approximation in determining the delay relationship, although they are not used for these purposes. In particular, methods of forming the desired differential equation of a locked-loop system of a given order by the method of numerical optimization are known. In this case, the locked-loop system behaves like a filter of the corresponding order, the numerator of which is equal to one, and the specified polynomial is in the denominator. Modeling has shown that such a filter is an effective alternative approximation of the delay link and can be used for the same purposes for which it was supposed to use the Padé approximation. The polynomial coefficients in the literature were calculated only up to the 12th order. The higher the polynomial order is, the more accurate the approximation is

    Supplementing Soy-Based Diet with Creatine in Rats: Implications for Cardiac Cell Signaling and Response to Doxorubicin.

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    Nutritional habits can have a significant impact on cardiovascular health and disease. This may also apply to cardiotoxicity caused as a frequent side effect of chemotherapeutic drugs, such as doxorubicin (DXR). The aim of this work was to analyze if diet, in particular creatine (Cr) supplementation, can modulate cardiac biochemical (energy status, oxidative damage and antioxidant capacity, DNA integrity, cell signaling) and functional parameters at baseline and upon DXR treatment. Here, male Wistar rats were fed for 4 weeks with either standard rodent diet (NORMAL), soy-based diet (SOY), or Cr-supplemented soy-based diet (SOY + Cr). Hearts were either freeze-clamped in situ or following ex vivo Langendorff perfusion without or with 25 ÎŒM DXR and after recording cardiac function. The diets had distinct cardiac effects. Soy-based diet (SOY vs. NORMAL) did not alter cardiac performance but increased phosphorylation of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), indicating activation of rather pro-catabolic AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) signaling, consistent with increased ADP/ATP ratios and lower lipid peroxidation. Creatine addition to the soy-based diet (SOY + Cr vs. SOY) slightly increased left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) and contractility dp/dt, as measured at baseline in perfused heart, and resulted in activation of the rather pro-anabolic protein kinases Akt and ERK. Challenging perfused heart with DXR, as analyzed across all nutritional regimens, deteriorated most cardiac functional parameters and also altered activation of the AMPK, ERK, and Akt signaling pathways. Despite partial reprogramming of cell signaling and metabolism in the rat heart, diet did not modify the functional response to supraclinical DXR concentrations in the used acute cardiotoxicity model. However, the long-term effect of these diets on cardiac sensitivity to chronic and clinically relevant DXR doses remains to be established
