87 research outputs found

    Determinants of pain interference and headache impact in patients who have chronic migraine with medication overuse: Results from the MOTS trial

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    OBJECTIVE: Pain interference and headache impact refer to negative consequences that pain and headache have on one\u27s life. This study investigated determinants of these negative impacts in a large patient cohort who have chronic migraine with medication overuse. METHODS: Six hundred and eleven adults were enrolled from 34 headache, neurology, and primary care clinics. Negative consequences of chronic migraine with medication overuse were determined using the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) Pain Interference 6b questionnaire and the Headache Impact Test 6. Relationships between PROMIS-6b and Headache Impact Test 6 scores with demographics, headache characteristics, medication use, anxiety symptoms, and depression symptoms were assessed with linear regression. Elastic Net regression was used to develop a multiple regression model. RESULTS: PROMIS-6b T-Scores averaged 65.2 (SD 5.4) and Headache Impact Test 6 scores averaged 65.0 (SD 5.3), indicating severe negative consequences of chronic migraine with medication overuse. Chronic migraine with medication overuse interfered with enjoyment of life, concentration, daily activities, doing tasks away from home, and socializing. Depression symptom severity had the strongest relationship with pain interference and headache impact. Moderate-to-severe headache frequency, headache intensity, and anxiety symptoms were also associated with pain interference and headache impact. CONCLUSIONS: Chronic migraine with medication overuse is associated with substantial negative consequences, the extent of which is most strongly related to depression symptoms

    Major flaws in conflict prevention policies towards Africa : the conceptual deficits of international actors’ approaches and how to overcome them

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    Current thinking on African conflicts suffers from misinterpretations oversimplification, lack of focus, lack of conceptual clarity, state-centrism and lack of vision). The paper analyses a variety of the dominant explanations of major international actors and donors, showing how these frequently do not distinguish with sufficient clarity between the ‘root causes’ of a conflict, its aggravating factors and its triggers. Specifically, a correct assessment of conflict prolonging (or sustaining) factors is of vital importance in Africa’s lingering confrontations. Broader approaches (e.g. “structural stability”) offer a better analytical framework than familiar one-dimensional explanations. Moreover, for explaining and dealing with violent conflicts a shift of attention from the nation-state towards the local and sub-regional level is needed.Aktuelle Analysen afrikanischer Gewaltkonflikte sind hĂ€ufig voller Fehlinterpretationen (Mangel an Differenzierung, Genauigkeit und konzeptioneller Klarheit, Staatszentriertheit, fehlende mittelfristige Zielvorstellungen). Breitere AnsĂ€tze (z. B. das Modell der Strukturellen StabilitĂ€t) könnten die Grundlage fĂŒr bessere Analyseraster und Politiken sein als eindimensionale ErklĂ€rungen. hĂ€ufig differenzieren ErklĂ€rungsansĂ€tze nicht mit ausreichender Klarheit zwischen Ursachen, verschĂ€rfenden und auslösenden Faktoren. Insbesondere die richtige Einordnung konfliktverlĂ€ngernder Faktoren ist in den jahrzehntelangen gewaltsamen Auseinandersetzungen in Afrika von zentraler Bedeutung. Das Diskussionspapier stellt die große Variationsbreite dominanter ErklĂ€rungsmuster der wichtigsten internationalen Geber und Akteure gegenĂŒber und fordert einen Perspektivenwechsel zum Einbezug der lokalen und der subregionalen Ebene fĂŒr die ErklĂ€rung und Bearbeitung gewaltsamer Konflikte

    Courtship, egg sac construction, and maternal care in Kukulcania hibernalis, with information on the courtship of Misionella mendensis (Araneae, Filistatidae)

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    Morphological and behavioural traits place Filistatidae basally within Araneomorphae, although some features, such as their continuing to moult after reaching adulthood, are reminiscent of mygalomorph spiders. This paper describes the courtship behaviour and other aspects of the reproductive biology of Kukulcania hibernalis and Misionella mendensis, and compares this information with that from related filistatid species and with Mygalomorphae. K. hibernalis has some unique behaviours during courtship (e.g. male lays threads on female web); other behaviours are probably widespread within Filistatidae (e.g. male uses the tarsi and metatarsi of one of his legs to rub the basal sections of the female’s legs and the sides of her cephalothorax). Some other behaviours seem more similar to Mygalomorphae than to those of other, more derived Araneomorphae. These include male construction of a large sperm web, and the positions of male and female facing each other during copulation, with the male holding the female cephalothorax lifted while insertions occur, similar to some mygalomorphs. The adult female K. hibernalis and the first instar spiderlings (outside the egg sac) feed simultaneously on the same prey, but spiderlings are also capable of cooperating during the attack of large prey. The courtship behaviour supports the hypothesis that places Filistatidae basally within Araneomorphae.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biologí

    Lista das espécies de aranhas (Arachnida, Araneae) do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil

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