93 research outputs found
Horizontal distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates in Lake Kawaguchi, Japan
Article信州大学理学部附属諏訪臨湖実験所報告 9: 121-129(1995)departmental bulletin pape
Scissoring of cerebral aneurysm clips: mechanical endurance of clip twisting
Although the cerebral aneurysm clip "scissoring" phenomenon is known to occur due to twisting of the aneurysm clip blades during surgery, there have been few previous studies of scissoring. In the present study, we examined the in vitro endurance of clip twisting to assess clip scissoring. To evaluate the clip-scissoring effect, we measured torque at the rotating aneurysm clip head (Sugita and Yasargil clips) using our own manufactured product. A silicon sheet 1 mm thick was clipped at several depths (3, 6, and 9 mm), and the clip head was mechanically rotated. Straight and fenestrated clips of titanium alloy were used in the present study. Cobalt alloy straight clips were also examined. Preliminary experiments indicated that torque values during clip head rotation dropped when the blades crossed. In addition, torque values before blade crossing showed resistance to slippage of the blades. Torque values of both Sugita and Yasargil clips were directly proportional to the blade depth. There were no differences between straight and fenestrated Sugita clips. Although the torque was greater in cobalt alloy than titanium alloy Sugita clips, the torque values of Yasargil cobalt and titanium clips were identical. We found some differences in torque values during clip head rotation between Sugita and Yasargil clips. Based on the results of twisting experiments, scissoring is likely to occur when occluding the neck of the aneurysm only with the tips of long clip blades.ArticleNEUROSURGICAL REVIEW. 35(2):219-224 (2012)journal articl
Measurement of redshift dependent cross correlation of HSC clusters and Fermi rays
The cross-correlation study of the unresolved -ray background (UGRB)
with galaxy clusters has a potential to reveal the nature of the UGRB. In this
paper, we perform a cross-correlation analysis between -ray data by the
Fermi Large Area Telescope (Fermi-LAT) and a galaxy cluster catalogue from the
Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey. The Subaru HSC cluster catalogue
provides a wide and homogeneous large-scale structure distribution out to the
high redshift at , which has not been accessible in previous
cross-correlation studies. We conduct the cross-correlation analysis not only
for clusters in the all redshift range () of the survey, but
also for subsamples of clusters divided into redshift bins, the low redshift
bin () and the high redshift bin (), to utilize
the wide redshift coverage of the cluster catalogue. We find the evidence of
the cross-correlation signals with the significance of 2.0-2.3 for all
redshift and low-redshift cluster samples. On the other hand, for high-redshift
clusters, we find the signal with weaker significance level (1.6-1.9).
We also compare the observed cross-correlation functions with predictions of a
theoretical model in which the UGRB originates from -ray emitters such
as blazars, star-forming galaxies and radio galaxies. We find that the detected
signal is consistent with the model prediction.Comment: 11 pages, 24 figures, accepted by MNRA
Cross Correlation of the Extragalactic Gamma-ray Background with Thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich Effect in the Cosmic Microwave Background
Cosmic rays in galaxy clusters are unique probes of energetic processes
operating with large-scale structures in the Universe. Precise measurements of
cosmic rays in galaxy clusters are essential for improving our understanding of
non-thermal components in the intracluster-medium (ICM) as well as the accuracy
of cluster mass estimates in cosmological analyses. In this paper, we perform a
cross-correlation analysis with the extragalactic gamma-ray background and the
thermal Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (tSZ) effect in the cosmic microwave background. The
expected cross-correlation signal would contain rich information about the
cosmic-ray-induced gamma-ray emission in the most massive galaxy clusters at
. We analyze the gamma-ray background map with 8 years of data
taken by the Large Area Telescope onboard Fermi satellite and the publicly
available tSZ map by Planck. We confirm that the measured cross-correlation is
consistent with a null detection, and thus it enables us to put the tightest
constraint on the acceleration efficiency of cosmic ray protons at shocks in
and around galaxy clusters. We find the acceleration efficiency must be below
5\% with a confidence level when the hydrostatic mass bias of
clusters is assumed to be 30\%, and our result is not significantly affected by
the assumed value of the hydrostatic mass bias. Our constraint implies that the
non-thermal cosmic-ray pressure in the ICM can introduce only a level
of the hydrostatic mass bias, highlighting that cosmic rays alone do not
account for the mass bias inferred by the Planck analyses. Finally, we discuss
future detectability prospects of cosmic-ray-induced gamma rays from the
Perseus cluster for the Cherenkov Telescope Array.Comment: 19 pages, 15 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.
