277 research outputs found
Kepercayaan Sebagai Salah Satu Faktor Kepuasan Kerja Untuk Mencapai Keberhasilan Proyek Perumahan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui variabel yang paling dominan dalam membetuk kepercayaan diantara competence trust, integrity trust dan intuitive trust dan untuk mengetahui pengaruh hubungan kepercayaan terhadap kesuksesan proyek dengan menggunakan kepuasan kerjasama sebagai mediator. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah Perusahaan kontraktor yang telah mengerjakan atau menyelesaikan proyek di wilayah Surabaya. Sampel dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 40 responden, yang terdiri dari 23 owner (pemilik proyek) dan 17 orang kontraktor (pelaksana proyek). Analisis data dilakukan dengan bantuan software IBM SPSS 20 dan Smart PLS. Dari ketiga variabel yang membentuk variabel Trust (X), dapat disimpulkan bahwa model yang paling dominan dalam membentuk kepercayaan dalam pelaksanaan proyek adalah Integrity Trust, dengan mean loading factor sebesar 0,8402. Hasil penelitian ini juga menunjukkan bahwa Trust memiliki pengaruh yang positif signifikan terhadap Kesuksesan Proyek dengan menggunakan Kepuasan Kerjasama sebagai mediator, dimana koefisiensi pengaruh tidak langsung dari Trust ke Kepuasan Kepuasan Kerjasama dan ke Kesuksesan Proyek, yaitu sebesar 0,5745 (57,45%), lebih besar dibandingkan dengan pengaruh langsung dari Trust ke Kesuksesan Proyek, yaitu sebesar 0,3390 (33,90%)
Keanekaragaman Hymenoptera Parasitika Pada Tipe Ekosistem Berbeda Di Bangka Tengah, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung
Diversity of parasitic Hymenoptera in different ecosystem types in Central Bangka, Bangka-Belitung Islands.Hymenoptera richness is dominated by parasitic species. More than 80% of Hymenoptera play a role as parasitoid on arthropods that are mostly insects. Diversity of parasitic Hymenoptera is widely studied in various types of terrestrial ecosystems including agro-ecosystem and non-agro-ecosystem. This study aimed to invent and compare the diversity of parasitic Hymenoptera in three different ecosystems, i.e., forest, oil palm plantation, and ex-tin mining. The location was located in Central Bangka Regency, Bangka Island. The study was conducted in Juli 2014 until October 2015. Parasitic Hymenoptera was collected with insect sweep net and yellow pan trap on one transect line with 1000 m length. Parasitic Hymenoptera were found on forest as much as 732 morphospecies, 326 morphospecies on oil palm plantations, and 293 morphospecies on ex-tin mining. Diversity and abundance of parasitic Hymenoptera on forest was higher than oil palm plantation and ex-tin mining area. Braconidae family was found dominant on forest, however on oil palm plantation and extin mining area the dominant family was Scelionidae
Choreographing Configuration Changes
This paper describes the automatic generation of a set of reactive agents capable of autonomously reconfiguring a computing infrastructure into a specified goal state. The agent interactions are guaranteed to be deadlock/live-lock free, can preserve pre-specified global constraints during their execution, and autonomically maintain the goal state once it has been achieved. We describe novel algorithms for the generation and execution of the agent model, and evaluate the results on some realistic problems, using a prototype implementation
The development of Inverter Fuzzy Logic Control for Induction Motor Control by Vector Control Method in Electric Vehicle. In response to concerns about energy cost, energy dependence, and environmental damage, a rekindling of interest in electric vehicles (EV’s) has been obvious. Thus, the development of power electronics technology for EV’s will take an accelerated pace to fulfill the market needs, regarding with the problem in this paper is presented development of fuzzy logic inverter in induction motor control for electric vehicle propulsion. The Fuzzy logic inverter is developed in this system to directed toward developing an improved propulsion system for electric vehicles applications, the fuzzy logic controller is used for switching process. This paper is describes the design concepts, configuration, controller for inverter fuzzy logic and drive system is developed for this high-performance electric vehicle.Keywords: rule base, vector control, dq mode
Water Quality of Ranowangko River That Crosses Tomohon City and Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province
The Ranowangko River passes through Tomohon City and Minahasa Regency, ending in the Sulawesi Sea. Tombariri District, is the Bunaken National Park area. Ranowangko River Water Monitoring in 2022 by the Regional Environmental Service of North Sulawesi Province shows that Fecal Coli and Total Coli parameters in the Ranowangko River at Station 1 do not meet the requirements according to Government Regulation Number 22 of 2021 concerning Class 2 National Water Quality Standards (BMA). Research to assess water quality from biological, physical and chemical aspects as well as determine water quality status. Monitoring was carried out 4 times in 2 consecutive years at 3 observation stations. Quantitative data and qualitative data include water quality analysis through determination of 14 parameters compared according to BMA Class 2. The water quality data was analyzed using the Storet Method to determine water quality status in accordance with Minister of Environment Decree Number 115 of 2003. The results showed Fecal Coli and Total Coli (Biological Aspects), TSS (Physical Aspects), Total Phosphate (Chemical Aspects) exceeded the BMA. Score calculation results using the Storet method at Station 1: -68, Station 2: -72 and Station 3: -76. Based on the value system According to Minister of Environment Decree 115 of 2003, the score above shows that the Water Quality Status of the Ranowangko River is heavily polluted. Recommendations to the regional governments of Tomohon City and Minahasa Regency to carry out further monitoring of the water quality of the Ranowangko River
The neonatal sepsis is diminished by cervical vagus nerve stimulation and tracked non-invasively by ECG: a preliminary report in the piglet model
In adults, vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) reduces inflammation. In neonates,
the effects of VNS are not known. An electrocardiogram (ECG)-derived heart rate
variability (HRV) index reliably tracks the inflammatory response induced by
low-dose lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in near-term sheep fetuses. We evaluated the
VNS effect on the systemic inflammatory response induced by a high dose of LPS
in neonatal piglets to mimic late-onset neonatal sepsis. Next, we tested if our
HRV inflammatory index tracks inflammation in piglets. Following anesthesia,
electrodes were attached to the left vagal nerve; ECG and blood pressure (BP)
were recorded throughout the experiment. Following baseline, the piglets were
administered LPS as 2mg/kg IV bolus. In the VNS treated piglet, the vagus nerve
was stimulated for 10 minutes prior to and 10 min after the injection of LPS.
