21 research outputs found

    Houses, pots and food: the pottery from Maharski prekop in context

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    In this paper, we attempt a multiscalar analysis of the Maharski prekop archaeological site, connecting the landscape context, temporal dynamics, and spatial organisation with the composition of the artefact assemblage, the shapes, sizes and technological composition of the pottery, and traces of activities in the form of food residues on pottery. The pottery assemblage from Maharski prekop is characterised by a wide variation in vessels. This can be explained by the non-specialised use of vessels, where they were deliberately designed to be able to perform a series of different functions, which is supported by the technological analysis of fabrics and the wide range of identified foodstuffs.V članku predstavljamo rezultate večnivojske analize najdiŔča Maharski prekop na Ljubljanskem barju. Pokrajinske kontekste, časovno dinamiko najdiŔča in njegovo prostorsko organizacijo smo povezali s podatki o sestavi artefaktnega zbira, oblikami, velikostjo in tehnoloŔkimi značilnostmi keramike ter s podatki o sledovih aktivnosti, dokazane z ohranjenimi sledovi hrane v/na lončenini. Za keramični zbir z Maharskega prekopa je značilna velika variabilnost posod. To si lahko razlagamo kot nespecializirano uporabo lončenine, kjer so bile posode namenoma oblikovane za celo serijo različnih funkcij, kar so podprle tako tehnoloŔke analize lončarskih mas kot Ŕirok razpon prepoznanih vrst živil

    Correlation between family history and the age of onset of childhood acne in relation to sex and type of acne

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    Acne vulgaris is a common chronic skin disorder of the pilosebaceous unit with a wide range of clinical presentations, which depend on the age of onset of acne, sex, family history of acne, and genetic factors, especially the genes affecting keratinization and desquamation. This retrospective study investigated pediatric acne using the patientsā€™ past medical history, with patients aged from newborns to 15 years of age. Acne were further stratified by 5 parameters: sex, age, family history, acne type, and localization. Our main aim was to investigate the possible association between selected parameters and the presence or absence of family history of acne. We did not find statistically significant correlation between sex, age of onset, and positive family history of acne. Furthermore, we did not find any association between age of onset and family history according to family members (mother/father/brother or sister). However, we found statistically significant correlation between sex and type of acne. This retrospective analysis of pediatric acne in Croatia did not reveal statistically significant correlation between positive family history and sex, age of onset, and clinical type of acne. In analyzing the correlation between family history and localization of acne, however, we found that the number of patients with acne localized on both the face and trunk and positive family history was statistically significant higher than expected.Ā </p

    Filozofski život

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    Specifics of production preparation in a mattress manufacturing company

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    Cilj rada je dati pregled, objaÅ”njenje i izbor pojedinih vrsta, načina i postupaka izrade opružnih jezgara uz popratnu tehničku dokumentaciju u proizvodnji poduzeća za izradu opružnih jezgara. U ovom radu provedena je analiza vrsta opružnih jezgara, njihovih karakteristika te analiza vrsta spužvi i ostalih materijala koji se koriste u izradi madraca. Tehnologija izrade je projektirana u skladu s izborom vrste opružne jezgre. Naknadnim slanjem proizvoda u kooperaciju, izrađen je madrac prema specifičnom zahtjevu kupca. Izabrana tehnologija, normativi materijala i vremena su prikazani kroz dokumentaciju poduzeća, a dodatno su dani dokumenti izdatnica materijala, izdatnica gotove robe u skladiÅ”te i otpremnica kooperantu.The aim of this paper is to provide an overview, explanation and selection of the individual types, methods and procedures of spring units production with technical documentation in spring units factory. There is an analysis of the types of spring units, their characteristics and an analysis of the types of foams and other materials used in matress manufacturing. The manufacturing technology was implemented in the selection of the type of spring unit and subsequently sending the product in cooperation, according to the specific requirements of the customer, mattress was made. The selected technology is presented in the process of documentation flow in the company and norms of materials and time are given along with the documents of material requisition slip, warehouse delivery note and bill of landing to the subcontractor

    The analysis of new BPMN ver. 2 standard

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    Analiza norme za BPM, BPMN verzije 2.0. usporedba novih koncepata sa prethodnom normom. Pokazani primjeri u kojima su modeli modelirani starom normom unaprijeđeni s novim konceptima

    Water system of the river KaraŔica concerning flood protection and hydroenergetic potential

