419 research outputs found

    FOZO, HIMU, and the rest of the mantle zoo

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 6 (2005): Q05007, doi:10.1029/2004GC000824.The parameter μ describes the 238U/204Pb ratio of an Earth reservoir. Mantle domains labeled HIMU (high μ) originally defined reservoirs with highly radiogenic Pb isotope ratios observed in basalts from a select number of ocean islands, St. Helena in the Atlantic Ocean and the Cook-Austral islands in the South Pacific Ocean. While some authors use the term HIMU in this original sense, others refer to HIMU as a widespread component in many mid-ocean ridge and ocean island basalt (MORB and OIB) sources. Here we show that highly radiogenic Pb isotope signatures in MORB and OIB originate from two different sources. In addition to the classical HIMU component observed at St. Helena and the South Pacific (named HIMU in the following), we define a component with slightly less radiogenic Pb but significantly more radiogenic Sr isotope signatures. This component lies at the extension of the (Atlantic and Pacific) MORB array in a Sr-Pb isotope ratio diagram and is argued to be a ubiquitous component in MORB and many OIB sources. The inferred role of this component in the mantle and its inferred genetic origin closely resemble those originally suggested for a mantle component termed FOZO by Hart and coworkers. By redefining the composition, the origin, and the role of FOZO in the mantle, we establish a simple conceptual framework that explains the isotopic variability in both MORB and OIB with the lowest number of components. OIB are grouped into HIMU-type OIB and basalts from islands that diverge from the MORB-FOZO array toward various isotopically “enriched” compositions (EM). The apparent ubiquity of FOZO in the mantle and the calculated isotopic evolution of compositionally diverse MORB suggest that normal mantle melting and continuous subduction and aging of that crust during recycling through the mantle are the dominant causes of the MORB-FOZO array. In contrast to FOZO, HIMU-type OIB are quite rare, and if an origin by recycling of oceanic crust is also postulated, the production of HIMU sources has to be a special and rare combination of age and composition of subduction-modified recycled oceanic crust.This work is partially supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgmeinschaft (DFG grant STR853/1 to A.S)

    Two-Stage, Extreme Albitization of A-type Granites from Rajasthan, NW India

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    Albitization is a common process during which hydrothermal fluids convert plagioclase and/or K-feldspar into nearly pure albite; however, its specific mechanism in granitoids is not well understood. The c. 1700 Ma A-type metaluminous ferroan granites in the Khetri complex of Rajasthan, NW India, have been albitized to a large extent by two metasomatic fronts, an initial transformation of oligoclase to nearly pure albite and a subsequent replacement of microcline by albite, with sharp contacts between the microcline-bearing and microcline-free zones. Albitization has bleached the original pinkish grey granite and turned it white. The mineralogical changes include transformation of oligoclase (∼An12) and microcline (∼Or95) to almost pure albite (∼An0·5-2), amphibole from potassian ferropargasite (XFe 0·84-0·86) to potassic hastingsite (XFe 0·88-0·97) and actinolite (XFe 0·32-0·67), and biotite from annite (XFe 0·71-0·74) to annite (XFe 0·90-0·91). Whole-rock isocon diagrams show that, during albitization, the granites experienced major hydration, slight gain in Si and major gain in Na, whereas K, Mg, Fe and Ca were lost along with Rb, Ba, Sr, Zn, light rare earth elements and U. Whole-rock Sm-Nd isotope data plot on an apparent isochron of 1419 ± 98 Ma and reveal significant disturbance and at least partial resetting of the intrusion age. Severe scatter in the whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron plot reflects the extreme Rb loss in the completely albitized samples, effectively freezing 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the albite granites at very high values (0·725-0·735). This indicates either infiltration of highly radiogenic Sr from the country rock or, more likely, radiogenic ingrowth during a considerable time lag (estimated to be at least 300 Myr) between original intrusion and albitization. The albitization took place at ∼350-400°C. It was caused by the infiltration of an ascending hydrothermal fluid that had acquired high Na/K and Na/Ca ratios during migration through metamorphic rocks at even lower temperatures in the periphery of the plutons. Oxygen isotope ratios increase from δ18O = 7‰ in the original granite to values of 9-10‰ in completely albitized samples, suggesting that the fluid had equilibrated with surrounding metamorphosed crust. A metasomatic model, using chromatographic theory of fluid infiltration, explains the process for generating the observed zonation in terms of a leading metasomatic front where oligoclase of the original granite is converted to albite, and a second, trailing front where microcline is also converted to albite. The temperature gradients driving the fluid infiltration may have been produced by the high heat production of the granites themselves. The confinement of the albitized granites along the NE-SW-trending Khetri lineament and the pervasive nature of the albitization suggest that the albitizing fluids possibly originated during reactivation of the lineament. More generally, steady-state temperature gradients induced by the high internal heat production of A-type granites may provide the driving force for similar metasomatic and ore-forming processes in other highly enriched granitoid bodie

