51 research outputs found

    Chlamydia trachomatis D-K szerovariáns által okozott genitourethrális fertőzések.

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    Sexually transmitted infections of the urogenital tract are most commonly caused by the intracellular bacteria Chlamydia trachomatis worldwide, resulting the clinical picture of acute urethritis in men as well as urethritis and endocervicitis in women. As women often present with few symptoms only or a completely symptom-free disease course, one of the most important long-term complications is chronic pelvic inflammatory disease often followed by the development of infertility caused by chronic scar formation. Well-organized screening programs are considered to have a leading role in the prevention of disease spreading and long lasting unwanted complications. Antibiotic treatment options are often influenced by special circumstances, such as pregnancy and several complicated clinical forms. The aims of the authors are to give a concise review on the current knowledge regarding Chlamydia trachomatis infections and summarize typical clinical signs, modern diagnostic techniques as well as accepted treatment protocols and basic aspects of screening

    Domino Effect and Other Models in the IT Process

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    Soil and crop management and biomass removal effects on soil organic matter content in Hungary

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    Greater use of biomass for bioenergy has increased the need to evaluate above ground biomass removal (BR) effects on soil quality components, especially soil organic matter (SOM). A multifactor, 40 year field experiment was conducted in Kompolt, Hungary on a carbonate-free, slightly acidic chernozem brown forest soil (USDA: Ustolls) with the objective of determining the effect of different management systems with concurrent removal of the above ground biomass on the SOM content of the 0-320 mm layer. A multifactor experiment composed of treatments involving different crop rotation (CR), beef manure application, mineral fertiliser application, above ground BR (vs. biomass incorporation, BI) and lucerne management options for different rotations are the basis of this study. CR had no significant effect on SOM content. Management options that included a four year lucerne stand produced significantly higher SOM content in five out of six fertiliser and biomass management combinations. Continuous manure applications and manure + NPK fertiliser resulted in a significantly greater SOM content than management options that minimised or eliminated fertiliser or manure additions. SOM content for different soil amendments and biomass treatments ranked: BR < NPK + BR < BI < manure + BR = NPK + manure + BR with SOM contents of 2.75 < 2.82 < 2.87 < 2.92 per cent (w/w) respectively. Manure had the most profound effect because its significance was most consistent across a range of management combinations and years. The results suggest that agricultural management systems that include lucerne and manure application have the potential to sustain SOM content with concurrent above ground BR in continental climates on Ustolls with near level topography

    A gerincvelő felületes hátsó szarvi neuronhálózatok szerveződése és plaszticitása krónikus gyulladásos és neuropátiás fájdalomban = Organization and plasticity of neural microcircuits in the superficial spinal dorsal horn in chronic inflammatory and neuropathic pain

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    A kutatási terv fő célkitűzéseinek megfelelően tanulmányoztuk a nociceptiv szenzoros ingerület feldolgozás elsődleges központjának, a gerincvelő felületes hátsó szarvi neuronhálózatnak a molekuláris és celluláris szerveződését. Azon túl, hogy vizsgáltuk a nociceptív ingerület feldolgozási mechanizmusokat kontroll körülmények között, adatokat gyűjtöttünk arra vonatkozólag is, hogyan változik a vizsgált gerincvelői neuronhálózat molekuláris és celluláris szerveződése krónikus fájdalom állapotokban. Neuroanatómiai, fiziológiai-farmakológiai és molekuláris biológiai módszerek alkalmazásával nyert vizsgálati eredményeinkkel jelentős, és merőben új adatokat szolgáltattunk, a glutamaterg szinapszisok posztszinaptikus membránjának NMDA és AMPA receptor architektúrájáról, a gerincvelő hátsó szarvi endocannabinoid szignalizációs rendszer molekuláris szerveződéséről, a G-protein-kapcsolt szignalizációs molekulák szerepéről az opioidok által közvetített ingerületáttevődési mechanizmusokban, a kation-klorid kotranszporter molekulák megoszlásáról a gerincvelő hátsó szarvi neuronokon, a fájdalom feldolgozó gerincvelői neuronhálózatok cellularis szerveződéséről és a krónikus fájdalom állapotok által kiváltott neuronalis plaszticitási folyamatokról. Legtöbb eredményünk hasznosítható lehet új és hatékony fájdalomcsillapítási eljárások kidolgozásában. Eredményeinket nemzetközi tudományos folyóiratokban publikáltuk, és bemutattuk hazai és nemzetközi tudományos rendezvényeken is. | According to the major aims of the project we investigated the molecular and cellular organization of neural microcircuits in the superficial spinal dorsal horn representing the first relay station of nociceptive sensory processing. In addition to studying the nociceptive mechanisms under normal conditions, we also elucidated how information processing in nociceptive neural networks of the superficial spinal dorsal horn may change in chronic pain states. With an integrative interdisciplinary experimental approach in which high-resolution neuroanatomical, physiological-pharmacological and molecular biological techniques were used, we provided new insights into the NMDA and AMPA receptor architecture of postsynaptic membranes in glutamatergic synapses, molecular organization of the spinal endocannabinoid apparatus, the role of G protein-coupled signaling molecules in opioid-mediated synaptic transmission, the differential expression of cation-chloride co-transporter molecules in spinal neurons, cellular organization of pain processing spinal microcircuits, fundamental mechanisms of activity-evoked neural plasticity, chronic pain and hyperalgesia. With our findings, we assisted in developing effective therapeutic strategies for chronic pain syndromes. The results were published in peer reviewed international journals and presented at national and international scientific conferences