23 research outputs found
Työkyky keski-iän kynnyksellä: Pohjois-Suomen kohortti -66 tutkimukseen osallistuneiden miesten ja naisten työkyvyn kehitys 1997-2012
Hyvä työkyky on keskeinen tekijä työssä jaksamisessa ja sen tukeminen mahdollistaa pitkän työuran. Tästä huolimatta huomiota ei ole kiinnitetty riittävästi parhaassa työiässä olevien työkykyyn ja sen ylläpitämiseen tähtääviin toimenpiteisiin. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään työkyvyn kehitystä varhaisesta aikuisuudesta, 31-ikävuodesta keski-iän kynnykselle, 46 ikävuoteen saakka. Raportissa kuvataan myös syitä työkyvyn
heikkenemiselle ja tarjotaan työterveyshuollolle, työpaikoille ja työntekijöille toimenpidesuosituksia työkyvyn turvaamiseksi
Kuorma kevenee yhteistyöllä : Postinjakajien työn kuormitustekijät ja työntekijöiden kuormittuneisuus
Itellan ja Työterveyslaitoksen yhteisessä Kuorma-hankkeessa 2011–2013 kartoitettiin kokonaisvaltaisesti postinjakajien ja varhaisjakajien työn kuormitustekijöitä ja työntekijöiden kuormittuneisuutta
The legislative backgrounds of workplace health promotion in three European countries : A comparative analysis
Publisher Copyright: © 2015 Šidagytė et al.; licensee BioMed Central.Background: This article investigates the legal database and theoretical basis of workplace health promotion (WHP) in three European countries: Finland, Latvia and Lithuania, and aims to find insights into effective WHP implementation. Methods: In November 2013, a stakeholders' survey was carried out. The questionnaire included questions about legal documents and non-legislative measures relevant to WHP, institutions and other bodies/organizations working in the field, WHP conception/definition, and implementation of WHP activities according to the enterprises' size. Results: Only Finland has adopted a specific law on occupational health care (separate from occupational safety). ILO conventions No. 161 (Occupational Health Services Convention) and No. 187 (Promotional Framework for Occupational Safety and Health Convention) are ratified only in Finland. In Finland, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health acts as one ministry, while two Baltic countries have two separate ministries (one for health and another for social affairs). None of the countries has legally approved a definition of WHP. Latvia and Lithuania tend to separate WHP from other activities, whereas Finland integrates WHP into other occupational health and safety elements. Conclusions: Finland has a more extensive legislative and organizational background to WHP than Latvia and Lithuania. In defining WHP, all the countries refer to the Luxembourg Declaration on Workplace Health Promotion in the European Union. Finland's practice of integrating WHP into other occupational health and safety elements is important.publishersversionPeer reviewe
Psychological flexibility, occupational burnout and eating behavior among working women
Background: Occupational burnout is associated with diminished psychological flexibility and higher emotional (EE) and uncontrolled eating (UE). Psychological flexibility could be a mediating factor between burnout and eating behaviour. Objectives: To investigate differences in eating behaviour between those with different levels of psychological flexibility, and the association of the interaction between psychological flexibility and occupational burnout with eating behaviour. Design: The participants were working women (n = 263), who took part in the randomized controlled health intervention trial. Analyses were performed in a cross-sectional setting at baseline. Methods: Eating behaviour was measured using the Three Factor Eating Behaviour Questionnaire-18 [which evaluates EE, UE and cognitive restraint (CR)], psychological flexibility using Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II and occupational burnout using Bergen Burnout Indicator-15. Participants were divided into four groups based on the quartile points of psychological flexibility. Results: The EE of those who were inflexible was higher than that of those whose flexibility was high moderate (p = 0.013) and who were flexible (p = 0.001). The UE of those who were inflexible was higher than the UE in the other groups with higher flexibility [low moderate (p = 0.034), high moderate (p < 0.001), and flexible (p < 0.001)]. Psychological flexibility diluted the association between occupational burnout and EE and UE. Multivariate analysis of variances revealed that the combination of psychological flexibility and burn- out had a stronger association with the variances of EE and UE than psychological flexibility alone. Conclusions: Persons who are psychologically inflexible have higher EE and UE. Future studies should investigate if increasing psychological flexibility helps decrease EE and UE.peerReviewe