7 research outputs found

    Results of a healthcare worker (HCW) survey on environmental awareness as an instrument for the preparation of an environmental report for the University Medicine Greifswald

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    Background: Environmental reporting is increasingly important for medical facilities. Currently, hospitals can determine the content of an environmental report as they see fit

    Results of a healthcare worker (HCW) survey on environmental awareness as an instrument for the preparation of an environmental report for the University Medicine Greifswald

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    Background: Environmental reporting is increasingly important for medical facilities. Currently, hospitals can determine the content of an environmental report as they see fit

    The impact of regional socioeconomic deprivation on the timing of HIV diagnosis: a cross-sectional study in Germany

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    Background: HIV infections which are diagnosed at advanced stages are associated with significantly poorer health outcomes. In Germany, the proportion of persons living with HIV who are diagnosed at later stages has remained continuously high. This study examined the impact of regional socioeconomic deprivation on the timing of HIV diagnosis. Methods: We used data from the national statutory notification of newly diagnosed HIV infections between 2011 and 2018 with further information on the timing of diagnosis determined by the BED-Capture-ELISA test (BED-CEIA) and diagnosing physicians. Data on regional socioeconomic deprivation were derived from the German Index of Socioeconomic Deprivation (GISD). Outcome measures were a non-recent infection based on the BED-CEIA result or an infection at the stage of AIDS. The effect of socioeconomic deprivation on the timing of diagnosis was analysed using multivariable Poisson regression models with cluster-robust error variance. Results: Overall, 67.5% (n = 10,810) of the persons were diagnosed with a non-recent infection and 15.2% (n = 2746) with AIDS. The proportions were higher among persons with heterosexual contact compared to men who have sex with men (MSM) (76.8% non-recent and 14.9% AIDS vs. 61.7% non-recent and 11.4% AIDS). MSM living in highly deprived regions in the countryside (< 100 k residents) were more likely to have a non-recent infection (aPR: 1.16, 95% CI: 1.05–1.28) as well as AIDS (aPR: 1.41, 95% CI: 1.08–1.85) at the time of diagnosis compared to MSM in less deprived regions in the countryside. No differences were observed among MSM from towns (100 k ≤ 1 million residents) or major cities (≥ 1 million residents), and no differences overall in the heterosexual transmission group. Conclusions: An effect of socioeconomic deprivation on the timing of HIV diagnosis was found only in MSM from countryside regions. We suggest that efforts in promoting HIV awareness and regular HIV testing are increased for heterosexual persons irrespective of socioeconomic background, and for MSM with a focus on those living in deprived regions in the countryside.Peer Reviewe

    Analyse des ökologischen Status der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald als Grundlage für den Umweltbericht

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    Der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald wird die Erstellung eines Umweltberichtes empfohlen. Damit wäre eine Voraussetzung für eine EMAS Zertifizierung erbracht, die angestrebt werden sollte. Für den Umweltbericht werden folgende Mindestanforderungen und Inhalte vorgeschlagen: •Vorwort der Unternehmensleitung mit Stellungnahmen der Unternehmensleitung zur Bedeutung des Umweltschutzes im Unternehmen •Beschreibung der Unternehmenstätigkeit mit Informationen zum Standort, der Beschäftigtenzahl, dem Umsatz, den Produkten, den Dienstleistungen oder Prozessen •Darlegungen, welche Einstellung das Unternehmen zum Umweltschutz hat und auf welchen Handlungsgrundsätzen die Umweltschutzarbeit basiert (Umweltleitlinien) •Darstellung des Umweltmanagementsystems mit Benennung der Zuständigkeiten im Umweltschutz •Darstellung und Bewertung der vom Unternehmen und seinen Dienstleistungen oder Produkten ausgehenden Umweltwirkungen mit einem systematischen Überblick über wichtige Stoffflüsse mit Angaben: oüber den Verbrauch der wichtigsten Rohstoffe ozu Gefahrstoffen ozum thermischen und elektrischen Energieverbrauch ozum Trinkwasserverbrauch und Abwasseranfall ozu Luft- und Wasseremissionen ozu Gebrauchs- und Verbrauchsmaterialien ozum Abfallmanagement ozu Transportprozessen ozum Umweltbewusstsein der Mitarbeiter und deren Einflussnahmen und omit Vorschlägen, in welchen Bereichen Veränderungen möglich und sinnvoll erscheinen. Veränderungen gegenüber Vorjahren machen Fort- oder Rückschritte erkennbar und zeigen, wo das Unternehmen seine Umweltprobleme sieht. Im Rahmen der Dissertation wird ein erster Vorschlag für den Umweltbericht der Universitätsmedizin Greifswald unterbreitet.The University Medicine Greifswald is recommended to prepare an environmental report. The environmental report is an essential precondition in order to obtain the EMAS certification. Within the environmental report it is recommended to incorporate the following minimal requirements: •Foreword and statements of the executive management in regards to the significance of environmental protection for the organization •Description of the nature of the business including information of company location, number of employees, total revenue, products, services or processes •A presentation of the organization’s attitude towards environmental protection and on which fundamental principles the environmental work is based •Description of the environmental management system including designation of environmental protection responsibilities •Description and assessment of the environmental impact of the company’s products or services including a systematical overview for important material flows under specification of: oconsumption of major resources ohazardous substances othermal and electrical energy consumption opotable water consumption and wastewater discharge oatmospheric emissions and water contamination oconsumables owaste management otransport processes oenvironmental awareness and influence of employees and oproposals for reasonable and possible changes in identified areas. Integrated changes from previous years allow the identification of environmental advancements or setbacks. They demonstrate where the organizational environmental problems lie. A first suggestion for an environmental report for the University Medical Center Greifswald is being represented within the framework of the dissertation

