9,660 research outputs found

    The Contributing Factors to Student Absenteeism/Truancy and the Effectiveness of Social Services and Interventions

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    One major issue that schools are currently facing and seeing little or no improvement with is effectively dealing with student absenteeism and truancy. Despite early interventions, programs are still failing to effectively motivate students to attend school. This research study examines the success of an implementation of a perfect attendance award within an elementary school to increase student attendance. An examination of student attendance from the 2006-2007 academic year and from the 2007-2008 academic year, suggested that the perfect attendance certificate distributed monthly to students with no absences for that month is a positive motivator for students to attend school every day. The data from the months of September, October and November in the 2006-2007 year had a mean score of 54.5 and the 2007-2008 year had a mean score of 59.5, which indicated from an Independent Samples Test that the data proves to be statistically significant, thus the certificates accounted for increased attendance rates. Follow up surveys also provide evidence that the attendance certificates are an overall positive motivator for students and help to increase student attendance at one elementary school. Recognizing student’s strengths of attending school every day is a powerful tool of empowerment, and reduces absenteeism

    Designing a Travel Guide to the Un-Natural World: Exploring a Design-led Methodology

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    The analogy of designer as tourist in the un-natural world is used as an aid for thinking my way into the nature of design research. An exploration of how the design researcher, like a tourist, travels widely through the un-natural world of thought, theory and concept. If we are to design a travel guide for the un-natural world then what would this guide book look like, why do we need it and how could it work? The paper will propose that a ‘travel guide to the un-natural world’ in the form of a design-led methodology is needed for research into sustainable development and is useful not only for the design discipline but for the research community at large. These premises have been derived from the aptitude of the design process and the creative methods it employs to deal with the complex messiness of issues such as sustainability. Such a design-led methodology would be useful for the wider research community due to the integrative abilities of the design process and the trans-disciplinary scope of the tour through the un-natural world. Design-led methodology will be explored using examples from field work in Tumut (rural New South Wales, Australia) Keywords: Design Research, Design-Led Methods, Metadesign, Sustainability.</p

    The spaced antenna drift method

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    The spaced antenna drift method is a simple and relatively inexpensive method for determination of atmospheric wind velocities using radars. The technique has been extensively tested in the mesosphere at high and medium frequencies, and found to give reliable results. Recently, the method has also been applied to VHF observations of the troposphere and stratosphere, and results appear to be reliable. This paper discusses briefly the principle of the method, and investigates both its strengths and weaknesses. Some discussions concerning criticisms of the technique are also given, and it is concluded that while these criticisms may be of some concern at times, appropriate care can ensure that the method is at least as viable as any other method of remote wind measurement. At times, the technique has definite advantages

    The motion of a drop in a rigid surface

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    The assumptions of a region of slip near a moving contact line (to remove the force singularity) and a constant contact angle are used to obtain the equation for the shape of a thin drop of liquid resting on a rigid plane. Three asymptotic expansions are matched together to obtain an expression for the rate at which the drop spreads. Some cases of sliding motion are also examined. Although the technique is presented here for thin drops only, it can also be applied to drops of arbitrary size

    The delta S (delta R)-2 question: The pulse-length dependence of signal power for Fresnel scatter

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    It is proposed that the enhanced echoes from the atmosphere observed with a vertically pointing radar are due to reflections from horizontally stratified layers. The general case in which there are many closely spaced layers at random heights is called Fresnel scatter. The variation of received power with transmitter pulse length is examined for various models of Fresnel backscatter. It is shown that for the model most often used in previous work, the power is proportional to the pulse length, and not to the pulse length squared. However, for more general models a more complex pulse length dependence is found

    The relationship between strength of turbulence and backscattering radar power at HF and VHF

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    The formulae relating turbulence and other atmospheric parameters to backscattered power for radar observations are reviewed. Emphasis is on the case of scatter from turbulent irregularities which have scales corresponding to the range of isotropic, inertial range turbulence. The applicability of this assumption is discussed. A formula is introduced for the mesosphere which relates ionospheric electron densities to backscattered power

    A life without stigma

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    Stigma stops people asking for help and getting the treatment and support they need. It makes it more difficult to find somewhere decent to live, a job, a mortgage, or insurance. It can make it more difficult to get help to look after children, make friends, feel good about yourself, or even to feel that life is worth living. Stigma is a major barrier to recovery. If people with mental illness are to be included as equal members of our society, then stigma and its associated discrimination must be eliminated.This report examines the impact stigma has on the lives of people affected by mental illness, including an overview of associated issues from the growing body of research in this area. It describes some of the major stigma-reduction initiatives carried out in Australia and overseas, looks at the evidence base to identify what works, and makes recommendations for future action in Australia to create a life without stigma

    An intrusion layer in stationary incompressible fluids Part 2: A solitary wave

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    The propagation of a solitary wave in a horizontal fluid layer is studied. There is an interfacial free surface above and below this intrusion layer, which is moving at constant speed through a stationary density-stratified fluid system. A weakly nonlinear asymptotic theory is presented, leading to a Korteweg-de Vries equation in which the two fluid interfaces move oppositely. The intrusion layer solitary wave system thus forms a widening bulge that propagates without change of form. These results are confirmed and extended by a fully nonlinear solution, in which a boundary-integral formulation is used to solve the problem numerically. Limiting profiles are approached, for which a corner forms at the crest of the solitary wave, on one or both of the interfaces

    Unsteady draining of a fluid from a circular tank

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    Three-dimensional draining flow of a two-fluid system from a circular tank is considered. The two fluids are inviscid and incompressible, and are separated by a sharp interface. There is a circular hole positioned centrally in the bottom of the tank, so that the flow is axially symmetric. The mean position of the interface moves downwards as time progresses, and eventually a portion of the interface is withdrawn into the drain. For narrow drain holes of small radius, the interface above the centre of the drain is pulled down towards the hole. However, for drains of larger radius the portion of the interface above the drain edge is drawn down first, rather than the central section. Non-linear results are obtained with a novel spectral technique, and are also compared against the predictions of linearized theory. Unstable Rayleigh-Taylor type flows, in which the upper fluid is heavier than the lower one, are also discussed