28 research outputs found

    A New Immortalized Human Alveolar Epithelial Cell Model to Study Lung Injury and Toxicity on a Breathing Lung-On-Chip System

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    The evaluation of inhalation toxicity, drug safety and efficacy assessment, as well as the investigation of complex disease pathomechanisms, are increasingly relying on in vitro lung models. This is due to the progressive shift towards human-based systems for more predictive and translational research. While several cellular models are currently available for the upper airways, modelling the distal alveolar region poses several constraints that make the standardization of reliable alveolar in vitro models relatively difficult. In this work, we present a new and reproducible alveolar in vitro model, that combines a human derived immortalized alveolar epithelial cell line ((AX)iAEC) and organ-on-chip technology mimicking the lung alveolar biophysical environment ((AX)lung-on-chip). The latter mimics key features of the in vivo alveolar milieu: breathing-like 3D cyclic stretch (10% linear strain, 0.2 Hz frequency) and an ultrathin, porous and elastic membrane. (AX)iAECs cultured on-chip were characterized for their alveolar epithelial cell markers by gene and protein expression. Cell barrier properties were examined by TER (Transbarrier Electrical Resistance) measurement and tight junction formation. To establish a physiological model for the distal lung, (AX)iAECs were cultured for long-term at air-liquid interface (ALI) on-chip. To this end, different stages of alveolar damage including inflammation (via exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide) and the response to a profibrotic mediator (via exposure to Transforming growth factor β1) were analyzed. In addition, the expression of relevant host cell factors involved in SARS-CoV-2 infection was investigated to evaluate its potential application for COVID-19 studies. This study shows that (AX)iAECs cultured on the (AX)lung-on-chip exhibit an enhanced in vivo-like alveolar character which is reflected into: 1) Alveolar type 1 (AT1) and 2 (AT2) cell specific phenotypes, 2) tight barrier formation (with TER above 1,000 Ω cm(2)) and 3) reproducible long-term preservation of alveolar characteristics in nearly physiological conditions (co-culture, breathing, ALI). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a primary derived alveolar epithelial cell line on-chip representing both AT1 and AT2 characteristics is reported. This distal lung model thereby represents a valuable in vitro tool to study inhalation toxicity, test safety and efficacy of drug compounds and characterization of xenobiotics

    A small key unlocks a heavy door : the essential function of the small hydrophobic proteins SP-B and SP-C to trigger adsorption of pulmonary surfactant lamellar bodies

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    The molecular basis involving adsorption of pulmonary surfactant at the respiratory air–liquid interface and the specific roles of the surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C in this process have not been completely resolved. The reasons might be found in the largely unknown structural assembly in which surfactant lipids and proteins are released from alveolar type II cells, and the difficulties to sample, manipulate and visualize the adsorption of these micron-sized particles at an air–liquid interface under appropriate physiological conditions. Here, we introduce several approaches to overcome these problems. First, by immunofluorescence we could demonstrate the presence of SP-B and SP-C on the surface of exocytosed surfactant particles. Second, by sampling the released particles and probing their adsorptive capacity we could demonstrate a remarkably high rate of interfacial adsorption, whose rate and extent was dramatically affected by treatment with antibodies against SP-B and SP-C. The effect of both antibodies was additive and specific. Third, direct microscopy of an inverted air–liquid interface revealed that the blocking effect is due to a stabilization of the released particles when contacting the air–liquid interface, precluding their transformation and the formation of surface films. We conclude that SP-B and SP-C are acting as essential, preformed molecular keys in the initial stages of surfactant unpacking and surface film formation. We further propose that surfactant activation might be transduced by a conformational change of the surfactant proteins upon contact with surface forces acting on the air–liquid interface

