2,866 research outputs found


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    The dynamics of fish stocks are an important consideration in determining appropriate fishery management policy. Equally crucial are the dynamics of fishing effort. Both these dynamics have been incorporated in a simulation model to analyze the bio-socioeconomic impacts of four alternative limited entry management policies for the multispecies, multigear small pelagic fishery of northwest Peninsular Malaysia. Fishing effort dynamics are determined by the difference in profits and opportunity costs. Several management alternatives are evaluated at equilibrium. Performance variables such as equilibrium catch, social profits, consumer surplus, social benefits, direct fishery employment and income of individual crew are used in the evaluation. The implications for policy makers are discussed.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    How Teachers Are Using Technology at Home and in Their Classrooms

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    A survey of Advanced Placement and National Writing Project teachers shows that digital tools are widely used in their classrooms and professional lives. Yet, many of these high school and middle school teachers worry about digital divides when it comes to their students' access to technology and those who teach low-income students face obstacles in bringing technology into their teaching

    Measurement of trace stratospheric constituents with a balloon borne laser radar

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    The objective of this research was to measure the concentration of the stratospheric hydroxyl radical and related chemical species as a function of altitude, season, and time of day. Although hydroxyl plays a very important role in the chemistry controlling stratospheric ozone, little is known about its behavior because it has been a difficult species to measure. The instrument employed in this program was a laser radar, employing the technique of remote laser induced fluorescence. This instrument offers a number of attractive features including extreme specificity and sensitivity, a straightforward relationship between observed quantity and the desired concentration, and immunity to self-contamination

    Rotationally resolved collisional transfer rates in OH

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    Fluorescence lidar measurements of the hydroxyl radical require detailed information concerning collision induced processes in order to deduce the radical number density from a lidar return. The Goddard SFC OH lidar currently utilizes a broadband detector which precludes the necessity of fully understanding collisional redistribution of rotational energy within the excited state. Numerous advantages result however from the inclusion of a detector with a bandpass only slightly larger that the Doppler width of a rotational line. This however places more stringent requirements on the spectroscopy. Measurements were accordingly made of rotationally resolved quenching rates for collisions with O2, N2, and H2O. Rotational transfer rates were also measured for the same colliders. Quenching rates were measured using a Nd-YAG pumped Rh6G dye laser doubled into the UV. The OH lifetimes were measured as a function of pressure of quenching gas at total pressures of between 50 and 250 microns. Rotational transfer rates were measured by recording the emission spectrum on an intensified diode array and integrating over 10.000 laser shots

    Almost complex structures on eight- and ten-dimensional manifolds

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    A Follow-Up Study of Mound Fort Junior High\u27s Ninth Grade Class of 1962-63

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    The intent of this study was to follow up the students of Mound Fort Junior High School\u27s ninth grade class of 1962-63 in order to secure information and facts about members of that class and to answer the following questions: (1) What has happened to the students educationally? (2) What has happened to the students vocationally? (3) How many students have served or are presently serving the armed forces? (4) What is the marital status of each student? (5) How did the high school graduate compare with the dropout in test scores, grade point average, attendance, awareness of counseling services, and use of counseling services? (6) How did the students react to the school\u27s program? There were 214 students (108 boys and 106 girls) who constituted the sample of this follow-up study. Sources used for obtaining desired information concerning the sample included a questionnaire and school records. Questionnaires were mailed to 214 students and it was assumed that 185 students received one. Of this number, 135 students (72.9%) completed and returned their questionnaires. The results of this study showed that graduates scored higher in all areas than the dropouts--intelligence, achievement, grade point, and school attendance. The test scores for the average dropout indicated that they had the intelligence and the ability to achieve in school work. There was a greater awareness of counseling services among the graduates than was true of the dropouts. Suggestions and comments made by the students indicated they would like their teachers to take a personal interest in them, talk to them on their level, and treat them as an adult. Students want to be encouraged to stay in school and to have the importance of education stressed
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