    Archean cratonic mantle recycled at a mid-ocean ridge

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    © The Author(s), 2022. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Liu, C.-Z., Dick, H. J. B., Mitchell, R. N., Wei, W., Zhang, Z.-Y., Hofmann, A. W., Yang, J.-F., & Li, Y. Archean cratonic mantle recycled at a mid-ocean ridge. Science Advances, 8(22), (2022): eabn6749, https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.abn6749.Basalts and mantle peridotites of mid-ocean ridges are thought to sample Earth’s upper mantle. Osmium isotopes of abyssal peridotites uniquely preserve melt extraction events throughout Earth history, but existing records only indicate ages up to ~2 billion years (Ga) ago. Thus, the memory of the suspected large volumes of mantle lithosphere that existed in Archean time (>2.5 Ga) has apparently been lost somehow. We report abyssal peridotites with melt-depletion ages up to 2.8 Ga, documented by extremely unradiogenic 187Os/188Os ratios (to as low as 0.1095) and refractory major elements that compositionally resemble the deep keels of Archean cratons. These oceanic rocks were thus derived from the once-extensive Archean continental keels that have been dislodged and recycled back into the mantle, the feasibility of which we confirm with numerical modeling. This unexpected connection between young oceanic and ancient continental lithosphere indicates an underappreciated degree of compositional recycling over time.This study was financially supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars 42025201 (to C.-Z.L.), the National Key Research and Development Project of China 2020YFA0714801 (to C.-Z.L.), the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences XDA13010106 (to C.-Z.L.), the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences XDB42020301 (to C.-Z.L.), and NSF grants 2114652 and 1657983 (to H.J.B.D.)

    Meter-scale Nd isotopic heterogeneity in pyroxenite-bearing Ligurian peridotites encompasses global-scale upper mantle variability

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    Pyroxenites embedded in peridotite are often invoked as a major cause of short-length scale isotopic heterogeneities in the upper mantle, but there has been little direct evidence. We report spatially controlled chemical and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions of pyroxenites and their host peridotites from an ophiolitic mantle sequence in the Northern Apennines, Italy, with depleted mantle compositions, representing a surface exposure of veined upper mantle, a potential source for mid-oceanic-ridge basalts (MORB). Interaction between pyroxenites and adjacent mantle rocks results in centimeter-scale chemical modifications in the host peridotites, systematically lowering their Sm/Nd ratios. Over time, this interaction causes the host peridotite at greater than 0.1 m scale to acquire an isotopic heterogeneity larger than the range defined by the peridotite and pyroxenite end-members. Moreover, the 143Nd/144Nd variation of a single outcrop covers most of the global Nd isotopic variability documented in abyssal peridotites. Such pyroxenite-peridotite veined mantle domains may represent the enriched component rarely found in abyssal peridotites, but often invoked to account for the low end of 143Nd/144Nd variations in MORB

    ρ(770)0\rho(770)^0, K(892)0^*(892)^0 and f0(980)_{0}(980) Production in Au-Au and pp Collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 200 GeV

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    Preliminary results on ρ(770)0π+π\rho(770)^0 \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-}, K(892)0π^{*}(892)^{0} \to \piK and f0(980)π+πf_{0}(980) \to \pi^{+}\pi^{-} production using the mixed-event technique are presented. The measurements are performed at mid-rapidity by the STAR detector in sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}}= 200 GeV Au-Au and pp interactions at RHIC. The results are compared to different measurements at various energies.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures. Talk presented at Quark Matter 2002, Nantes, France, July 18-24, 2002. To appear in the proceedings (Nucl. Phys. A

