12 research outputs found

    Promotion of professional skills in engineering education: strategies and challenges

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    Basic engineering skills are not the only key to professional development, particularly as engineering problems are everyday more and more complex and multifaceted, hence requiring the implementation of larger multidisciplinary teams, in many cases working in an international context and in a continuously evolving environment. Therefore other outcomes, sometimes referred to as professional skills, are also necessary for our students, as most universities are already aware. In this study we try to methodically analyze the main strategies for the promotion of professional skills, mainly linked to actuations which directly affect students or teachers (and teaching methodologies) and which take advantage of the environment and available resources. From an initial list of 51 strategies (in essence aimed at promotion of different drivers of change, linked to students, teachers, environment and resources), we focus on the 11 drivers of change considered more important after an initial evaluation. Subsequently, a systematic analysis of the typical problems linked to these main drivers of change, enables us to find and formulate 12 major and usually repeated and unsolved problems. After selecting these typical problems, we put forward 25 different solutions, for short-term actuation, and discuss their effects, while bearing in mind our team’s experience, together with the information from the studies carried out by numerous teaching staff from other universities

    SVD Applied to Voltage Sag State Estimation

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    The method presented in this paper addresses the problem of voltage sag state estimation (VSSE). The problem consists in estimating the voltage sags frequency at non-monitored buses from the number of sags measured at monitored sites. Usually, due to limitations on the number of available voltage sag monitors, this is an underdetermined problem. In this approach, the mathematical formulation presented is based on the fault positions concept and is solved by means of the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) technique. The proposed estimation method has been validated by using the IEEE 118 test system and the results obtained have been very satisfactory

    Diseño del instrumento de ayuda para la toma de decisiones: “alternativas de tratamiento para el cáncer de mama: ¿qué opción prefiero?”

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    Purpose: To design a Decision-making Aid within the ‘Breast cancer’ healthcare process modelling of the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) for the therapeutic approach of early-stage disease. Methods: The Decision Aid design was conducted in four phases: 1) Explore the receptiveness of users and professionals in the mainstream of the SSPA Decision Aid “Breast Cancer” process. 2) Select a Decision Aid from international experiences. 3) Transcultural adaptation of above selected Decision Aid. 4) Decision Aid Validation in the SSPA. Results: The Decision Aid “Alternative treatment for breast cancer: What option do I prefer?” designed for the SSPA includes innovative contents compared to other reviewed experiences. The results of the validation of Decision Aid have shown that the design is attractive for the patient, ideal size and suitable language, and that the clinical information it contains is of quality. The Decision Aid answers your questions (95%) and summarizes the essential information to make the decision (90%). The Decision Aid offers relevant information that help the patient in the decision making process (lack of decisional confl ict: 85.31), facilitates the work in the practice and doctor-patient communication. Conclusion: Patients and professionals agree to recommend the use of Decision Aid and to encourage participation in decisionmaking while recognizing that the time factor is the main obstacle to incorporate its use in the SSPA.Objetivo: Diseñar un Instrumento de Ayuda para la Toma de Decisiones (IATD) en el Proceso Asistencial Integrado ‘Cáncer de mama’ del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía (SSPA) para el abordaje terapéutico de esta enfermedad en estadio inicial. Método: El diseño del IATD se realizó en cuatro fases: 1) Explorar la receptividad de las usuarias y los profesionales del SSPA sobre la incorporación de IATD en el proceso “Cáncer de mama”. 2). Seleccionar un IATD entre las experiencias internacionales.; 3) Adaptar transculturalmente del IATD seleccionado al entorno del SSPA. 4) Validar el IATD en el SSPA. Resultado: El IATD “Alternativas de tratamiento para el cáncer de mama: ¿Qué opción prefiero?” diseñado para el SSPA incluye contenidos innovadores frente a otras experiencias revisadas. Los resultados de la validación del IATD han mostrado que su diseño es atractivo para la paciente, su extensión y lenguaje idóneos, y la información clínica que contiene es de calidad. El Instrumento resuelve sus dudas (95%) y resume la información esencial para tomar la decisión (90%). El IATD ofrece información relevante que prepara a la paciente para la toma de decisiones (ausencia de conflicto decisional: 85,31), facilita la labor en consulta y la comunicación médico-paciente. Conclusiones: Pacientes y profesionales coinciden en recomendar la utilización del IATD y fomentar la participación en la toma de decisiones aunque reconocen que el factor tiempo es el principal obstáculo para incorporar su uso en el SSPA

