551 research outputs found

    Disulphide production by Ero1alpha-PDI relay is rapid and effectively regulated

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    The molecular networks that control endoplasmic reticulum (ER) redox conditions in mammalian cells are incompletely understood. Here, we show that after reductive challenge the ER steady-state disulphide content is restored on a time scale of seconds. Both the oxidase Ero1alpha and the oxidoreductase protein disulphide isomerase (PDI) strongly contribute to the rapid recovery kinetics, but experiments in ERO1-deficient cells indicate the existence of parallel pathways for disulphide generation. We find PDI to be the main substrate of Ero1alpha, and mixed-disulphide complexes of Ero1 primarily form with PDI, to a lesser extent with the PDI-family members ERp57 and ERp72, but are not detectable with another homologue TMX3. We also show for the first time that the oxidation level of PDIs and glutathione is precisely regulated. Apparently, this is achieved neither through ER import of thiols nor by transport of disulphides to the Golgi apparatus. Instead, our data suggest that a dynamic equilibrium between Ero1- and glutathione disulphide-mediated oxidation of PDIs constitutes an important element of ER redox homeostasis

    Toric rings, inseparability and rigidity

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    This article provides the basic algebraic background on infinitesimal deformations and presents the proof of the well-known fact that the non-trivial infinitesimal deformations of a KK-algebra RR are parameterized by the elements of cotangent module T1(R)T^1(R) of RR. In this article we focus on deformations of toric rings, and give an explicit description of T1(R)T^1(R) in the case that RR is a toric ring. In particular, we are interested in unobstructed deformations which preserve the toric structure. Such deformations we call separations. Toric rings which do not admit any separation are called inseparable. We apply the theory to the edge ring of a finite graph. The coordinate ring of a convex polyomino may be viewed as the edge ring of a special class of bipartite graphs. It is shown that the coordinate ring of any convex polyomino is inseparable. We introduce the concept of semi-rigidity, and give a combinatorial description of the graphs whose edge ring is semi-rigid. The results are applied to show that for m−k=k=3m-k=k=3, Gk,m−kG_{k,m-k} is not rigid while for m−k≄k≄4m-k\geq k\geq 4, Gk,m−kG_{k,m-k} is rigid. Here Gk,m−kG_{k,m-k} is the complete bipartite graph Km−k,kK_{m-k,k} with one edge removed.Comment: 33 pages, chapter 2 of the Book << Multigraded Algebra and Applications>> 2018, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Natur

    Spatio-temporal coherent control of thermal excitations in solids

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    X-ray reflectivity (XRR) measurements of femtosecond laser-induced transient gratings are applied to demonstrate the spatio-temporal coherent control of thermally induced surface deformations on ultrafast timescales. Using gracing incidence X-ray diffraction we unambiguously measure the amplitude of transient surface deformations with sub-\AA{} resolution. Understanding the dynamics of femtosecond TG excitations in terms of superposition of acoustic and thermal gratings makes it possible to develop new ways of coherent control in X-ray diffraction experiments. Being the dominant source of TG signal, the long-living thermal grating with spatial period Λ\Lambda can be canceled by a second, time-delayed TG excitation shifted by Λ/2\Lambda/2. The ultimate speed limits of such an ultrafast X-ray shutter are inferred from the detailed analysis of thermal and acoustic dynamics in TG experiments

    Statistical Literacy bei Abiturient*innen: Entwicklung eines Diagnoseinstrumentes

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    Seit mehreren Jahrzehnten wird in Bezug auf Statistical Literacy untersucht, inwiefern SchĂŒler*innen diejenigen Kompetenzen erwerben, die fĂŒr die PartizipationsfĂ€higkeit von BĂŒrger*innen beim Umgang mit statistischen Daten sowie ihren Darstellungen und Interpretationen erforderlich sind (Biehler & Engel, 2015). WĂ€hrend fĂŒr die angelsĂ€chsischen LĂ€nder mehrere Studien und Instrumente zu entsprechenden Kompetenzen von SchĂŒler*innen (bspw. Watson & Callingham, 2003) und Studierenden (bspw. Ziegler & Garfield, 2018) vorliegen, fĂ€llt auf, dass zu der Gruppe der Abiturient*innen in Deutschland entsprechende Ergebnisse und Werkzeuge fehlen. Dabei erscheinen entsprechende Kompetenzen der Abiturient*innen vor dem Hintergrund, dass das Sachgebiet Stochastik in der gymnasialen Oberstufe ein ganzes Halbjahr fĂŒllt, besonders interessant

    Erfassung des psychokognitiven Status‘ von Patienten mit einer onkologischen Erkrankung mithilfe des ALGA-c-Fragebogens