    DASC-PM v1.1 A Process Model for Data Science Projects

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    In February 2020, the first version of a comprehensive process model for data science projects appeared: the Data Science Process Model (DASC-PM). The positive feedback we have received indicates we were able to contribute to the discussion of data science activities that we were hoping for. Over the last two years, the DASC-PM has found its way into practice, book contributions (such as Alekozai et al., 2021), and scientific conferences (such as Schulz et al., 2020). We would like to sincerely thank all the readers who have shared their experiences with us and drawn our attention to the model’s strengths and potential improvements. Of course, special thanks go to those who actively participated in developing the model further. Without them, the path to this Version 1.1 would have been impossible. This version addresses feedback from theory and practice, as well as a few topics we feel strongly about. For example, we have made the document more legible by giving it a more compelling structure and shorter introductory texts. The model itself now more clearly defines the key areas and phases and their characteristics and shows how their interaction can look in various project configurations, including agile ones. We have examined all the terms used in the document with a critical eye and adjusted and standardized them where necessary. To that end, we have also addressed suggestions for a less formal visualization that is more plausible in practice, and—hopefully, at least—made both the document and the actual model more graphically appealing. Since the DASC-PM was created “by many for many,” we felt it was worthwhile to make the overall presentation of the model more accessible, even if it might be a little less scientifically precise. In terms of content, while developing Version 1.1, we focused on the “project order” phase. Important decisions are made and framework conditions are established at the beginning of data science activities. To that end, we are offering a more comprehensive description of the phase and a practical and applicable questionnaire as a concrete basis for both new and experienced users of data science. Just as in Version 1.0, the results should be seen as the aggregate experiences of all the participants of this working group. This English translation of the original German model makes it possible to use it in international projects, more easily supporting the interdisciplinarity that is intrinsic to data science. All the results presented in the DASC-PM are still mostly based on the feedback of a diverse working group and constitute a state of debate that is meant to serve as a stimulus and support but never claims to have the last word in the very active field of data science. We are pleased that this living vitality will continue to motivate us to discuss and modify the DASC-PM and make it available to a wide audience. If you are interested in participating or want to be kept up-do-date about current developments of the model, contact us at the address given below. Elmshorn, Halle (Saale), Hamburg, Krefeld, Mönchengladbach and Stuttgart in June 2022 | The DASC-PM Core Team | Contact: [email protected] |Supported by the NORDAKADEMIE foundatio

    Das Lagemanagement des Robert Koch-Instituts während der COVID-19-Pandemie und der Austausch zwischen Bund und Ländern

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    The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) plays a central role in Germany in the management of health hazards of biological origin. The RKI's crisis management aims to contribute to protecting the health of the population in Germany in significant epidemic situations and to maintain the RKI's working ability over a long period of time even under high load. This article illustrates the crisis management of the RKI in general as well as during the COVID-19 pandemic. The generic RKI crisis management structures and the setup of the RKI emergency operations centre (EOC), their operationalisation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting challenges as of 31 October 2020 are described in this paper. The exchange between the federal and state governments during the pandemic is also described.The COVID-19 pandemic has led to extraordinary circumstances. During the epidemic situation, good communication and coordination has been essential, both within the RKI and with other federal or state authorities and expert groups. Under great pressure, the RKI produces and regularly updates recommendations, statements and assessments on various topics. To provide operational support for all COVID-19 related activities, an EOC was activated at the RKI. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there are various challenges regarding personnel and structures. It became apparent that good preparation (e.g. existing task descriptions and premises) has an important positive impact on crisis management