9 research outputs found

    Whisper of the Spirit

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    Finnish: Haltijankuiskaus (http://hdl.handle.net/10138/206657) Swedish: RĂ„darens viskning (http://hdl.handle.net/10138/222482)Myths and multiliteracy Myths are shared stories and beliefs about things that no one has really seen or experienced but that are still believed to be true. In the past, a long time ago, Finnish myths often had their origins in observations about nature. The natural world inspired people and they wanted to interact with it. People in the ancient times had a completely different relationship to nature from us. Nature has always been especially important to people living in Finland as the four seasons make the environment very rich and varied here. It is not surprising that it has kindled people’s imagination and been the source of many beliefs. For example, shooting stars were believed to be cracks in the sky through which gods could take a peek at the Earth. Forests and their spirits were also an essential part of the northern culture of Finland and way of life as they were an important source of food. The Whisper of the spirit activity cards are our contribution to the celebrations marking Finland’s 100 years of independence. The package can be used and distributed for non-commercial purposes in printed or in digital formats. The educational aim of the activity cards is for children to take an interest in Finnish stories, nature and ancient beliefs from a variety of perspectives. The tasks encourage children to imagine, observe, collaborate, reflect, innovate and experiment in multimodal ways. We also hope the stories and activities will support children’s interests and competencies in multiliteracies. The production of the Whisper of the spirit activity cards was supported by the Joy of Learning Multiliteracies (MOI) project, which is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and implemented by the University of Helsinki. The material can be downloaded from the MOI project website: www.monilukutaito.com/en

    RĂ„darens viskning

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    Finnish: Haltijankuiskaus (http://hdl.handle.net/10138/206657) Swedish: RĂ„darens viskning (http://hdl.handle.net/10138/222482)Myths and multiliteracy Myths are shared stories and beliefs about things that no one has really seen or experienced but that are still believed to be true. In the past, a long time ago, Finnish myths often had their origins in observations about nature. The natural world inspired people and they wanted to interact with it. People in the ancient times had a completely different relationship to nature from us. Nature has always been especially important to people living in Finland as the four seasons make the environment very rich and varied here. It is not surprising that it has kindled people’s imagination and been the source of many beliefs. For example, shooting stars were believed to be cracks in the sky through which gods could take a peek at the Earth. Forests and their spirits were also an essential part of the northern culture of Finland and way of life as they were an important source of food. The Whisper of the spirit activity cards are our contribution to the celebrations marking Finland’s 100 years of independence. The package can be used and distributed for non-commercial purposes in printed or in digital formats. The educational aim of the activity cards is for children to take an interest in Finnish stories, nature and ancient beliefs from a variety of perspectives. The tasks encourage children to imagine, observe, collaborate, reflect, innovate and experiment in multimodal ways. We also hope the stories and activities will support children’s interests and competencies in multiliteracies. The production of the Whisper of the spirit activity cards was supported by the Joy of Learning Multiliteracies (MOI) project, which is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture and implemented by the University of Helsinki. The material can be downloaded from the MOI project website: www.monilukutaito.com/en

    RĂ„darens viskning

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    Finska: Haltijankuiskaus (http://hdl.handle.net/10138/206657) Engelska: Whisper of the Spirit (http://hdl.handle.net/10138/222483)Myter och multilitteracitet Myter Ă€r gemensamt delade historier och folksagor som ingen egentligen nĂ„gonsin har sett eller upplevt men som anses vara sanna. I det förgĂ„ngna, för mycket lĂ€nge sedan, föddes finlĂ€ndska myter ofta av iakttagelser i anknytning till naturen. Naturen var en inspirationskĂ€lla och mĂ€nniskorna ville föra en dialog med naturen: de hade ett annorlunda förhĂ„llande till naturen Ă€n vad vi har idag. För mĂ€nniskor i norr har naturen haft en egen speciell betydelse, eftersom Ă„rstidsvĂ€xlingarna hĂ€r gör naturen mycket varierande och rik. Det Ă€r inte sĂ„ konstigt att naturen har vĂ€ckt fantasin och gett upphov till mĂ„nga myter. Man har till exempel trott att ett stjĂ€rnfall Ă€r en spricka pĂ„ himlen genom vilken gudarna kan titta ner pĂ„ jorden. Skogarna och skogsvĂ€sendena Ă€r ocksĂ„ en vĂ€sentlig del av kulturen och levnadssĂ€tten i norr. Skogen var ju ocksĂ„ en viktig nĂ€ringskĂ€lla. Med RĂ„darens viskning-aktivitetskorten vill vi ra det 100-Ă„riga Finland. Helheten publiceras i digital form och den kan anvĂ€ndas och distribueras i icke-kommersiella syften. VĂ„r tanke Ă€r att materialet anvĂ€nds frĂ€mst digitalt. Det pedagogiska syftet med aktivitetskorten Ă€r att vĂ€cka intresse för den finlĂ€ndska naturen och för gamla myter ur mĂ„nga olika synvinklar. Uppgifterna lockar ocksĂ„ deltagarna att pĂ„ mĂ„nga olika sĂ€tt sjĂ€lva iaktta, fundera, hitta pĂ„ och experimentera. För framstĂ€llandet av aktivitetskorten har vi fĂ„tt stöd av ”MOI - InlĂ€rning av multilitteracitet med glĂ€dje”-utvecklingsprogrammet som - finansieras av Undervisnings- och kulturministeriet och genomförs av Helsingfors universitet. Materialet kan fritt laddas ner pĂ„ MOI-projektets webbplats: www.monilukutaito.com/se

