5,229 research outputs found

    Mechanical and Modular Verification Condition Generation for Object-Based Software

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    The foundational goal of this work is the development of mechanizable proof rules and a verification condition generator based on those rules for modern software. The verification system will be modular so that it is possible to verify the implementation of a component relying upon only the specifications of underlying components that are reused. The system must enable full behavioral verification. The proof rules used to generate verification conditions (VCs) of correctness must be amenable to automation. While automation requires software developers to annotate implementations with assertions, it should not require assistance in the proofs. This research has led to a VC generator that realizes these goals. The VC generator has been applied to a range of benchmarks to show the viability of verified components. It has been used in classrooms at multiple institutions to teach reasoning principles. A fundamental problem in computing is the inability to show that a software system behaves as required. Modern software systems are composed of numerous software components. The fundamental goal of this work is to verify each independently in a modular fashion, resulting in full behavioral verification and providing an assurance that components meet their specifications and can be used with confidence to build verified software systems. Of course, to be practical, such a system must be mechanical. Although the principles of verification have existed for decades, the basis for a practical verification system for modern software components has remained elusive

    Alien Registration- Harton, Aime (Sanford, York County)

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    Veuvage et remariage à Québec à la fin du xixe siècle : une analyse différentielle selon le genre

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    De la littérature portant sur le veuvage et sur le remariage au xixe siècle en Occident émerge un constat général : les hommes se remariaient davantage que les femmes. Rares sont néanmoins les études analysant les facteurs déterminant cette disparité observée entre les genres. Reposant sur l’exploitation d’un corpus de données issu du jumelage des données censitaires de 1891 et de 1901 (PHSVQ, CIEQ-Laval) et des données des registres de mariages de 1890 à 1899 (BALSAC, UQAC) de la ville de Québec, notre article vise à mettre en lumière les différences de comportements, c’est-à-dire entre le fait de demeurer en état de viduité et de se remarier, en fonction du genre. À partir d’analyses de régression logistique, nos résultats mettent en évidence une forte disparité entre les genres quant à la propension au veuvage et au remariage, mais témoignent également du fait que les comportements des veufs et des veuves en matière de veuvage et de remariage s’avèrent distincts parce qu’élaborés stratégiquement dans un contexte de forte différenciation sexuelle du travail où les rôles performés par chacun des genres sont socialement déterminés.From the literature pertaining to widowhood and remarriage in the xixth century in the western society, the following observation emerges : men tended to remarry more than women. Nevertheless, few studies focus on the factors determining this observed disparity between genders. Based on linked data drawn from the 1871 to 1901 census data (PHSVQ, CIEQ-Laval ) and 1870 to 1899 marriage acts (BALSAC,UQAC), this article intends to illustrate the distinctive motivation between genders for remarrying or remaining a widow. Using a logistic regression analysis, our results show a strong disparity between genders with regards to the inclination to remarry or remain widowed. Additionally, our results also testify that this distinction in the widower’s and widow’s matrimonial behavior is related to the context of strong division of labor in which men and women’s roles were socially determined during these times

    Performance budgeting : report and evaluation of its use in municipal administration

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    The Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government, better known as the Hoover Commission, in its Report on Budgeting and Accounting to the Congress of the United States in February, 1949, reported that the Federal Budget was poorly organized and improperly designed to serve its major purpose which was to present an understandable as well as a workable financial plan for the expenditures of government. The report further indicated that some or the fiscal procedures and concepts of the federal government came down from the. time of Alexander Hamilton resulting in an accounting system which was outmoded and cumbersome and which did not indicate what services were provided for the funds expended. The budget for all divisions or the federal government had increased each year. However, the framework and method of presentation had not changed in many cases. As a result of this study the Commission made the following recommendation: That the whole budgetary concept of the federal government should be refashioned by the adoption of a budget based upon functions, activities and projects; this we designate as a performance budget. This was the beginning of the concept of performance budgeting and resulted in wide-spread interest and investigation by public officials in the possible use and application of these concepts in local and state financial administration . Although there has been gradual growth of this type of budgeting, the actual development and extended application of the principles involved are still in an evolutionary state . Officials in many areas clearly realizing the need for more efficient management and administration in government have partially or completely adopted the performance approach to govern­ mental budgeting. Other officials want more information and proof of benefits to be derived before making any drastic changes in their present pattern of budget organization

    Alien Registration- Harton, Marie Anna (Waterville, Kennebec County)

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    Implementation of a Post Discharge Education Intervention to Reduce 30 Day Readmission Rates in African American Males Ages 18-50 with Heart Failure

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    Implementation of a post-discharge education intervention to reduce 30 day readmission rates in African American males ages 18-50 with heart failure Abstract Purpose: Heart failure is a clinical condition caused by a variety of cardiovascular diseases that create changes in the structure and function of the heart. A high morbidity is associated with heart failure due to frequent exacerbations of the disease and resultant frequent hospital readmission rates. Hospital readmission rates are more pronounced in African Americans. This project evaluates the effects of a 90 day post-discharge education intervention on readmission rates in a convenience sample of African American males ages 18-50 obtained from an urban teaching hospital. Methods: A quality improvement project which utilized a 90 day post-discharge phone education intervention. Results: A total of 10 participants were recruited and a final number of 6 actually consented to participate. Four participants immediately withdrew from the intervention. The remaining 2 each experienced at least 2 readmissions during the first 30 days post discharge and eventually withdrew from the intervention prior to the end of data collection. Conclusion: The outcome of this project mirrors much of the current literature in terms of low compliance and high readmission rates in spite of education outreach. Key terms: African American, males, 18-50 years old, young adults, heart failure, health promotion, racial differences in HF, and education
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