5,857 research outputs found

    Planning with Global Constraints for Computing Infrastructure Reconfiguration

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    This paper presents a prototype system called SFplan- ner which uses an automated planning technique to generate workflows for reconfiguring a computing infras- tructure. The system allows an administrator to specify a configuration task which consists of current state, de- sired state and global constraints. This task is compiled to a grounded finite-domain representation as the input for the standard (unmodified) Fast-Downward planner in order to automatically generate a workflow. The ex- ecution of the workflow will bring the system into the desired state, preserving the global constraints at every stage of the workflow

    Peer-to-Peer Secure Updates for Heterogeneous Edge Devices

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    We consider the problem of securely distributing software updates to large scale clusters of heterogeneous edge compute nodes. Such nodes are needed to support the Internet of Things and low-latency edge compute scenarios, but are difficult to manage and update because they exist at the edge of the network behind NATs and firewalls that limit connectivity, or because they are mobile and have intermittent network access. We present a prototype secure update architecture for these devices that uses the combination of peer-to-peer protocols and automated NAT traversal techniques. This demonstrates that edge devices can be managed in an environment subject to partial or intermittent network connectivity, where there is not necessarily direct access from a management node to the devices being updated

    Meminimalkan rangkaian penyambungan dengan metode penyerhanaan langsung dan peta karnaugh

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    Skripsi ini membahas tentang oara menyederhanakan rangkaian penyambungan dengan metode Penyederhanaan Langsung dan metode Peta Karnaugh. Peta Karnaugh terdiri atas beberapa kotak yang berbentuk bujursangkar yang berisi nilai-nilai logika dari variabel masukan. Jumlah kotak,pada peta Karnaugh akan sama banyaknya dengan jumlah koMbinasi yang dibentuk oleh variabel masukan yang mengikuti rumus : n t=o ! 1.01 -i)! n = banyaknya variabel masukan Penyederhanaan pets Karnaugh dengan oara mengelompokkan suatu sel yang berdekatan di dalam kotak-kotak •eta Karnaugh sehingga membentuk implikan utama. Dari implikan utama yang telah ada kemudian dicari implikan utama pentingnya. Implikan utama panting yang mencakup eemua unaur fungsi tersebut merupakan bentuk penyederhanaan yang minimal. Sedangkan metode Penyederhanaan Langsung adalah menoari bentuk minimal yang didapat' dart penyederhanaan , 1 fungsi mula-mula. vii


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan effektivitas pembelajaran praktek yang berlangsung di bengkel praktek SMK Tamansiswa Yogyakarta dan motivasi belajar siswa Program Studi Teknik Kendaraan Ringan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian ex post-facto. Sampel penelitian adalah siswa kelas XI Program Studi teknik kendaraan ringan SMK Tamansiswa Yogyakarta yang berjumlah 78 siswa. Metode pengambilan data menggunkkan angket dengan skala likert. Validasi instrumen penelitian dihitung menggunakan korelasi product moment, sedangkan reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan Alpha Chronbach. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data hasil penelitian adalah statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa nilai koefisien korelasi rxy sebesar 0,473 berupa nilai positif, r2 sebesar 0,223 dan p-value sebesar 0,000 serta thitung sebesar 4,674 lebih besar dari ttabel sebesar 1,992 ( pada taraf signifikansi 5% ). Besarnya thitung >ttabel ( 4,674>1,992) menandakan bahwa hubungan signifikan. Besarnya nilai koefisien determinasi (r2) sebesar 0,223, berarti bahwa dalam hal ini effektivitas pembelajaran praktek memberikan kontribusi sebesar 22,3% sedangkan sisanya 77,7% ditentukan oleh variabel lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini


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    Language is a medium of communication which can be functioned to various aims, such as giving socialcriticism and factual issues, and showing attitude and perception of certain people to certain situation.The communication is sometimes spoken indirectly, meaning that the linguistic forms and the content canbe intrepreted to have more than one meaning. The speaker uses this way for the sake of his/herconvenience. Word Play as one kind of implicite communications which is packed in humour genre isoften used by the writer of coloumn Catatan Plesetan Kelik (CAPEK) in daily news Suara Merdeka torender criticisms on social, educational, economic, and ,even, sport issues. The main problems of this article are (1) how does the writer of CAPEK compose the Word FormationRules of his word play, (2) what are the language motivations behind the use of the Word Play, and (3)what are the reference deviations of the Word Play. The data to analyse are the words or phrases found in the CAPEK coloumn which contain word play. Thedocumentaion method was used in collecting data. The results show that, in making a word play, thewriter uses several systems of word formation rules, they are compounding, acronym, initialization,derivation, borrowing, inflection, clipping, and back formation. The word play in this coloumn isbackgrounded by different language motivations, such as phonetic, morfological, and semanticmotivation. The issues revealed are of politic, social, educational, and sport issues. The results alsoindicate the writer of of CAPEK coloumn uses reference deviation to reach his goal, that is, giving hiscritical opinion to certain situation


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    One of language functions is to express someone’s feeling to others. This accomodates good and bad condition experienced when people are interacting with others. Good experiencesare usually represented by acceptable expression in all situation and people. On the otherhand, people also sometimes have to deal with condition in which they do not feel happy with. Language, then, is used to accomodate that bad experience in the form of usingdeictical expression, especially person deixis. Then, this deixis is classified as one type ofharse languages and apperars in the use of addressee system in language. Harse languageexpressing addressee system in Javanese language is practiced in daily life and in various scales of usage. The use and form of this addressee system differ from the standard one. Atleast, there are seven representations of addressee system in harse language, namelyreplacing person’s name by animal, by kind of occupation, by mentioning abnormal part ofbody, by words expressing retarded menta, by using racis or classis words, and by spiritualcreature. These addressee systems also indicate social functions. There are four functions ofaddressee, they are indicating respect to someone being addressed, showing solidarity among members of community, expressing inconvenient feelings, and insulting otherpersons

    pi N to Multi-pi N Scattering in the 1/N_c Expansion

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    We extend the 1/N_c meson-baryon scattering formalism to pi N to multi-pi N case. We first show that the leading-order large N_c processes proceed through resonant intermediate states (e.g., rho N or pi Delta). We find that the pole structure of baryon resonances can be uniquely identified by their (non)appearance in eta N or mixed partial-wave pi Delta final states.Comment: Invited talk at Exclusive Reactions at High Momentum Transfer workshop, JLAB, Newport News, VA, May 21-24, 2007, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Psychiatric Clinical Placement Upon Nursing Students Perceived Knowledge in Caring for Mentally Ill

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    Background: The implementation of a psychiatric clinical placement has been an integral component in Indonesia Nursing Academies. Purpose: The research was to investigate how nursing students\u27 perceived knowledge in caring for mentally ill patients as a result of their psychiatric clinical placement. Method: A descriptive survey design commonly called non-experimental design was used in this research. Students, who had completed two weeks in a psychiatric clinical placement as a component of mental health nursing subject, were invited to participate. Then, a questionnaire was distributed to nursing students (N=40), giving an overall responses rate of 85 %. Result: The finding revealed that as a result of clinical placement, the majority of nursing students had better perceived knowledge regarding the concept of mental health and mental illness, nursing care plan, medication and providing education towards patient and people in community about mental health. Conclusion: The findings provide evidence for the benefits of such a clinical placement in relation to students\u27 perceived knowledge in caring for psychiatric patients

    Multiple sets exponential concentration and higher order eigenvalues

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    On a generic metric measured space, we introduce a notion of improved concentration of measure that takes into account the parallel enlargement of k distinct sets. We show that the k-th eigenvalues of the metric Laplacian gives exponential improved concentration with k sets. On compact Riemannian manifolds, this allows us to recover estimates on the eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator in the spirit of an inequality of Chung, Grigory'an and Yau [11]