In both groups, every 15 min post LPS, the arterial blood sample was drawn for
blood gas, metabolites, and inflammatory cytokines. At the end of the
experiment, the piglets were euthanized. BP and HRV measures were calculated.
The piglets developed a potent inflammatory response to the LPS injection with
TNF-alpha, IL-1beta, IL-6 and IL-8 peaking between 45 and 90 min
post-injection. VNS diminished the LPS-induced systemic inflammatory response
varying across the measured cytokines from two to ten-fold. The HRV index
tracked accurately the cytokines' temporal profile. This novel model allows
manipulating and tracking neonatal sepsis: The HRV inflammatory index 1)
applies across species pre- and postnatally and 2) performs well at different
degrees of sepsis (i.e., nanogram and milligram doses of LPS); 3) the present
VNS paradigm effectively suppresses LPS-induced inflammation, even at high
doses of LPS. The potential of early postnatal VNS to counteract sepsis and of
HRV monitoring to early detect and track it deserve further study
Addressing Urban Poverty Increasing Learning on Urban Poverty Reduction in Kota Surakarta and Kota Makassar, Indonesia
Research team
research advisor
asep suryahadi
smeru research team
rizki fillaili (team leader), r.justin sodo, prio sambodho, rachma indah nurbani, herry widjanarko, kartawijaya, abdul ghofur, rika kumala dewi, mona sintia, ratri indah septiana
regional researchers
kota surakarta
kota makassar
tuti widyaningrum
ardian pratomo
denny paulus
suardi bakri
a.muh. syarief hidayat
edi hariadi
nur rahmah
with the growing intensity of urban problems, most notably poverty, it is imperative to identify the range of related aspects that help or hinder urban poverty reduction efforts. one emerging aspect is the role of city spatial planning in urban poverty reduction efforts. with the support from ford foundation, the smeru research institute conducted a study to understand the connection between city spatial planning and urban poverty: how city spatial planning addresses urban poverty issues and the extent to which this planning is inclusive of the issues being experienced in the study areas. it is hoped that in the future, with an improved understanding of this connection, city spatial planning can be more pro-poor and supportive of urban poverty reduction efforts.
this study covered two selected cities, kota surakarta and kota makassar. both cities are well known for their innovation in inventing and implementing local programs that aim to reduce poverty and other social problems. the study implemented the sustainable livelihood approach (sla) as its analytical framework and conducted the participatory poverty assessment (ppa) as its data collection method. the study revealed two important findings: first, that the characteristics of poverty and poverty dynamics have spatial relevance. results of the ppa show that during the last ten years, poor people in the inner city have been enjoying welfare improvement due to urban economic agglomeration. in relation to the spatial aspect of poverty, the urban poor are facing illegal settlement problems, clean water and sanitation, and unsustainable urban economy. the second finding is that the current city spatial planning in both of the studied cities pays only limited attention to spatial poverty problems, which is reflected in several of their major planning documents. moreover, poverty reduction efforts in these two cities are still dominated by programmatic approaches and have not taken into account aspects of urban spatial poverty.
key words: urban spatial poverty, city spatial planning, urban poverty reductio
Desa Dangiang merupakan salah satu desa dari 10 Desa yang ada di Kecamatan Kayangan, Desa Dangiang terdiri dari 8 (delapan) Dusun. Desa Dangiang berdiri sejak tahun 2001, yang merupakan pemekaran dari Desa Kayangan. Dangiang termasuk daerah yang memiliki nilai stunting cukup tinggi. Maka perlu dilakukannya sosialisasi yang mampu membimbing masyarakat dan meningkatkan kesadaran serta pemahamannya terkait stunting. Kegiatan sosialisasi dilaksanakan melalui berbagai metode, seperti workshop, pelatihan, kampanye pendidikan, dan kunjungan rumah ke masyarakat desa. Kegiatan ini terintegrasi dengan program kerja KKN mahasiswa UMMAT periode 2023 yang ada di Desa Dangiang. Program kerja ini berhasil memberikan kontribusi positif dalam meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat tentang penanganan dan pencegahan stunting. Melalui sosialisasi, edukasi, dan kolaborasi dengan tenaga kesehatan, kami berharap bahwa desa ini akan terus bergerak menuju kondisi yang lebih baik dalam hal pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak-anak merek
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