10 research outputs found

    Prevalence and Source of Contamination of Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp. in cow milk Dangke, Indonesian Fresh Soft Cheese

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    Abstract: The presence of pathogenic bacteria in foods potentially causes health problems to consumers, such\ud as infectious diseases and food poisoning. This research was aimed to determine the level of contamination\ud of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in cow milk dangke and its relationship with workers and equipment of processing\ud (molds and packaging materials); in addition, the presence of Salmonella spp. was also detected. Dangke\ud samples, swabs of the workers??? right and left hands, swabs of molds and packaging materials were collected\ud from the 30 cow dairy processing businesses of dangke randomly selected in Enrekang regency. The standard\ud laboratory method was used to detect the presence of E.coli and Salmonella spp. Contamination levels of\ud E. coli were 73% (22/30), 40% (12/30), 63% (19/30) and 40% (12/30) in dangke, workers??? hands, molds and\ud packaging materials respectively. The presence of Salmonella spp. was found in 7% (2/30) of dangke and 3%\ud (1/30) of molds. The workers and equipment of dangke processing might become risk factors for dangke to be\ud contaminated by E. coli. Dangke cheese produced by the farmers potentially causes health problems for\ud consumers if it was eaten raw. Efforts on extension, coaching and supervision on hygiene sanitation practices\ud must be provided to workers dangke consistently and continuously.\ud Key words: Food Safety Pathogenic Bacteria Workers??? Hands Coconut Shells Banana Lea

    Pasteurized Milk Quality With Addition Of Various Types Of Honey From South Sulawesi

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    Honey contains antioxidant compounds that function as substance slows down the process of oxidation of lipids. The addition of honey on pasteurized milk was expected to increase the antioxidant capacity of pasteurized milk. This study uses the reconstitution milk (10%) and 3 types of honey from South Sulawesi region. Reconstitution of milk pasteurized by the method HTST (High Temperature Short Time). Treatment prepared by pasteurized milk without the addition of honey (control), A pasteurized milk honey (forest honey), honey B (processed forest industries), and C honey (honey supermarket). Parameter The treatments are arranged in a completely randomized design that repeat 3 times. the measured value of DPPH (diphenyl-picryhydrazil), pH, and organoleptic. The results showed that the addition of honey can increase the value of DPPH and consumer preferences as well as lowering the pH value of pasteurized milk. Pasteurized milk with additive of forest honey A has the highest value of DPPH, compared with B honey, while the lowest value was C honey. Pasteurized milk were added honey C and B have the same pH value, and the lowest was A. Addition honey C and A in the pasteurized milk has a similar value with B. Addition of honey may improve the quality of pasteurized milk


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang karakteristik daging pada berbagai waktu aging post mortem serta kemungkinan mempertahankan karakteristik yang tetap tinggi dari daging post mortem dengan penambahan garam untuk menghasilkan sosis dengan kualitas optimal\ud Penelitian dilakukan dalam dua tahap, yaitu pengamatan hubungan antara penambahan garam dan waktu aging post mortem terhadap karakteristik daging, dan pengamatan pengaruh penggunaan daging, yang diberi garam pada berbagai waktu aging post mortem, sebagai bahan baku dalam pembuatan sosis terhadap kualitas produk yang dihasilkan. Sampel daging sapi Ras Sumba Ongol yang diambil dari bagian paha kurang lebih empat jam setelah pemotongan dibagi ke dalam tiga perlakuan yaitu: aging tanpa penambahan garam, aging dengan penambahan garam pada hari ke-0 dan aging tanpa penambahan garam dan pada ke-1 aging post mortem sebelum penggilingan ditambahkan garam.\ud Hasil penilitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan penambahan garam pada daging, baik pada hari ke-0 sebelum penyimpanan maupun setiap hari ke-1 aging post mortem hingga hari ke-7, meskipun dapat meningkatkan pH, kelarutanprotein, dan WHC daging, tetapi tidak memberikan peningkatan kualitas sensori sosis yang dihasilkan. Penambahan garam hari ke-0 aging (kurang lebih empat jam setelah pemotongan) dapat mempertahankan pH, kelarutan protein, dan WHC daging yang tinggi pada awal penyimpanan, tetapi tidak mempertahankan kualitas daging tetrsebut selama penyimpanan 7 hari aging post mortem. Perlakuan aging post mortem daging hingga hari ke-7 dapat memberikan sedikit peningkatan kualitas daging dan sosis yang dihasilkan. Pengolahan daging, yakni pembuatan sosis masak, pada hari ke-0 aging menghasilkan sosis dengan kualitas paling optimum

