16 research outputs found

    Reducing passenger delays by rolling stock rescheduling

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    Delays are a major nuisance to railway passengers. The extent to which a delay propagates, and thus affects the passengers, is influenced by the assignment of rolling stock. We propose to reschedule the rolling stock in such a way that the passenger delay is minimized and such that objectives on passenger comfort and operational efficiency are taken into account. We refer to this problem as the passenger delay reduction problem. We propose two models for this problem, which are based on two dominant streams of literature for the traditional rolling stock rescheduling problem. The first model is an arc formulation of the problem, whereas the second model is a path formulation. We test the effectiveness of these models on instances from Netherlands Railways (Nederlandse Spoorwegen). The results show that the rescheduling of rolling stock can significantly decrease passenger delays in the system. Especially, allowing flexibility in the assignment of rolling stock at terminal stations turns out to be effective in reducing the delays. Moreover, we show that the arc formulation–based model performs best in finding high-quality solutions within the limited time that is available in the rescheduling phase

    The Edge Investment Problem: Upgrading Transit Line Segments with Multiple Investing Parties

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    Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems can provide a fast and reliable service to passengers at lower costs compared to tram, metro and train systems. Therefore, they can be of great value to attract more passengers to use public transport, which is vital in reaching the Paris Agreement Targets. However, the main advantage of BRT systems, namely their flexible implementation, also leads to the risk that the system is only implemented partially to save costs. This paper focuses therefore on the Edge Investment Problem: Which edges (segments) of a bus line should be upgraded to full-level BRT? Motivated by the construction of a new BRT line around Copenhagen, we consider a setting in which multiple parties are responsible for different segments of the line. Each party has a limited budget and can adjust its investments according to the benefits provided to its passengers. We suggest two ways to determine the number of newly attracted passengers, prove that the corresponding problems are NP-hard and identify special cases that can be solved in polynomial time. In addition, problem relaxations are presented that yield dual bounds. Moreover, we perform an extensive numerical comparison in which we evaluate the extent to which these two ways of modeling demand impact the computational performance and the choice of edges to be upgraded

    The Bus Rapid Transit Investment Problem

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    Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems can provide a fast and reliable service to passengers at low investment costs compared to tram, metro and train systems. Therefore, they can be of great value to attract more passengers to use public transport. This paper thus focuses on the BRT investment problem: Which segments of a single bus line should be upgraded such that the number of newly attracted passengers is maximized? Motivated by the construction of a new BRT line around Copenhagen, we consider a setting in which multiple parties are responsible for different segments of the line. As each party has a limited willingness to invest, we solve a bi-objective problem to quantify the trade-off between the number of attracted passengers and the investment budget. We model different problem variants: First, we consider two potential passenger responses to upgrades on the line. Second, to prevent scattered upgrades along the line, we consider different restrictions on the number of upgraded connected components on the line. We propose an epsilon-constraint-based algorithm to enumerate the complete set of non-dominated points and investigate the complexity of this problem. Moreover, we perform extensive numerical experiments on artificial instances and a case study based on the BRT line around Copenhagen. Our results show that we can generate the full Pareto front for real-life instances and that the resulting trade-off between investment budget and attracted passengers depends both on the origin-destination demand and on the passenger response to upgrades. Moreover, we illustrate how the generated Pareto plots can assist decision makers in selecting from a set of geographical route alternatives in our case study.Comment: 40 pages; updated links to supplemental materia

    A Variable Neighborhood Search Heuristic for Rolling Stock Rescheduling

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    We present a Variable Neighborhood Search heuristic for the rolling stock rescheduling problem. Rolling stock rescheduling is needed when a disruption leads to cancellations in the timetable. In rolling stock rescheduling, we then assign duties, i.e., sequences of trips, to the available train units in such a way that both passenger comfort and operational performance are taken into account. For our heuristic, we introduce three neighborhoods that can be used for rolling stock rescheduling, which respectively focus on swapping duties between train units, on improving the individual duties and on changing the shunting that occurs between trips. These neighborhoods are used for both a Variable Neighborhood Descent local search procedure and for perturbing the current solution in order to escape from local optima. We apply our heuristic to instances of Netherlands Railways (NS). The results show that the heuristic is able to find high-quality solutions in a reasonable amount of time. This allows rolling stock dispatchers to use our heuristic in real-time rescheduling

