24 research outputs found

    A system theoretical approach to the characteristics of a successful future innovation ecosystem

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    Doutoramento em Gestão IndustrialA presente dissertação examina a relação inovação-indivíduocontexto sob o ponto de vista da teoria de sistemas. O propósito do presente estudo é explorar a “performance” sustentada do ecossistema de inovação onde diversas realidades controversas surgem simultaneamente. A primeira parte da dissertação é uma análise conceptual da inovação, do indivíduo e do ambiente de inovação. A segunda parte considera o método da “Grounded Theory” e o material de investigação obtido das experiências de empreendedores de várias profissões. A investigação empírica da terceira parte explora as experiências relacionadas com inovação-indivíduo-contexto. Como resultado da análise comparativa e contínua dos resultados da investigação e de investigação anterior, um modelo ideal de Círculo Virtuoso de Inovação em Sistemas auto-organizados e autoprodutivos é estabelecido. Os resultados indicam que, apara além da parte visível e tangível da inovação, também a parte invisível e intangível é fundamental na “performance” sustentada da geração de inovação radical e incremental. Um ecossistema de inovação autónomo, que seja autoorganizado e auto-produtivo depende da capacidade intelectual e emocional dos indivíduos. Desviando-se de investigação anterior, o presente estudo descobre a capacidade emocional embebida nos indivíduos como pré-requisito para a inovação. O presente estudo indica que a capacidade humana para tolerar as inconveniências e a frustração, em conjunto com a capacidade para gerar energia cognitiva e emocional para o sistema são os mecanismos que suportam a auto-renovação dos sistemas. È com base nestas capacidades que a reconciliação das realidades controversas relacionadas com a inovação que o sistema é ao mesmo tempo produtivo e criativo e pode simultaneamente gerar inovação incremental e radical. Assim, a gestão permissiva, descentralizada, centrada na pessoa, produtora de energia e da base para o topo resulta na auto-renovação no sistema e a inovação.This thesis examines innovation-individual-context relation within the framework of systems theory. The purpose of this study is to explore the sustainable performance of innovation ecosystem where many controversial realities take place simultaneously. The first part of the thesis is a conceptual analysis on innovation, individual and innovation environment. The second part considers the qualitative Grounded Theory method and research material consisting from innovation experiences of creative and entrepreneurial forerunners of various professions. The empirical research in the third part explores innovation-individual-context related experiences. As the result of the continuous comparative analysis of the empirical research findings and previous research, an ideal model of Virtuous Innovation Circle in Selforganising and Self-productive Systems is established. The findings indicate that apart from the visible and hard side of the innovation ecosystem also the invisible and soft side is pivotal for sustainable performance in generation of incremental and radical innovation. An autonomous innovation ecosystem, which is selforganising and self-productive relies on individuals’ intellectual and emotional capacity. System (like individual, organisation, region or nation), successfully generating incremental and radical innovation, perceives holistically and, apart from being differentiated, utilises interaction in order to complement the specialized knowledge. Deviating from previous research this study discovered the emotional capacity embedded in individuals as a prerequisite for innovation. This study indicates that human capacity to tolerate inconveniences and frustration together with the capacity to generate cognitive and emotional energy for the system are the mechanisms behind innovation and systems’ selfrenewal. It is due to these capacities that the reconciliation of innovation related controversial realities in the system turns possible and the system can be at the same time both productive and creative and it can simultaneously generate both incremental and radical innovation. Hence, the permissive, decentralised, human-centric, energizing, and bottom up management (called management in autonomous innovation ecosystem) triggers both system’s self-renewal and innovation

    Monitoimijaisen yhteiskehittämisen orkestrointi vapaan ja vastuullisen tieteen sekä autonomisen korkeakoulun näkökulmasta