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    Einleitung Einer personalisierten Medizin kommt heutzutage eine immer grĂ¶ĂŸere Bedeutung zu. Ein wichtiger Bestandteil einer personalisierten Medizin liegt in der StĂ€rkung der Ressourcen des einzelnen Patienten (patient empowerment). Durch die Erhebung des psychokognitiven Status eines Patienten soll es den behandelnden Ärzten ermöglicht werden, den Patienten besser zu verstehen und dadurch auch so mit ihm zu kommunizieren, dass man auf seine BedĂŒrfnisse gezielter eingehen kann. Dies ermöglicht u.a. gemeinsam mit ihm Entscheidungen in Bezug auf seine Erkrankung zu treffen (shared decision making). Um diese Ziele zu erreichen wurde 2012 das von der EU-geförderte Projekt zur personalisierten Medizin (p-medicine) ins Leben gerufen. Der ALGA-Fragebogen wurde dabei entwickelt, mit dessen Hilfe der psychokognitive Zustand des Patienten erfasst werden kann. Der Fragebogen ist online frei zugĂ€nglich. Die personenbezogene Auswertung dieses Fragebogens wird dem behandelnden Arzt mit EinverstĂ€ndnis des Patienten zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Erfassung des psychokognitiven Status von erwachsenen Patienten/innen mit einer Tumorerkrankung mithilfe des ALGA-Fragebogens. Material und Methoden Der Fragebogen wurde bereits in Mailand an Menschen ohne Tumorerkrankung validiert und bei Brustkrebspatienten evaluiert. Eine Evaluierung des Fragebogens an Menschen ohne Tumorerkrankung fand ebenfalls am UniversitĂ€tsklinikum des Saarlandes statt, auf den diese Arbeit aufbaut. Der Fragebogen besteht aus insgesamt 109 Fragen. Neben den demographischen Daten erfasst ein Teil des Fragebogens den psychokognitiven Status des Patienten und eine Evaluation des Fragebogens durch den bzw. die Patienten/in. Im psychokognitiven Teil gibt es insgesamt 7 Oberkategorien, die wiederum in 20 Unterkategorien aufgeteilt werden. Die Auswertung erfolgte vorwiegend unter den Aspekten: Geschlecht, Altersgruppe und Diagnosegruppe. Ergebnisse Insgesamt wurden 1394 Fragebögen verteilt, wovon 307 Fragebögen zurĂŒckkamen. Dies entspricht einer RĂŒcklaufquote von 22,76%. Mit 56% waren die Studienteilnehmer etwas hĂ€ufiger mĂ€nnlich. Ältere Patienten/innen (ĂŒber 60 Jahre) machen den grĂ¶ĂŸten Anteil an der gesamten Kohorte aus. Die Diagnosestellung lag im Mittel 3 Jahre zurĂŒck. Es war zu erkennen, dass die RĂŒcklaufquote neben der TumorentitĂ€t am stĂ€rksten von der Akzeptanz des Fragebogens innerhalb einer Einrichtung abhing. Im Vergleich zu den Referenzwerten aus der Vorarbeit stieg der Mittelwert aller Items bis auf die Kategorien Emotionale UnterstĂŒtzung, ErinnerungsfĂ€higkeit, Cognitive Closure, Persönlichkeit und Risikobereitschaft bei den hier untersuchten Tumorpatienten/innen an. Über alle 20 Unterkategorien zeigte sich, dass Frauen, 40-49-jĂ€hrige Patienten/innen und Menschen mit der Diagnose eines Bronchialkarzinoms ĂŒberdurchschnittlich hĂ€ufig VerĂ€nderungen im psychokognitiven Status gegenĂŒber dem Normalkollektiv aufwiesen, was als Hinweis auf eine deutliche Belastung durch die Tumorerkrankung zu sehen ist. Besonders niedrige Werte innerhalb aller Unterkategorien zeigte sich in der gesamten Studienkohorte nur bei den urologischen und nephrologischen Karzinomen. Diskussion Mithilfe des ALGA-Fragebogens kann der psychokognitive Status von Tumorpatienten/innen erhoben werden und es konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich dieser von Gesunden unterscheidet. Im Vergleich zu anderen Arbeitsgruppen fanden sich Übereinstimmungen als auch Unterschiede. So zeigten sich in dieser Analyse bei Brustkrebspatientinnen mehr sexuelle Probleme als in der Literatur berichtet. Ähnliches fand sich beim psychologischen Zustand von Brustkrebspatientinnen, der in dieser Studie besser ist, als in der Literatur beschrieben. Weiterhin wird in der Literatur eher ein junges Alter als belastendes Merkmal fĂŒr eine psychische Erkrankung angesehen. Durch hohe Standardabweichungen in allen Unterkategorien kann allerdings in keinem Tumorkollektiv eine generelle Empfehlung fĂŒr einzelne Patienten abgeleitet werden. Dies unterstreicht die Notwendigkeit einer personalisierten Medizin auch in der psychologischen Betreuung von Tumorpatienten/innen.Introduction These days the importance of personalized healthcare continues to increase considerably. The reinforcement of resources for the individual patient (patient empowerment) is one of the major goals of personalized healthcare. Surveying the psycho-cognitive state of the patient is supposed to improve the communication, allowing the doctor to respond to the patient‘s needs more effectively. It allows shared decision making regarding the disease and its treatment. In order to achieve these goals, the EU-funded project 'p-medicine' (personalized medicine) was launched in 2012. In the process the ALGA-questionnaire has been designed and, amongst other things, it serves as a tool to measure the psycho-cognitive state of patients. This questionnaire is available online and for free. Requiring the informed consent of the patient the individual evaluation of the questionnaire is provided to the treating doctor. The goal of this project was to gather data regarding the psycho-cognitive state of adults with cancer using the ALGA-questionnaire. Material and Research Methods The questionnaire has already been validated in Milan by including participants that do not suffer any tumour diseas and was evaluated in breast cancer patients. Another evaluation took place at the Saarland University also not including tumour patients, it serves as a basis for this research. The questionnaire includes 109 questions. Besides collecting demographic data, other parts include gathering information about the psycho-cognitive state of the patient and an evaluation of the questionnaire by the patient himself or herself. The part examining the psycho-cognition consists of seven main categories which are split into 20 more subcategories. This analysis focuses primarily on these aspects: gender, age group and diagnosis group. Results A total of 1394 questionnaires were handed out, whereof 307 were returned, which equals a response rate of 22.76%. Slightly more male, 56%, than female participants took part in the study. Older patients (above 60 years) are the largest part of the whole cohort. On average the diseases were diagnosed three years earlier. Besides the tumour entity, the response rate was highly depending on the approval of the questionnaire inside an institution or clinics. In comparison to the reference values the average values of all items of the examined participants increased, except for the categories emotional support, memory attention, cognitive closure, personality and risk. It was noticeable that, including all 20 subcategories, the frequency of the changing of the participants psycho-cognitive state was above average in following groups: women, 40 - 49-year-olds and participants who were diagnosed with a lung cancer. This observation mirrors the burden of the tumour disease. Exceptional low values regarding all subcategories were only seen within the group of urological and nephrological carcinomas. Discussion The ALGA-questionnaire is able measure the psycho-cognitive state of tumour patients. It is shown that this state differs from people without a medical condition. In comparison to the literature a lot of findings could be confirmed but also new ones are described. More sexual problems regarding breast cancer patients were noted than expected based on the literature. In addition, analyzing the psychological status of breast cancer patients showed better results in this study compared to the literature. Furthermore, in literature young age is still considered an important psychological factor coping with the disease. However, due to high standard deviations in each subcategory within every tumour entity it is not possible to make any recommendations for the treatment of individual patients. This emphasizes once more the necessity of a personalized healthcare approach in cancer patients including psychological support

