110 research outputs found

    Extension of mental preparation positively affects motor imagery as compared to motor execution: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study

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    Motor imagery (MI) is widely used to study cognitive action control. Although, the neural simulation theory assumes that MI and motor execution (ME) share many common features, the extent of similarity and whether it spreads into the preparation phase is still under investigation. Here we asked, whether an extension of physiological mental preparation has a comparable effect on MI and ME. Data were recorded using wireless functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) in a two-stage task design where subjects were cued with or without preparatory stimuli to either execute or imagine complex sequential thumb-finger tasks. The main finding is that the extended mental preparation has a significant positive effect on oxy-hemoglobin (∆[O(2)Hb]) in response to MI, which is proportionally larger as that found in response to ME. Furthermore, fNIRS was capable to discriminate within each task whether it was preceded by preparatory stimuli or not. Transition from mental preparation to actual performance (ME or MI) was reflected by a dip of the fNIRS signal presumably related to underlying cortical processes changing between preparation and task performance. Statistically significant main effects of 'Preparation' and 'Task' showed that ∆[O(2)Hb] during preparation was preparation-specific, i.e., positively affected by the presence of preparatory stimuli, whereas during task performance ∆[O(2)Hb] was both preparation- and task-specific, i.e., additionally affected by the task mode. These results are particularly appealing from a practical point of view for making use of MI in neuroscientific applications. Especially neurorehabilitation and neural interfaces may benefit from utilizing positive interactions between mental preparation and MI performance

    Testing the potential of a virtual reality neurorehabilitation system during performance of observation, imagery and imitation of motor actions recorded by wireless functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS)

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    Background Several neurorehabilitation strategies have been introduced over the last decade based on the so-called simulation hypothesis. This hypothesis states that a neural network located in primary and secondary motor areas is activated not only during overt motor execution, but also during observation or imagery of the same motor action. Based on this hypothesis, we investigated the combination of a virtual reality (VR) based neurorehabilitation system together with a wireless functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) instrument. This combination is particularly appealing from a rehabilitation perspective as it may allow minimally constrained monitoring during neurorehabilitative training. Methods fNIRS was applied over F3 of healthy subjects during task performance in a virtual reality (VR) environment: 1) 'unilateral' group (N = 15), contralateral recording during observation, motor imagery, observation & motor imagery, and imitation of a grasping task performed by a virtual limb (first-person perspective view) using the right hand; 2) 'bilateral' group (N = 8), bilateral recording during observation and imitation of the same task using the right and left hand alternately. Results In the unilateral group, significant within-condition oxy-hemoglobin concentration Δ[O2Hb] changes (mean ± SD μmol/l) were found for motor imagery (0.0868 ± 0.5201 μmol/l) and imitation (0.1715 ± 0.4567 μmol/l). In addition, the bilateral group showed a significant within-condition Δ[O2Hb] change for observation (0.0924 ± 0.3369 μmol/l) as well as between-conditions with lower Δ[O2Hb] amplitudes during observation compared to imitation, especially in the ipsilateral hemisphere (p < 0.001). Further, in the bilateral group, imitation using the non-dominant (left) hand resulted in larger Δ[O2Hb] changes in both the ipsi- and contralateral hemispheres as compared to using the dominant (right) hand. Conclusions This study shows that our combined VR-fNIRS based neurorehabilitation system can activate the action-observation system as described by the simulation hypothesis during performance of observation, motor imagery and imitation of hand actions elicited by a VR environment. Further, in accordance with previous studies, the findings of this study revealed that both inter-subject variability and handedness need to be taken into account when recording in untrained subjects. These findings are of relevance for demonstrating the potential of the VR-fNIRS instrument in neurofeedback applications

    Neurofeedback Using Real-Time Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Enhances Motor Imagery Related Cortical Activation

