59 research outputs found

    Institutional Change at Local Level: How Gili Indah Villagers Build an Effective Local Governance of Coral Reef Management?

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    This paper aims at explaining the process of institutional change in coral reef management at the village level, and mainly seeks to answer two research questions: How do the processes of local institutional change take place? What are incentives that drive local communities to participate in them? Investigations in Gili Indah village, West Lombok Indonesia show that the process of the institutional change was initiated and done by villagers whose livelihood strongly depend on coral reef ecosystems. There are also strong indications that the changes were affected by the local and external economic conditions, which inevitably force resource users and economic actors to alter their economic strategies. The entering of industrial tourism and the emergence of tourism-related livelihoods in Gili Indah has driven economic actors to adapt to the altering environmental condition. Tourism Business Operators (TBO) and fishermen, two main actors, have played important roles in the change process. TBOs, whose livelihood depends on coral reef ecosystems, have a strong interest in protecting the ecosystems from degradation. The same goes for the fishermen, who claim themselves as main beneficiaries of coral reef ecosystems, and insist on maintaining the status quo as an attempt to protect their economic interest. Two different economic interests have been incentive for an evolution process of local institutions (awig-awig) to construct a governance structure that accommodates the varied economic interest. So far, this governance structure has been effectively forcing the actors to comply with the rules that drive themselves to use the coral reef ecosystems in a sustainable way


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    Mangrove merupakan salah satu ekosistem pesisir yang utama, jika ekosistem mangrove rusak maka akan berdampak merugikan bagi manusia dan habitat sekitarnya. Penelitian ini membahas 3 (tiga) hal, (1) fenomena deforestasi hutan pada periode 1972–2013 di Tanakeke, (2) potensi deforestasi tutupan lahan mangrove di pulau Tanakeke, (3) kelembagaan konsep yang terjadi di Pulau Tanakeke selama periode 1972-2013. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian sebelumnya (1972-2019). Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah studi literatur, pengujian indikator dari penelitian sebelumnya, depth interview, dan analisis data kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan konversi lahan ekosistem mangrove secara masif telah terjadi sejak tahun 1972-1993 yang berimplikasi pada penurunan luas mangrove yang mencapai 1.166,61 ha. Sedangkan dari tahun 1993-2013, luas tutupan hutan mangrove yang hilang akibat alih fungsi lahan mangrove menjadi tambak mencapai 32,25% dalam kurun waktu 20 tahun. Deforestasi yang terjadi di Pulau Tanakeke mengakibatkan kerusakan lingkungan. Fenomena kerusakan mangrove mendorong beberapa institusi untuk memotivasi keterlibatan langsung masyarakat pulau Tanakeke untuk membentuk kelembagaan dan kebijakan dalam menjaga kelestarian ekosistem mangrove.Mangroves are one of the main coastal ecosystems, if the mangrove ecosystem is damaged it will have detrimental impact on humans and the surrounding habitat. This study discusses three issues, (1) how the phenomenon of forest deforestation in the period 1972-2013 in Tanakeke, (2) how the potential for deforestation of land use cover of mangroves in the island of Tanakeke, (3) how the institutional concept that occurred on Tanakeke Island during the period 1972-2013. The data used in this study are secondary data obtained from the results of previous research. The analytical method used is quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The results of this study indicate land conversion massive mangrove ecosystem has occurred since 1972-1993 implicated in a broad decline that reached 1166.61 hectare mangrove. Whereas from 1993-2013 the area of ​​mangrove forest cover that was lost due to the conversion of mangrove land into ponds reached 32.25% within 20 years. Deforestation that occurred on Tanakeke Island resulted in a decline in the level of community welfare and environmental damage. The phenomenon of damage mangrove encourages some institutions to motivate directly involvement society Tanakeke island to form of institutional andpolicy in maintaining the continuity of the mangrove ecosystem


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    Soil erosion generally occurs in areas with steep slopes, especially in mountainous regions, such as the upstream of Deli Watershed located in the administrative area of Karo Regency and Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra Province, Indonesia. Apart from the biophysical form of the land, this area also tends to have a higher rainfall level than other lower sites. In addition, the condition of the land surface that lacks green vegetation, such as forests, may lead to erosion. The loss of soil particles, in turn, has the potential to eliminate soil nutrients that act as inputs for agricultural production. Therefore, this study aimed to calculate the average erosion upstream of the Deli watershed and estimate the value of the economic loss of soil nutrient loss due to erosion. The Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) Method and the Replacement Cost Method were used. The analysis results showed that the average erosion of the Deli Watershed upstream was 583.02 tonnes/ha/year, which is classified as very heavy erosion. At the same time, the economic loss value for replacing soil nutrients was Rp 2,072,636,100 per ha. Hence, it shows the application of Soil and Water Conservation (KTA) is needed to reduce economic losses due to environmental degradation.Key words : erosion, nutrient loss, replacement cost, USL

