
The use of mobile phones for skin tumor screening


A lot of importance is attributed to mobile telemedicine these days, a topic that encompasses a wide and ever growing range of applications. Small, handheld devices such as camera mobile phones have come into every day use providing technically sophisticated tasks on a user-friendly level and can therefore be easily used in various fields of telemedicine. Dermatology is a perfect candidate for the use of telemedicine tools in general, as well as mobile devices in particular. The unique aspect of mobile teledermatology is that this system represents a filtering, or triage system, allowing a sensitive approach for the management of patients with emergent skin diseases. In order to investigate the feasibility of teleconsultation using a new generation of cellular phones, a clinical study to evaluate the accuracy of online diagnosis of skin tumours was conducted. Teledermoscopy represents a recent development of teledermatology that might add up additional information in the diagnosis of pigmented skin lesions. Teledermatology, mobile as well as stationary, can advance the reliability of diagnosis by expert consultations without expensive and time-consuming relocations. Consequently, the quality of patient's care can be raised and the costs of the health care system can be reduced

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