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    Globalisaation seurauksena yhteiskunnallisten haasteiden kompleksisuus on kasvanut. Tämän kehityksen seurauksena ratkaisuja etsitään yhä useammin innovaatioekosysteemeistä ja monitoimijaisesta yhteiskehittämisestä. Kirjallisuus ja käytännön kokemus indikoivat, että toimiakseen innovaatioekosysteemit kaipaavatsystemaattista orkestrointia. Tässä tutkimuskirjallisuuteen, rahoitus- ja politiikkadokumentteihin sekä kokemustietoon perustuvassa artikkelissa ”Monitoimijaisen yhteiskehittämisen orkestrointi vapaan ja vastuullisen tieteen sekä autonomisen korkeakoulun näkökulmasta” tarkastelemme innovaatioekosysteemien orkestrointimahdollisuuksia itsenäisen tieteen ja autonomisen korkeakoulun näkökulmasta. Innovaatioekosysteemin mahdollistaja-orkestroija ottaa tasapuolisesti huomioon kaikki ekosysteemin toimijat, toiminnot ja tasot. Orkestroija luo edellytyksiä ekosysteemin yhteisen tavoitteen saavuttamiselle ja sen hyvinvoinnin edistämiselle. Sovellamme snellmanilaista käsitystä vapaasta ja vastuullisesta tieteestä ja sivistyksestä, mahdollistaja orkestroija-käsitettä sekä tieteen markkinat -metaforaa. Niiden avulla pohdimme monitoimijaisen yhteiskehittämisen hyötyjä eri osapuolille. Kuvailemme esimerkein siitä, minkälaisilla toimenpiteillä korkeakoulut mahdollistaja- orkestroijina voisivat tukea sellaisten innovaatioekosysteemien yhteistyötä, joiden tavoitteena on ennakoida ja ratkaista laajoja yhteiskunnallisia haasteita. Pohdimme sitä, kuinka itsenäisen tieteen riippumattomuus ja laatu voidaan turvata sekä sitä, mitä ja miten myös vapaa ja vastuullinen tiede ja autonomiset korkeakoulut julkisina laitoksina hyötyvät siitä, että ne osallistuvat orkestroituun monitoimijaiseen yhteiskehittämiseen

    The Knowledge Triangle Promoting Innovation and Multidimensional Learning

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    Higher education institutions play a pivotal role in the well-being of their regions by creating and transferring new knowledge to their students and regions, thereby increasing both students “and regions” capacity to absorb latest knowledge and foster innovation. To optimise both educational and RDI impacts, the Knowledge Triangle (KT) is important. It is about creating and strengthening the interaction and synergy between research, education and innovation and paying due attention to the linkages between them. The KT, however, requires changes in the design and delivery of education programmes. It also calls for new mechanisms and interfaces for collaboration among various regional stakeholders. Learning by Developing (LbD) together with the LivingLabs (LL) model exemplify these changes and mechanisms in practice. The article explores LbD and LL as a university

    Korkeakoulujen ja yhteiskunnan välisen vuorovaikutuksen kehitys Euroopassa: kohti 2020-luvun monitoimijaisen yhteiskehittämisen orkestrointia.

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    Artikkelissa käsittelemme monitoimijaisen yhteiskehittämisen syntyyn vaikuttaneen käsitteistön kehitystä 1960-luvulta tähän päivää sekä sitä, miten kehitys on näkynyt eurooppalaisen korkeakoulun ja yhteiskunnan välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa ja sen muutoksessa. Prosessoimme muutosta ensin talous- ja innovaatiolähtöisen korkeakoulun välittömien vaikutusten ja sitten itsenäisen tieteen ja korkeakouluinstituution välillisten vaikutusten näkökulmasta. Lisäksi pohdimme niiden arvojen ja toimintatapojen eroja sekä jännitteitä ja paradokseja, jotka vaikuttavat yhteiskehittämisen orkestrointiin arjessa

    The Circle of Mediators : Towards a governance model for tackling sustainability challenges in a city

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    Cities can take an active role in creating enablers, such as open innovation platforms, living labs to enhance innovations that can contribute to solving sustainability challenges. In this conceptual paper, we introduce a new governance model, the Circle of Mediators, to facilitate the birth and activities of multi-stakeholder teams to innovate and create solutions. We aim to contribute to discussions on multi-stakeholder governance, sustainability is seen as the context that forces cities to engage in such activities due to the complex nature of global challenges and need for (interdisciplinary or even) transdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder competencies to solve these challenges. The Circle of Mediators orchestrates the establishment of open innovation ecosystems and their innovation co-creation, experimentation and adoption activities, thus making cities and communities inclusive, resilient and sustainable, in accordance with the UN SDG 11 (United Nations 2015). The focus is on the new governance model looked at from mediating and living lab perspectives and experiments with two Finnish cities and sponsored by the EU Cohesion Six City Strategy project. The paper’s contribution builds on the development of the conceptualisation of the new Circle of Mediators model and the identification of research and an action path for both researchers, managers as well as policymakers

    International Innovation Sprint Bridging the Sustainability Gap between Metropolitan Core and Peripheries

