410 research outputs found

    Radial polynomials as alternatives to smooth radial basis functions and their applications

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    Because of the high approximation power and simplicity of computation of smooth radial basis functions (RBFs), in recent decades they have received much attention for function approximation. These RBFs contain a shape parameter that regulates the relation between their accuracy and stability. A difficulty in approximation via smooth RBFs is optimal selection of shape parameter. The aim of this paper is to introduce an alternative for smooth RBFs, which in addition to overcoming this difficulty, its approximation power is almost equal to RBFs...

    Review of the protective effects of rutin on the metabolic function as an important dietary flavonoid

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    The purpose of our study was to examine the relationship between the volatility of price multiples and the volatility of stock prices in the Swedish market from 2003 to 2012. Our focus was on the price-to-earnings ratio and the price-to-book ratio. Some previous studies showed a link between the price multiples and the volatility of stock prices, this made us question whether there should be a link between the volatility of the price multiples and the volatility of the stock prices. The importance of this subject is accentuated by the financial crisis, as we provide investors with information regarding the movements of price multiples and stock prices. Moreover, we test if the volatility of the price multiples can be used to create a prediction model for the volatility of stock prices. Also we fill the gap in the previous researches as there is no previous literature about this topic. We conducted a quantitative research using statistical tests, such as the correlation test and the linear regression test. For our data sample we chose the Sweden Datastream index. We first calculated the volatility using the GARCH model and then continued with our statistical tests. The results of our tests showed that there is a relationship between the volatility of the price multiples and the volatility of the stock prices in the Swedish market in the past ten years. Our findings show that the correlation coefficients vary across industries and over time in both strength and direction. The second part of our tests is concerned with the linear regression tests, mainly calculating the coefficient of determination. Our results show that the volatility of the price multiples do explain changes in the volatility of stock prices. Thus, the volatility of the P/E ratio and the volatility of the P/B ratio can be used in creating a prediction model for the volatility of stock prices. Nevertheless, we also find that this model is best suited when the economic situation is unstable (i.e. crisis, bad economic outlook) as both the correlation coefficient and the coefficient of determination had the highest values in the last five years, with the peak in 2008

    Janus: An Uncertain Cache Architecture to Cope with Side Channel Attacks

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    Side channel attacks are a major class of attacks to crypto-systems. Attackers collect and analyze timing behavior, I/O data, or power consumption in these systems to undermine their effectiveness in protecting sensitive information. In this work, we propose a new cache architecture, called Janus, to enable crypto-systems to introduce randomization and uncertainty in their runtime timing behavior and power utilization profile. In the proposed cache architecture, each data block is equipped with an on-off flag to enable/disable the data block. The Janus architecture has two special instructions in its instruction set to support the on-off flag. Beside the analytical evaluation of the proposed cache architecture, we deploy it in an ARM-7 processor core to study its feasibility and practicality. Results show a significant variation in the timing behavior across all the benchmarks. The new secure processor architecture has minimal hardware overhead and significant improvement in protecting against power analysis and timing behavior attacks.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Synthesis of H-ChitoPAN Superabsorbing Hydrogel from Alkaline Hydrolysis of Chitosan and Polyacrylonitrile Physical Mixture

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    ABSTRACT In the present article, attention is paid to synthesis and swelling behavior of a superabsorbent hydrogel based chitosan and polyacrylonitrile (PAN). The physical mixture of chitosan and PAN was hydrolyzed by NaOH solution to yield chitosan-poly(sodium acrylate-co-acrylamide) superabsorbent hydrogel. The nitrile groups of PAN were completely converted to a mixture of hydrophilic carboxamide and carboxylate groups during alkaline hydrolysis followed by in situ crosslinking of the PAN chains by the alkoxide ions of chitosan. The effect of reaction variables were systematically optimized to achieve a hydrogel with swelling capacity as high as possible. Swelling measurements of the synthesized hydrogels in various chloride salt solutions indicated a swelling-loss with increase in the ionic strength of the salt solutions. In addition, swelling capacity was conducted in solutions with pH ranged from 1 to 13. The hydrogels exhibited a pH-responsiveness character so that a swelling-deswelling pulsatile behavior was recorded at pHs 2 and 8. This on-off switching behavior makes the hydrogel as a good candidate for controlled delivery of bioactive agents

