8 research outputs found

    Present knowledge of distribution of Tandonia budapestensis (Hazay, 1881) in the Czech and Slovak Republics (Gastropoda: Milacidae)

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    All published and known unpublished data on Tandonia budapestensis (Hazay, 1881) from the territory of the Czech and Slovak Republics are summarised. This species occurs rarely in both states in altitudes up to ca. 420 m. and is closely bound to anthropogenous habitats

    La forĂȘt engloutie sous la mer : Nouvelles donnĂ©es palĂ©oenvironnementales sur la 'ForĂȘt de Quintefeuille' d'aprĂšs les cortĂšges malacologiques holocĂšnes (Graye-sur-mer, Normandie)

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    International audienceDe part et d’autre des cĂŽtes de la Manche, la prĂ©sence de formations tourbeuses est un hĂ©ritage de l’histoire postglaciaire du nord de l’Europe. Sur les plages du Calvados (Normandie), au grĂ© des marĂ©es, l’érosion dĂ©gage des bancs de tourbes. La topographie du littoral a permis la conservation de certains de ces affleurements riches en dĂ©bris vĂ©gĂ©taux et en souches d’arbres entre BerniĂšres-sur mer et Saint-CĂŽme-de-FresnĂ©. La « forĂȘt engloutie » que ces dĂ©pĂŽts reprĂ©sentent dans l’imaginaire collectif est appelĂ©e ‘ForĂȘt de Quintefeuille’. Qu’en est-il de l’histoire environnementale postglaciaire qu’elle renferme ?En rĂ©alitĂ©, la sĂ©quence sĂ©dimentaire holocĂšne de la ForĂȘt de Quintefeuille est une complexe alternance de tourbe franche, tourbe argileuse, argile et tuf calcaire. L’ensemble de ces couches est particuliĂšrement riche en coquilles de mollusques continentaux. Ces dĂ©pĂŽts ont fait l’objet de quelques Ă©tudes sĂ©dimentologiques et palĂ©oenvironnementales (pollen). Cependant les donnĂ©es malacologiques connues Ă  ce jour sont sommaires et ponctuelles. Or, les mollusques sont d’excellents rĂ©vĂ©lateurs des conditions environnementales locales et de leur Ă©volution.Cette communication orale se propose de prĂ©senter l’étude palĂ©oenvironnementale de la ForĂȘt de Quintefeuille Ă  partir d’un Ă©chantillonnage malacologique rĂ©alisĂ© Ă  Graye-sur-mer.L’objectif de l’étude sont les suivants :- DĂ©crire les Ă©tapes environnementales enregistrĂ©es par les malacofaunes ;- Discuter de l’influence marine sur l’environnement ;- CorrĂ©ler et comparer les rĂ©sultats obtenus avec les Ă©tudes prĂ©cĂ©dentes ;- ComplĂ©ter le rĂ©fĂ©rentiel malacologique holocĂšne normand

    Community metabarcoding uncovers vast diversity and a lack of barcode references for aquatic invertebrates in Carpathian spring fens

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    Recent studies on diversity of stream amphipods proposed that the Western Carpathians have served as an important glacial refugium of freshwater fauna. If this scenario is true, a considerably high molecular diversity can be expected in this biogeographic region also for other taxa. In our project, we aimed to uncover and characterize molecular diversity of benthic macroinvertebrate fauna of spring fens, a well studied and hence convenient model community. Using a DNA metabarcoding approach, we sequenced a fragment of the COI gene of pooled spring fen invertebrate communities from 21 localities in the Western Carpathians. The preliminary analysis of the sequences revealed a substantially higher amount of operational taxonomic units (OTUs), when compared to the number of taxa identified in the same spring fens based on morphological characters. The lack of reference sequences in public databases (Barcoding of Life Database, GenBank) for the majority of the detected OTUs indicates that the Western Carpathian region is not yet sufficiently covered by barcoding efforts, and suggests that there indeed may be a considerable unrecognized diversity of macrozoobenthos. However, most newly uncovered diversity is concentrated in a few taxa such as the dipteran families Tabanidae and Ceratopogonidae, annelid species (complexes) Eiseniella tetraedra and Helobdella stagnalis or the amphipod genus Gammarus. In the future, these findings will be the basis for several levels of research: detailed investigation of seemingly hyperdiverse taxa (phylogeography, phylogeny, reference coverage) and comparison of overall molecular diversity of these communities in the Western Carpathians and neighbouring Bohemian Massif, a region where we expect much lower diversity due to different biogeographic history