398 research outputs found

    R\uf6tliche L\ue4sion am Stamm

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    Anamnese 1 Ein 65-j\ue4hriger Patient, der im Gesichtsbereich bereits chronische Lichtsch\ue4den aufwies, wurde im Rahmen des Nierentransplantationsscreenings wegen einer neu aufgetretenen r\uf6tlichen L\ue4sion in unserer Ambulanz vorstellig. Der Patient selbst bemerkte die L\ue4sion nicht. Anamnese 2 Eine 59-j\ue4hrige Patientin kam wegen multipler N\ue4vi zur allj\ue4hrlichen Routinekontrolle. Die neu aufgetretene r\uf6tliche Papel am R\ufccken rechts war ihr nicht aufgefallen

    Desmoplastic Trichoepithelioma and Melanocytic Nevus: Dermoscopic and Reflectance Confocal Microscopy Presentation of a Rare Collision Tumor

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    A 27-year-old woman presented with a 2-year history of an asymptomatic papule located on her right cheek. The physical examination revealed a firm, well-defined with a raised annular border, skin-colored papule, 5 mm in maximum diameter

    The use of mobile phones for skin tumor screening

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    A lot of importance is attributed to mobile telemedicine these days, a topic that encompasses a wide and ever growing range of applications. Small, handheld devices such as camera mobile phones have come into every day use providing technically sophisticated tasks on a user-friendly level and can therefore be easily used in various fields of telemedicine. Dermatology is a perfect candidate for the use of telemedicine tools in general, as well as mobile devices in particular. The unique aspect of mobile teledermatology is that this system represents a filtering, or triage system, allowing a sensitive approach for the management of patients with emergent skin diseases. In order to investigate the feasibility of teleconsultation using a new generation of cellular phones, a clinical study to evaluate the accuracy of online diagnosis of skin tumours was conducted. Teledermoscopy represents a recent development of teledermatology that might add up additional information in the diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions. Teledermatology, mobile as well as stationary, can advance the reliability of diagnosis by expert consultations without expensive and time-consuming relocations. Consequently, the quality of patient's care can be raised and the costs of the health care system can be reduced

    concordance and time estimation of store and forward mobile teledermatology compared to classical face to face consultation

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    Smartphones have overcome the limitations of image quality seen in older devices and opened a new field of telemedicine called "mobile teledermatology". Technological advances and the need to reduce health service costs will strongly promote the development of telemedicine. For this reason, we evaluated the concordance be tween store-and-forward mobile teledermatology and the classical face-to-face dermatological visit. We also measured the time taken to submit a teleconsultation using a smartphone. Before conventional face-to-face visit, a final-year resident of the 3-year course for general practitioners collected medical history, took digital images of skin diseases with a smartphone and, measuring the time required to complete this operation, transmitted them to an expert teledermatologist. In 391 patients we obtained a concordance between face-to-face and store-and-forward diagnosis of 91.05% (Cohen κ coefficient = 0.906). On average only few minutes needs to be added to a no

    Teledermatological monitoring of leg ulcers in cooperation with home care nurses

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    Objectives: To examine the feasibility and acceptance of teledermatology for wound management for patients with leg ulcers by home care nurses and evaluate the reduction of costs and the acceptance of teledermatology by patients and home care nurses

    Reflectance Confocal Microscopy for Diagnosis of Mammary Paget's Disease

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    5Mammary Paget’s disease (MPD) is an uncommon intra-epidermal adenocarcinoma of the nipple-areola complex, occurring in 1–5% of all breast carcinomas (1). MPD is difficult to diagnose clinically as it mimics a variety of both inflammatory and neoplastic skin diseases (2). Pigmented mammary Paget’s disease (PMPD) corresponds to an even less common variant, frequently simulating other pigmented lesions of the nipple, including melanoma (3–5). According to the epidermotropic theory, Paget cells (PCs) originate from cancer cells that migrate via the lactiferous ducts along the basal membrane, to invade the epidermis of the nipple and areola (6, 7). Considering its intra-epidermal spreading, PCs are therefore potentially demonstrable using non-invasive diagnostic techniques with near-cellular resolution, such as reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) (8). The aim of this study was retrospectively to describe the RCM features of 5 cases of MPD, with dermoscopic and histopathological correlation.opennoneopenOliveira, André; Zalaudek, Iris; Arzberger, Edith; Massone, Cesare; Hofmann-Wellenhof, RainerOliveira, Andrã©; Zalaudek, Iris; Arzberger, Edith; Massone, Cesare; Hofmann-Wellenhof, Raine

    Three roots of melanoma

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    Segura et al1 describe morphologic features of melanomas with a nodular component using in vivo reflectance-mode confocal microscopy (RCM) and correlate these RCM findings with histopathologic findings. The most striking observation made by the investigators is the remarkable difference in epidermal involvement between nodular melanoma (NM) and superficial spreading melanoma (SSM) with a nodular component. At RCM, SSMs frequently showed epidermal disarrangement and pagetoid infiltration, whereas NMs exhibited a preserved epidermal pattern and few pagetoid cells.1 This new observation provides fertile ground for revisiting the conventional concept of melanoma development. We propose an alternative hypothesis based on recent observations made in stem cell research and demonstrate how this hypothesis can better account for the observed clinical and epidemiologic differences between melanoma subtypes

    Eruptive Epidermoidzysten nach Imiquimod-Therapie eines rezidivierenden Basalzellkarzinoms : Ein Fallbericht

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    Eruptive Epidermoidzysten stellen eine seltene Nebenwirkung von Imiquimod zur Behandlung von Basalzellkarzinomen dar. Bis dato wurden 8 F\ue4lle in der Literatur beschrieben. Wir pr\ue4sentieren den Fall einer 75-j\ue4hrigen kaukasischen Patientin mit einem 8\u2011mal rezidivierten Basalzellkarzinom der Nase. Nach mehrfachen Exzisionen und Therapie mit Vismodegib erhielt die Patientin schlie flich Imiquimod 5\u202f% Creme in der Standarddosierung 5\u2011mal w\uf6chentlich f\ufcr die Dauer von 6 Wochen. Zwei Monate nach dem Absetzen von Imiquimod zeigten sich eruptive Epidermoidzysten

    Eruptive Epidermoidzysten nach Imiquimod-Therapie eines rezidivierenden Basalzellkarzinoms : Ein Fallbericht

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    Eruptive Epidermoidzysten stellen eine seltene Nebenwirkung von Imiquimod zur Behandlung von Basalzellkarzinomen dar. Bis dato wurden 8 F\ue4lle in der Literatur beschrieben. Wir pr\ue4sentieren den Fall einer 75-j\ue4hrigen kaukasischen Patientin mit einem 8\u2011mal rezidivierten Basalzellkarzinom der Nase. Nach mehrfachen Exzisionen und Therapie mit Vismodegib erhielt die Patientin schlie flich Imiquimod 5\u202f% Creme in der Standarddosierung 5\u2011mal w\uf6chentlich f\ufcr die Dauer von 6 Wochen. Zwei Monate nach dem Absetzen von Imiquimod zeigten sich eruptive Epidermoidzysten