1,227 research outputs found

    The causes and consequences of topological stress during DNA replication

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    The faithful replication of sister chromatids is essential for genomic integrity in every cell division. The replication machinery must overcome numerous difficulties in every round of replication, including DNA topological stress. Topological stress arises due to the double-stranded helical nature of DNA. When the strands are pulled apart for replication to occur, the intertwining of the double helix must also be resolved or topological stress will arise. This intrinsic problem is exacerbated by specific chromosomal contexts encountered during DNA replication. The convergence of two replicons during termination, the presence of stable protein-DNA complexes and active transcription can all lead to topological stresses being imposed upon DNA replication. Here we describe how replication forks respond to topological stress by replication fork rotation and fork reversal. We also discuss the genomic contexts where topological stress is likely to occur in eukaryotes, focusing on the contribution of transcription. Finally, we describe how topological stress, and the ways forks respond to it, may contribute to genomic instability in cell

    Nampun Kule Wedding Traditions: Analysis Of Themes And Formulas Albert B. Lord

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    Nampun Kule is a wedding tradition in the Kaur area, Bengkulu Province which is carried out to unite the families of the prospective bride and groom and the bride, where both parties visit the bisan (in-laws). The tradition of nampun kule has been carried out for a long time by the Semende tribe or other tribes in the Kaur area. The author will analyze the essential elements (formulas and themes) and non-essential elements, namely the implementation function of nampun kule using Albert Lord oral theory. The purpose of this analysis is to reveal the essential elements of the function of implementing nampun kule that the Kaur people have, besides that it also enriches knowledge about the culture or marriage traditions that exist in Indonesia, especially in the Kaur area


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    Upstone (2009) in his book Spatial Politics in the Postcolonial Novel in the section Shifting Scale proposes alternatives to free themselves from the colonial construction that has taken root, namely the concept of langer than nation and smaller than nation. The nation is the result of the struggle to continue colonial construction so that the two alternative goals of self-liberation from colonial construction are the same, namely to dissolve national boundaries which are the result of the construction of colonialism. This paper will discuss the short story "Clara Atawa Wanita Yang Diperkosa" by Seno Gumira Ajidarma in the context of post-space and its relationship with the nation. The author will describe the effect that occurs from the unification of local spaces into a nation that occurs in this short story. Furthermore, the author will describe the alternative solutions to the concept of nation which is a colonial construction. The conclusion of the short story "Clara Atawa Wanita Yang Diperkosa" is that the continuation of nation and nationalism which is a colonial construction shows its negativity, namely violations of human rights (murder, rape, and looting of ethnic Chinese), so in other words the smaller scale in the end always submits. in the nation which is a colonial construction. So that the best alternative in the context of this short story is to use the concept of smaller than nation in which Clara's character returns to the particular space or local space. Keywords: Clara Atawa, Nation Concept, Postcolonialism, Upston


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    This study aims to find out how the implementation of the Numbered Heads Together (NHT) learning model in Literature Theory courses can improve the quality of learning. The subject of this research is the first semester students of class B TA 2019/2020 Indonesian Language Education Study Program FKIP Unib who are taking Literature Theory courses. Data collection techniques were carried out through questionnaires conducted in cycles I and II. It also used a test technique in the form of an oral test in cycles I and II. The study was conducted in two cycles. In the second cycle the expected learning outcomes are achieved. Learning outcomes in the second cycle showed that of 40 students there were 15 students (37.5%) who received an A. As many as 20 students with B (50%). The rest is a C value of 5 people (12.5%) and a D value of 0 people (0%). Keywords: Numbered Heads Together, Literary Theor


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan dan menyebarluaskan folklor lisan cerita prosa rakyat yang terancam punah melalui pembelajaran sastra sebagai upaya pemertahanan local wisdom etnik Bengkulu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode analisis isi. Informan yang dipilih adalah baik laki-laki perempuan yang menguasai atau memahami folklor (cerita rakyat) dan juga memahami budaya setempat. Teknik pengumpulan data yang akan dilakukan adalah observasi, wawancara, rekaman, dan atau mencatat dari sejumlah informan secara sengaja maupun tidak dengan mengikuti prinsip-prinsip baku dalam pengumpulan folklor. Lokasi penelitian adalah di wilayah Provinsi Bengkulu. Teknik keabsahan data adalah dengan mengonsultasikan data (validasi data) kepada pihak ahli (masyarakat). Teknik analis data yaitu mengklasifikasi, mentranskripsi dan penyuntingan, mentransliterasi, dan menyimpulkan. Berdasarkan nilai pendidikan karakter yang ditemukan dalam cerita rakyat etnik Bengkulu dapat disimpulkan bahwa dari 9 cerita yang  terdiri dari 6 dongeng dan 3 legenda, semuanya relevan untuk materi pembelajaran sastra di SMP. Adapun nilai pendidikan karakter yang ditemukan yaitu: pemberani, cerdik, ikhlas, kerja sama, sabar, suka berbagi, patuh, dan kerja keras, pantang menyerah, menepati janji, rajin beribadah, tidak usil, dan sederhana

    Pelatihan Penulisan Karya Ilmiah untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Guru di SMP Negeri 7 Kota Bengkulu

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    The purpose of this service is to improve the ability of teachers at SMPN 7 Bengkulu City in writing scientific papers. The method used in this pegabdian activity is a training method by way of lectures and direct demonstrations for trainees. Participants in this activity were the board of teachers of SMP Negeri 7 Bengkulu City, totaling 13 people. The instrument used in this training was a questionnaire that was distributed to participants before and after the training to see whether or not there was an increase in the knowledge of the trainees. This training resulted in an increase in teacher knowledge about scientific work, namely knowledge of reference lists and publication journals by 55%, structure knowledge of scientific works by 40%, technical knowledge of writing scientific papers by 50%, and psychological and economic constraints by 50%
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