    Sensitivity to Adenosine of Hippocampal Pyramidal Neurones in Calcium-Free Medium

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    Biochemical studies have shown that divalent cations modulate adenosine receptor binding. In this electrophysiological study the effect of calcium on the postsynaptic sensitivity to adenosine was investigated. Extracellular recordings were made in the CA1 pyramidal cell layer of rat hippocampal slices following orthodromic stimulation of Schaffer collateral fibres in the stratum radiatum or antidromic stimulation of the alveus. Field excitatory postsynaptic potentials (fEPSPs) were recorded in stratum radiatum. In antidromic stimulation experiments, CaCl2 was omitted (calcium-free medium) or reduced to 0.24 mM (low calcium medium) and in some experiments MgSO4 was increased to 2 mM or 4 mM. Adenosine and baclofen induced a concentration- dependent reduction in the amplitude of orthodromic potentials with maximum effects at 20 and 5 muM , respectively. In nominally Ca2+ free medium, multiple population spikes were obtained in response to antidromic stimulation. Adenosine had little effect on reducing the secondary spike amplitude. Kynurenic acid, an excitatory amino acid antagonist, at high concentration had no effect on secondary spikes in calcium-free or low calcium medium. 2-Chloroadenosine (1-500 muM) and R-PIA (50 muM) , which are not substrates for either the nucleoside transporters or adenosine deaminase were inactive in the absence of calcium. S-(2-Hydroxy-5 nitrobenzy1)-6-thioinosine , an adenosine uptake blocker, at a concentration of 100 M-M had no effect on secondary potential size and did not restore adenosine sensitivity in calcium free medium. Sensitivity to adenosine in calcium-free medium was restored by 240 muM calcium medium or by raising magnesium (0.8-2.8 mM) . Raising the divalent cations concentration increased the inhibitory effect of adenosine and desensitisation was seen. Thapsigargin, which discharges intracellular calcium stores, at 1 muM had no significant effect on the bursts and did not change the effect of 0.5 mM adenosine in calcium free medium. Unlike adenosine, baclofen concentration-dependently reduced the secondary spike size in calcium free medium and at maximum effect (0.5 mM) or above no sign of recovery was observed during maintained superfusion for up to 45 minutes. The activity of adenosine was restored in the presence of the stabilizer agents procaine or carbamazepine, known inhibitors of sodium channels. The GABAg agonist baclofen did not restore sensitivity to adenosine. The xanthines theophylline and eyelopentyltheophylline , the latter of which is selective for Aj purine receptors, depressed the excitability of hippocampal pyramidal neurones in calcium-free media. Chelating residual calcium with EGTA reduced excitability which was additive with the xanthine effect, while 100 muM calcium depressed the response to theophylline. The inhibition by xanthines was prevented by adenosine, which had no effect by itself, but was not reproduced or modified by adenosine deaminase. The xanthine effects were also prevented by baclofen and carbamazepine. Tolbutamide 1 mM blocked the inhibitory effect of adenosine on the size of orthodromic population spikes but had no effect on the inhibitory action of adenosine on field EPSPs. Tolbutamide did not change the inhibitory action of baclofen on the population spikes or antidromic secondary spikes induced in calcium-free media with high magnesium but dramatically blocked the effect of adenosine in the calcium-free media. Levcromakalim 100 muM potentiated the inhibitory effect of adenosine, but not baclofen, on orthodromic population spikes. The results of this study showed that the mechanisms of postsynaptic activity of adenosine and baclofen are different and at postsynaptic, but not presynaptic, sites adenosine may activate an ATP-(tolbutamide or levcromakalim) sensitive potassium channel. Loss of postsynaptic sensitivity to adenosine in calcium-free solution may result from increased sodium conductances. A common feature of adenosine, baclofen and carbamazepine which may account for their antagonism of the xanthines is the blockade of calcium fluxes. It is proposed that in the presence of low external concentrations of calcium xanthines can reduce excitability by promoting the mobilisation and trans-membrane movement of residual calcium in the medium or neuronal membranes

