776 research outputs found

    Using Web‐based support for campus‐based open learning: Lessons from a study in dental public health

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    There has been much written about the use of the Web in higher education, much of which advocates its use as an effective way of supporting learning, particularly in terms of the desirability of features such as flexibility and the value of online discussions. In this paper, a case study is described which calls some of this received wisdom into question. The study also explores wider issues of curriculum design, particularly in terms of the role of assessment and of self‐assessment, both of which played a crucial role in the course. Unlike many studies, then, the purpose of this paper is not to demonstrate the success of a particular approach or to advocate particular forms of practice, but instead to highlight the shortcomings of existing guidelines for curriculum development in this area. This suggests that further inquiry into this form of education is required — and in particular, inquiry that pays detailed attention to the backgrounds of learners, and involves close study of their experiences

    The Vulnerabilities of Hypoxic Events Within General Aviation

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    The problem this study addresses is the uncertainty of the common circumstances that general aviation pilots find themselves in that create a hypoxic state, their symptoms of hypoxia, as well as whether or not that pilot deemed the event to put them in an unsafe flight condition. The results of this study showed not only those that were impacted the greatest by hypoxia, but also a caring concern for reporting these events to better flight physiology training. The key elements for this research were: Level of pilot experience who have experienced hypoxia Reporting statistics Symptoms experienced Suggestions for bettering flight physiology trainin

    General Aviation Hypoxia and Reporting Statistics

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    “All too often, pilots tell me they don\u27t need physiological training because they don\u27t fly that high. The statement points out the general feelings of a large majority of the aviation population. I suppose then the burning question is ‘why do we still have aircraft accidents?’” (Boshers, 2015). To this day there are no statistics on how often general aviation pilots experience hypoxia during everyday operations. General aviation pilots (i.e. non-commercial operations) were chosen for this study because: Little regulation regarding flight physiology training General attitude of invulnerability towards hypoxia No requirement to report hypoxia or similar event

    The Utilization of Peer Mentorship and its Positive Impact on Student Retention

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    In recognition of increasing rates of repeated ground schools and flight lessons, in combination with decreasing retention rates in the flight programs at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Department of Aeronautical Science in the College of Aviation took initiative to create a program that identified struggle students before they reached excessive failure or financial distress. The students identified in the Student Success Initiative (SSI) after being assessed would be required to attend a mediation session with their academic and flight training staff in order to create a specialized training program. Student Success Initiative (SSI) Identifies at risk students Implemented training plan tailored to student One-on-one instructio

    Voluntary Green Power Market Forecast Through 2015

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    Voluntary markets for renewable energy in which consumers purchase renewable energy from their electricity providers or from renewable energy certificate (REC) marketers have existed for more than a decade. Going forward, various factors will influence the development of these markets, including potential climate policies, state and federal renewable portfolio standards (RPS), renewable energy prices, the level of consumer interest in purchasing green power, and the interest on the part of utilities in offering new green options and in continuing to promote existing programs. This report presents estimates of voluntary market demand for renewable energy or green power through 2015. The forecast relies on historical data, including market sector sizes and growth rates, to inform our assumptions. Though we adjusted growth rates as discussed in the report, they remain the starting point for our analysis. Because of the different factors that affect utility programs, REC markets, and competitive electric markets, separate assumptions and methods are used to project demand for each submarket

    Building Student Success and Retention through an Enhanced Peer Counseling Program

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    In recognition of increasing rates of repeated ground schools and flight lessons, in combination with decreasing retention rates in the flight programs at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, the Department of Aeronautical Science in the College of Aviation took initiative to create a program that identified struggling students before they reached excessive failure or financial distress. The students identified in the Student Success Initiative (SSI) after being assessed would be required to attend a mediation session with their academic and flight training staff in order to create a specialized training program

    Undergraduate Research on General Aviation Hypoxia: A Student\u27s Perspective

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    The problem this study addresses is the uncertainty of the common circumstances that general aviation pilots find themselves in that create a hypoxic state, as well as whether or not that pilot reported the occurrence to the proper establishments. The results of this study showed not only those that were impacted the greatest by hypoxia, but also a caring concern for reporting these events. The key elements for this research were: • Level of flying experience that encountered hypoxia • Reporting statistics • Reasons for not reporting the event • Suggestions for bettering flight physiology trainin

    Natural Language for Hardware Verification: Semantic Interpretation and Model Checking

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    odel checking, which allows the designer to check that certain desired properties hold of the system. However, the normal 1 a b s 0 b c s 1 a c s 2 s 0 s 1 s 0 s 1 s 2 s 2 s 1 s 0 Figure 1: A CTL structure and corresponding computation tree requirement that specifications be expressed in temporal logic has proved an obstacle to its adoption by circuit designers---hence the motivation for a natural language interface. 2.2 Computation Tree Logic The SMV program implements a model checking algorithm where circuit properties are expressed in the temporal logic CTL [CES86]. In models of CTL, the temporal order < defines a tree which branches towards the future. CTL formulas that start with A express necessity. AG f is true at a time<F

    Peer Counseling for Student Success in University Flight Education: A Case Example

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    In response to attrition rates, the Department of Aeronautical Science in the College of Aviation at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, AZ, analyzed how best to identify and assist students who were struggling with their flight training. In order to maximize student retention, students at risk must be identified early, prior to training failure or financial distress. The assessment of these findings of the flight program and the attrition rates resulted in a “Student Success Initiative” (SSI) being established that would identify students approaching ‘at-risk’ points in flight training, both fixed-wing and helicopter. These students would be assessed and ultimately required to attend an intervention session with support staff in coordination with his/her academic faculty advisor and/or flight staff. This meeting concludes with a contract of expectations signed by the student that includes a plan of action and specific timelines. One critical challenge in the implementation of the SSI program was to find an effective way to provide support for students in the program. The answer was to develop a program manned by “peer counselors” to provide tutoring and other support resources for students in need of help
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