    Reducing Passenger Delays by Rolling Stock Rescheduling

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    Delays are a major nuisance to railway passengers. The extent to which a delay propagates, and thus aects the passengers, is in uenced by the assignment of rolling stock. We propose to reschedule the rolling stock in such a way that the passenger delay is minimized and such that objectives on passenger comfort and operational eciency are taken into account. We refer to this problem as the Passenger Delay Reduction Problem (PDRP).We propose two models for this problem, which are based on two dominant streams of literature for the traditional Rolling Stock Rescheduling Problem. The rst model is an arc formulation of the problem, while the second model is a path formulation. We test the eectiveness of these models on instances of Netherlands Railways (NS). The results show that the rescheduling of rolling stock can signicantly decrease the passenger delays in the system. Especially allowing exibility in the assignment of rolling stock at terminal stations turns out to be eective in reducing the delays. Moreover, we show that the arc formulation based model performs best in nding high-quality solutions within the limited time that is available in the rescheduling phase

    Solving bin-packing problems under privacy preservation: Possibilities and trade-offs

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    We investigate the trade-off between privacy and solution quality that occurs when a kanonymized database is used as input to the bin-packing optimization problem. To investigate the impact of the chosen anonymization method on this trade-off, we consider two recoding methods for k-anonymity: full-domain generalization and partition-based single-dimensional recoding. To deal with the uncertainty created by anonymization in the bin-packing problem, we utilize stochastic programming and robust optimization methods. Our computational results show that the trade-off is strongly dependent on both the anonymization and optimization method. On the anonymization side, we see that using single dimensional recoding leads to significantly better solution quality than using full domain generalization. On the optimization side, we see that using stochastic programming, where we use the multiset of values in an equivalence class, considerably improves the solutions. While publishing these multisets makes the database more vulnerable to a table linkage attack, we argue that it is up to the data publisher to reason if such a loss of anonymization weighs up to the increase in optimization performance

    Reducing Passenger Delays by Rolling Stock Rescheduling

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    Delays are a major nuisance to railway passengers. The extent to which a delay propagates, and thus affects the passengers, is influenced by the assignment of rolling stock. We propose to reschedule the rolling stock in such a way that the passenger delay is minimized and such that objectives on passenger comfort and operational efficiency are taken into account. We refer to this problem as the Passenger Delay Reduction Problem (PDRP). We propose two models for this problem, which are based on two dominant streams of literature for the traditional Rolling Stock Rescheduling Problem. The first model is an arc formulation of the problem, while the second model is a path formulation. We test the effectiveness of these models on instances of Netherlands Railways (NS). The results show that the rescheduling of rolling stock can significantly decrease the passenger delays in the system. Especially allowing flexibility in the assignment of rolling stock at terminal stations turns out to be effective in reducing the delays. Moreover, we show that the arc formulation based model performs best in finding high-quality solutions within the limited time that is available in the rescheduling phase

    A Variable Neighborhood Search heuristic for rolling stock rescheduling

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    We present a Variable Neighborhood Search heuristic for the rolling stock rescheduling problem. Rolling stock rescheduling is needed when a disruption leads to cancellations in the timetable. In rolling stock rescheduling, one must then assign duties, i.e., sequences of trips, to the available train units in such a way that both passenger comfort and operational performance are taken into account. For our heuristic, we introduce three neighborhoods, which focus on swapping duties between train units, on improving the individual duties and on changing the shunting that occurs between trips, respectively. These neighborhoods are used for both a Variable Neighborhood Descent local search procedure and for perturbing the current solution in order to escape from local optima. Moreover, we show that the heuristic can be extended to the setting of flexible rolling stock turnings at ending stations by introducing a fourth neighborhood. We apply our heuristic to instances of Netherlands Railways (NS). The results show that the heuristic is able to find high-quality solutions within 1 ​min of solving time. This allows rolling stock dispatchers to use our heuristic in real-time rescheduling