    Effects of Intraperitoneal Thymoquinone on Chronic Neuropathic Pain in Rats

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    Styrelsen och revisorn i ett aktiebolag har ett parallellt ansvar som frĂ€mst aktualiseras vid skadestĂ„ndstalan nĂ€r bĂ„da bolagsorganen pĂ„ nĂ„got sĂ€tt varit inblandade. ABL uppstĂ€ller en ansvarsfördelning som anger att styrelsen Ă€r ansvarig för bolagets organisation och förvaltning. Styrelsen har Ă€ven till uppgift att se till bolagets ekonomiska förhĂ„llande och det ska ske fortlöpande. Styrelsens ansvarsomrĂ„den framgĂ„r av 8 kap 4 § ABL. Revisorn dĂ€remot, som Ă€r ett oberoende organ i förhĂ„llande till bolaget, deltar inte i bolagets förvaltning. IstĂ€llet ska revisorn utgöra ett kontrollerande organ som ska granska det arbete som styrelsen utför. Granskningen ska enligt 9 kap 3 § ABL ske av Ă„rsredovisningen, bokföringen och styrelsens och VD:ns förvaltning. Bolagsorganen ansvarar sĂ„ledes för olika saker. Styrelseledamöterna, VD:n och revisorn bĂ€r ett skadestĂ„ndsansvar enligt 29 kap 1–2 §§ ABL. SkadestĂ„ndsansvaret innebĂ€r att bolagsorganen ansvarar för skador som de orsakat av oaktsamhet vid utförandet av sina uppdrag. Det ska Ă€ven föreligga ett orsakssamband mellan den oaktsamma handlingen och skadan som uppstĂ„tt. I de fall som det finns fel i Ă„rsredovisningen, vilket kan vara en följd av en icke korrekt bokföring, aktualiseras frĂ„gan vem som ska bĂ€ra ansvaret för den uppkomna skadan. Enligt ABL Ă€r det styrelsen som ansvarar för bokföringen och sĂ„ledes Ă€r ansvarig för att bokföringen sköts pĂ„ ett korrekt sĂ€tt. Det skulle dĂ€rför vara nĂ€ra till hands att bedöma att styrelsen Ă€r ansvarig för den skada som uppstĂ„tt. Rent generellt sett kan det sĂ€gas att styrelsen bĂ€r ett ansvar för skadan, eftersom styrelsen brustit i den ekonomiska förvaltningen. Men i flera fall har en skadestĂ„ndstalan vĂ€ckts mot revisorn. FrĂ„gan blir dĂ„ om revisorn i vissa fall kan bli ansvarig för fel som orsakats av styrelsens förvaltning med avseende pĂ„ ekonomin. Revisorn Ă€r inte ansvarig för att bokföringen sköts pĂ„ ett korrekt sĂ€tt. Det Ă€r inte revisorn som ska se till att det finns ett bra bokföringssystem och tillsynssystem som kontrollerar att bokföringen sköts korrekt, men revisorn utgör, som tidigare nĂ€mnts, ett granskande bolagsorgan. Det Ă„ligger sĂ„ledes revisorn att kontrollera de uppgifter som finns i bokföringen. Revisorn Ă€r ansvarig för skador som kunnat uppstĂ„ pĂ„ grund av att han/hon inte har fullgjort sitt uppdrag pĂ„ ett korrekt sĂ€tt. Det innebĂ€r att Ă€ven om det inte Ă€r revisorn som Ă€r ansvarig för skadan, som styrelsen ursprungligen orsakat, kan revisorn Ă€ndĂ„ bli skadestĂ„ndsansvarig pĂ„ grund av att han/hon inte utfört sitt granskningsuppdrag korrekt. Det medför att bĂ„de revisorn och styrelsen kan bli skadestĂ„ndsansvariga för samma skada men pĂ„ olika grunder, eftersom de har olika uppdrag i grunden. Vid domstol har dock flertalet parter endast vĂ€ckt skadestĂ„ndstalan mot revisorn. I de fall som revisorn har dömts till ansvar och att betala skadestĂ„nd tycks domstolarna ha gjort en ansvarsförskjutning frĂ„n styrelsen mot revisorn. Det har medfört att revisorn har fĂ„tt svara för sĂ„dant som enligt lagen Ă€r styrelsens ansvar