    Survey on the Potency of Cow Milk Dangke as an Alternative to Buffalo Milk Dangke in Enrekang, South Sulawesi

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    The scarcity of buffalo milk caused farmers in Enrekang district switch to use cow's milk as a raw material for the manufacture of dangke. This study aims to explore the potential of dangke milk cows from various aspects in the field. Information on population and daily milk production of dairy cows and buffalo, as well as questionnaire data of dangke consumers of Enrekang were obtained in Enrekang district, while data of dangke consumer of not Enrekang were collected with organoleptic tests and questionnaires. Determination of respondents Enrekang with simple random sampling while respondents are not Enrekang with purposive sampling. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent two-sample t test and chi squared test. The potential benefits of cow milk dangke compared to cow buffalo dangke is that with the same quality (moisture, fat, protein, ash, and pH value) cow???s milk dangke has higher raw material availability, cheaper price, easier attainability, widely accepted by Enrekang consumer population, preferred by the non-Enrekang consumer population, and also possess colour and flavor that is preferred by consumers

    Karakteristik Daging Dengan Penambahan NaCl Pada Berbagai Waktu Aging Post Mortem

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    It is important to maintain meat characteristics after slaughtering because its relationship with preferences and economics values of meat and meat product. Salt addition is an alternative. The aim of this research was to observe influence of salt addition on meat characteristics during the first 7 day of post mortem aging. Meat sample was divided into three groups of salt added treatments : 1) without salt addition, 2) salt added at one day prior to aging, and 3) salt added every day along aging period. The results showed that salt added at the zero day was to increase pH, solubility of salt-soluble protein, and water holding capasity (WHC) to a higher level compared to the other two treatments. Although salt addition may increased the meat characteristics, decreasing these characteristics could not be avoided when the meat stored for 7 day post mortem aging

    Karakteristik Daging dengan Penambahan NaCl pada Berbagai Waktu Aging Post Mortem

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    It  is  important  to  maintain  meat  characteristics  after  slaughtering  because  its relationship  with  preferences  and  economics  values of  meat  and  meat  product.    Salt addition  is  an  alternative.    The  aim  of  this  research  was  to  observe  influence  of  salt addition  on  meat  characteristics  during  the  first  7  day  of  post  mortem  aging.    Meat sample was divided into three groups of salt added treatments : 1) without salt addition, 2) salt added at one  day prior to aging, and 3) salt added every day along aging period.  The results showed that salt added at the zero day was to increase pH, solubility of salt-soluble  protein,  and  water  holding  capasity  (WHC)  to  a higher  level  compared  to  the other two treatments.  Although salt  addition may increased the meat characteristics, decreasing these characteristics could not be avoided when the meat stored for 7 day post mortem aging. 

    The physicochemical characteristics of whey dangke fermentation powder at various levels of carrageenan and drying time

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    Whey dangke fermentation producing lactic acid as a food additive can overcome environmental pollution caused by whey dangke; however, its high water content causes a short shelflife product and makes distribution difficult. Drying fermented products requires additional ingredients to overcome stickiness issue in the dryer. This research aimed to examine the use of carrageenan as drying aids at 4, 6, 8, and 10% levels and drying time of 23, 24, and 25 hours in the production of fermented whey powder in drying oven. The quality parameters of the fermented whey dangke powder included yield, water content, solubility, and protein and lactose contents. The results showed that the fermented whey dangke powder had a yield of 33.15-49.20%; water content of 2.30-9.07%; solubility of 94.0-99.0%; protein content of 9,70-13,92%; and lactose content of 7.92-15.58%. Carrageenan level has a very significant effect (P<0.01) on yield, water content, and lactose content, and it also has a significant effect (P<0.05) on protein content, while drying time has a significant effect (P<0.05) on lactose content. The use of carrageenan at 8% level and 24-hour drying time is the most optimal treatment to produce the best physicochemical characteristics of fermented whey dangke powder.


