Specifics of production preparation in a mattress manufacturing company


Cilj rada je dati pregled, objašnjenje i izbor pojedinih vrsta, načina i postupaka izrade opružnih jezgara uz popratnu tehničku dokumentaciju u proizvodnji poduzeća za izradu opružnih jezgara. U ovom radu provedena je analiza vrsta opružnih jezgara, njihovih karakteristika te analiza vrsta spužvi i ostalih materijala koji se koriste u izradi madraca. Tehnologija izrade je projektirana u skladu s izborom vrste opružne jezgre. Naknadnim slanjem proizvoda u kooperaciju, izrađen je madrac prema specifičnom zahtjevu kupca. Izabrana tehnologija, normativi materijala i vremena su prikazani kroz dokumentaciju poduzeća, a dodatno su dani dokumenti izdatnica materijala, izdatnica gotove robe u skladište i otpremnica kooperantu.The aim of this paper is to provide an overview, explanation and selection of the individual types, methods and procedures of spring units production with technical documentation in spring units factory. There is an analysis of the types of spring units, their characteristics and an analysis of the types of foams and other materials used in matress manufacturing. The manufacturing technology was implemented in the selection of the type of spring unit and subsequently sending the product in cooperation, according to the specific requirements of the customer, mattress was made. The selected technology is presented in the process of documentation flow in the company and norms of materials and time are given along with the documents of material requisition slip, warehouse delivery note and bill of landing to the subcontractor

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