    The physiological interactome of TCR-like antibody therapeutics in human tissues

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    Selective binding of TCR-like antibodies that target a single tumour-specific peptide antigen presented by human leukocyte antigens (HLA) is the absolute prerequisite for their therapeutic suitability and patient safety. To date, selectivity assessment has been limited to peptide library screening and predictive modeling. We developed an experimental platform to de novo identify interactomes of TCR-like antibodies directly in human tissues using mass spectrometry. As proof of concept, we confirm the target epitope of a MAGE-A4-specific TCR-like antibody. We further determine cross-reactive peptide sequences for ESK1, a TCR-like antibody with known off-target activity, in human liver tissue. We confirm off-target-induced T cell activation and ESK1-mediated liver spheroid killing. Off-target sequences feature an amino acid motif that allows a structural groove-coordination mimicking that of the target peptide, therefore allowing the interaction with the engager molecule. We conclude that our strategy offers an accurate, scalable route for evaluating the non-clinical safety profile of TCR-like antibody therapeutics prior to first-in-human clinical application

    Surfactant secretion in LRRK2 knock-out rats : changes in lamellar body morphology and rate of exocytosis

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    Leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) is known to play a role in the pathogenesis of various diseases including Parkinson disease, morbus Crohn, leprosy and cancer. LRRK2 is suggested to be involved in a number of cell biological processes such as vesicular trafficking, transcription, autophagy and lysosomal pathways. Recent histological studies of lungs of LRRK2 knock-out (LRRK2 -/-) mice revealed significantly enlarged lamellar bodies (LBs) in alveolar type II (ATII) epithelial cells. LBs are large, lysosome-related storage organelles for pulmonary surfactant, which is released into the alveolar lumen upon LB exocytosis. In this study we used high-resolution, subcellular live-cell imaging assays to investigate whether similar morphological changes can be observed in primary ATII cells from LRRK2 -/- rats and whether such changes result in altered LB exocytosis. Similarly to the report in mice, ATII cells from LRRK2 -/- rats contained significantly enlarged LBs resulting in a >50% increase in LB volume. Stimulation of ATII cells with ATP elicited LB exocytosis in a significantly increased proportion of cells from LRRK2 -/- animals. LRRK2 -/- cells also displayed increased intracellular Ca2+ release upon ATP treatment and significant triggering of LB exocytosis. These findings are in line with the strong Ca2+-dependence of LB fusion activity and suggest that LRRK2 -/- affects exocytic response in ATII cells via modulating intracellular Ca2+ signaling. Post-fusion regulation of surfactant secretion was unaltered. Actin coating of fused vesicles and subsequent vesicle compression to promote surfactant expulsion were comparable in cells from LRRK2 -/- and wt animals. Surprisingly, surfactant (phospholipid) release from LRRK2 -/- cells was reduced following stimulation of LB exocytosis possibly due to impaired LB maturation and surfactant loading of LBs. In summary our results suggest that LRRK2 -/- affects LB size, modulates intracellular Ca2+ signaling and promotes LB exocytosis upon stimulation of ATII cells with ATP

    Mapping Membrane Topology Label Free and Corrected for Changes in the Refractive Index of the Membrane on a Nanometer Scale

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    The plasma membrane is the outer limit of the animal cell. As such, it is both a border separating inside from outside and a signaling platform for interactions with the surroundings. Among these interactions are extracellular matrix contacts and adhesion sites. The membrane and its contact sites together with the underlying cytoskeleton undergo constant remodeling, which leads to changes of the cell shape. In addition to spatial information micro-topographical maps provide, information about the z-dimension and describe the position of the plasma membrane with respect to the distance to a given substrate. Here we address how to measure height differences in the plasma membrane and how to create topographical maps of the plasma membrane with nanometer resolution. We address the currently used methodologies along with their advantages and drawbacks. Moreover, we delineate a label-free method to obtain topographic maps of the plasma membrane that are corrected for differences in the refractive index of the membrane utilizing an interferometric approach with multiple wavelengths and a normalization procedure to account for changes in the refractive index in the membrane. Copyright © 2014 SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications. All rights reserved.status: publishe

    Human-Based Advanced in vitro Approaches to Investigate Lung Fibrosis and Pulmonary Effects of COVID-19.