    Haltijan arvoitus

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    Haltijan arvoitus on valikoima leikillisiÀ aktiviteetteja, joiden tarkoituksena on kehittÀÀ lasten kiinnostusta ja ymmÀrrystÀ ilmastonmuutokseen ja ympÀristöön liittyvistÀ asioista, sekÀ edistÀÀ lasten ekologista lukutaitoa ja laajemmin monilukutaitoa. Materiaalin avulla lapset voivat kÀsitellÀ ja pohtia ilmastonmuutokseen ja ympÀristöön liittyviÀ teemoja suomalaisiin myytteihin perustuvan tarinan kautta. Tarinassa ukkosen haltija Ukko menettÀÀ sÀÀn hallinnan. Lasten tehtÀvÀnÀ on tutkia mistÀ tÀmÀ johtuu ja luoda kuvitteellisia ratkaisuja, joiden avulla Ukko voisi jÀlleen hyvin ja pystyisi jÀlleen hallitsemaan sÀÀtÀ. Kokonaisuus rakentuu seitsemÀstÀ pedagogisesta aktiviteetista, jotka voidaan toteuttaa esimerkiksi luokkahuoneessa ja/tai ulkona. Aktiviteetit soveltuvat myös lasten iltapÀivÀ- tai kerhotoimintaan sekÀ kotikÀyttöön. Materiaali sisÀltÀÀ työskentelyohjeet, keskustelua tukevia kysymyksiÀ sekÀ mallipohjia tehtÀviin liittyviÀ askarteluja varten. Haltijan arvoitus -aktiviteettikortit ovat jatkoa Haltijan kuiskaus -materiaalille ukkosen haltija Ukon, metsÀnhaltija Tapion, vedenhaltija Vetehisen ja muinaisen tietÀjÀvelho Myrrysmiehen maailmassa

    RÄdarens gÄta

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    RÄdarens gÄta bestÄr av en samling lekfulla, multilitterÀra material. MÄlet med RÄdarens gÄta Àr att öka barns intresse och medvetenhet om miljöfrÄgor, samt kompetens i ekologisk litteracitet och multilitteracitet. Genom de pedagodiska materialen och en saga som kopplar till finska myter, kan barnen undersöka och reflektera över miljö- och klimatfrÄgor. Sagan börjar med att Äskans rÄdare Ukko en dag tappar kontrollen över vÀdret. Barnens uppgift Àr att ta reda pÄ vad detta kan bero pÄ och att skapa fantasifulla lösningar för att hjÀlpa Ukko att bli glad igen och ÄterfÄ kontrollen över vÀdret. Totalt bestÄr processen av sju pedagogiska aktiviteter, som utförs bÄde i och utanför klassrummet, innefattande lÀrarens vÀgledning, barns explorativa lÀrande samt gruppdiskussioner. I materialet ingÄr instruktioner för aktiviteterna, exempelfrÄgor för gruppdiskussionerna, samt pysselrekvisita. Denna lÀrandeupplevelse bygger vidare pÄ det tidigare materialet frÄn RÄdarens viskning. I RÄdarens gÄta möter vi Äter Äskans rÄdare Ukko, skogens rÄdare Tapio, vattnets rÄdare Vetehinen och den forntida Siaren

    Riddle of the Spirit

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    Riddle of the Spirit is a set of playful multiliteracy materials designed to develop children's interest and understanding of issues related to climate change and the environment, as well as promoting children's ecological literacies and, more broadly, multiliteracies. With the material, children can discuss and reflect on themes related to climate change and the environment through a story based on Finnish myths. In the story, Ukko, the thunderstorm spirit, loses control of the weather. The children’s goal is to find out the reasons for this loss and to create imaginative solutions to help Ukko to be well and able to control the weather once more. In total, this learning journey consists of seven pedagogical activities to be realised in the classroom and/or outdoors. The activities are also suitable for children's afternoon club activities as well as for learning at home. The project includes activity instructions, questions to support the discussion, and templates for props making. The Riddle of the Spirit material is a continuation of the Whisper of the Spirit material in the world with Ukko the thunderstorm spirit, Tapio the forest spirit, Vetehinen the water spirit and Myrrysmies the ancient wizard

    Toimii! Sarjakuva opetusvÀlineenÀ

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