153 research outputs found
L’outillage sur plaquette en quartzite du site ElFs-010. Étude d’une technologie distinctive en Jamésie, Québec (1900-400 A.A.)
Réalisé en collaboration avec Arkéos Inc.Ce projet de recherche tente de mieux comprendre le phénomène des supports sur plaquette en quartzite du site ElFs-010 situé en Jamésie. Aucun travail de cette ampleur n’avait encore été réalisé sur ce type d’outil. Il y avait donc un vide à combler. Afin de répondre le plus adéquatement possible à cette problématique, nous avons divisé notre travail en trois objectifs. Dans un premier temps, déterminer si les plaquettes en quartzite sont le produit d’une technologie lithique ou bien d’un processus géologique naturel. En second lieu, démontrer si nous sommes en présence d’un épiphénomène propre au site ElFs-010. Finalement, définir si une période chronologique correspond à cette industrie.
Les résultats de nos recherches nous démontrent que les supports sur plaquette en quartzite du site ElFs-010 se retrouvent naturellement sur le talus d’effondrement de la Colline Blanche. Leur faible épaisseur moyenne ainsi que leurs pans abrupts ont sans doute été les facteurs qui ont le plus influencé leur sélection. En nous basant sur ces deux caractéristiques, nous suggérons qu’ils auraient pu être utilisés comme des lames interchangeables ou bien des burins. Nous avons recensé 33 sites jamésiens qui comportaient au moins un fragment de plaquette en quartzite. Malgré quelques indices archéologiques, il est encore trop tôt pour affirmer que cette industrie est diagnostique d’un groupe culturel jamésien.
Les données chronologiques suggèrent que cette industrie a connu un essor vers 1300 ans A.A. De plus, il semble que les régions géographiques que nous avons attribuées aux sites correspondent à des séquences culturelles bien définies. Finalement, nos hypothèses portent sur des recherches futures concernant un ensemble d’événements qui, tout comme les supports sur plaquette en quartzite, sont révélateurs de changements dans le mode de vie des groupes préhistoriques de la Jamésie.
Mots-clés : Archéologie, Jamésie, ElFs-010, Colline Blanche, plaquette en quartzite, technologie lithique.This research project seeks to better understand the phenomenon of tabular quartzite tools from the archeological site Elfs-010. No detailed work had yet been carried out on this type of tool, leaving a void to fill. To respond as adequately as possible to this problem, we focused our work on three main objectives. First, determine if tabular pieces of quartzite were the product of a particular lithic technology or of a natural geological process. Second, evaluate whether we are dealing with a unique phenomenon that is specific to site Elfs-010. Third, and finally, define if a specific time period corresponds to this industry.
The results of our research show that tabular pieces of quartzite from site Elfs-010 occur naturally on the talus slope of the Colline Blanche. Their low average thickness and their steep sides were probably the factors that most influenced their selection. Based on these two characteristics, we suggest they could be used interchangeably as blades or burins. We identified 33 Jamesian sites that had at least one fragment of tabular quartzite. Despite some archaeological evidence, it is still too early to say that this industry is diagnostic of a Jamesian cultural group.
Our chronological data suggest that this industry flourished around 1300 years BP. In addition, it appears that the geographic areas that we have attributed to the sites correspond to culturally well-defined sequences. Finally, our proposed hypotheses for future research concern the events that took place around 1300 years BP and which, like the tabular pieces of quartzite, are indicative of changes in the lifestyle of prehistoric groups of the James Bay region.
Keywords: Archaeology, James Bay, ElFs-010, Colline Blanche, tabular pieces, quartzite, lithic technology
Carbonate mounds of the Moroccan Mediterranean margin: Facies and environmental controls
Sedimentological and geochemical studies of boxcores from the Brittlestar Ridge I and Cabliers carbonate mounds, along the Moroccan Mediterranean margin, show that sediments are composed of cold water scleratian corals and micritic mud, muddy micrite or muddy allochem limestone matrix, outlining seven different facies that can be attributed to “cluster reefs”. The mixed siliciclastic/carbonate sediments have been derived from both extra- and intrabasinal sources. Extra-basinal sources may be the geological formations outcropping in the Moroccan hinterland and Sahara, the latter including corals and associated bioclasts. Sediments were transported by wind and rivers and redistributed by bottom currents and local upwelling. Our results confirm the role of tectonics in the genesis of these carbonate mounds and reveal that their developments during the Holocene (10.34–0.91ka BP) was controlled by climatic fluctuations (e.g. Holocene Climate Optimum and Little Ice Age), eustatic sea level change, and hydrodynamic regime
Leveraging Analog Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms for Solvent Configuration Prediction in Drug Discovery
We introduce quantum algorithms able to sample equilibrium water solvent
molecules configurations within proteins thanks to analog quantum computing. To
do so, we combine a quantum placement strategy to the 3D Reference Interaction
Site Model (3D-RISM), an approach capable of predicting continuous solvent
distributions. The intrinsic quantum nature of such coupling guarantees
molecules not to be placed too close to each other, a constraint usually
imposed by hand in classical approaches. We present first a full quantum
adiabatic evolution model that uses a local Rydberg Hamiltonian to cast the
general problem into an anti-ferromagnetic Ising model. Its solution, an
NP-hard problem in classical computing, is embodied into a Rydberg atom array
Quantum Processing Unit (QPU). Following a classical emulator implementation, a
QPU portage allows to experimentally validate the algorithm performances on an
actual quantum computer. As a perspective of use on next generation devices, we
emulate a second hybrid quantum-classical version of the algorithm. Such a
variational quantum approach (VQA) uses a classical Bayesian minimization
routine to find the optimal laser parameters. Overall, these Quantum-3D-RISM
(Q-3D-RISM) algorithms open a new route towards the application of analog
quantum computing in molecular modelling and drug design
Deep Submarine Giant Scours in northern Gulf of Cadiz (offshore SW Iberia) : a singular case of sedimentary and tectonic coupling
European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2007 (EGU 2007), Vienna, Austria, 15-20 April
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