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused considerable socio-economic burden, which fueled the development of treatment strategies and vaccines at an unprecedented speed. However, our knowledge on disease recovery is sparse and concerns about long-term pulmonary impairments are increasing. Causing a broad spectrum of symptoms, COVID-19 can manifest as acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in the most severely affected patients. Notably, pulmonary infection with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causing agent of COVID-19, induces diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) followed by fibrotic remodeling and persistent reduced oxygenation in some patients. It is currently not known whether tissue scaring fully resolves or progresses to interstitial pulmonary fibrosis. The most aggressive form of pulmonary fibrosis is idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). IPF is a fatal disease that progressively destroys alveolar architecture by uncontrolled fibroblast proliferation and the deposition of collagen and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. It is assumed that micro-injuries to the alveolar epithelium may be induced by inhalation of micro-particles, pathophysiological mechanical stress or viral infections, which can result in abnormal wound healing response. However, the exact underlying causes and molecular mechanisms of lung fibrosis are poorly understood due to the limited availability of clinically relevant models. Recently, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 with the urgent need to investigate its pathogenesis and address drug options, has led to the broad application of in vivo and in vitro models to study lung diseases. In particular, advanced in vitro models including precision-cut lung slices (PCLS), lung organoids, 3D in vitro tissues and lung-on-chip (LOC) models have been successfully employed for drug screens. In order to gain a deeper understanding of SARS-CoV-2 infection and ultimately alveolar tissue regeneration, it will be crucial to optimize the available models for SARS-CoV-2 infection in multicellular systems that recapitulate tissue regeneration and fibrotic remodeling. Current evidence for SARS-CoV-2 mediated pulmonary fibrosis and a selection of classical and novel lung models will be discussed in this review

    αAzithromycin has enhanced effects on lung fibroblasts from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients compared to controls.

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    BACKGROUND Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic fatal lung disease without a cure and new drug strategies are urgently needed. Differences in behavior between diseased and healthy cells are well known and drug response can be different between cells isolated from IPF patients and controls. The macrolide Azithromycin (AZT) has anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties. Recently anti-fibrotic effects have been described. However, the anti-fibrotic effects on primary IPF-fibroblasts (FB) directly compared to control-FB are unknown. We hypothesized that IPF-FB react differently to AZT in terms of anti-fibrotic effects. METHODS Primary normal human lung and IPF-FB were exposed to TGF-β (5 ng/ml), Azithromycin (50 μM) alone or in combination prior to gene expression analysis. Pro-collagen Iα1 secretion was assessed by ELISA and protein expression by western blot (αSMA, Fibronectin, ATP6V1B2, LC3 AB (II/I), p62, Bcl-xL). Microarray analysis was performed to screen involved genes and pathways after Azithromycin treatment in control-FB. Apoptosis and intraluminal lysosomal pH were analyzed by flow cytometry. RESULTS AZT significantly reduced collagen secretion in TGF-β treated IPF-FB compared to TGF-β treatment alone, but not in control-FB. Pro-fibrotic gene expression was similarly reduced after AZT treatment in IPF and control-FB. P62 and LC3II/I western blot revealed impaired autophagic flux after AZT in both control and IPF-FB with significant increase of LC3II/I after AZT in control and IPF-FB, indicating enhanced autophagy inhibition. Early apoptosis was significantly higher in TGF-β treated IPF-FB compared to controls after AZT. Microarray analysis of control-FB treated with AZT revealed impaired lysosomal pathways. The ATPase and lysosomal pH regulator ATP6V0D2 was significantly less increased after additional AZT in IPF-FB compared to controls. Lysosomal function was impaired in both IPF and control FB, but pH was significantly more increased in TGF-β treated IPF-FB. CONCLUSION We report different treatment responses after AZT with enhanced anti-fibrotic and pro-apoptotic effects in IPF compared to control-FB. Possibly impaired lysosomal function contributes towards these effects. In summary, different baseline cell phenotype and behavior of IPF and control cells contribute to enhanced anti-fibrotic and pro-apoptotic effects in IPF-FB after AZT treatment and strengthen its role as a new potential anti-fibrotic compound, that should further be evaluated in clinical studies

    Correction to: Azithromycin has enhanced effects on lung fibroblasts from idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) patients compared to controls.

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    After publication of our article [1], we have been notified that an extra alpha symbol (α) was mistakenly added at the beginning of the title