207 research outputs found

    Adrenergic receptors. Models for regulation of signal transduction processes.

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    Adrenergic receptors are prototypic models for the study of the relations between structure and function of G protein-coupled receptors. Each receptor is encoded by a distinct gene. These receptors are integral membrane proteins with several striking structural features. They consist of a single subunit containing seven stretches of 20-28 hydrophobic amino acids that represent potential membrane-spanning alpha-helixes. Many of these receptors share considerable amino acid sequence homology, particularly in the transmembrane domains. All of these macromolecules share other similarities that include one or more potential sites of extracellular N-linked glycosylation near the amino terminus and several potential sites of regulatory phosphorylation that are located intracellularly. By using a variety of techniques, it has been demonstrated that various regions of the receptor molecules are critical for different receptor functions. The seven transmembrane regions of the receptors appear to form a ligand-binding pocket. Cysteine residues in the extracellular domains may stabilize the ligand-binding pocket by participating in disulfide bonds. The cytoplasmic domains contain regions capable of interacting with G proteins and various kinases and are therefore important in such processes as signal transduction, receptor-G protein coupling, receptor sequestration, and down-regulation. Finally, regions of these macromolecules may undergo posttranslational modifications important in the regulation of receptor function. Our understanding of these complex relations is constantly evolving and much work remains to be done. Greater understanding of the basic mechanisms involved in G protein-coupled, receptor-mediated signal transduction may provide leads into the nature of certain pathophysiological states

    Laboratory to the marketplace: scientific challenges in commercializing a phosphate solubilizing microorganism

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    Non-Peer ReviewedThe commercialization of phosphate inoculant is a challenging process. The active ingredient of the phosphate inoculant JumpStart® (P. bilaiae) was isolated in 1982. Although the concept of P solubilization was proven, much additional research was required. Cost effective manufacturing processes, packaging and QA systems, and easy-to-use, shelf stable formulations needed to be developed. Extensive field research to confirm efficacy was needed. Comprehensive data on compatibility with seed-applied pesticides were required. Development continues to be an on-going process with the use of the product on new crops, improved production methods and formulations, new applications, and continuing market research to monitor changing farmer needs

    Involvement of tyrosine residues located in the carboxyl tail of the human beta 2-adrenergic receptor in agonist-induced down-regulation of the receptor.

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    Chronic exposure of various cell types to adrenergic agonists leads to a decrease in cell surface beta 2-adrenergic receptor (beta 2AR) number. Sequestration of the receptor away from the cell surface as well as a down-regulation of the total number of cellular receptors are believed to contribute to this agonist-mediated regulation of receptor number. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these phenomena are not well characterized. Recently, tyrosine residues located in the cytoplasmic tails of several membrane receptors, such as the low density lipoprotein and mannose-6-phosphate receptors, have been suggested as playing an important role in the agonist-induced internalization of these receptors. Accordingly, we assessed the potential role of two tyrosine residues in the carboxyl tail of the human beta 2AR in agonist-induced sequestration and down-regulation of the receptor. Tyr-350 and Tyr-354 of the human beta 2AR were replaced with alanine residues by site-directed mutagenesis and both wild-type and mutant beta 2AR were stably expressed in transformed Chinese hamster fibroblasts. The mutation dramatically decreased the ability of the beta 2AR to undergo isoproterenol-induced down-regulation. However, the substitution of Tyr-350 and Tyr-354 did not affect agonist-induced sequestration of the receptor. These results suggest that tyrosine residues in the cytoplasmic tail of human beta 2AR are crucial determinants involved in its down-regulation

    Discovery of the Cadmium Isotopes

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    Thirty-seven cadmium isotopes have so far been observed; the discovery of these isotopes is discussed. For each isotope a brief summary of the first refereed publication, including the production and identification method, is presented.Comment: to be published in Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Table

    Pharmacokinetics of 111In-labeled OC-125 antibody in cancer patients compared with the 19-9 antibody

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    We recently reported on the pharmacokinetics in 14 cancer patients of the 19-9 antibody radiolabeled with 111In. We have now repeated this investigation in 18 cancer patients using the OC-125 antibody, in part to compare the in vivo behavior of two murine monoclonal antibodies of the same subclass administered as the F(ab\u27)2 fragments, by the same route and at the same dose. As in the earlier investigation, 1 mg of fragments was infused i.v., and organ quantitation was obtained for up to 72 h along with frequent blood and urine samples for chromatographic evaluation. Analysis of urine showed that activity clearance by this route amounted to 0.29%/h and consisted of labeled DTPA only in early samples and metabolic products thereafter. Analysis of serum samples often showed the presence of a high-molecular-weight species appearing within 24 h. This species is probably due to antibody binding to circulating antigen, although the percentage of circulating activity present as this species did not correlate well with circulating antigen levels. As before, organ accumulation was greatest in the liver, although levels were significantly reduced (12% compared to 20% of administered dose at 24 h, P less than 0.01). Plasma clearance was also significantly different: whereas the label in the case of the OC-125 antibody showed one-compartment clearance kinetics and remained in the plasma compartment, in the 19-9 case the label diffused to a second, unidentified compartment