    Effects of Anethum graveolens L. seed extracts on experimental gastric irritation models in mice

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    BACKGROUND: As a folk remedy, Anethum graveolens seed (dill) is used for some gastrointestinal ailments. We aimed to evaluate aqueous and ethanolic extracts of anti-ulcer and acute toxicity effects of the Anethum graveolens in mice. RESULTS: Gastric mucosal lesions were induced by oral administration of HCl (1 N) and absolute ethanol in mice. The acidity and total acid content of gastric juice were measured in pylorus-ligated mice. LD(50 )values of the aqueous and ethanolic extracts were 3.04 g/kg, i.p., (1.5, 6.16) and 6.98 g/kg, i.p., (5.69, 8.56), respectively. The efficacy of high dose of extracts (p.o.) was similar to sucralfate. The acidity and total acid content were reduced by the orally or intraperitoneally administration of the extracts. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that A. graveolens seed extracts have significant mucosal protective and antisecretory effects of the gastric mucosa in mice

    Medicinal herbs in the treatment of neuropathic pain: a review

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    Chronic neuropathic pain is a common significant and debilitating problem that presents a major challenge to health-care. Despite the large number of available drugs, there are no curative conventional treatments for neuropathic pain. Nowadays, more attention has been focused on the herbal formulation in the field of drug discovery. Therefore, we performed an extensive review about herbal drugs and plants that exhibited protective effects on neuropathic pain. In this review, the beneficial effects of each plant in different neuropathic pain model, either in animals or in patients are reported. Moreover, the possible involved mechanisms for the protective effects are discussed. The more common plants which are used for the treatment of neuropathic pain are included as: Acorus calamus, Artemisia dracunculus, Butea monosperma, Citrullus colocynthis, Curcuma longa, Crocus sativus, Elaeagnus angustifolia, Ginkgo biloba, Mitragyna speciosa, Momordica charantia, Nigella sativa, Ocimum sanctum, Phyllanthus amarus, Pterodon pubescens Benth, Rubia cordifolia and Salvia officinalis. Furthermore, the most pathways which are known to be involved in pain relief by means of herbal remedies are anti-oxidant activity, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, neuroprotective and calcium inhibitory actions.In conclusion, this review suggests that some herbal plants can be suitable candidates for the treatment of neuropathic pain

    Durable antibacterial finish on cotton fabric using hydrogel–silver nanocomposite

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    A new durable antibacterial cotton fabric was successfully prepared by free-radical graft copolymerization of acrylic acid (AA) and itaconic acid (IA) onto a cotton fabric in an aqueous medium. Ammonium persulfate (APS) was used as the initiator in the presence of a crosslinker, methylene bisacrylamide (MBA). The nanocomposite hydrogel was obtained from in situ formation of silver nanoparticles from reduction of silver cations by sodium borohydride. A proposed mechanism for nanocomposite formation was suggested and the effect of ratio of IA to AA on water absorbency discussed. FTIR, UV-Vis, X-ray, and scanning electron microscopy were employed to characterize the structure of the prepared superabsorbent. The antibacterial activity of the hydrogel was tested qualitatively and quantitatively. Results showed that the silver nanoparticle-loaded fabric has potent antibacterial activity to Escherichia coli Gram-negative bacteria