    Penilaian Kerugian Ekonomi Usaha Tani Padi Sawah dan Status Keberlanjutan Pengelolaan Saluran Irigasi Sekunder Vanderwijck di Yogyakarta

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    Sustainability is an essential aspect of agricultural development and multidimensional. One of the crucial elements in agricultural development is water supply. Distribution of irrigation water from upstream to downstream experienced various obstacles related to the existence of different interests and management. This research aimed to estimate economic losses of rice farming and analyze sustainability status of Vanderwijck secondary irrigation channels management in Yogyakarta. The economic losses of rice farming were income loss due to a change in environmental function that impacted human livelihood. The status of sustainable water resources use in irrigation channels was analyzed using the ordination technique through the Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) method. Results of this study concluded that in the Vanderwijck irrigation, the estimated potential loss of production in a farmer group who experienced water shortages (with 10.6-hectare acreage) was 106.2 tons per year or equal to the possible production losses of one growing season. This was also equal to the potential loss of farmers’ income by 200.7 million rupiahs per year. The sustainability status of Vanderwijck irrigation channel management based on MDS analysis was spread across the sustainable category for ecological and economic dimensions; and the entirely sustainable category for social, policies, and technical and financial supports. Because of irrigation channels management is at various levels of authority, to have better sustainability management, it is recommended to prioritize managing the key factors that have the lowest status from the five dimensions above. AbstrakKeberlanjutan merupakan aspek penting dalam pembangunan pertanian dan bersifat multidimensi. Salah satu aspek penting dalam pembangunan pertanian adalah ketersediaan air. Distribusi air irigasi dari hulu ke hilir mengalami berbagai hambatan terkait perbedaan kepentingan dan kewenangan pengelolaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi kerugian ekonomi usaha tani padi dan menganalisis status keberlanjutan pengelolaan saluran Irigasi Sekunder Vanderwijck di Yogyakarta. Kerugian ekonomi usaha tani adalah pendapatan yang hilang karena perubahan fungsi lingkungan yang berdampak terhadap kehidupan manusia. Status keberlanjutan pemanfaatan sumber daya air pada saluran irigasi dianalisis menggunakan teknik ordinasi melalui metode Multidimensional Scalling (MDS). Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa di daerah Irigasi Vanderwijck, kelompok petani yang mengalami kekurangan air (dengan luas 10,6 hektare) diestimasi mempunyai potensi kerugian produksi sebesar 106,20 ton per tahun atau setara dengan produksi satu musim tanam. Nilai ini juga sama dengan potensi kehilangan penerimaan usaha tani sebesar Rp200,7 juta per tahun. Status keberlanjutan pengelolaan saluran Irigasi Vanderwijck berdasarkan analisis MDS tersebar pada kategori berkelanjutan untuk dimensi ekologi dan ekonomi; dan cukup berkelanjutan untuk dimensi sosial, kebijakan, dan dukungan teknis serta finansial. Karena pengelolaan saluran irigasi didasarkan di berbagai tingkat kewenangan, agar keberlanjutan pengelolaan menjadi lebih baik, disarankan untuk memprioritaskan mengelola faktor kunci dari kelima dimensi tersebut di atas yang mempunyai nilai status paling rendah

    Estimasi Biaya Transaksi dalam Pengelolaan Saluran Irigasi Vanderwicjk

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengestimasi biaya transaksi dalam pengelolaan saluran irigasi Vanderwijck. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data primer didapatkan melalui wawancara (in depth interview) dengan responden serta key person dari stakeholder terkait pemanfaatan saluran irigasi. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis menggunakan metode analisis biaya transaksi yang diidentifikasi berdasarkan  biaya yang dikeluarkan stakeholder yang terlibat dalam pengelolaan saluran irigasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biaya transaksi diperlukan untuk menciptakan keteraturan antar masing-masing stakeholder dalam menjalankan pengelolaan saluran irigasi. Estimasi biaya transaksi pengelolaan saluran irigasi berdasarkan realisasi anggaran dari stakeholder terkait adalah sebesar Rp. 1.783.194.000,- per tahun yang terdiri dari lima komponen biaya yaitu, biaya sosialisasi kelembagaan, koordinasi kelembagaan, pemantauan dan pengawasan, operasi dan pemeliharaan dan biaya pembinaan