    Stable Chinese Hamster Ovary Suspension Cell Lines Harboring Recombinant Human Cytochrome P450 Oxidoreductase and Human Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenases as Platform for In Vitro Biotransformation Studies

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    In the liver, phase-1 biotransformation of drugs and other xenobiotics is largely facilitated by enzyme complexes consisting of cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (CPR) and cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs). Generated from human liver-derived cell lines, recombinant in vitro cell systems with overexpression of defined phase-1 enzymes are widely used for pharmacological and toxicological drug assessment and laboratory-scale production of drug-specific reference metabolites. Most, if not all, of these cell lines, however, display some background activity of several CYPs, making it difficult to attribute effects to defined CYPs. The aim of this study was to generate cell lines with stable overexpression of human phase-1 enzymes based on Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) suspension cells. Cells were sequentially modified with cDNAs for human CPR in combination with CYP1A2, CYP2B6, or CYP3A4, using lentiviral gene transfer. In parallel, CYP-overexpressing cell lines without recombinant CPR were generated. Successful recombinant expression was demonstrated by mRNA and protein analyses. Using prototypical CYP-substrates, generated cell lines proved to display specific enzyme activities of each overexpressed CYP while we did not find any endogenous activity of those CYPs in parental CHO cells. Interestingly, cell lines revealed some evidence that the dependence of CYP activity on CPR could vary between CYPs. This needs to be confirmed in further studies. Recombinant expression of CPR was also shown to enhance CYP3A4-independent metabolisation of testosterone to androstenedione in CHO cells. We propose the novel serum-free CHO suspension cell lines with enhanced CPR and/or defined CYP activity as a promising “humanised” in vitro model to study the specific effects of those human CYPs. This could be relevant for toxicology and/or pharmacology studies in the pharmaceutical industry or medicine
