31 research outputs found

    Sustainable water resources management for irrigated agriculture in Latin America

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    [No abstract available]EU/FP

    Effect of water application on wine quality and yield in ‘Carménère’ under the presence of a shallow water table in central Chile

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    Chile is the world’s leading producer of ‘Carménère’ (Vitis vinifera L.), which in turn is an important variety in Chile, where vineyards are typically grown under irrigated conditions and a large percentage are located in valleys with similar water table levels to those of the study area. Different irrigation management strategies have been used to improve wine quality, such as water stress and deficit irrigations, but the presence of a water table has not been considered in extant literature. This study analyzes the effects of the irrigation regime on grape yield and wine quality when a shallow water table is located between 1.5 to 2.2 m depth during the irrigation season. Five applied water treatments: 0%, 20%, 40%, 75%, and 100% of estimated vineyard evapotranspiration (ETc) were applied in an own-rooted ‘Carménère’ vineyard located in the Peumo Valley (Chile) during three consecutive seasons (2004-2005 to 2006-2007). Applying 1400 to 9400 m3 ha-1 per season (100% ETc) had no substantial effect on the measured quality parameters, although grape production in the treatment without irrigation (0% ETc) was significantly reduced. Applying water at 20% to 40% ETc produced high yield (13 to 16 t ha-1), double the historical mean production, and high quality wine with the presence of a water table close to the bottom of the root zone.Universidad de Concepción, ChileBMBF/CONICYT 231-2010Water Resources Center for Agriculture and MiningCONICYT/FONDAP/1513001

    Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries

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    Music is present in every known society but varies from place to place. What, if anything, is universal to music cognition? We measured a signature of mental representations of rhythm in 39 participant groups in 15 countries, spanning urban societies and Indigenous populations. Listeners reproduced random ‘seed’ rhythms; their reproductions were fed back as the stimulus (as in the game of ‘telephone’), such that their biases (the prior) could be estimated from the distribution of reproductions. Every tested group showed a sparse prior with peaks at integer-ratio rhythms. However, the importance of different integer ratios varied across groups, often reflecting local musical practices. Our results suggest a common feature of music cognition: discrete rhythm ‘categories’ at small-integer ratios. These discrete representations plausibly stabilize musical systems in the face of cultural transmission but interact with culture-specific traditions to yield the diversity that is evident when mental representations are probed across many cultures

    Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries

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    Music is present in every known society but varies from place to place. What, if anything, is universal to music cognition? We measured a signature of mental representations of rhythm in 39 participant groups in 15 countries, spanning urban societies and Indigenous populations. Listeners reproduced random 'seed' rhythms; their reproductions were fed back as the stimulus (as in the game of 'telephone'), such that their biases (the prior) could be estimated from the distribution of reproductions. Every tested group showed a sparse prior with peaks at integer-ratio rhythms. However, the importance of different integer ratios varied across groups, often reflecting local musical practices. Our results suggest a common feature of music cognition: discrete rhythm 'categories' at small-integer ratios. These discrete representations plausibly stabilize musical systems in the face of cultural transmission but interact with culture-specific traditions to yield the diversity that is evident when mental representations are probed across many cultures. [Abstract copyright: © 2024. The Author(s).

    Performance and characterization of the SPT-3G digital frequency-domain multiplexed readout system using an improved noise and crosstalk model

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    The third-generation South Pole Telescope camera (SPT-3G) improves upon its predecessor (SPTpol) by an order of magnitude increase in detectors on the focal plane. The technology used to read out and control these detectors, digital frequency-domain multiplexing (DfMUX), is conceptually the same as used for SPTpol, but extended to accommodate more detectors. A nearly 5× expansion in the readout operating bandwidth has enabled the use of this large focal plane, and SPT-3G performance meets the forecasting targets relevant to its science objectives. However, the electrical dynamics of the higher-bandwidth readout differ from predictions based on models of the SPTpol system due to the higher frequencies used and parasitic impedances associated with new cryogenic electronic architecture. To address this, we present an updated derivation for electrical crosstalk in higher-bandwidth DfMUX systems and identify two previously uncharacterized contributions to readout noise, which become dominant at high bias frequency. The updated crosstalk and noise models successfully describe the measured crosstalk and readout noise performance of SPT-3G. These results also suggest specific changes to warm electronics component values, wire-harness properties, and SQUID parameters, to improve the readout system for future experiments using DfMUX, such as the LiteBIRD space telescope

    Un sistema de soporte dinámico de decisión para la gestión de agua predial en riego superficial: Desarrollo y aplicación del modelo

