36 research outputs found

    Tolerance of Novel Toxins through Generalized Mechanisms: Simulating Gradual Host Shifts of ButterfliesKristin

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    Organisms encounter a wide range of toxic compounds in their environments, from chemicals that serve anticonsumption or anticompetition functions to pollutants and pesticides. Although we understand many detoxification mechanisms that allow organisms to consume toxins typical of their diet, we know little about why organisms vary in their ability to tolerate entirely novel toxins. We tested whether variation in generalized stress responses, such as antioxidant pathways, may underlie variation in reactions to novel toxins and, if so, their associated costs. We used an artificial diet to present cabbage white butterfly caterpillars (Pieris rapae) with plant material containing toxins not experienced in their evolutionary history. Families that maintained high performance (e.g., high survival, fast development time, large body size) on diets containing one novel toxic plant also performed well when exposed to two other novel toxic plants, consistent with a generalized response. Variation in constitutive (but not induced) expression of genes involved in oxidative stress responses was positively related to performance on the novel diets. While we did not detect reproductive trade-offs of this generalized response, there was a tendency to have less melanin investment in the wings, consistent with the role of melanin in oxidative stress responses. Taken together, our results support the hypothesis that variation in generalized stress responses, such as genes involved in oxidative stress responses, may explain the variation in tolerance to entirely novel toxins and may facilitate colonization of novel hosts and environments

    HIV co‐infection is associated with increased transmission risk in patients with chronic hepatitis C virus

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    Molecular epidemiological analysis of viral pathogens can identify factors associated with increased transmission risk. We investigated the frequency of genetic clustering in a large data set of NS34A, NS5A, and NS5B viral sequences from patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV). Within a subset of patients with longitudinal samples, Receiver Operator Characteristic (ROC) analysis was applied which identified a threshold of 0.02 substitutions/site as most appropriate for clustering. From the 7457 patients with chronic HCV infection included in this analysis, we inferred 256 clusters comprising 541 patients (7.3%). We found that HCV/HIV co-infection, young age, and high HCV viral load were all associated with increased clustering frequency, an indicator of increased transmission risk. In light of previous work on HCV/HIV co-infection in acute HCV cohorts, our results suggest that patients with HCV/HIV co-infection may disproportionately be the source of new HCV infections and treatment efforts should be geared towards viral elimination in this vulnerable population

    Updated Phylogeny of Chikungunya Virus Suggests Lineage-Specific RNA Architecture

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV), a mosquito-borne alphavirus of the family Togaviridae, has recently emerged in the Americas from lineages from two continents: Asia and Africa. Historically, CHIKV circulated as at least four lineages worldwide with both enzootic and epidemic transmission cycles. To understand the recent patterns of emergence and the current status of the CHIKV spread, updated analyses of the viral genetic data and metadata are needed. Here, we performed phylogenetic and comparative genomics screens of CHIKV genomes, taking advantage of the public availability of many recently sequenced isolates. Based on these new data and analyses, we derive a revised phylogeny from nucleotide sequences in coding regions. Using this phylogeny, we uncover the presence of several distinct lineages in Africa that were previously considered a single one. In parallel, we performed thermodynamic modeling of CHIKV untranslated regions (UTRs), which revealed evolutionarily conserved structured and unstructured RNA elements in the 3’UTR. We provide evidence for duplication events in recently emerged American isolates of the Asian CHIKV lineage and propose the existence of a flexible 3’UTR architecture among different CHIKV lineages

    2k/1b full coding region 9 GTRΓ4, 1 clock XML

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    XML for BEAST analysis on HCV 2k/1b full coding region with nine GTRΓ4 substitution models and a single uncorrelated relaxed lognormal clock

    2k/1b full coding region sequence alignment

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    Contains 109 sequences of Hepatitis C virus circulating recombinant form 2k/1b spanning the entire coding region. Aligned with MUSCLE v2.0 in AliView and edited manually

    Caucasus sensitivity analysis MCC tree

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    Maximum clade credibility (MCC) tree from country of origin phylogeographic Caucasus sensitivity analysis. The Caucasus mountain countries Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia are combined into a single geographic location

    Alignment containing HCV 1b full genomes and recombinant 2b/1b hemigenomes

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    All publicly available HCV 1b sequences were downloaded from GenBank and the Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL). These were aligned with 2b/1b hemigenomes, representing the 1b portion of the coding region separated at the Recombination Detection Program (RDP)-inferred breakpoint, using the fast option in MAFFT version 7 in AliView and edited manually. Recombinant genomes were acquired from this study or these databases