    Fenomena Iklan Baris Kesehatan Di Surat Kabar Lokal

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    Kebutuhan akan kesehatan dari masyarakat dimanfaatkan oleh para pelaku jasa kesehatan dengan mengiklankan jasa kesehatannya di media massa. Iklan-iklan yang menawarkan jasa kesehatan kian merebak baik di media cetak, radio dan televisi lokal. Di media cetak, umumnya mereka beriklan dalam bentuk iklan baris (iklan mini) yang tarifnya relatif murah. Jumlah iklan tersebut setiap hari di beberapa koran tertentu lumayan banyak pengiklan dengan menawarkan jasa pengobatan bermacam-macam seperti pengobatan alternatif, pijat refleksi, kebugaran badan, terapi, dan sebagainya.Penelitian yang menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan pendekatan kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui regulasi mengenai iklan jasa kesehatan dan praktik jasa kesehatan yang diiklankan melalui iklan baris di media lokal di Bandung dan Surabaya. Simpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa regulasi yang berkaitan dengan iklan kesehatan di media massa yang belum komprehensif sehingga memberikan peluang adanya penyimpangan. Fenomena iklan baris kesehatan di koran lokal dapat memberikan informasi yang bermanfaat bagi kesehatan sekaligus berpotensi digunakan sebagai kedok bagi perilaku sosial dan bisnis menyimpang yang tidak berhubungan dengan kesehatan itu sendiri. Media massa koran tidak selalu dipertimbangkan kebenaran dari substansi iklan baris tersebut, justru pertimbangan ekonomi menjadi lebih penting


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    Blue swimming crab (blue crab) is one of the fisheries resource commodities that have high economic value, so the opportunities for export to different countries is widely open.Optimization of management and utilization of blue crab is important for sustaining economic benefit.This research aims to (1) analyze bioeconomic resource of blue crab in the waters of Tangerang, Jakarta Bay, Bekasi and Karawang; (2) evaluate the utilization of blue crab resources processed by “mini plant” in Dadap Village Tangerang Regency; (3)feasibility study of blue crab resource utilization based on size. Research locationresource for management wasconducted in the waters of Tangerang, Bay of Jakarta, Bekasi, Karawang and the utilization of blue crab was done in Dadap Village, Tangerang Regency. The research method used is the case study method. Sampling method used was purposive sampling for fishermen, the census for mini plant, and random sampling for small crab processing system. Bioeconomic Gordon-Shaefer, analysis of productivity, and Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) was used to analyze the data. Bioeconomic analysis results showed that the actual harvest is 1,152 tons/year, it has not exceeded the MEY level andeconomic overfishing has not occurred. Opportunity of increasing effort is possible and process of blue crab with size of above eight centimeters is more profitable and encourage a more stable stock of blue crab, processing of crab with optimum production, and increase efficiency of“mini plant”management  in the long run.Government policies in controlling mesh size of blue crab fishing gear  ≥ 8 cm should be strictly enforced, and processing plants do not accept and produce small crab <8 cm, in order to achieve sustainable blue crab resource managemen

    Community Forest Scheme: Measuring Impact in Livelihood Case Study Lombok Tengah Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province

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    Community forest (Hutan Kemasyarakatan/HKm) is one of the social forestry scheme policies stipulated by the Indonesian government to give partial rights to the community to be able to manage the state forest area. This scheme has implemented for more than ten years, and that includes areas in Lombok Tengah Regency. This research aims to analyze the impact of social forestry scheme policies on the economy of communities around forests and conducted in May–August 2019. By the HKm scheme, the community can manage up to 0.5 ha forest area per person and expected to increase livelihood benefits as well as improve conservation outcomes such as decreasing illegal logging and planting more trees. Based on the study conducted, the community has experienced an increase in livelihoods as well as improvements in environmental conditions. Indicator used in measuring community welfare is per capita income, which noted in the study area is IDR3,609,603 annually and inequality (Gini coefficient), which noted less than 0.4 or in the 'low' category. This study shows that the Gini coefficient in the research location is high (0.530). When compared, the income gap in the group of respondents who got the HKm program was better than the group of respondents who did not. The Gini coefficient data shows that the HKm program quite succeeds in target to increase livelihood benefits. The HKm program expected to improve the level of income inequality (Gini coefficient) from 0.483 (HKm) compared to 0.566 (non-HKm). These findings are important messages to further the HKm scheme policies


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    Learning process, as one of the core activities in education, is very prominent in realizing national education goals. However, in reality, despite the standard education process has been formulated, the learning process in Indonesia is still poorly developed. The purpose of this discussion is to analyze the regulations of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 Year 2016 regarding process standards in Primary and Secondary Education and their implications on Islamic Religious Education (PAI) learning in schools. This study uses a qualitative approach and analytical method. Based on the results of the discussion, the primary and secondary education process standards listed in the regulation Number 22 Year 2016 are reliable and comprehensive. The learning principle with a scientific approach has implications on the wholeness of PAI learning process, as the subject is required to be understood comprehensively, not partially. To accomplish this, PAI teachers must use approaches, strategies, methods, techniques, tactics and learning models that are in harmony with the learning material that is delivered, so that an effective and efficient learning process will be achieved
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