Heat shock cognate protein 70 contributes to Brucella invasion into trophoblast giant cells that cause infectious abortion
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The cell tropism of <it>Brucella abortus</it>, a causative agent of brucellosis and facultative intracellular pathogen, in the placenta is thought to be a key event of infectious abortion, although the molecular mechanism for this is largely unknown. There is a higher degree of bacterial colonization in the placenta than in other organs and many bacteria are detected in trophoblast giant (TG) cells in the placenta. In the present study, we investigated mechanism of <it>B. abortus </it>invasion into TG cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We observed internalization and intracellular growth of <it>B. abortus </it>in cultured TG cells. A monoclonal antibody that inhibits bacterial internalization was isolated and this reacted with heat shock cognate protein 70 (Hsc70). Depletion and over expression of Hsc70 in TG cells inhibited and promoted bacterial internalization, respectively. IFN-γ receptor was expressed in TG cells and IFN-γ treatment enhanced the uptake of bacteria by TG cells. Administering the anti-Hsc70 antibody to pregnant mice served to prevent infectious abortion.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p><it>B. abortus </it>infection of TG cells in placenta is mediated by Hsc70, and that such infection leads to infectious abortion.</p
Perehdyttämisopas Yläristin Pysäkille
Opinnäytetyöni tarkoituksena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa sähköisessä muodossa oleva perehdyttämisopas Yläristin pysäkin henkilökunnan ja opiskelijoiden käyttöön. Yläristin pysäkki on Pieksämäen kaupungin ylläpitämä 8-paikkainen päihdekuntoutus- ja asumispalveluyksikkö, jonka toiminta kuuluu mielenterveys- ja päihdepalveluiden piiriin. Toiminta perustuu tiimi- ja verkostoyhteistyöhön sekä yksilöhoitoon yhteisöhoidollisin menetelmin, ja sen tavoitteena on tukea asiakkaan päihteettömyyttä ja olla mukana muutosprosessin eri vaiheissa. Henkilökuntaan kuuluu yksi sairaanhoitaja ja kolme lähihoitajaa. Lisäksi Yläristin pysäkillä on vuosittain useita sairaanhoitaja-, sosionomi- ja lähihoitajaopiskelijoita suorittamassa opintoihin kuuluvia harjoittelujaksoja. Tavoitteena opinnäytetyölläni oli tukea työyhteisön hyvinvointia ja yhtenäisten toimintamallien toteutumista perehdyttämisoppaan avulla.
Opinnäytetyön teoreettinen viitekehys käsittelee perehdyttämistä ja siihen liittyviä tekijöitä – perehdyttämisen sisältöä, perehdyttäjiä ja perehdyttämisprosessia kokonaisuutena. Aiempaa tutkimustietoa hoitoalan perehdyttämisestä ja sen hyödyistä löytyi suomen kielellä melko niukasti. Tutkimusten mukaan hyvällä perehdyttämisellä on merkittäviä vaikutuksia muun muassa työhön sitoutumiseen ja työssä viihtymiseen.
Opinnäytetyöprosessi käynnistyi keväällä 2015 työharjoitteluni aikana ja eteni pääosin ennalta suunnitel-lun aikataulun mukaisesti. Toimeksiantajan edustajat olivat aktiivisesti mukana tuotteen kehittämisessä sekä koko opinnäytetyöprosessissa. Tuotteen kehitysvaiheessa toimeksiantajan edustajia haastateltiin tarpeista ja toiveista perehdyttämisoppaaseen liittyen, näin kokoon saatiin mahdollisimman kattava ja sisällöltään toimeksiantajan tarpeita vastaava tuote. Viimeistelyvaiheessa toteutettiin toinen haastattelu, jossa toimeksiantajan edustajat arvioivat tuotteen ja pohtivat sen jatkokehitysmahdollisuuksia. Valmis tuote, eli perehdyttämisopas on yhteisymmärryksessä toimeksiantajan ja koulun edustajien kanssa salattu sen sisältämien yksityiskohtaisten ja arkaluontoisten tietojen vuoksi.The purpose of this thesis was to design and create a digital orientation guide for the employees and students working at Yläristin Pysäkki. Yläristin Pysäkki is a rehabilitation and accommodation unit, which is maintained by the City of Pieksämäki. It has 8 places and operates under Pieksämäki mental and sub-stance abuse services. The operations are based on co-operation in teams and networks. Collaborative methods are used for supporting individual care. The aim in the unit is to support the clients’ abstinence and take part in the different stages of their change process.
There a registered nurse and three practical nurses working in the unit. In addition, every year there are several registered and practical nurse students as well as students from social services programmes performing their practical training. The goal of the digital guide was to support the wellbeing of the personnell and harmonise and enable coherent procedures.
The theoretical framework of the study discusses orientation and the factors related to it – the content of orientation, mentors and the orientation process as a whole. There were only a few previous studies avail-able on orientation in the Finnish language. According to the studies proper orientation has significant impact on employee commitment and satisfaction.
The process of the thesis started in spring 2015 during my practical training and it progressed according to plan. The representatives of Yläristin Pysäkki took active part in the development phase as well as sup-ported me during the whole process. During the design phase the representatives of Yläristin Pysäkki were interviewed about their needs and hopes regarding the orientation guide. With this information it was possible to create a comprehensive product, which would fulfil their needs. During the finishing phase a second set of interviews was conducted for evaluation by the unit representatives. Further development possibilities were also considered. The final product itself, the digital orientation guide for Yläristin Pysäkki has been classified as Company Confidential due to its detailed and sensitive content.Opinnäytetyö sisältää perehdyttämisoppaan (30 sivua), josta julkaistu vain sisällysluettel
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