    Falsification Of The Atmospheric CO2 Greenhouse Effects Within The Frame Of Physics

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    The atmospheric greenhouse effect, an idea that many authors trace back to the traditional works of Fourier (1824), Tyndall (1861), and Arrhenius (1896), and which is still supported in global climatology, essentially describes a fictitious mechanism, in which a planetary atmosphere acts as a heat pump driven by an environment that is radiatively interacting with but radiatively equilibrated to the atmospheric system. According to the second law of thermodynamics such a planetary machine can never exist. Nevertheless, in almost all texts of global climatology and in a widespread secondary literature it is taken for granted that such mechanism is real and stands on a firm scientific foundation. In this paper the popular conjecture is analyzed and the underlying physical principles are clarified. By showing that (a) there are no common physical laws between the warming phenomenon in glass houses and the fictitious atmospheric greenhouse effects, (b) there are no calculations to determine an average surface temperature of a planet, (c) the frequently mentioned difference of 33 degrees Celsius is a meaningless number calculated wrongly, (d) the formulas of cavity radiation are used inappropriately, (e) the assumption of a radiative balance is unphysical, (f) thermal conductivity and friction must not be set to zero, the atmospheric greenhouse conjecture is falsified.Comment: 115 pages, 32 figures, 13 tables (some typos corrected

    Photonic quantum state transfer between a cold atomic gas and a crystal

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    Interfacing fundamentally different quantum systems is key to build future hybrid quantum networks. Such heterogeneous networks offer superior capabilities compared to their homogeneous counterparts as they merge individual advantages of disparate quantum nodes in a single network architecture. However, only very few investigations on optical hybrid-interconnections have been carried out due to the high fundamental and technological challenges, which involve e.g. wavelength and bandwidth matching of the interfacing photons. Here we report the first optical quantum interconnection between two disparate matter quantum systems with photon storage capabilities. We show that a quantum state can be faithfully transferred between a cold atomic ensemble and a rare-earth doped crystal via a single photon at telecommunication wavelength, using cascaded quantum frequency conversion. We first demonstrate that quantum correlations between a photon and a single collective spin excitation in the cold atomic ensemble can be transferred onto the solid-state system. We also show that single-photon time-bin qubits generated in the cold atomic ensemble can be converted, stored and retrieved from the crystal with a conditional qubit fidelity of more than 85%85\%. Our results open prospects to optically connect quantum nodes with different capabilities and represent an important step towards the realization of large-scale hybrid quantum networks

    Determination of the Michel Parameters rho, xi, and delta in tau-Lepton Decays with tau --> rho nu Tags

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    Using the ARGUS detector at the e+ee^+ e^- storage ring DORIS II, we have measured the Michel parameters ρ\rho, ξ\xi, and ξδ\xi\delta for τ±l±ννˉ\tau^{\pm}\to l^{\pm} \nu\bar\nu decays in τ\tau-pair events produced at center of mass energies in the region of the Υ\Upsilon resonances. Using τρν\tau^\mp \to \rho^\mp \nu as spin analyzing tags, we find ρe=0.68±0.04±0.08\rho_{e}=0.68\pm 0.04 \pm 0.08, ξe=1.12±0.20±0.09\xi_{e}= 1.12 \pm 0.20 \pm 0.09, ξδe=0.57±0.14±0.07\xi\delta_{e}= 0.57 \pm 0.14 \pm 0.07, ρμ=0.69±0.06±0.08\rho_{\mu}= 0.69 \pm 0.06 \pm 0.08, ξμ=1.25±0.27±0.14\xi_{\mu}= 1.25 \pm 0.27 \pm 0.14 and ξδμ=0.72±0.18±0.10\xi\delta_{\mu}= 0.72 \pm 0.18 \pm 0.10. In addition, we report the combined ARGUS results on ρ\rho, ξ\xi, and ξδ\xi\delta using this work und previous measurements.Comment: 10 pages, well formatted postscript can be found at http://pktw06.phy.tu-dresden.de/iktp/pub/desy97-194.p