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    ABSTRAK AGROKOMPLEKS 2008Maturasi daging biasanya dilakukan secara terbuka sehingga menurunkan berat daging akibat kehilangan air cukup besar, terjadi penyimpangan flavor dan bau, serta penampakan daging cenderung pucat. Masalah tersebut kemungkinan dapat diatasi dengan mengemas daging saat maturasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pengemasan daging saat maturasi terhadap karakteristik daging. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa pengemasan daging dapat meningkatkan nilai pH (6,40), susut masak (19,20%), dan Daya Putus Daging / DPD (2,77 kg/cm2), serta menurunkan Daya Ikat Air / DIA (27,67%) dan driploss (6,74%) daging. Pengemasan daging dapat meningkatkan kecerahan warna dan flavor khas daging, serta memberikan penampakan daging yang lebih kering. Peningkatan lama maturasi daging hingga 11 hari meningkatkan nilai pH (6,58), DIA (29,37%), dan Driploss (11,43%) daging, serta menurunkan susut masak (18,10%) dan DPD (1,87 kg/cm2) daging. Peningkatan lama maturasi daging hingga 11 hari menurunkan aroma khas daging sedangkan penampakan daging relatif konstan. Peningkatan lama maturasi daging hingga 7 hari menurunkan kecerahan warna daging dan relatif konstan hingga lama maturasi 11 hari. Penggunaan kemasan pada daging selama maturasi lebih dari 7 hari akan menghasilkan daging dengan penampakan yang lebih basah dibanding tanpa kemasan


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    -Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memanfaatkan telur infertil dan buah semu jambu mete sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan abon telur ayam. Rancangan yang digunakan adalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) pola faktorial 2 x 4 dengan ulangan 3 kali. Faktor pertama adalah keadaan dua jenis telur, yaitu telur segar dan telur infertil dan faktor kedua adalah empat level daging buah semu jambu mete, yaitu 0 % (kontrol);10 %; 20 % dan 30 %. Kualitas organoleptik tekstur dan kesukaan merupakan peubah yang diamati. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa keadaan telur infertil memberikan nilai tekstur dan kesukaan abon telur ayam yang lebih tinggi (dibandingkan dengan keadaan telur segar

    Praktek Sanitasi Higiene pada Usaha Pengolahan Dangke Susu Sapi di Kabupaten Enrekang, Sulawesi Selatan (THE PRACTICES OF HYGIENIC SANITATION IN PROCESSING INDUSTRIES OF COW MILK DANGKE IN ENREKANG DISTRICT, SOUTH SULAWESI)

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    Lack of hygienic sanitation conditions in food processing industry could contribute to the food safety.The aim of this study was to assess the implementation of hygienic sanitation practices in the processingindustries of cow milk dangke in Enrekang District, South Sulawesi. Total of 60 respondents wereinterviewed using questionnaire and observation on hygienic sanitation practices was carried out usingcheck-list.  Respondents were producers and also workers in the processing units in Cendana Sub-district,Enrekang which had been selected with simple random sampling technique.  Scoring of hygienic sanitationcondition were based on the application of hygienic sanitation practices on the checklist.  None of workerswore special clothes, put dangke molds in closed container, and wiped packaging of dangke with specialclothes.  Less than 50% of the workers  wore a head coverings, prepared papaya latex with boiled water,and covered dangke when molding.  A total of 50% of the workers immediately washed the molds afterused.  More than 50% of the workers washed their hands with soap before dangke processing, washed themolds with soap, wiped the packagings with a cloth before it used, stored the milk in a closed container,and cleaned papaya fruit before preparing papaya latex.  All of the workers made dangke while doinghousework. Hygienic sanitation condition of dangke processing industries that had good category was 3%while another 57% in moderate category and poor category was 40%.  The hygienic sanitation practices hadnot been fully implemented on the processing industries of cow milk dangke in Enrekang district, which ledto the category of hygienic sanitation condition of largely of them was moderate