    Evolution and implementation of CDIO initiatives at ETSII-UPM

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    The School of Industrial Engineering at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSII-UPM) has been promoting student-centred teaching-learning activities, according to the aims of the Bologna Declaration, well before the official establishment of the European Area of Higher Education. Such student-centred teaching-learning experiences led us to the conviction that project based learning is rewarding, both for students and academics, and should be additionally promoted in our new engineering programmes, adapted to the Grade-Master structure. The level of commitment of our teachers with these activities is noteworthy, as the teaching innovation experiences carried out in the last ten years have led to the foundation of 17 Teaching Innovation Groups at ETSII-UPM, hence leading the ranking of teaching innovation among all UPM centres. Among interesting CDIO activities our students have taken part in especially complex projects, including the Formula Student, linked to the complete development of a competition car, and the Cybertech competition, aimed at the design, construction and operation of robots for different purposes. Additional project-based learning teamwork activities have been linked to toy design, to the development of medical devices, to the implementation of virtual laboratories, to the design of complete industrial installations and factories, among other activities detailed in present study. The implementation of Bologna process will culminate at ETSII-UPM with the beginning of the Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering, in academic year 2014-15. The program has been successfully approved by the Spanish Agency for Accreditation (ANECA), with the inclusion of a set of subjects based upon the CDIO methodology denominated generally “INGENIA”, linked to the Spanish “ingeniar” (to provide ingenious solutions), also related etymologically in Spanish with “ingeniero”, engineer. INGENIA students will live through the complete development process of a complex product or system and there will be different kind of projects covering most of the engineering majors at ETSII-UPM

    A Novel Education Proposal: Devising an Electric Power System

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    The study of electric power systems within the field of Electrical Engineering is usually approached by computer simulation because any actual test is quite complex to be implemented, especially with renewable energies. Having the aim to improve student learning about this topic, a new subject called “Devising an Electric Power System” was organized following a CDIO (Conceive-Design-Implement-Operate) approach. The subject is programmed for one academic year and based entirely on laboratory work. The students are divided into three teams. Every team would have to work on a power system that includes a solar PV generator and a pumping controlled drive, both connected to a three–phase grid. The third and last part of the subject is focused on “electric utility” business strategy. In the final day of the course a competition between the three teams takes place

    Devising an Electric Power System: A CDIO Approach Applied to Electrical Engineering

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    The study of electric power systems within the field of Electrical Engineering is usually approached by computer simulations because any actual test is quite complex to be implemented. Having the aim to improve student learning about this topic, a new subject called “Devising an Electric Power System” was organized following a CDIO (Conceive-Design- Implement-Operate) approach. The subject is programmed for one academic year and based entirely on laboratory work. The students are divided into three groups. Every group would have to work on a device that includes a solar PV generator and a pumping controlled drive, both connected to a three–phase grid. The process followed by the students along the academic year begins with a short theoretical introduction and simulation studies where they conceive and design control strategies. These control strategies are for the solar PV generator (i.e., programing the “Maximum Power Point Tracking” MPPT) as well as for the pumping electric drive (i.e., following a V/f strategy or a vector control). The process is continued by practical implementation of the simulated algorithms previously obtained. In this step, the students implement and operate the systems until they become robust and well adjusted, and ready for the intermediate partial competition among the three groups. During this practical implementation stage, the innovative competence is better enhanced. At the moment that each group has implemented an electric generator and an electric consumption (load), they follow the third and last part of the subject that is focused on “electric utility” business strategy. The students will have to comply with the rules of the electricity market by offering energy packages to be generated and consumed at a certain price. The price and volume of energy to be generated/consumed are determined by the convergence point of supply and demand, as determined by the marginal pricing model. Once the market is cleared, the students have to realize their generation/consumption commitments by operating the real power system they have conceived and implemented. After the first academic year of this subject, the students’ evaluation was highly acceptable. The specific technological contents of the subject were learnt by the method called “learning by doing” that allows students to improve their skills in team building, innovation and communications. In addition, a good work atmosphere among students and teachers has arisen

    Design a decision-making aid: "alternative treatment for breast cancer: what option do you prefer?"