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    An online dynamic decision support system (DDSS) was developed, to support the farm water management in surface irrigation. The online DDSS was based on the formulation and integration of three components: a dynamic-relational data base, an administrator model, and a graphical user interface. The DDSS allows routines of actualization, edition and addition of online data, providing information in real time. The online DDSS was applied in an orange orchard ( Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) cv. Valencia Late under furrow irrigation. The results pointed out that the time irrigation cutoff was the main significant management factor, to decrease the hazard of leaching, superficial runoff and percolation. Applying the results obtained with the DDSS, furrow irrigation efficiencies could be improved up to values equals to 95.89% for application efficiency and 94.61% for total distribution efficiency. As a conclusion, the DDSS demonstrated to be a useful tool to assist the decision making process, providing proper information for the management of the available water resource at farm level.Se desarrolló un sistema de soporte dinámico de decisión (SSDD) en línea, con el objetivo de asistir la gestión del agua predial en riego superficial. El SSDD en línea se basó en la formulación e integración de tres componentes: una base de datos relacional dinámica, un modelo administrador y una interfaz gráfica de usuario. El SSDD permite rutinas de actualización, edición y adición de información en línea, proporcionando información en tiempo real. El SSDD en línea se aplicó en un huerto de naranjos ( Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) cv. Valencia Late bajo riego por surcos. Los resultados indicaron que el tiempo de corte es la variable significativa de decisión para disminuir el riesgo de lixiviación, escorrentía superficial y percolación. Aplicando los resultados obtenidos con el SSDD, las eficiencias del riego por surco podrían mejorarse, alcanzando valores iguales a 95,89% de eficiencia de aplicación y 94,61% de eficiencia de distribución total. En conclusión, el SSDD demostró ser una herramienta útil para asistir el proceso de toma de decisiones, proporcionando información adecuada para la gestión del agua disponible a nivel predial

    The effect of water and fertigation on canopy growth and yield on 'Thompson Navel' oranges.

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    In the 1994/1995 season a study was carried out in an orange orchard ( Citrus sinensis   L.) cv.'Thompson Navel', to determine the effect of application of different levels of water and fertigation using drip irrigation on the biophysical, productive and quality parameters of sixteen year old orange trees. The study was undertaken at the La Rosa-Sofruco S.A Farm, located in Peumo, Chile, (34°19 South lat., 71º 15 West long. at an altitude of 215 m.o.s.l.). The results showed that increasing simultaneousby the application of water and fertigation increased fruit production and quality in'Thompson Navel'oranges. In relation to biophysical parameters, only diffusive resistance showed a clear response to the different treatments

    Efecto del agua y fertirrigación en el desarrollo y producción de naranjos cv. Thompson navel.

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    En la temporada 1994/1995 se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de las aplicaciones de diferentes niveles de agua y fertirrigación asociados a través del riego por goteo, sobre parámetros biofísicos, productivos y de calidad de naranjos (Citrus sinensis L.) cv. Thompson Navel de 16 años. El ensayo se llevó a cabo en el Predio de la Sociedad Agrícola La Rosa-Sofruco S.A., situada en la comuna de Peumo, Chile (34° 19¿ lat. Sur, 71° 15¿ long. Oeste) a una altitud de 215 m.s.n.m. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la aplicación creciente y simultánea de agua y fertirrigación produce un aumento en la producción y calidad de la fruta en naranjos cv. Thompson Navel. En relación con los parámetros biofísicos analizados, tales como resistencia difusiva y temperatura foliar, sólo la resistencia difusiva presentó una respuesta clara a los diferentes tratamientos

    Efecto del Agua y Fertirrigacion en el Desarrolo y Producci\uf3n de Naranjos CV. 'Thompson Navel'

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    In the 1994/1995 season a study was carried out in an orange orchard ( Citrus sinensis L.) cv.'Thompson Navel', to determine the effect of application of different levels of water and fertigation using drip irrigation on the biophysical, productive and quality parameters of sixteen year old orange trees. The study was undertaken at the La Rosa-Sofruco S.A Farm, located in Peumo, Chile, (34\ub019\u92 South lat., 71\uba 15\u92 West long. at an altitude of 215 m.o.s.l.). The results showed that increasing simultaneousby the application of water and fertigation increased fruit production and quality in'Thompson Navel'oranges. In relation to biophysical parameters, only diffusive resistance showed a clear response to the different treatments.En la temporada 1994/1995 se realiz\uf3 un estudio con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de las aplicaciones de diferentes niveles de agua y fertirrigaci\uf3n asociados a trav\ue9s del riego por goteo, sobre par\ue1metros biof\uedsicos, productivos y de calidad de naranjos ( Citrus sinensis L.) cv.'Thompson Navel'de 16 a\uf1os. El ensayo se llev\uf3 a cabo en el Predio de la Sociedad Agr\uedcola La Rosa-Sofruco S.A., situada en la comuna de Peumo, Chile (34\ub0 19\u92 lat. Sur, 71\ub0 15\u92 long. Oeste) a una altitud de 215 m.s.n.m. Los resultados obtenidos indican que la aplicaci\uf3n creciente y simult\ue1nea de agua y fertirrigaci\uf3n produce un aumento en la producci\uf3n y calidad de la fruta en naranjos cv.'Thompson Navel'. En relaci\uf3n con los par\ue1metros biof\uedsicos analizados, tales como resistencia difusiva y temperatura foliar, s\uf3lo la resistencia difusiva present\uf3 una respuesta clara a los diferentes tratamientos