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    U ovom diplomskom radu će biti prikazan vodni sustav rijeke KaraÅ”ice s obzirom na zaÅ”titu od poplava i hidroenergetski potencijal. Vezano za zaÅ”titu od poplava rad će obuhvatiti tri lokacije na rijeci KaraÅ”ici lokaciju u gradu BeliŔću te naseljima Kapelna i Miholjački Poreč. Drugi dio diplomskog rada će se odnositi na proizvodnju električne energije iz malih hidroelektrana te će se za dvije lokacije na rijeci KaraÅ”ici provesti proračun snage male hidroelektrane kao i količine proizvedene električne energije kod koriÅ”tenja potencijalne energije vode. Proračun će se provesti za mjernu postaju u naseljima Kapelna i Miholjački Poreč. Uz teoretski i analitički dio, rad sadrži i ekonomsku analizu.This graduate thesis presents the water system of the Karasica River according to flood protection and hydropower potential. Regarding flood protection, the graduate thesis will cover three locations of the Karasica River: a location in the town of Belisce and the settlements of Kapelna and Miholjacki Porec. The second part of the thesis will refer to electricity production from small hydropower plants. For two locations of the Karasica River, the calculation of a small hydropower plants and the amount of the produced electric energy will be carried out when using the potential energy of water. The calculation will be carried out for the measuring station in the settlements of Kapelna and Miholjacki Porec. The thesis consists of an economic analysis within the theoretical and analytical parts

    Analysis of the development of railway traffic in the Republic of Croatia

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    Tema zavrÅ”nog rada je analiza razvoja željezničkog prometa u Republici Hrvatskoj. U radu je obrađen sam početak i razvoj željeznica i željezničkog prometa u svijetu, također početak željezničkog prometa prvo na prostoru Hrvatske te kasnije i u samoj Republici Hrvatskoj. Republika Hrvatska sa svojim neobičnim teritorijalnim oblikom i geografskim položajem se nalazi na jako povoljnom mjestu unutar Europe koji ima veliki potencijal u željezničkom prometu Å”to pokazuju i važni koridori koji prolaze kroz Republiku Hrvatsku. U ovom zavrÅ”nom radu ističe se sadaÅ”nje stanje Hrvatskih željeznica. Željeznički sustav Republike Hrvatske temelji se na načelu razdvajanja željezničke infrastrukture i željezničkog (suprastrukture) prijevoza. Željeznička infrastruktura se proteže mrežom pruga po Republici Hrvatskoj u duljini neÅ”to većoj od 2604 km. Željeznički prijevozni kapacitet u Republici Hrvatskoj je prevelik i neodgovarajuće strukture za sadaÅ”nje potrebe prijevoza budući da je djelomično zastario, oÅ”tećen i zbog nedostatka ulaganja zapuÅ”ten. Ulaskom u Europsku uniju 2013. godine otvorila se mogućnost ravnomjernog razvoja prometne infrastrukture, posebice za izgradnju i modernizaciju željezničke infrastrukture uz potporu sredstava strukturnih fondova i Kohezijskog fonda EU. Obrađena strategija razvoja željezničkog prometa u Republici Hrvatskoj od 2017. godine pa do 2030. godine. Bit će objaÅ”njena prednosti željezničkog prometa nasuprot ostalim prometnim granama ( cestovni, zračni pomorski ).The topic of the final paper is the analysis of the development of railway traffic in the Republic of Croatia. The paper deals with the very beginning and development of railways and railway traffic in the world, as well as the beginning of railway traffic first in Croatia and later in the Republic of Croatia itself. The Republic of Croatia, with its unusual territorial shape and geographical position, is located in a very favorable place within Europe, which has great potential in railway transport, as shown by the important corridors that pass through the Republic of Croatia. This final paper highlights the current state of Croatian Railways. The railway system of the Republic of Croatia is based on the principle of separation of railway infrastructure and railway (suprastructure) transport. The railway infrastructure stretches along the network of railways in the Republic of Croatia in the length of slightly more than 2604 km. Railway transport capacity in the Republic of Croatia is too large and inadequate for the current needs of transport, as it is partially obsolete, damaged and neglected due to lack of investment. Accession to the European Union in 2013 opened the possibility of balanced development of transport infrastructure, especially for the construction and modernization of railway infrastructure with the support of the Structural Funds and the EU Cohesion Fund. The strategy for the development of railway transport in the Republic of Croatia from 2017 to 2030 has been processed. The advantages of rail transport over other transport branches (road, air and sea) will be explained

    The analysis of new BPMN ver. 2 standard

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    Analiza norme za BPM, BPMN verzije 2.0. usporedba novih koncepata sa prethodnom normom. Pokazani primjeri u kojima su modeli modelirani starom normom unaprijeđeni s novim konceptima

    The analysis of new BPMN ver. 2 standard

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    Analiza norme za BPM, BPMN verzije 2.0. usporedba novih koncepata sa prethodnom normom. Pokazani primjeri u kojima su modeli modelirani starom normom unaprijeđeni s novim konceptima