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    Accumulating evidence indicates that motor imagery and motor execution share common neural networks. Accordingly, mental practices in the form of motor imagery have been implemented in rehabilitation regimes of stroke patients with favorable results. Because direct monitoring of motor imagery is difficult, feedback of cortical activities related to motor imagery (neurofeedback) could help to enhance efficacy of mental practice with motor imagery. To determine the feasibility and efficacy of a real-time neurofeedback system mediated by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), two separate experiments were performed. Experiment 1 was used in five subjects to evaluate whether real-time cortical oxygenated hemoglobin signal feedback during a motor execution task correlated with reference hemoglobin signals computed off-line. Results demonstrated that the NIRS-mediated neurofeedback system reliably detected oxygenated hemoglobin signal changes in real-time. In Experiment 2, 21 subjects performed motor imagery of finger movements with feedback from relevant cortical signals and irrelevant sham signals. Real neurofeedback induced significantly greater activation of the contralateral premotor cortex and greater self-assessment scores for kinesthetic motor imagery compared with sham feedback. These findings suggested the feasibility and potential effectiveness of a NIRS-mediated real-time neurofeedback system on performance of kinesthetic motor imagery. However, these results warrant further clinical trials to determine whether this system could enhance the effects of mental practice in stroke patients

    Changes in Cerebral Hemodynamics during Complex Motor Learning by Character Entry into Touch-Screen Terminals

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    Introduction Studies of cerebral hemodynamics during motor learning have mostly focused on neurorehabilitation interventions and their effectiveness. However, only a few imaging studies of motor learning and the underlying complex cognitive processes have been performed. Methods We measured cerebral hemodynamics using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) in relation to acquisition patterns of motor skills in healthy subjects using character entry into a touchscreen terminal. Twenty healthy, right-handed subjects who had no previous experience with character entry using a touch-screen terminal participated in this study. They were asked to enter the characters of a randomly formed Japanese syllabary into the touchscreen terminal. All subjects performed the task with their right thumb for 15 s alternating with 25 s of rest for 30 repetitions. Performance was calculated by subtracting the number of incorrect answers from the number of correct answers, and gains in motor skills were evaluated according to the changes in performance across cycles. Behavioral and oxygenated hemoglobin concentration changes across task cycles were analyzed using Spearman\u27s rank correlations. Results Performance correlated positively with task cycle, thus confirming motor learning. Hemodynamic activation over the left sensorimotor cortex (SMC) showed a positive correlation with task cycle, whereas activations over the right prefrontal cortex (PFC) and supplementary motor area (SMA) showed negative correlations. Conclusions We suggest that increases in finger momentum with motor learning are reflected in the activity of the left SMC. We further speculate that the right PFC and SMA were activated during the early phases of motor learning, and that this activity was attenuated with learning progress

    Time-frequency dynamics of the sum of intra- and extracerebral hemodynamic functional connectivity during resting-state and respiratory challenges assessed by multimodal functional near-infrared spectroscopy

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    Monitoring respiratory processes is important for evaluating neuroimaging data, given their influence on time-frequency dynamics of intra- and extracerebral hemodynamics. Here we investigated the time-frequency dynamics of the sum of intra- and extracerebral hemodynamic functional connectivity states during hypo- and hypercapnia by using three different respiratory challenge tasks (i.e., hyperventilation, breath-holding, and rebreathing) compared to resting-state. The sum of intra- and extracerebral hemodynamic responses were assessed using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) within two regions of interest (i.e., the dorsolateral and the medial prefrontal cortex). Time-frequency fNIRS analysis was performed based on wavelet transform coherence to quantify functional connectivity in terms of positive and negative phase-coupling within each region of interest. Physiological measures were assessed in the form of partial end-tidal carbon dioxide, heart rate, arterial tissue oxygen saturation, and respiration rate. We found that the three respiration challenges modulated time-frequency dynamics differently with respect to resting-state: 1) Hyperventilation and breath-holding exhibited inverse patterns of positive and negative phase-coupling. 2) In contrast, rebreathing had no significant effect. 3) Low-frequency oscillations contributed to a greater extent to time-frequency dynamics compared to high-frequency oscillations. The results highlight that there exist distinct differences in time-frequency dynamics of the sum of intra- and extracerebral functional connectivity not only between hypo- (hyperventilation) and hypercapnia but also between different states of hypercapnia (breath-holding versus rebreathing). This suggests that a multimodal assessment of intra-/extracerebral and systemic physiological changes during respiratory challenges compared to resting-state may have potential use in the differentiation between physiological and pathological respiratory behavior accompanied by the psycho-physiological state of a human

    Prefrontal hemodynamic after-effects caused by rebreathing may predict affective states - A multimodal functional near-infrared spectroscopy study