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    Generally, RDI work takes place at the core of Metropolitan areas where the best innovation resources, Universities, and Research Institutions normally situate. At the same time, the periphery of Metropolitan that provides the core area with many vital resources can itself suffer from migration loss, brain drain, loss of jobs, and the many challenges related to ageing population and long distances or poor logistics. In this paper we aim to contribute to the discussions on the role of science, technology and innovation in society and particularly in making cities and communities inclusive, resilient and sustainable (UN SDG 11). We adopt perspectives and concepts from innovation literature and policy documents to introduce Innovation Sprint as an innovation intermediary tool. We explain how the sprints were designed and experimented first in Taiwan and then in Finland. In both cases, multidisciplinary and international Sprints were taken to a remote community to observe, understand, and then to co-create innovative solutions with and for the local stakeholders. We also discuss the ways the Sprint might bridge the sustainable development gaps between the urban, peri-urban and rural areas where the intensity of knowledge, technology, and monetary resources can vary substantially

    Development and experimentation platform for social, health and wellbeing services in the context of Kalasatama health and wellbeing centre

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    This report is the result of a consulting work done by Laurea experts on the commission of the Department of Social Services and Health Care, Helsinki and Helsinki Business Hub. The aim of the consulting work was to construct a framework for the development and experimentation platform to be utilized in co-creation and testing new social and health care services especially in the context of the Kalasatama Health and Wellbeing Center to be opened in 2018. The report gives guidelines how to coordinate service development processes in a network of public, private, and third sector organisations, and how to ensure that citizens, patients, their close ones, and social and health care professionals are active participants in the co-creation processes. The report can be described as a recipe book: how to implement the development and experimentation platform in practice, in the context of social and health care services in Helsinki

    Katsaus avointen innovaatioiden yhteiskehittämistä ja testausta tukeviin sosiaali- ja terveysalan sivustoihin

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    Suomeen on syntynyt lukuisia julkisella rahoituksella toteutettuja alueellisia ja temaattisia innovaatioalustoja ja -ekosysteemejä. Monitoimijainen innovaatiotoiminta ei ole uusi ilmiö, sillä sen kehittäminen ja tutkiminen käynnistyivät OECD:n aloitteesta jo 1970-luvulla. 2020-luvulla globaalien ongelmien ja kiristyvän kilpailun myötä monitoimijainen ja osallistava tutkimus- ja innovaatiotoiminta on kuitenkin kokenut uuden tulemisen. Tämä julkaisu tarjoaa lukijalle kokonaiskuvan sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluiden monitoimijaisen yhteiskehittämisen ja testaamisen mahdollistavista digitaalisista innovaatioalustoista. Mukana on myös muutamia sellaisia alustoja, jotka palvelevat monitoimijaista kehittämistä toimialasta riippumatta. Katsauksen lopussa keskustellaan digitaalisista innovaatioalustoista pääosin korkeakoulutoimijan tarjooman ja osaamisen näkökulmasta. Julkaisu on tuotettu Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön rahoittamassa Co-Creation Orchestration-hankkeessa

    Yhteiskehittämisen käsikirja

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    #MakeWithEspoo kokoaa Espoossa kokeillen kehitettyjä tuotoksia kehittämisen, johtamisen ja konsultoinnin työkaluiksi City as a Service -tavoitteen mukaisesti. Se on 6Aika-projekteissa luotujen viitekehysten, käsikirjojen ja työkalujen yhteiskehittämisen sateenvarjo, joka uudistaa toimintaa sosiaalisesti, kulttuurillisesti, ekologisesti ja taloudellisesti kestävällä tavalla. 6Aika on Suomen kuuden suurimman kaupungin – Helsingin, Espoon, Tampereen, Vantaan, Oulun ja Turun – yhteinen strategia, joka tähtää avoimempien ja älykkäämpien palvelujen kehittämiseen. Tavoitteena on synnyttää Suomeen uutta osaamista, liiketoimintaa ja työpaikkoja. 6Aika-hankkeita oli käynnissä vuoden 2017 lopussa yli 30, ja niiden yhteenlaskettu budjetti oli yli 57 miljoonaa euroa

    Review of Finnish social and health care ecosystems’ websites supporting the co-creation and testing of innovations

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    Numerous publicly funded regional and thematic innovation platforms and ecosystems have emerged in Finland. Multi-stakeholder innovation is not a new phenomenon, as its development and research began at the initiative of the OECD as early as the 1970s. In the 2020s, however, with global challenges and intensifying competition, multistakeholder and participatory research and innovation has experienced a new emergence. This publication provides the reader with an overview of Finnish social and health care ecosystems’ websites that enable the multi-stakeholder co-creation and testing of social and health services. There are also a few platforms included that serve multi-stakeholder development regardless of industry. At the end of the review, digital innovation platforms and ecosystems are discussed mainly from the perspective of higher education institutions. This publication is part of the Co-Creation Orchestration (CCO) project funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland. It is an updated version of the Finnish publication that was published in spring 2021. Updated in autumn 2021, this international version includes the latest concepts and other updates concerning some of the most recent EU funding and principles