2,599 research outputs found

    Sustained plankton blooms under open chaotic flows

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    We consider a predator-prey model of planktonic population dynamics, of excitable character, living in an open and chaotic fluid flow, i.e., a state of fluid motion in which fluid trajectories are unbounded but a chaotic region exists that is restricted to a localized area. Despite that excitability is a transient phenomenon and that fluid trajectories are continuously leaving the system, there is a regime of parameters where the excitation remains permanently in the system, given rise to a persistent plankton bloom. This regime is reached when the time scales associated to fluid stirring become slower than the ones associated to biological growth.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Spatial Patterns in Chemically and Biologically Reacting Flows

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    We present here a number of processes, inspired by concepts in Nonlinear Dynamics such as chaotic advection and excitability, that can be useful to understand generic behaviors in chemical or biological systems in fluid flows. Emphasis is put on the description of observed plankton patchiness in the sea. The linearly decaying tracer, and excitable kinetics in a chaotic flow are mainly the models described. Finally, some warnings are given about the difficulties in modeling discrete individuals (such as planktonic organisms) in terms of continuous concentration fields.Comment: 41 pages, 10 figures; To appear in the Proceedings of the 2001 ISSAOS School on 'Chaos in Geophysical Flows

    Spatial patterns of competing random walkers

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    We review recent results obtained from simple individual-based models of biological competition in which birth and death rates of an organism depend on the presence of other competing organisms close to it. In addition the individuals perform random walks of different types (Gaussian diffusion and L\'{e}vy flights). We focus on how competition and random motions affect each other, from which spatial instabilities and extinctions arise. Under suitable conditions, competitive interactions lead to clustering of individuals and periodic pattern formation. Random motion has a homogenizing effect and then delays this clustering instability. When individuals from species differing in their random walk characteristics are allowed to compete together, the ones with a tendency to form narrower clusters get a competitive advantage over the others. Mean-field deterministic equations are analyzed and compared with the outcome of the individual-based simulations.Comment: 38 pages, including 6 figure

    Species clustering in competitive Lotka-Volterra models

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    We study the properties of Lotka-Volterra competitive models in which the intensity of the interaction among species depends on their position along an abstract niche space through a competition kernel. We show analytically and numerically that the properties of these models change dramatically when the Fourier transform of this kernel is not positive definite, due to a pattern forming instability. We estimate properties of the species distributions, such as the steady number of species and their spacings, for different types of kernels.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Noise rectification in quasigeostrophic forced turbulence

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    We study the appearance of large scale mean motion sustained by stochastic forcing on a rotating fluid (in the quasigeostrophic approximation) flowing over topography. As in other noise rectification phenomena, the effect requires nonlinearity and absence of detailed balance to occur. By application of an analytical coarse graining procedure we identify the physical mechanism producing such effect: It is a forcing coming from the small scales that manifests in a change in the effective viscosity operator and in the effective noise statistical properties.Comment: 4 pages revtex, including 5 figures. Related material at http://www.imedea.uib.es/Nonlinear and http://www.imedea.uib.es/Oceanography Figure 4 replaced by a slightly better on

    The noisy Hegselmann-Krause model for opinion dynamics

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    In the model for continuous opinion dynamics introduced by Hegselmann and Krause, each individual moves to the average opinion of all individuals within an area of confidence. In this work we study the effects of noise in this system. With certain probability, individuals are given the opportunity to change spontaneously their opinion to another one selected randomly inside the opinion space with different rules. If the random jump does not occur, individuals interact through the Hegselmann-Krause's rule. We analyze two cases, one where individuals can carry out opinion random jumps inside the whole opinion space, and other where they are allowed to perform jumps just inside a small interval centered around the current opinion. We found that these opinion random jumps change the model behavior inducing interesting phenomena. Using pattern formation techniques, we obtain approximate analytical results for critical conditions of opinion cluster formation. Finally, we compare the results of this work with the noisy version of the Deffuant et al. model for continuous-opinion dynamics

    Spatial inhomogeneities in the sedimentation of biogenic particles in ocean flows: analysis in the Benguela region

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    Sedimentation of particles in the ocean leads to inhomogeneous horizontal distributions at depth, even if the release process is homogeneous. We study this phenomenon considering a horizontal sheet of sinking particles immersed in an oceanic flow, and determine how the particles are distributed when they sediment on the seabed (or are collected at a given depth). The study is performed from a Lagrangian viewpoint attending to the properties of the oceanic flow and the physical characteristics (size and density) of typical biogenic sinking particles. Two main processes determine the distribution, the stretching of the sheet caused by the flow and its projection on the surface where particles accumulate. These mechanisms are checked, besides an analysis of their relative importance to produce inhomogeneities, with numerical experiments in the Benguela region. Faster (heavier or larger) sinking particles distribute more homogeneously than slower ones.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures. To appear in J. Geophys. Res.-Ocean

    Most probable paths in temporal weighted networks: An application to ocean transport

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    We consider paths in weighted and directed temporal networks, introducing tools to compute sets of paths of high probability. We quantify the relative importance of the most probable path between two nodes with respect to the whole set of paths, and to a subset of highly probable paths which incorporate most of the connection probability. These concepts are used to provide alternative definitions of betweenness centrality. We apply our formalism to a transport network describing surface flow in the Mediterranean sea. Despite the full transport dynamics is described by a very large number of paths we find that, for realistic time scales, only a very small subset of high probability paths (or even a single most probable one) is enough to characterize global connectivity properties of the network
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