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    Brain activity has been shown to be influenced by respiratory behavior. Here, we evaluated whether respiration-induced hypo- or hypercapnia may support differentiation between physiological versus pathological respiratory behavior. In particular, we investigated whether systemic physiological measures could predict the brain's time-frequency hemodynamics after three respiratory challenges (i.e., breath-holding, rebreathing, and hyperventilation) compared to resting-state. Prefrontal hemodynamics were assessed in healthy subjects (N = 27) using functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). Systemic physiological measures were assessed in form of heart rate, partial end-tidal carbon dioxide, respiration rate, and saturation of peripheral oxygen. Time-frequency dynamics were quantified using the wavelet transform coherence (i.e., defined here as cortical-systemic coherence). We found that the three respiratory challenges modulated cortical-systemic coherence differently: (1) After rebreathing, cortical-systemic coherence could be predicted from the amplitude of the heart rate (strong negative correlation). (2) After breath-holding, the same observation was made (moderate negative correlation). (3) After hyperventilation, no significant effect was observed. (4) These effects were found only in the frequency range of very low-frequency oscillations. The presented findings highlight a distinct role of rebreathing in predicting cortical-systemic coupling based on heart rate changes, which may represents a measure of affective states in the brain. The applied multimodal assessment of hemodynamic and systemic physiological measures during respiratory challenges may therefore have potential applications in the differentiation between physiological and pathological respiratory behavior

    σ antagonist and k agonist activity of naltriben: Evidence for differential k interaction with the σ1 and σ2 opioid receptor subtypes

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    The selective σ2 receptor antagonist Naltriben (NTB) has played an important role in the identification of subtypes of the σ opioid receptor, termed σ1 and σ2, and their role in antinociception. However, the majority of these studies have been conducted in the mouse. The present study determined the opioid receptor selectivity of subcutaneously (s.c.) administered NTB in the rat. Five minute pretreatment with 1 mg/kg s.c. NTB antagonized the increase in TFL produced by i.t. administration of equieffective doses of the σ2 receptor agonist [D-Ala2, Glu4]deltorphin (DELT) or the σ1 receptor agonist [D-Pen2, D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDPE), but did not antagonize the k receptor agonist [D-Ala2, MePhe4, Gly-ol5]enkephalin (DAMGO). These data confirm previous reports that NTB is a selective σ opioid receptor antagonist. However, this dose of NTB antagonized DELT and DPDPE to an equivalent extent, suggesting that its selectivity for the σ2 receptor is not maintained after s.c. administration in the rat. A lower dose of NTB (0.56 mg/kg s.c.) was ineffective. When the dose of NTB was increased to 3 mg/kg s.c. the antagonism of DELT and of DPDPE was unexpectedly lost. Pretreatment with the k receptor antagonist nor-binaltorphimine (nor-BNI) partially restored the antagonism of DELT, but not DPDPE by this dose of NTB and did not modify the antagonism of DAMGO by NTB. These data suggest that high doses of NTB have k receptor agonist-like activity and support the proposal that k opioid agonists diminish the actions of σ receptor antagonists. They also suggest that nor-BNI-sensitive k opioid receptors interact with σ2, but not σ1 opioid receptors in the spinal cord

    Understanding inverse oxygenation responses during motor imagery: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study

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    Motor imagery (MI) is described as the mental rehearsal of voluntary movements. We used wireless functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) recorded over secondary motor areas during performance of MI and motor execution (ME) in 11 healthy subjects, who either executed or imagined two drawing tasks differing in shape and frequency, i.e. simple (circle, 0.2 Hz) and complex (curved shape, 0.333 Hz). At the group level, results showed that fNIRS is capable of discriminating between the task mode, i.e. MI vs. ME, and the task complexity, i.e. simple vs. complex. At the single-subject level, we observed inverse oxygenation responses, i.e. a decrease in Δ[O(2) Hb] and/or increase in Δ[HHb]. These inverse responses only occurred during MI tasks and were highly correlated, in the first place, with task mode, and secondly with task complexity. Inverse Δ[O(2) Hb] responses are likely to reflect individual differences in performance-related signals and may contribute to the commonly observed inter-subject variability in fNIRS measurements. As MI is now widely used as a mental task in neurorehabilitative applications, the resulting oxygenation pattern may be of use for future developments. For this programme to be successful it is crucial to determine the sources of inter-subject variability. Our study presents a first effort in this direction, indicating that MI-related inverse Δ[O(2) Hb] responses are correlated, first, with task mode and, secondly, with task complexity
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