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    Purpose: To design a Decision-making Aid within the ‘Breast cancer’ healthcare process modelling of the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) for the therapeutic approach of early-stage disease. Methods: The Decision Aid design was conducted in four phases: 1) Explore the receptiveness of users and professionals in the mainstream of the SSPA Decision Aid “Breast Cancer” process. 2) Select a Decision Aid from international experiences. 3) Transcultural adaptation of above selected Decision Aid. 4) Decision Aid Validation in the SSPA. Results: The Decision Aid “Alternative treatment for breast cancer: What option do I prefer?” designed for the SSPA includes innovative contents compared to other reviewed experiences. The results of the validation of Decision Aid have shown that the design is attractive for the patient, ideal size and suitable language, and that the clinical information it contains is of quality. The Decision Aid answers your questions (95%) and summarizes the essential information to make the decision (90%). The Decision Aid offers relevant information that help the patient in the decision making process (lack of decisional confl ict: 85.31), facilitates the work in the practice and doctor-patient communication. Conclusion: Patients and professionals agree to recommend the use of Decision Aid and to encourage participation in decisionmaking while recognizing that the time factor is the main obstacle to incorporate its use in the SSPA

    Autonomías y autogobierno en la América diversa

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    Los activismos globales de los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes han puesto en la arena de los debates el reclamo de autodeterminación, autonomía y autogobierno, logrando avances relevantes en las normas internacionales. Sin embargo, estos logros se enfrentan a políticas y realidades de los gobiernos nacionales y los intereses económicos de todo tipo en sus países, que los amenazan y pretenden profundizar el despojo. En este libro concebimos a la autonomía como una variedad de prácticas, procesos y mecanismos de auto-gobernanza a través de los cuales se expresan y se dotan de sentido los derechos inherentes y aspiraciones soberanas de los pueblos indígenas y afrodescendientes alrededor del mundo. El derecho a la libre determinación es una parte consustancial de la vida sociopolítica contemporánea y, su ejercicio en sus territorios es hoy, probablemente, uno de los únicos caminos para la persistencia de la vida en el planeta. Las contribuciones que integran este volumen, muchas de ellas de autoría indígena, colocan debates que abordan esos desafíos y enlazan las voces ancestrales con las luchas de hoy y la defensa del futuro

    Assessment of Global Competence of Engineers for a Sustainable World. Evidence from TA VIE Project

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    This paper outlines a contemporary understanding of global competence for engineers, as understood by European engineering companies, and presents the main findings of the Tools for Enhancing and Assessing the Value of International Experience for Engineers (TA VIE) project, launched in 2018. Situational judgment tests (SJTs), or scenario-based approaches were used to measure eleven global competences. Researchers designed the scenarios and contrasted them designing a dictionary of competences containing: the definition of each competence as well as the five levels for each competence (defined by objective behaviours that could be observed). The measurement of competences is performed through a web platform where all data are collected. Nearly 300 students from different countries fulfilled the questionaries, and the results show that students with mobility, have, in general terms, a higher level of global competence than those without international mobility. Communication and flexibility are the competences with higher impact when students enjoy an international experience

    Assessment of global competence of engineers for a sustainable world. Evidence from TA VIE project

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    This paper outlines a contemporary understanding of global competence for engineers, as understood by European engineering companies, and presents the main findings of the Tools for Enhancing and Assessing the Value of International Experience for Engineers (TA VIE) project, launched in 2018. Situational judgment tests (SJTs), or scenario-based approaches were used to measure eleven global competences. Researchers designed the scenarios and contrasted them designing a dictionary of competences containing: the definition of each competence as well as the five levels for each competence (defined by objective behaviours that could be observed). The measurement of competences is performed through a web platform where all data are collected. Nearly 300 students from different countries fulfilled the questionaries, and the results show that students with mobility, have, in general terms, a higher level of global competence than those without international mobility. Communication and flexibility are the competences with higher impact when students enjoy an international experience