    Razvoj radiomarkiranog β-humanog koriogonadotropina

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    -human chorionic gonadotropin (-hCG) was successively labeled with [67Ga] gallium chloride after conjugation with freshly prepared diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid dianhydride (ccDTPA). After solid phase purification of the radiolabeled hormone, high performance liquid chromatography showed radiochemical purity higher than 95 % under optimized conditions (specific activity = 2223 TBq mM1, labeling efficiency 80 %). Preliminary in vivo studies (ID g1, %) in male wild-type rats showed marked gonadal uptake of the tracer after 240 minutes in agreement with the biodistribution studies and reported -hCG receptors. Target to blood ratios were 5.1 and 15.2 after 3 and 24 hours, respectively, while target to muscle ratios were 35 and 40 after 3 and 24 hours, respectively.Beta-humani korionski gonadotropin (beta-hCG) uspješno je markiran s [67Ga] galijevim kloridom nakon konjugacije sa svježe priređenim dianhidridom dietilentriaminpentaoctene kiseline (ccDTPA). Nakon čišćenja radiomarkiranog hormona na čvrstoj fazi, radiokemijska čistoća bila je prema HPLC veća od 95 % (specifična aktivnost = 22-23 TBq mM-1, učinkovitost markiranja 80 %). Preliminarni in vivo pokusi (ID g-1, %) na mužjacima divljeg tipa štakora pokazali su da obilježeni hormon značajno ulazi u gonade nakon 240 minuta, što je u suglasnosti s ispitivanjima biodistribucije i podacima o receptorima za beta-hCG. Omjer koncentracija u gonadama i krvi bio je 5,1, odnosno 15,2 nakon 3, odnosno 24 sata, dok je omjer koncentracija u gonadama i mišićima bio 35, odnosno 40 nakon 3, odnosno 24 sata

    Pretargeted adjuvant radioimmunotherapy with Yttrium-90-biotin in malignant glioma patients: A pilot study

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    In a previous study we applied a three-step avidin–biotin pretargeting approach to target 90Y-biotin to the tumour in patients with recurrent high grade glioma. The encouraging results obtained in this phase I–II study prompted us to apply the same approach in an adjuvant setting, to evaluate (i) time to relapse and (ii) overall survival. We enrolled 37 high grade glioma patients, 17 with grade III glioma and 20 with glioblastoma, in a controlled open non-randomized study. All patients received surgery and radiotherapy and were disease-free by neuroradiological examinations. Nineteen patients (treated) received adjuvant treatment with radioimmunotherapy. In the treated glioblastoma patients, median disease-free interval was 28 months (range=9–59); median survival was 33.5 months and one patient is still without evidence of disease. All 12 control glioblastoma patients died after a median survival from diagnosis of 8 months. In the treated grade III glioma patients median disease-free interval was 56 months (range=15–60) and survival cannot be calculated as only two, within this group, died. Three-step radioimmunotherapy promises to have an important role as adjuvant treatment in high grade gliomas, particularly in glioblastoma where it impedes progression, prolonging time to relapse and overall survival. A further randomized trial is justified

    Albumin-derived peptides efficiently reduce renal uptake of radiolabelled peptides

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    Contains fulltext : 88022.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)PURPOSE: In peptide-receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT), the maximum activity dose that can safely be administered is limited by high renal uptake and retention of radiolabelled peptides. The kidney radiation dose can be reduced by coinfusion of agents that competitively inhibit the reabsorption of radiolabelled peptides, such as positively charged amino acids, Gelofusine, or trypsinised albumin. The aim of this study was to identify more specific and potent inhibitors of the kidney reabsorption of radiolabelled peptides, based on albumin. METHODS: Albumin was fragmented using cyanogen bromide and six albumin-derived peptides with different numbers of electric charges were selected and synthesised. The effect of albumin fragments (FRALB-C) and selected albumin-derived peptides on the internalisation of (111)In-albumin, (111)In-minigastrin, (111)In-exendin and (111)In-octreotide by megalin-expressing cells was assessed. In rats, the effect of Gelofusine and albumin-derived peptides on the renal uptake and biodistribution of (111)In-minigastrin, (111)In-exendin and (111)In-octreotide was determined. RESULTS: FRALB-C significantly reduced the uptake of all radiolabelled peptides in vitro. The albumin-derived peptides showed different potencies in reducing the uptake of (111)In-albumin, (111)In-exendin and (111)In-minigastrin in vitro. The most efficient albumin-derived peptide (peptide #6), was selected for in vivo testing. In rats, 5 mg of peptide #6 very efficiently inhibited the renal uptake of (111)In-minigastrin, by 88%. Uptake of (111)In-exendin and (111)In-octreotide was reduced by 26 and 33%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The albumin-derived peptide #6 efficiently inhibited the renal reabsorption of (111)In-minigastrin, (111)In-exendin and (111)In-octreotide and is a promising candidate for kidney protection in PRRT.1 februari 201

    A novel immunoscintigraphy technique using metabolizable linker with angiotensin II treatment

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    Immunoscintigraphy is a tumour imaging technique that can have specificity, but high background radioactivity makes it difficult to obtain tumour imaging soon after the injection of radioconjugate. The aim of this study is to see whether clear tumour images can be obtained soon after injection of a radiolabelled reagent using a new linker with antibody fragments (Fab), in conditions of induced hypertension in mice. Fab fragments of a murine monoclonal antibody against human osteosarcoma were labelled with radioiodinated 3′-iodohippuryl N-ɛ-maleoyl-L-lysine (HML) and were injected intravenously to tumour-bearing mice. Angiotensin II was administered for 4 h before and for 1 h after the injection of radiolabelled Fab. Kidney uptake of 125I-labelled-HML-Fab was much lower than that of 125I-labelled-Fab radioiodinated by the chloramine-T method, and the radioactivity of tumour was increased approximately two-fold by angiotensin II treatment at 3 h after injection, indicating high tumour-to-normal tissue ratios. A clear tumour image was obtained with 131I-labelled-HML-Fab at 3 h post-injection. The use of HML as a radiolabelling reagent, combined with angiotensin II treatment, efficiently improved tumour targeting and enabled the imaging of tumours. These results suggest the feasibility of PET scan using antibody fragment labelled with 18F-fluorine substitute for radioiodine. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig