4,785 research outputs found

    MMI Devices with Weak Guiding Designed in Three Dimensions Using a Genetic Algorithm

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    We discuss the design of weakly guided multimode interference (MMI) devices using a genetic algorithm. For devices exhibiting a nonnegligible vertical waveguide offset, such as those produced using ion exchange in glass, three-dimensional modeling is required to properly evaluate the device performance. A combination of semivectorial finite difference modeling in two transverse dimensions and mode propagation analysis (MPA) in the propagation direction is used to evaluate the merit of each trial design. An example is provided of a 1 x 4 power splitter designed for ion exchange, which shows considerable improvement over that obtained by self-imaging theory

    Determination of Ion Exchange Parameters by a Genetic Algorithm

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    Modeling the process of ion exchange in glass requires accurate knowledge of the self-diffusion coefficients of the incoming and outgoing ions. Furthermore, correlating the concentration profile of the incoming ions to a change in refractive index requires knowledge of the correlation coefficient. We present a method by which these three parameters can be quickly determined experimentally, using a genetic algorithm. Comparison with published data is presented

    Ion-Exchanged Glass Waveguides with Low Birefringence for a Broad Range of Waveguide Widths

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    Optical communications networks require integrated photonic components with negligible polarization dependence, which typically means that the waveguides must feature very low birefringence. Recent studies have shown that waveguides with low birefringence can be obtained, e.g., by use of silica-on-silicon waveguides or buried ion-exchanged glass waveguides. However, many integrated photonic circuits consist of waveguides with varying widths. Therefore low birefringence is consequently required for waveguides having different widths. This is a difficult task for most waveguide fabrication technologies. We present experimental results on waveguide birefringence for buried silver–sodium ion-exchanged glass waveguides. We show that the waveguide birefringence of the order of 106 for waveguide mask opening widths ranging from 2 to 10 ÎŒm can be obtained by postprocessing the sample through annealing at an elevated temperature. The measured values are in agreement with the values calculated with our modeling software for ion-exchanged glass waveguides. This unique feature of ion-exchanged waveguides may be of significant importance in a wide variety of integrated photonic circuits requiring polarization independent operation

    Ion-Exchanged Glass Waveguide Technology: A Review

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    We review the history and current status of ion exchanged glass waveguide technology. The background of ion exchange in glass and key developments in the first years of research are briefly described. An overview of fabrication, characterization and modeling of waveguides is given and the most important waveguide devices and their applications are discussed. Ion exchanged waveguide technology has served as an available platform for studies of general waveguide properties, integrated optics structures and devices, as well as applications. It is also a commercial fabrication technology for both passive and active waveguide components

    Alleviating unemployment traps in Finland: Can the efficiency-equity trade-off be avoided?

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    Using a new comprehensive tax-benefit model, JUTTA, this paper examines how labour supply incentives – both to participate in the labour force (the “extensive” margin) and to supply extra hours of work (the “incentive” margin) – have changed in Finland in 1995-2007. The results reveal that the average participation tax rate has decreased by 10 percentage points to 62 per cent. Despite the significant improvement in incentives, some of the unemployed who have children, especially single parents, are still in an unemployment trap, i.e. the disposable family income does not significantly increase if the person is employed. We therefore present simulations where the social security system is reformed, without reducing minimum benefits, so that the income dependence of some of the benefits is reduced. This reform redistributes income to the poor and, at the same time, improves the incentives to participate in the labour force. We also compare the effects of this policy with those of a set of more traditional type of policies, consisting of across-the-board tax cuts and increases in income support.microsimulation, labour supply, extensive margin, efficiency-equity trade-off

    Generalized Parton Distributions from Hadronic Observables

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    We propose a physically motivated parametrization for the unpolarized generalized parton distributions, H and E, valid at both zero and non-zero values of the skewness variable, \zeta. At \zeta=0, H and E are determined using constraints from simultaneous fits of experimental data on both the nucleon elastic form factors and the deep inelastic structure functions. Lattice calculations of the higher moments constrain the parametrization at \zeta > 0. Our method provides a step towards a model independent extraction of generalized distributions from the data that is alternative to the mathematical ansatz of double distributions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to appear in the proceedings of DIS 200

    Hoivakodin asukkaan ja sairaanhoitajan kohtaaminen. : Sairaanhoitajien ja omaisten kokemuksia.

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    Honkanen, Julia. Hoivakodin asukkaan ja sairaanhoitajan kohtaaminen. Sairaanhoitajien ja omaisten kokemuksia. Diak Helsinki, syksy 2015, 38s.,4 liitettĂ€. Hoitotyön koulutusohjelma, sairaanhoitaja (AMK). OpinnĂ€ytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvata sairaanhoitajien kokemuksia hoivakodin asukkaiden kohtaamisesta. Tarkoituksena oli kuvata lisĂ€ksi omaisten kokemuksia sairaanhoitajien ja asukkaiden kohtaamisesta. OpinnĂ€ytetyön tavoitteena oli tiedon lisÀÀminen Hoivan hoivakotien henkilökunnalle asukkaiden kohtaamisesta. OpinnĂ€ytetyö oli laadullinen eli kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Teoriapohjana on ollut vanhushoitoon suunnattu kirjallisuus sekĂ€ aiemmin tehdyt tutkimukset kohtaa-misesta. Aineistoa kerĂ€ttiin lomakekyselyllĂ€ ja vastauksia saatiin neljĂ€ltĂ€ sai-raanhoitajalta sekĂ€ viideltĂ€ omaiselta. Tulokset analysoitiin sisĂ€llönanalyysin avulla. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, ettĂ€ sairaanhoitajilla ja omai-silla on samanlainen kokemus siitĂ€, miten asukas kohdataan. Sairaanhoitajien sekĂ€ omaisten mielestĂ€ yksilöllisyys, luottamus sekĂ€ itsemÀÀrÀÀmisoikeus ovat hyvin tĂ€rkeitĂ€ hyvĂ€ssĂ€ kohtaamisessa. LisĂ€ksi heidĂ€n mielestÀÀn sairaanhoita-jan pitÀÀ osata ”lukea” asukasta. Kohdatessaan asukasta sairaanhoitaja huomioi asukkaan sen hetkisen voinnin ja avuntarpeen. EsteenĂ€ hyvĂ€lle kohtaamiselle sairaanhoitajien ja omaisten mielestĂ€ voi olla muun muassa kiire ja sairaanhoitajan oma asenne työhön.Julia Honkanen. Encountering between a nursing home resident and a nurse. Nurses’ and relatives’ experiences. 38 pages 4 appendices. Helsinki, autumn 2015. Diakonia University of Applied Sciences, Degree Programme in Nursing, Registered Nurse (AMK). The purpose of the thesis was to describe nurses’ experiences of encounters with nursing home residents. Furthermore, the aim was to describe relatives’ experiences of encounters with nurses and residents. The aim of the thesis was to provide Hoiva nursing home (Finland) staff with more information about encountering the residents. The qualitative method was used in the thesis. Literature relating to eldercare and previous studies of encounters were the theory basis of the study. The material was gathered using questionnaires. Five answers were received from relatives and four from nurses. The results were analyzed by using content analysis. According to the results of the study, it can be stated that nurses and relatives have same kinds of experiences on how the resident is encountered. According to the nurses and the relatives, individuality, trust and self-determination play a very important role in good encountering. Additionally, they think that nurses should be able to ’read’ the residents. When encountering the resident, the nurse is assessing the resident’s current health and care need. Nurses and relatives think that e.g haste and the nurse’s own attitude to work can be an obstacle to good encountering
